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Please precise the path.Can't encode argumentsCan't decode resultsFailure in sending callFailure in receiving resultCall timed outRpc versions not compatibleAuthentication errorProgram not availableProgram version mismatchedProcedure unavailableDecode arguments errorCannot contact remote hostBroadcasting not supportedUnknown host nameUnknown protocolRemote address unknownPortmapper failed in its callRemote program is not registeredName to addr translation failedRPC failedCannot contact admin daemonsRPC intrRPC TLI errorRPC UDERRORRPC in progressRPC stale handleCannot open TCP socketCannot bind TCP socketCannot connect TCP socketAdmin server name is invalidCell name is invalidInvalid to set a cell nameObject name is invalidInvalid to set an obj nameInvalid verb specified for objectInvalid key specified for objectInvalid value specified for keyCan not remove copy from the DmTransferTable listCannot remove the last key elementInvalid server nameNo results availableMore results availableInvalid parameter typeMultiple admin servers not supportedLast replica location cannot be unplaced. Use a 'dmf destroy' commandMaster replica location cannot be unplaced. Assign a new master before with a 'dmf master' commandMissing path parameter Please provide the pathMaster cell location cannot be unplacedThe object name is too longContinue to follow pathDset nesting to deepOperation not yet completeServer is out of dateTraceback for primary error - %sOperation cancelled by userThis action cannot be performed due to a database check currently in progress.Nested dset/replica (path in a sub-directory of another dset/replica) not supported.Dsets/replicas/cells not allowed on this file system. Please use dms_enable_fs on that server to enable this file system.Could not read dsets/replicas/cells information on this file system. Please use dms_enable_fs on that server to enable this file system.Only members of system/root (0) group can create an admin serverThe effective user ID of the process can't be found in /etc/passwdA dataset is already mounted at this mount pointAttempt to destroy the admin data server Doing this should be achieved using dmf destroy adminA write operation failed during replication process. This error usually occurs when target filesystem is fullNo message foundIncorrect length of string UUID - was %d not 36 (%s) Incorrect tokens in string UUID - was %d not 11,(%s) Failed to format uuid as string Failed to alloc memory for uuid Failed to create uuid %s: invalid %s value '%s' failed to parse command '%s' failed to process dn='%s' in objectclass='%s' Failed to create DUAUTH pool Failed to allocate memory from DUAUTH pool failed to get principal_name for %s@%s No memory, rc=%s hostname translated from %s to %s cannot get addrinfo Failed checking another %s is running - semaphore not available Failed checking another %s is running - semaphore not set Failed checking another %s is running - bad semaphore key Failed checking another %s is running - semaphore not created Failed checking another %s is running - semaphore not aquired Another %s session is already running %s: Invalid value '%s' for log_level parameter. Possible values are: critical, error, warning, notice and information. %s: Invalid value '%s' for security parameter. Possible values are: auth_sys, krb5, krb5i and krb5p. socket init failed, errno=%d(%s) socket inet_ntop failed errno=%d socket getaddrinfo failed for %s:%d, rc=%d(%s) socket bind failed for %s:%d, errno=%d(%s) socket connect failed for %s:%d, errno=%d(%s) Failed to allocate memory with t_alloc, errno=%d(%s) RPC: handler for prognum %#x registered on host %s port %d svctcp_create failed callback svctcp_create failed can't create RPC TCP connection to %s:%d prognum=%#x.