ISO8859-12 *9 Q _ k w "~ $ <A . E tJ 1 5 A G&  & S 0 L? }< 1 / ,$ \Z = != " X#S $7%G&'(*){,*B+7,,#-&P.Lw/p051-2_3 y45<!6(^789:K;k<=V>^?e_@A`BeC]gDWEUF[sGWHF'ILnJ7KBL-6M3dNpO| PQ_8RSV-T:UVWXYZ[ \ ] ^ _ .` Fa Zb oc d e f g h i j k l m! n!o.!p-!Dq !rr,!s!t !u!v!w"x"y"z"{"|"*}"?~ "Z "d"n"""" ""I"#=#?#@9#A@#{F#I$L$M1$5$7%%:%;%<%R%g%x%%%%%%%&&&>&Q&` &p&} && &0&/&' '%'0'B'\'p''''''('/(#)(S#(}+(6(4))9$)X')}!)#))* *&*C*[!*u5*6*v+8+{L+A,q,Cg,m-&-d-+./.C;.s6.m./T0&2G5<5^W5 556X6777$7147V'7@77 8 U8$ 8z 8 W989Xd9=9:4>%1$s not responding. Enter y if add to node list Node List file %1$s: Node list: Command: %1$s Verifying host %1$s... Fanout: %1$s Fanout: 64 HOST: %1$s HOSTS %1$s> %2$s Remote_command_started %1$s> %2$s Remote_command_completed %1$s: 2617-001 Remote shell specified was not found - %2$s %1$s: 2617-003 Incorrect argument - %2$s specified on %3$s flag %1$s: 2617-004 Missing argument on %2$s flag %1$s: 2617-006 Missing option %1$s: 2617-007 DSH list environment variable, DSH_LIST or WCOLL, not set %1$s: 2617-008 Cannot open node list file %2$s: %1$s: 2617-009 %2$s remote shell had exit code %3$s %1$s: 2617-010 Caught SIG%2$s - terminating the child processes %1$s: 2617-011 No hosts in node list %1$s: 2617-012 Could not pipe: %1$s: 2617-013 Cannot redirect %2$s: %1$s: 2617-014 Cluster System Management (csm.core) lsnodes command not installed %1$s: 2617-015 %2$s Could not resolve hostname %1$s: 2617-016 Warning - Specified node not in cluster - %2$s %1$s: 2617-017 File %2$s contains POE pools, not supported %1$s: 2617-018 Cannot open host file %2$s: %3$s %1$s: 2617-019 No node list or POE file found %1$s: 2617-020 Conflicting options %1$s: 2617-021 Cluster System Management %2$s command could not resolve node group %3$s. %1$s: 2617-022 /usr/bin/rsync was not found on this system. %1$s: 2617-023 Cluster System Management %2$s command error %1$s: 2617-024 %2$s The command was not issued for this host because its hostname resolved to the same hostname as another host specified %1$s: 2617-025 %2$s Host is not responding. No command will be issued to this host %1$s: 2617-026 Timed out waiting for response from child processes for the following nodes: %2$s. Terminating child processes. %1$s: 2617-027 Invalid value for environment variable: "%2$s" = "%3$s" %1$s: 2617-028 Argument %2$s is invalid. %1$s: 2617-029 Timed out waiting for response from child process for the following node: %2$s. Terminating child process. %1$s: 2617-030 The options "%2$s" and "%3$s" are not compatible. %1$s: 2617-032 Cannot open node list file %2$s: %3$s %1$s: 2617-033 Cannot redirect %2$s: %3$s %1$s: 2617-034 Could not pipe: %2$s %1$s: 2617-035 The option "%2$s" is required when using the option "%3$s". %1$s: 2617-036 Hostname manual entry has been disabled. Manual entry is not compatible with the "%2$s" option. %1$s: 2617-037 CSM indicates that the status of this host is unknown. Please check to see that the host is configured as a CSM ManagedNode. No command will be issued to this host. A report was not requested for this command. A report for this command has been generated and can be found on the Managing Machine at %1$s. UnspecifiedThe fanout for this command has been reduced for this run from %1$s to %2$s due to limitations on the number of open file handles available on the system. Information relating to hosts and groups may be incomplete. No commands were executed on any hosts. Connection Failure: %1$sExecution Error: %1$sExecution Cancelled: %1$sCommand execution ended prematurely due to a previous unrecoverable error. Command execution ended prematurely due to a previous unrecoverable error or a stop request from the user. Command execution completed. Command execution completed with errors. See individual error files for more details. %1$s: 2617-101 The following error occurred while trying to make log directory "%2$s": %3$s %1$s: 2617-102 The following error occurred while trying to make the report directory "%2$s": %3$s %1$s: 2617-103 No directory index available for the command "%2$s". The report directory could not be created. Please delete unnecessary report directories or run the command without reporting or output file writing. %1$s: 2617-104 The following error occurred while trying to open the output file "%2$s": %3$s %1$s: 2617-105 The following error occurred while trying to open the report directory "%2$s": %3$s %1$s: 2617-106 The following error occurred while trying to open the log file "%2$s": %3$s %1$s: 2617-107 The following error occurred while trying to write output files: %2$s %1$s: 2617-108 The following error occurred while trying to write the report: %2$s %1$s: 2617-109 The