ISO8859-1~g;"~2c/ & Q @? ` ?,!Nk#C#gCEH5^;W3Tn Y Y ] ?Z 2605-010 The %1$s system call unexpectedly returned an errno of %2$d to the %3$s function near line %4$d of file %5$s, version %6$s. 2605-011 The %1$s library function unexpectedly returned %2$d to the %3$s function near line %4$d of file %5$s, version %6$s. 2605-012 Memory could not be allocated in the %1$s function near line %2$d of file %3$s, version %4$s. 2605-013 The filesystem containing the local tree is full. 2605-014 The table is unreadable. 2605-015 An irrecoverable internal inconsistency occurred during the %1$s function near line %2$d of file %3$s, version %4$s. 2605-100 A function was passed an invalid handle. 2605-101 A function was passed a NULL pointer. 2605-102 %1$s is an invalid pathname. 2605-103 An invalid mode was specified while trying to create or open the table. 2605-104 One or more column names or definitions were expected. 2605-105 A column definition is invalid or a specified column name is not defined to the table. 2605-106 More than one column with the same name was supplied. 2605-107 The key column value was expected. 2605-108 A row with the specified key already exists when adding a row or more than one key column was specified when creating a table. 2605-109 An invalid positional/replacement variable type was found in the selection criteria string: %1$s. 2605-200 The table does not exist. 2605-201 The table already exists. 2605-202 There is no row corresponding to the specified key value. 2605-203 There is no row corresponding to the specified index value. 2605-204 The row corresponding to the specified index has been deleted. 2605-205 There are no rows to delete from the table. 2605-206 The calling process does not have sufficient access permission to the persistent files corresponding to the table, or a write operation was called against a table opened only for read. 2605-207 A mount point containing the path already exists. 2605-208 The specified mount point does not exist. 2605-209 A function requiring a committed table was called on an uncommitted table. 2605-210 A function requiring pending table updates to have been applied was called before they were applied. 2605-211 An attempt to open a table more than once in mutually exclusive modes was made. 2605-212 An attempt was made to update a table that has applied but uncommitted updates. 2605-016 The filesystem containing the local tree is full: mounted(%1$s) mounted_over(%2$s). 2605-213 There is no row corresponding to the specified key value (%1$s) in table (%2$s).