%d %s can't register service %#x can't do pmap_set for %#x:%d for port %d can't do pmap_unset for %#x:%d can't establish GSS authorization for principal=%s, rc=%d:%s invalid security flavor=%d can't establish GSS authorization for service=%s, prog=%#x, ver=%d, error=(%d: %s) can't kinit to principal %s with keychain %s (status=%d) %s reason=%s eye=%#x, gen=(ctx: %#0llx, hdr: %#0llx), checksums=(ctx: %#x, hdr: %#x,%#x), hwm=%#0llx, size=%#0llx lock not held remap %d changed pages remap page %d(%#0llx) of %d undo from log %d changed bytes UNDO %d PAGES BEING DONE! failed to write gldb errno=%d(%s) failed to create gldb %s errno=%d(%s) failed to mmap gldb errno=%d(%s) failed to remap gldb log errno=%d(%s) failed to open gldb %s errno=%d(%s) failed to open gldb %s errno=%d(%s) expanding file %s by %d blocks of %d bytes _validate_free: ht < root size _get_free_block: offset < root size _expand_maps: no avail pages found _expand_maps: no avail pages found _gldb_shrink: database %.2f empty _gldb_shrink: starting offset=%#0llx by %d pages failed to get read lock, errno=%d:%s failed to release read lock, errno=%d:%s flushing gldb page cache... failed to get write lock, errno=%d:%s failed to get write lock, errno=%d:%s found trie %d:%d with < 2 entries fn rc=%d _validate_free: ht < root size _validate_free: ht > hwm _validate_free: ht invalid type _validate_free: ht invalid entry count _validate_free: count too large _validate_free: bad ht at %#0llx: next=%#0llx, entries=%#lx, type=%d found %d records in %d levels, should be %u GLDB ROOT invalid _log_reset: failed to pwrite log errno=%d(%s) _log_reset: failed to fsync log errno=%d(%s) _gldb_undo_remap: failed to remap gldb page %#0llx errno=%d(%s) _gldb_undo: failed to msync gldb header errno=%d(%s) _log_flush: failed to pwrite log errno=%d(%s) _log_flush: failed to fsync log errno=%d(%s) _write_changed: failed to pwrite offset %#0llx errno=%d(%s) _write_changed: failed to fdatasync gldb errno=%d(%s) _write_changed: failed to remap gldb page %#0llx errno=%d(%s) _gldb_sync: failed to msync gldb errno=%d(%s) _gldb_sync: failed to msync gldb header errno=%d(%s) _gldb_expand: failed to expand gldb errno=%d(%s) duplicate key key not found There is not enough space to store '%s' database Data server %s not found %s: must be superuser to run this command. Usage: %s [-ndaf_dir=] [-ndaf_log_dir=] [-ndaf_dataset_default=] [-ndaf_replica_default=] [-rpc_timeout=] [-log_level=] [-nfs_args=] [-security=] [-krb5_keytab=] [-krb5_principal=] [-serv_port=] [-admin_cb_port=] [-serv_serv_port=] %s: Syntax error - Invalid parameter : %s %s: at least -ndaf_dir parameter or -ndaf_dataset_default and -ndaf_replica_default parameters have to be specified %s: fork() failed%s: cannot create directory %s/%s%s: allocation of memory pool failed %s: environment initialization failed. %s: Kerberos initialization failed. Please check your Kerberos configuration. %s: configuration initialization failed. (V %d.%d built %s %s) initializing... *** dms terminating *** %s (V %d.%d) configured... child terminated normally, pid=%d, status=%d, errno=%d child killed, pid=%d, status=%d, errno=%d child terminated anormally, pid=%d, status=%d SIGDANGER ignored, pid=%d %s child process has terminated in under ten seconds - daemon exiting Failed to create DMS memory pool create manager agent Received RPC: request=%d(%s) on port=%d UPDATE RPC call finished with return code: %d CHECK RPC call rc=%d sending back %d updated message(s) to admin, first LDIF is: '%s' MOUNT RPC call rc=%d QUERY RPC call count=%d, text='%s' manager agent process starting... manager agent process ending... manager agent %s cleanup... manager agent waiting for requests... found invalid location, dn=%s, no %s attribute restored %d of %d locations on this server Mount dset: %s on cell: %s path: %s Umount dset: %s on cell: %s path: %s Query dset: %s is mounted identify failed can't reply to %s RPC call can't decode %s RPC call invalid request %d No memory, rc=%s Cannot create process no memory to process %s RPC call RPC failed request manager failed. context_init returned %d:%s unable to reset FSDCI, errno=%d:%s unable to create loc_data for location %s, errno=%d:%s unable to restore location %s, errno=%d:%s invalid sequence (admin or cell required) can't get VFS root for %s, errno=%d:%s VFS (%s) disabled for location %s, errno=%d:%s Treating UPDATE RPC call: