ISO8859-1   % 0: C M W a g p y v174Bl1]IF*$  Filesystem Mounted on 1024-blocks512-blocksAvailableCapacity Used Free Free*%Used Iused Ifree%IusedMounted onUsage: df [-P] | [-IMitvc] [-gkm] [-s] [-T {local|remote|vfstype}] [-F {hdr1 hdr2 hdr3}] [filesystem ...] [file ...] df: 0506-001 Cannot get mount table information. df: 0506-002 There is not enough memory available now. df: 0506-003 Cannot find file system or does not match filter: %s df: 0506-004 Cannot find %s in /etc/filesystems. FSTYPEUsage: df [-begklntVv] [-F FSType] [-o FSType-specific_options] [filesystem ...] [file ...] SYSVSET environment variable must be set to 1 for df to execute properly Usage: df -o i [filesystem ...] [file ...]o flag not permitted with FStype %s MB blocksGB blocksdf: not a filterable VFS type