ISO8859-1(8HXhx     '7GWgw  ! " '# 7$ G% W& g'> ( ) *8 +* , B-^ X.& / 0 1 2 3 -4/ F56 v66 7$ 8 9 $: 9; M< i= |> ? @ A BL C =D" XEP {FK G1HJIgJ#K.L,M/N'4O0\P*Q/R$S& T-4UbV/eW?XYZ7[G\-]= ^(J_cs`ab9c9Ad{e@f@g"h;i9XjWklmn-o<pXQqr6s1t1uQv1qwxyz{|}B~10F wCD7!GYR1,.HLFO  n3   4_&9L_r !"#$%& '(0)C*V+i,|-./0123 4 5 '6 :7 M8 `9 s: ; < = > ? @i AF!HB"C'"D'"E"FQ#G #dH#pI #J#K#L#M#N1#O #P#Q#R#s#$l%%S'$b(xH)+$!+Controller cardSCSI DIFF cableSCSI cable assmSCSI terminatorInt. DIFF cablePower Dist CardP.D. cable assm3-way P. cableD. Unit F/PS 1 D. Unit F/PS 2 D. Unit F/PS 3 E. Unit F/PS 1 E. Unit F/PS 2 E. Unit F/PS 3 3-fan assembly One-fan assm. One-fan cable Mult Lower fansMult Upper fansFront fan Front fan cableDC cables PDC cards Mother board Drive carrier Awaiting formatConnector card Converter card DC power cable 2.0GB disk assm1.3GB disk assmDisk module Array SubsystemSCSI Adapter Backplane assm.Disk module More isolation Differential SCSI problem.Ensure that all cables and connectors are connected correctly.Replace FRU's in order. One of two controller cards is failing or powering down.Ensure the power distribution light is on.Critical power fault.AC input power to more than one power unit is on, either the upper or lower drawer is missing.Replace the controller 3-fan assembly.Replace the fan.Replace the cable.Critical fan fault.Check fan good lights.Redundant power missing.Most likely a secondary failure to another SRN.Power distribution card A in controller drawer failed.Power distribution card B in controller drawer failed.Use RDAM to format the logical unit.Internal SCSI Bus failure.Missing options SRN.Controller failure.Passive controller failure.Replace the drive.Test Unit Ready failure.User failed by RDAM.Start of Day failure.Parameters do not match.Incorrect sector size.Incorrect capacity. The disk drive might belong to a different logical unit.Incorrect mode parameters.Incorrect array controller number.Channel does not match. The disk drive might belong to a different logical unit.ID does not match. The disk drive might belong to a different logical unit.The disk drive module is waiting to be formatted.Incorrect disk drive module.Predictive Failure Analysis.Sense data indicates a failing FRU.Mode sense data indicates a subsystem failure.The logical unit is waiting to be formatted.Host unable to communicate with the controller.Missing Options has detected a problem.Error Log Analysis indicates a hardware failure.Mode sense data indicates a drive failure.Mode sense data indicates a controller failure.The controller configuration failed.The SCSI adapter configuration failed.The device failed to open in Diagnostic mode.SWThe passive to active controller switch failed.Error Log Analysis indicates the passive controller has failed.Drive is in the warning state.Differential SCSI problem.One of two array controller cards fails or powers down.Critical power fault. No AC input power is present at more than one fan-and-power-supply assembly in either the disk drive unit or the expansion unit.The fan and power supply assembly is failing.One of the fans in the three-fan cooling assembly has failed.The one-fan cooling assembly has failed.Critical fan fault. Two or more fan-and-power-supply assemblies have failed in the disk drive unit.Critical fan fault.Redundant power is missing.Power distribution card B in the control unit has failed.Power distribution card A in the control unit has failed.Internal SCSI bus failure.Error Log Analysis indicates an active array controller failure.Error Log Analysis indicates a passive array controller failure.A physical disk failed to respond.Predictive Failure Analysis.Error Log Analysis indicates Predictive Failure Analysis.Error Log Analysis indicates subsystem failure. Run Diagnostics to isolate the problem.Component failure.Exchange the FRU for a new FRU.Format failure.Write failure.Mode Select failure.If the problem can not be corrected with the Disk Array Manager, then replace the drive.Format the disk drive module.If the problem remains, exchange the FRUs for new FRUsRefer to the 7135 Installation and Service Guide.Exchange the FRUs for new FRUs.Power distribution card A or B.For further isolation, go to 7135 START MAP 2010.67G506967G5070SF 1.1SF 2.2SF 4.4OEM DiskThe physical disk is not support in the dual-active configuration.The controller is reporting an ICON chip failure.The configuration of the controller has changed.Array controller switch failure.The controller failed to become active due to an ICON chip failure.The controller failed to become active due to a non-supported drive.The array controller indicates a cache battery failure.Error Log Analysis indicates an array controller cache battery failure.TESTING ARRAY DEVICE (%1$s) IN LOCATION %2$s %3$sIN ADVANCED MODE.Move cursor to selection, then press