port=%d, op=%d, source=%d, # commands=%d, uuid=%s source=%d, query='%s', base_dn=%s query='%s' returned %d records No matching records found. Loading record in local database: message #%d='%s' Adding new record in local database: message #%d='%s' Validating record: command[%d]='%s' Repairing record: command[%d]='%s' Adding new record with options=(create: %d, nowait: %d, existing: %d), message #%d='%s' Modifying record with options=(create: %d, nowait: %d), message #%d='%s' Deleting record with options=(delete: %d, ignore: %d), message #%d='%s' backout command[%d]='%s' message[%d]='%s' failed to add command '%s', rc=%d, error='%s' missing elements in %s record record mismatch dn='%s' failed to process query '%s' failed to process query '%s', base_dn=%s search _free failed for '%s' failed to process dn='%s', no objectclass failed to process dn='%s', invalid objectclass=%s failed to delete command '%s', rc=%d, error='%s' opcode %d not implemented %s: failed to modify '%s', rc=%d, error='%s' failed to parse '%s', rc=%d, error='%s' invalid %s=%d failed to process dn='%s' in objectclass='%s' %s: invalid %s value '%s' failed to load command '%s', rc=%d, error='%s' failed to parse command '%s' failed to parse check '%s' missing elements (%s) in %s record admin %s version %d.x must be upgraded to version %d.x to support this server failed to modify command '%s', rc=%d, error='%s' dn=%s not found %sRepaired location %s, name=%s, NFS path=%s Repair server %s: %d total locations, %d damaged, %d %s verified unexported repaired Creating server %s on machine: %s Adding server informations in local list for server %s on machine: %s Modify server: dn=%s Delete server: %s Repair server: %s Create administration server: %s on machine %s Modify administration server: dn=%s Delete administration server: %s Create cell: %s Modify cell: dn=%s Delete cell: %s Delete role: %s Returning updated informations to admin, message='%s' Corrupted location found: location %s, name=%s, path=%s, err mask=%x dmf repair exceeded %d messages fsdci_location_unexport_for_recovery failed, ds=%s, NFS path=%s, rc=%d errno=%d:%s Failed to repair location %s, errno=%d:%s fsdci_location_is_exported failed, ds=%s, NFS path=%s, rc=%d errno=%d:%s Create dataset: dn=%s Modify dataset: dn=%s Delete dataset: %s Create replica: %s Modify replica: dn=%s Delete replica: %s Create consistent copy dataset: %s Modify consistent copy dataset: dn=%s Delete consistent copy dataset: %s Create location: path=%s, NFS path=%s failed to find dn=%s failed to find dataset %s failed to find location for dset %s failed to find location for uuid %s failed to find location %s, errno=%d:%s failed to stat location %s, errno=%d:%s failed to find replica %s failed to find target server %s failed to find dset server %s invalid dset type=%d mismatched mode: location %s, was %o, should be %o mismatched uid: location %s, was %x, should be %x mismatched gid: location %s, was %x, should be %x replica '%s' already exists LDB search error - %s create dset location: dset_uuid=%s, local_path=%s, location_uuid=%s, nfs_path=%s create consistent copy dataset location: cc_dset_uuid=%s, local_path=%s, location_uuid=%s, nfs_path=%s dset=%s deleted, nspath=%s, localpath=%s Replicate: req_uuid=%s, restart=%d, dsetuuid=%s, hostuuid=%s, localpath=%s, method=%s mount dset=%s, uuid=%s, rempath=%s, mnt_uuid=%s, rc=%d query mount dset=%s, uuid=%s, rempath=%s, mnt_uuid=%s, rc=%d req_uuid=%s, rep_uuid=%s, localpath=%s fsdci_location_promote failed, ds=%s, fn=%s, rc=%d errno=%d:%s fsdci_location_export failed, ds=%s, NFS path=%s, rc=%d errno=%d:%s fsdci_location_unexport failed, ds=%s, NFS path=%s, rc=%d errno=%d:%s fsdci_location_create failed, ds=%s, fn=%s, rc=%d errno=%d:%s fsdci_chown failed, ds=%s, fn=%s, o/g=%s:%s, errno=%d:%s fsdci_chmod failed, ds=%s, fn=%s, mode=%o, errno=%d:%s FSDCI location not found, ds=%s, fn=%s, rc=%d FSDCI location not found, ds=%s, fn=%s, uuid=%s, rc=%d:%s FSDCI DSET delete failed, ds=%s, fn=%s, errno=%d:%s %s: failed to modify ds=%s, nspath=%s, rc=%d, error='%s' failed to add '%s', rc=%d, error='%s' failed