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Usage: ... starting %1$s thread failed starting %1$s thread becoming the %1$s thread initialization failed, exiting post initialization failed, exiting invalid filename parameter %1$s could not configure signal masking received %1$s signal system attempting shutdown system is currently refreshing - waiting shutdown already underway - aborting shutdown has started shutdown complete system attempting refresh refresh or shutdown already underway - aborting refresh has started refresh encountered fatal error - exiting refresh is complete waiting for subsystems to stop execution failed to read configuration file failed to read lease file errors exist in configuration file socket call failed setsockopt (%1$s) call failed bind call failed close issued on socket %1$d recvmsg call failed received %1$d bytes on socket %2$d sendto call failed select timer expired call to ioctl (%1$s) failed protocol thread refresh protocol thread shutdown failed to process %1$s message initiating %1$s message exchange on interface %2%s failed to initiate %1$s message exchange %1$s message exchange failed no association exists with this server collecting ADVERTISE until first retransmission timeout failed to record the offer failed to copy option %1$d to option table failed to build option %1$d failed to add option %1$d to option table failed to build message options table failed to transmit %1$s message failed to retransmit %1$s message failed to initialize client message block IA option processing failed failed to plugin options offered by server failed to plugin IA options offered by server failed to commit options offered by server option code not within range failed to allocate option structure invalid option data invalid option length processing action-event action-event processing failed processing timer-event processing rxtimer-event (message type : %1$s) duration : %2$f count : %3$d rxtimer-event processing failed processing ia-timer-event (iaid : %1$x T1 : %2$d duration : %3$f) ia-timer-event processing failed processing iaaddr-timer-event (address : %1$s duration : %2$f) iaaddr-timer-event processing failed unknown event type processing recvpkt-event recvpkt-event processing failed event queue is already set event queue initialization failed event queue head is corrupted event queue is empty receive packet failed timer queue is already set timer queue initialization failed timer queue head is corrupted timer alarm not cancelled timer queue is empty read option type : %1$d length : %2$d data : %3$s %1$s message received invalid message type received invalid message received discarding invalid %1$s message received option %1$d missing in %1$s message Client Identifier does not match client's DUID Server Identifier does not match server's DUID status code set : %1$d %2$s rapid-commit option set, accept reply invalid option %1$d set in %1$s message invalid data for option %1$d sending %1$s message to %2$s on interface %3$s transmitting %1$s message retransmitting %1$s message message length is too large message length is incorrect failed to start message retransmission timer thread exiting function %1$s called with invalid arguments incoming message size %1$d bytes duplicate address %1$s detected failed to allocate memory failed to convert address to numerical form invalid identifier invalid identifier length DUID is %1$s database is already loaded in memory database in memory is corrupted created transaction id %1$x '%1$s' failed, error: %2$s exiting, returning %1$d port for service '%1$s' is %2$d SRC control is not being used - exiting received %1$s request - invalid received %1$s request tracing set to level 0x%1$x request initiated locally request from host %1$s not root user, will not display long status displaying long status Log File:Log Level:SRC messaging failure - aborting displaying short status Start subserver: not supported. Stop subserver: not supported. Status of subserver: not supported. Trace of subserver: not supported. received unknown request - val %1$d Cannot determine the user. Must be root user for long status. %1$d syntax errors found in file %2$s error while processing line %1$d in file %2$s error while processing option %1$d at line %2$d in file %3$s option code : %1$d option args : %1$s option exec command : %1$s IA type: %1$s iaid: %2$x T1: %3$d T2: %4$d Link local address of interface %1$s : %2$s initialized control block for interface %1$s (ifindex : %2$d) inserting option type : %1$d length : %2$d data : %3$s %1$s timer fired (timer duration : %2$f) scheduling %1$s timer (timer duration : %2$f) failed to build message (type : %1$s transaction id : %2$x) building %1$s message incoming %1$s message with transaction id %2$x not expected message transaction id : %1$x server unicast address : %1$s no addresses are associated with IA (iaid : %1$x) for renewal assigned address %1$s to interface %2$s failed to assign address %1$s to interface %2$s deleted address %1$s assigned to interface %2$s failed to delete address %1$s assigned to interface %2$s writing to lease file ( %1$s ) writing option code : %1$d length : %2$d data : %3$s errors exist in the lease file initiating reboot on interface %1$s reboot on interface %1$s failed failed to plugin existing lease for interface %1$s LogFileName:Logging:ENABLEDDISABLEDTracing:ACTIVENOT ACTIVEInterface : IPv6 Address : Address type : Starttime : Endtime : PrefLifeTime : ValidLifeTime :IA-TA (Temporary)IA-NA (Non-Temporary)infinite leasehostname not specified; updatedns not done hostname : %1$s domain name : %1$s updating dns server with hostname (%1$s) to IPv6 address (%2$s) mapping dns server : %1$s dhcpcd6 [-f configuration file name] [-u client duid file] [-p client port] [-t solicit timeout] %1$d: %2$s at '%3$s' port %1$d is in invalid range system has no network interfaces interface %1$s does not exist invalid duid is specified no valid interface specified in configuration file data structure corruption randval : %1$d random delay : %2$d nano secs : %3$d corrupted/unexpected pointer value unknown action type no available addresses in ADVERTISE message unsolicited IA with iaid '%1$d' offered by the server IA option missing in REPLY to REQUEST message ignoring %1$d option while building option table option %1$d NOT allowed in message %2$s option length does not match with total length of sub-options sub-option %1$d not allowed in %2$d option insufficient option length specified in option %1$d preferred lifetime is greater than valid lifetime initiating %1$s message exchange on interface %2$s option %1$d missing in %2$s message