following error occurred while trying to update the summary log: %2$s %1$s: 2617-110 Output file writing, reporting and summary logging have been disabled. %1$s: 2617-111 Output file writing and reporting have been disabled. %1$s: 2617-112 Output file writing and summary logging have been disabled. %1$s: 2617-113 Output file writing has been disabled. %1$s: 2617-114 Reporting and summary logging have been disabled. %1$s: 2617-115 Reporting has been disabled. %1$s: 2617-116 Summary logging has been disabled. %1$s: 2617-117 %2$s Could not execute remote command on this host, remote shell - %3$s, command - %4$s, %5$s%1$s: 2617-118 %2$s Running of the command on this host has been interrupted due to an unexpected error or a stop request from the user. As a result of this action, the command may not have completed properly on this host. Also, the output file for this host may be incomplete even if the command completed properly. See log or report for more information on the specific error. %1$s: 2617-119 %2$s Running of the command on this host has been cancelled due to an unexpected error or a stop request from the user. The command was never sent to this host. %1$s: 2617-120 %2$s Running of the command on this host has been interrupted due to an unrecoverable error. As a result of this action, the command may not have completed properly on this host. Also, the output file for this host may be incomplete even if the command completed properly. See log or report for more information on the specific error. %1$s: 2617-121 %2$s Running of the command on this host has been cancelled due to an unrecoverable error. The command was never sent to this host. %1$s: 2617-122 %2$s A return code for the command run on this host was not received. %1$s: 2617-123 %2$s Remote command had return code %3$s. Execution StatusCommandStartedEndedStatusSummaryHost ResultsSuccessful hostsFailed hostsHosts not runSuccessful hosts : %1$sFailed hosts : %1$sHosts not run : %1$sTotal number of hosts : %1$sCommand InfoCommand namePathCommand definitionRun as userDescriptionRun hereHost namesGroups of hostsCommand OptionsTrueFalseNumber of hosts to run command on concurrentlyBefore running, verify that host will respondStream outputMaximum time in seconds to wait for responseGenerate output filesRemote shellRemote shell optionsDistributed Command ReportsoutputerroroutputerrorCommand name: Run as user: %1$s Command definition: %1$s Started: Ended: Successful hosts: %1$s Successful hosts: none Failed hosts: %1$s Failed hosts: none Hosts not run: %1$s Status: %1$s ------------------------------------------------------------------------- %1$s: 2617-124 Cannot open device list file %2$s: %3$s 2617-125 Copy cancelled for localhost. Use cp command instead. %1$s: 2617-126 Cannot copy to target %2$s: directory does not exist. 2617-127 Copy cancelled: 'RemoteCopyCmd' attribute not defined for %2$s. 2617-128 Execution cancelled: 'RemoteShell' attribute not defined for %2$s. %1$s: 2617-129 %2$s not defined as a CSM device. %1$s: 2617-130 %2$s not defined as a DSM Node Group. %1$s: 2617-131 %2$s not defined as a DSM Device Group. Default user: %1$s Successful targets: Failed targets: Targets not run: none Target ResultsCommand InformationTargets SpecifiedContext SettingsSuccessful targets : %1$sFailed targets : %1$sTargets not run : %1$sTotal number of targets : %1$sSuccessful targetsFailed targetsTargets not runDefault userNodesNode groupsDevicesDevice groupsNumber of targets to run command on concurrentlyBefore running, verify that target will respondTarget response time (seconds)No timeoutNode remote shellNode remote shell optionsDevice remote shellDevice remote shell optionsnoneRun on all nodesRun on all devicesDefault remote shell usedTarget list: %1$s Target list: %1$s %2$s %1$s: 2617-132 Error reading file %2$s. %1$s: 2617-133 Invalid context specified:%2$s. %1$s: 2617-134 File:%2$s does not exist. %1$s: 2617-135 File:%2$s is empty. %1$s: 2617-136 File:%2$s is no executable. %1$s: 2617-137 %2$s is not a valid %3$s device group. %1$s: 2617-187 %2$s is not a valid %3$s node group. TRACE: Executing Command:%1$s TRACE: Environment option specified TRACE:Environment: Exporting File:%1$s TRACE: Execute option specified. TRACE:Execute: Exporting File:%1$s TRACE:Default context is %1$s TRACE:Fanout Value is %1$s TRACE:Timeout Value is %1$s TRACE:Node RSH is %1$s TRACE:Device RSH is %1$s TRACE:Verifying %1$s with %2$s. TRACE:Verifying remaining targets with ping command. TRACE:Verifying remaining targets with fping command. %1$s: 2617-188 Unable to create the directory %2$s. Nodes specified through DSH_NODEGROUP_PATH will