to modify '%s', rc=%d, error='%s' invalid mount path=%s cell namespace lookup failed %d:%s mkdir failed for mount path=%s, errno=%d:%s lookup failed for mount path=%s, errno=%d:%s invalid mount path=%s, errno=%d:%s fsdci_dset_handle_create failed, rc=%d:%s, at %s fsdci_dset_mount failed, rc=%d:%s, at %s fsdci_dset_unmount failed, rc=%d:%s, at %s mount path=%s, follow reference=%s->%s failed to get location data, error=%d:%s identifying data server %s to admin=%s@%x for RPC %#x identified to admin=%s notifying admin=%s status=%d LDIF='%s' ldb switch %s for admin=%s ldb rename failed, errno=%d:%s Server informations registered: server name=%s, dns=%s:%d, our uuid=%s, min/max port=%d/%d, max packet=%d, dset path=%s, replica path=%s No admin servers found using '%s' No data servers found using '%s' No servers found for admin='%s' Config version not found Failed to update %s version, rc=%d, error='%s' add failed for '%s', rc=%d, error='%s' delete failed for '%s', rc=%d, error='%s' parse failed for '%s', error='%s' No memory, rc=%s failed to modify '%s', rc=%d, error='%s' missing elements (%s) for '%s' invalid element for '%s' invalid %s port=%s cannot get hostname cannot create directory %s create lookup control lookup control process starting... lookup control ending... lookup control init cleanup... lookup control: session exit cleanup... No memory Cannot create process lookup agent terminated %s, pid=%d, status=%d, errno=%d kdci %s failed rc=%d:%s create lookup agent lookup agent process starting... lookup agent waiting for requests... lookup agent ending... failed to find dset %s failed to find locations for dset %s failed to find server %s kdci_locations_create failed, rc=%d:%s create notify agent notify agent process starting... notify agent ending... notify agent terminating... notify agent cleanup... No memory Cannot create process create session manager session manager process starting... session manager process ending... session manager %s cleanup... session manager waiting for requests... source agent terminated %s, pid=%d, status=%d, errno=%d found unfinished replication, req_uuid=%s, retries=%d found invalid replication, dn=%s, no %s attribute found invalid replication, dn=%s, DmReplicaUuid=%s found %d unfinished replications on this server Processing source agent request on queue %d Processing target agent request on queue %d target session terminated %s, pid=%d, status=%d, errno=%d replication deferred %d active, %d waiting... Cannot create process aborting unfinished replication, req_uuid=%s session manager failed. Data server %s not found replication started (pid=%d), %d active... create source agent, req_uuid=%s, restart=%d source agent process starting for DSET=%s, host=%s, replica=%s, method=%s, callback=%#x... source agent process complete for DSET=%s, host=%s, replica=%s, result=%d, nfs_path=%s READY, dset=%s, lpath=%s, ACLtype=%s%s%s, ports=[%d:0x%x] source agent waiting for requests... No memory, rc=%s Cannot create process failed to add '%s', rc=%d, error='%s' failed to modify '%s', rc=%d, error='%s' req=%d(%s) using callbacks data=%#x, error=%#x OPEN_SESSION failed, status=%d can't reply to %s RPC call can't decode %s RPC call invalid request %d no memory create target agent Received RPC: request=%d(%s) Open transfert session (target side), admin=%s, cell=%s, dset=%s, lpath=%s, version=%d, method=%s, update=%d, acls=%#x Close transfert session (target side) target agent waiting for requests... target agent ending... can't reply to %s RPC call can't decode %s RPC call invalid request %d No memory Cannot create process create target session using %d callbacks=%#x wait for RPC requests for method=%s target session ending... Data transfert aborted with status=%d, removing location %s No memory, rc=%s Cannot create process stat failed (%d:%s) for fn=%s replicate failed failed to get location data, error=%d:%s target agent process starting... *****ABORT*****, status=%d dta_send_%s: failed status=%d DSET=%s, targetpath=%s, #ports=%d(%#x) DSET=%s, local_path=%s, #files=%lu, dirs=%lu, bytes=%llu, status=%d target agent