Enter. When finished, press Enter.To continue, press Enter.YESNOThis test may take up to %1$d minute(s) to complete. Please stand by.Testing multiple times. This test may take up to %1$d minute(s) to complete. %2$6d passes completed. %3$6d errors logged. To stop the test, use 'Cancel.'It may be necessary to use the cursor up/down keys to view all of the information. When finished, press Enter.Do you wish to run this test? This screen shows the status of the logical and physical devices in the array. It may be necessary to use the cursor up/down keys to view all of the information. Refer to the 7135 RAIDiant Array Installation and Service documentation for more information. Note: Physical disk location codes U=Upper L=Lower F=Front R=Rear Example: UF-1 = Upper Front drawer, position number 1. RAID Device Name Location Level Capacity Status ---------------- ---------------- ------ -------- ------------------ Note: Physical disk location codes U=Upper L=Lower F=Front R=Rear Example: UF-1 = Upper Front drawer, position number 1. %1$16.16s %2$-16.16s %3$6.6s %4$8.8s %5$-19.19s MBGBRAIDPassive Active Passive Failed Optimal Drive Non-Existant DriveNon-Supported ID Spare Drive Failed Drive TUR Failure Write Failure SOD Failure Replaced Drive Reconstruct. Init.Dr. Warning State Parameter MismatchWrong Capacity Wrong Cntrl. SN ID Mismatch This Cntrl. OK Drive Format Init.Wrong Dr. ReplacedNon-Supported CH Non-Supported ID Hot Spare Drive Component Failure Format Failure Failed by User Format Init. Wrong Sector Size Invalid Mode ParamChannel Mismatch Dr. Pending FormatOptimal LUN RAID 0 Dr. Format Awaiting Format LUN open failed Unknown Status Drive Failure Dr. is Formatting Mult. Dr. Failure!Format in ProgressReplaced Wrong Dr.Optimal Sub LUN 2.0GB1.3GBIt is recommended to test the other subsystem controller. Have you tested the other subsystem controller?The state of the subsystem has been changed by running Diagnostics. You may change the state of the subsystem back to the previous state. CAUTION: Changing back to the previous state will cause one of the controllers to go into the passive or held-in-reset state. Do you wish to return the subsystem to the previous state?Alternate Path Accessing the array status information.Testing physical disk in location %1$s.Performing a controller switch.Accessing the array status information for logical device %1$s in location %2$s.Parity ScanParity MismatchParity Error Accessing the array subsystem status information.Spare DriveHot Spare Drive Held in Reset %1$06.6lx SERVICE INFORMATION FOR ARRAY DEVICE (%2$s) IN LOCATION %3$s An unexpected error caused testing to stop.%1$06.6lx SERVICE INFORMATION FOR ARRAY DEVICE (%2$s) IN LOCATION %3$s When using the Disk Array Manager, certain activity (such as failing drives, etc.) will cause certain SRN's to be reported. Please run the Disk Array Manager to resolve as many SRN's as possible before calling for service or replacing any parts. Refer to the 7135 RAIDiant Array: Installation and Reference for more information.%1$06.6lx SERVICE INFORMATION FOR ARRAY DEVICE (%2$s) IN LOCATION %3$s The 7135 Array is reporting that the microcode has not been loaded. Exit this test and run the Microcode Download Service Aid. Refer to the 7135 RAIDiant Array Installation and Service documentation for more information.%1$06.6lx SERVICE INFORMATION FOR ARRAY DEVICE (%2$s) IN LOCATION %3$s Diagnostics has detected one or more LUN's with unknown status. A LUN either failed to configure or would not respond to commands. Use the Disk Array Manager to correct this problem. Refer to the 7135 RAIDiant Array: Installation and Reference for more information.%1$06.6lx SERVICE INFORMATION FOR ARRAY DEVICE (%2$s) IN LOCATION %3$s A problem has been detected that may be caused by a loose or incorrect cable connection. Before replacing a physical disk drive, ensure all cables and terminators are connected correctly. Refer to the 7135 RAIDiant Array Installation and Service documentation for more information.%1$06.6lx SERVICE INFORMATION FOR ARRAY DEVICE (%2$s) IN LOCATION %3$s The controller configuration failed. In dual active configurations, if a controller is in the held-in-reset state, all commands sent to the controller will fail. To remove a controller from the held-in-reset state, run Diagnostics on the paired controller.%1$06.6lx SERVICE INFORMATION FOR ARRAY DEVICE (%2$s) IN LOCATION %3$s The %4$s physical disk in location %5$s is reporting corrupted format. Use the 7135 Service Aids to format the physical disk drive.%1$06.6lx SERVICE INFORMATION FOR ARRAY DEVICE (%2$s) IN LOCATION %3$s The alternate controller is indicating a battery failure. It is recommended to run Diagnostics on the alternate controller. Refer to the 7135 RAIDiant Array Installation and Service documentation for more information.