not be included. %1$s: 2617-189 The %2$s option is not valid on the HMC. %1$s: The following environment variables will be ignored on the HMC: %2$s. %1$s: 2617-190 hscroot has no write permisson of directory %2$s. The -d, -D, -A, and --all-devices flags are ignored since non-node devices are not supported in the DSH context. The CSM context may not be specified for the node "%1$s", since DSH is the only available context now. The CSM context may not be specified for the node group "%1$s", since DSH is the only available context now. %1$s: 2617-191 Invalid options: %2$s. The node %1$s has no InstallOSName on the HMC. It is considered a VIO server, and will be ignored. Running command %1$s on remote nodes %2$s. Command %1$s completed on remote node(s) %2$s. %1$s: 2651-096 Command %2$s failed on remote node(s) %3$s. TRACE:Verifying remaining targets with dping command. %1$s: 2617-192 Remote copy command %2$s specified by flag -r does not exist or is not an executable command. %1$s: 2617-193 The DSH fanout value has exceeded the system file descriptor upper limit. Please either reduce the fanout value, or increase max file descriptor number by running system command ulimit. Usage: dsh -h dsh -q dsh -V dsh [-a] [--all-nodes context_list] [-A] [--all-devices context_list] [-n node_list] [-N nodegroups] [-d device_list] [-D devicegroups] [-C context] [-c] [-e] [-E environment_file] [-f fanout] [-F output_file] [-i] [-l user_ID] [-L] [--log log_file] [-m] [-o node_options] [-O device_options] [-Q] [-r node_remote_shell] [--device-rsh device_remote_shell] [-s] [-S ksh | csh] [-t timeout] [-T] [-X environment variables] [-v] [-z] [--report report_path] [--report-name report_name] [command_list] For detailed usage, please refer to the dsh man page. Usage: dcp -h dcp -V dcp -q dcp [-a] [--all-nodes context_list] [-A] [--all-devices context_list] [-n node_list] [-N nodegroups] [-d device_list] [-D devicegroups] [-C context] [-f fanout] [-l user_ID] [-o node_options] [-O device_options] [-p] [-P] [-Q] [-r node_remote_copy] [--device-rcp device_remote_copy] [-R] [-t timeout] [-T] [-X environment variables] [-v] source_file... target_path For detailed usage, please refer the the dcp man page. %1$s: 2617-194 dsh/dcp environment variable(s) %2$s is(are) not valid. %1$s: 2617-195 Device configuration file not found: "%2$s". Usage: dshbak [-c] -c : compresses the output by list distinct output only once. HOST: %1$s HOSTS Usage: dshbak [-c | -x] -c : compresses the output by listng unique output only once. -x : omit extra header output for each node. Can not be used with -c. Unable to obtain a KRB5 ticket-granting-ticket. Will continue. Check KRB5 installation. Pinging nodes: %1$s Running command: %1$s Return code %1$s from command: %2$s Child process %1$s to ping %2$s ended with rc %3$s. Forked child process %1$s to ping %2$s Dping Summary: Alive: %1$s, Unreachable/Unknown addresses: %2$s %1$s: ping (alive) %1$s: noping (unreachable) The hostname of any unreachable nodes will be displayed, and then the fping summary. %1$s %1$s: 2617-150 At least one host name must be specified. Specify a host using any of the flags: -n, -N, -f, -w, -a, -d, -D. %1$s: 2617-151 Could not find one or more of the following %2$s in the database: %3$s. %1$s: 2617-152 The %2$s option is not valid on the HMC. The node %1$s has no InstallOSName on the HMC. It is considered a VIO server, and will be ignored. %1$s:dsh/dcp environment variable(s) %2$s is(are) not valid. Usage: dping [-s][-a][-v][-h][-S][-r] [-i interfaces] [-w 'where-str'] [-H host_list][-f file] [-N nodegrps] [-d devices] [-D devicegrps] [[-n] nodes] [-n] List or noderange of nodes to ping. -N List of nodegroups to ping. -f A file that contains a list of nodes, '-' means read from stdin. -w Ping nodes that match this 'where' clause of the select string. -d List of devices to ping, '*' means all devices. -D List of devices groups to ping. -a Ping all the nodes. -i List of network interface names (e.g. eth1) to ping for each node. -s Ping the nodes serially, instead of in parallel -S Only display a summary of the ping results. -r Ping recursively, i.e. have each node ping the other nodes. -v Verbose mode. -h Display this usage information. -H Specifies one or more comma or space separated hostnames to be pinged. These hostnames do not need to be defined NIM nodes. The -H flag cannot be specified with the -n, -N, -f, -d, -w, or -a flags. Target(s) %1$s will be removed from dsh target list, because the remote comand returned a non-zero value, or it cannot be accessed by the remote shell. To prevent dsh from removing failed targets, please rerun dsh with flag -c.