cleanup... No memory, rc=%s No memory for fn=%s, rc=%s No memory for replica=%s, rc=%s No memory for block=%d, rc=%s file open failed (%d:%s) for fn=%s mkstemp failed (%d:%s) for fn=%s directory open failed rc=%d(%s) for fn=%s reference open failed (%d:%s) for fn=%s can't decode %s RPC call invalid data type=%d can't reply to %s RPC call invalid request %d stat failed (%d:%s) for fn=%s getacl failed (%d:%s) for fn=%s write failed (%d:%s) for fn=%s symlink failed (%d:%s) for fn=%s rename failed (%d:%s) for fn=%s unknown NFSv4 type (%d) for fn=%s chown failed (%d:%s) for fn=%s setacl failed (%d:%s) for fn=%s fsdci_chown failed, ds=%s, fn=%s, o/g=%s:%s, errno=%d:%s fsdci_chmod failed, ds=%s, fn=%s, mode=%o, errno=%d:%s chmod failed (%d:%s) for fn=%s utime failed (%d:%s) for fn=%s read failed (%d:%s) for fn=%s lookup failed (%d:%s) for dset=%s, uuid=%s xdr encode failed for replica=%s readlink failed (%d:%s) for fn=%s replica target create failed (%d:%s) for dset=%s, uuid=%s fsdci_location_export failed, ds=%s, NFS path=%s, rc=%d errno=%d:%s missing elements (%s) in %s record fsdci_location_unexport failed, ds=%s, NFS path=%s, rc=%d errno=%d:%s fsdci_location_destroy failed, ds=%s, NFS path=%s, rc=%d errno=%d:%s invalid transfer method=%s sending EOD %d cannot map %s to uid for fn=%s cannot map uid=%d to user@domain for fn=%s cannot map %s to gid for fn=%s cannot map gid=%d to user@domain for fn=%s cannot extract %s for fn=%s cannot encode %s invalid dset path=%s nested dset (path in a sub-directory of another dset) not supported executing '%s' fifo=%s already exists created fifo=%s created %s dev=%s (%u/%u) dir=%s already exists created dset ref=%s, ns_path=%s socket=%s already exists created socket=%s unknown NFSv4 type for target fn=%s fsdci_dset_file_unlink failed fn=%s, errno=%d(%s) rm -rf failed fn=%s, errno=%d(%s) mkfifo failed (%d: %s) for fn=%s file create failed (%d: %s) for fn=%s fsdci_dset_mkdir failed (%d: %s) for fn=%s mknod failed (%d: %s) for fn=%s mknod failed (%d: %s) for %s dev=%s %s dev=%s already exists fsdci_dset_handle_create failed, rc=%d:%s, at %s fsdci_dset_mount failed, rc=%d:%s, at %s dms_dset_lookup failed to find dataset %s failed to find location for uuid %s sending %d bytes metadata for %u objects metadata sending got status %d finished directory tree walk, dset=%s, path=%s, # dir=%llu, # file=%llu, # object w/data=%u # dset_ref=%u, #lnk=%u, #sock=%u, #blk=%u, #chr=%u, #fifo=%u finished %llu files of %llu! directory open failed rc=%d(%s) for fn=%s DSET=%s, targetpath=%s, #ports=%d DSET=%s, targetpath=%s, #files=%d, bytes=%d, status=%d deleting dir=%s deleting fn=%s DSET=%s, EOD=%s, targetpath=%s, #files=%d, bytes=%d, status=%d processed metadata for %d files, low_id=%u, hi_id=%u symlink=%s, file_id=%d, bytes=%u, newlink=%s no memory for fn=%s no memory for replica=%s no memory for metadata no memory for filedata directory open failed rc=%d(%s) for fn=%s fsdci_dset_file_write failed (%d:%s) for fn=%s fsdci_dset_file_write failed (wrote %d of %d bytes) for fn=%s fsdci_dset_file_unlink failed fn=%s, errno=%d(%s) fsdci_dset_file_symlink failed (%d: %s) for fn=%s file_id=%d metadata not found file digest mismatch, fn=%s cannot extract metadata entry for ds=%s as printf failed Failed xdr encode check mq_open failed with %d (%s) mq_receive failed with %d (%s) mq_send failed with %d (%s) Memory allocation error for generic structure size %d creating queue %s with buffer size %d mq_create failed with %d (%s) deleting queue %s mq_delete failed with %d (%s) mq_erase failed with %d (%s) Missing UUID for locations Failed to open file for srvq comms (%s), error=%s Failed to allocate memory for opening srvq comms file (%s) Failed checking space for srvq comms file (%s), error=%s Failed to truncate file for srvq comms (%s), error=%s failed to create key for semaphore - %s failed to create semaphore - %s failed to mmap control file - %s At end of srv queue register handlerr error info missing Failed to lock servers sem - %d (%s) Failed to unlock servers sem - %d (%s) At end of srv queue service handlerr error info missing Client