ISO8859-1=k)t!B/O3=T Z q ?/ o Bp/O>3;r;1zqZ >d;;8 : TR A  $5 W ! 9" :#^ $G J%> &A '= (> Q)B *@ +?,@T-?.F/<0*Y1#2=3<4*#5#N6?r7^8=9=O:^;<<9)=Vc usage: swcons [-p 'log file'] [-s 'log size'] [-v 'log verbosity'] [-t 'tag verbosity'] [pathname] swcons: console output redirected to: %s swcons: returning console to: %s 0514-400 swcons: device or file pathname must be fully qualified 0514-401 swcons: stat on %s failed, errno = %d 0514-402 swcons: invalid request - the console cannot be redirected to itself 0514-403 swcons: switch command to driver failed, errno = %d 0514-404 swcons: unable to access new console selection returning console to: %s 0514-405 swcons: invalid request - the console cannot be redirected to a block device usage: chcons [-a login=enable | disable] [-a console_logname='filename'] [-a console_logsize='size'] [-a console_logverb='verbosity'] [-a console_tagverb='verbosity'] [pathname] chcons: console assigned to: %s, effective on next system boot 0514-410 chcons: device or file pathname must be fully qualified 0514-411 chcons: stat on %s failed, errno = %d 0514-412 chcons: invalid request - the console cannot be redirected to itself 0514-413 chcons: failure accessing the device database (ODM) 0514-414 chcons: failure accessing the lft0 object in ODM 0514-415 chcons: failure accessing the sys0 object in ODM 0514-416 chcons: savebase of sys0 object failed 0514-417 chcons: invalid request - Console login is enabled and the specified device is not an available lft or tty. 0514-418 chcons: Console login cannot be enabled because the console device is not an available lft or tty. 0514-419 chcons: invalid request - the console cannot be redirected to a block device 0514-420 cfgcon: failure accessing the device database (ODM) 0514-421 cfgcon: failure accessing the sys0 object in ODM 0514-422 cfgcon: failure accessing the lft0 object in ODM 0514-423 cfgcon: failed to set physical display on LFT 0514-424 cfgcon: switch command to console driver failed 0514-425 cfgcon: console is not defined and no candidate terminals were detected 0514-426 cfgcon: a system failure has occurred (malloc failure) ******* Please define the System Console. ******* Type a %d and press Enter to use this terminal as the system console. ******* Please define the System Console. ******* Type the F%d key and press Enter to use this display as the system console. HARDWARE SYSTEM MICROCODE Licensed Internal Code - Property of IBM (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1990, 1994. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. usage: lscons [-s] [-a|-O] lscons -b [-s] [-a|-O] lscons -d [-s] 0514-430 lscons: failure accessing the device database (ODM) 0514-431 lscons: system error occurred accessing console driver chcons: console login enabled, effective on next system boot chcons: console login disabled, effective on next system boot chcons: console log assigned to %s, effective on next system boot chcons: console logging disabled, effective on next system boot chcons: console logging enabled, effective on next system boot chcons: console tagging disabled, effective on next system boot chcons: console tagging enabled, effective on next system boot chcons: console log size changed to %s, effective on next system boot 0514-427 chcons: log file path name must be fully qualified 0514-428 chcons: console log size invalid 0514-429 chcons: verbosity invalid 0514-432 chcons: failure accessing the SWservAt ODM database 0514-433 swcons: log file path name must be fully qualified 0514-434 swcons: console log size invalid 0514-435 swcons: verbosity invalid 0514-436 swcons: failed to configure console logging in driver 0514-437 swcons: failed to create log file: check path name, permissions, and available space 0514-438 lscons: failure accessing the SWservAt ODM database 0514-439 cfgcon: failure accessing the SWservAt ODM database 0514-440 cfgcon: failed to create log file: check path name, permissions, and available space 0514-441 cfgcon: failed to configure the driver for logging 0514-442 swcons: device or file pathname is too long: %s 0514-443 swcons: user does not have write permission for the specified file or device