call failed %d (%s) Server name to long to form queue (%d) No queue for server found - %s:%d Failed to send signal to listen process %d (%s) Failed to allocate memory for queue name deleting messages queue file: %s message sent to %s:%d message sent to %s:%d timedout message sent to %s:%d can't recv result Failed to delete in ldb - dn=%s - err=%sFailed to format search text LDB search error - %s - for %s Failed to find entry %s Found %d locations on server %s - not single Failed to convert uuid format Failed to fetch attribute string %s Failed to fetch integer value for key %s Failed to delete old entry %s - %s Failed to re-add entry %s - %s mq_mq_lock failed with %d (%s) mq_mq_unlock failed with %d (%s) failed to flush queue to server %s (%d) In %s list we have an empty first pointer and a full last pointer In %s list we have an empty last pointer and a full first pointer In %s list failed integrity check, block %d had prev of %d but expected %d Block %d has a use count of %d, should be 1 Principal name to long - %s Entry not defined- %s Removed a file in %s Failed to remove a file in %s Removed a directory in %s Failed to remove a directory in %s Created a directory in %s Failed to create a directory in %s Created a character block file in %s on dev %u Created a character file in %s on dev %u Created a block file in %s on dev %u Created a FIFO file in %s Created a file in %s Failed to create a character block file in %s on dev %u\nFailed to create a character file in %s on dev %u\nFailed to create a block file in %s on dev %u\nFailed to create a FIFO file in %s Failed to create a file in %s Changed owner to uid:%d gid:%d for %s Failed to change owner to uid:%d gid:%d for %s Changed mode to %o for %s Failed to change mode to %o for %s Changed access and mofication time to %s and %s for %s Failed to change access and mofication time to %s and %s for %s Created a symoblic link from %s to %s Failed to create a symoblic link from %s to %s Changed file name from %s to %s Failed to Change file name from %s to %s Error wrong reference for DmMasterLocUuid %s Location DmUuid: %s DmUuid: %s Error while retrieving cells: %d Error no cell found Error while retrieving admin servers: %d Error no admin server found Error too many admin servers found: %d Error cell/adminserver principal inconsistency: %s / %s Error cell/adminserver adminname inconsistency: %s / %s Error principal %s doesn't exist Error while retrieving locations: %d Error no location found Error no cell with DmAdminName %s and DmCellName %s Error while retrieving dsets for Uuid %s : %d Error no dset found for Uuid %s Error too many dsets found (%d) for DmDatasetUuid:%s DmUuid:%s Error Invalid object type for DmDatasetUuid %s: %s Error no cell with Dset DmAdminName %s and Dset DmCellName %s Error too many dset references found (%d) for DmUuid: %s Error no dset references for DmUuid: %s dataset count: %d Error too many replica references found (%d) for DmUuid: %s Error not only one replica references for DmUuid: %s replica count: %d Error while retrieving servers for Uuid %s: %d Error no server found for Uuid %s Error too many servers found (%d) for DmServerUuid: %s Error type of object should be DmServer and is %s instead for DmServerUuid: %s Error DmOwner %s doesn't exist for DmUuid %s with path %s Error DmGroup %s doesn't exist for DmUuid %s with path %s Error different owners id found for path %s in database and on system In database: %d On system: %d Warning different modes found for path %s in database and on system In database: %o On system: %o Error no DmAdminName field for Uuid %s Error no DmPrincipal field for Uuid %s Error no DmServerUuid field for location %s Error no DmDatasetUuid field for location %s Error no DmDnsName field for server %s Error server %s is not responding Warning different groups id found for path %s in database and on system In database: %d On system: %d Error of unknown type Error Location %s in %s not found in %s Error Version mismatch between Location %s (version:%d) and Replica %s (version:%d) Error export problems for Location %s with %s and %s