ISO8859-1#Y 8  St<nW Xx    y (U0~o`'%MgseLAE>@8T; X!_"@[#$n_6iX "9 { ! v'w ;' ))* .)T),'.,1{2M55G5s6-6 9rP<3<R="=k)=*='= I> !>U">D]#ND$D%D&`G'IK/(Ky)>L[**L+(L,EL-@M4.QMu/,M0+M1AN 2.Nb3-N44N5?N6-O47Ob8RR9V2:VD;I\<];==]>^?#^5@8^YA ^B"^C^D^E^F_ G_Hf/I:fJ/gK=g3L6gqM:gNjO;oP4p"Q;pWR8pSpTqnU qV!qW/qXoqY3rgZr[Ar\#r]0s^sL_*s_`Zsavb |cJd-e04f:egwh/i,Hjuk\l^mzdnopq krSgs-tu/v+3w._x1y<z,{,*|:W}!~#(?/A q!9*G(a*B!0#8,\#19'=!3735UiMFă:tȯ,Ȱ yEɖZ7#l7P0lНчg'ҏ!ҟ&!$A&fӍ:ԢEI#lm_ (e ؎ ps c OHSݘBt/ B{CF_\IF C MK < , E GL t  n O!D "k #= o$S %U&SW'Z(T)R[*\+^ ,\j-c.]+/[041627Q334(5%6 768*9@B: ; u k<#*=(,>S-.?-@.0454-001 Channel %1$d is out of range. The range of channels is from 0 to %2$d. 0454-002 Usage:trace -fl -a -g -d -s -h -j event_list -k event_list -m message -o outfile -T trace_buffer_size -L log_file_size -c -n -f Log only the first buffer of trace data collected. -l Log only the last buffer of trace data collected. -a Start tracing and exit. Default is start trace, enter subcommand. -g Start generic tracing. Option -a must also be specified. -d Delay trace data collection until 'trcon' subcommand -s Stop tracing when trace log fills. Default is to wraparound. -h Suppress date/sysname/message header to the trace log. -j e1,,eN Collect trace data only for the events in list. Default is all. -k e1,,eN Do not collect trace data for the events in list. -m message Text to be included in trace log header record. -o filename Write trace log to 'filename'. Default is %1$s -o - Write trace log to stdout. -T size Trace buf size = 'size' bytes. Default is %2$d -L size Log file size = 'size' bytes. Default is %3$d -c Save the old trace log in a .old file. -n Write in trace log the nm of all loader entries. modes f and l are mutually exclusive. 0454-040 Error: Maximum logfile size (%1$d bytes) must be at least twice the size of the trace buffer (%2$d bytes). 0454-041 Error: Maximum logfile size (%1$d bytes) must be at least the size of the trace buffer (%2$d bytes). 0454-042 Warning : Flags -c and -o- are mutually exclusive. Only flag -o- is accepted. 0454-043 Warning : Option -n and -h are mutually exclusive. Only option -h is accepted. 0454-003 trcon Start collection of data trcoff Stop collection of data q,quit Stop collection of data and exit trace ! command Run command 'command' ? Display summary of trace commands 0454-004 tracing is now OFF 0454-005 tracing is now ON 0454-077 Undefined event type detected on event %1$d, file offset 0x%2$x. This means that the trace file %3$s is not a properly formatted trace file. 0454-010 Usage: %s Usage: trcdead [-o filename] dumpimage -o filename Write trace entries to 'filename'. dumpimage System dump image. A trace session must be in progress when the system dump is invoked. 0454-012 Usage: trcupdate -o -t tmpltfile -x idlist file Update /etc/trcfmt template file from file.trc -o No version number checking. -t tmpltfile Use 'tmpltfile' as template file instead of /etc/trcfmt. -x idlist Extract the templates in 'idlist' from template file to stdout. 0454-022 Multiple occurrences of trace id %03x. 0454-024 The template is too large. The maximum size of a template must be less than %1$d characters. 0454-025 Expected a 3 hex digit trace id at the start of the line. This could mean that the beginning of this template is wrong, or that the previous template is missing a '\' continuation character. 0454-026 Unexpected end of line encountered. A template must begin with a 3 hex digit template id, a version field, and a trace label. 0454-013 Bad format for traceid %s A traceid consists of 2 or 3 hexadecimal digits. A 2 digit traceid represents a range of 16 traceids. 0454-027 Bad format for trace id %s. A trace id must consist of exactly 3 hex numbers. 0454-028 Bad format for version field %s A version field must be of the form: vv.rr, where vv is a 1 or 2 digit version number, and rr is a 1 or 2 digit release number. 0454-029 No default template (%03x). 0454-030 The total size of the templates has exceeded the internal memory capacity of trcrpt. 0454-031 Undefined format code %1$s in line %2$d. The code will be interpreted as a string. 0454-033 Channel %1$d too big. The maximum channel number is %2$d. 0454-035 The format code %1$c is not allowed for the LOOP statement. 0454-036 The register %1$s exceeds the maximum count of %2$d. 0454-061 Expecting '%1$s' on the first line of the update file. 0454-062 Unexpected End of Line in the + or - template. 0454-063 There are too many fields on the delete template. 0454-064 Expecting + or - at the beginning of the line. This could mean that the beginning of this template is wrong, or that the previous template is missing a '\' continuation character. 0454-065 Errors were detected in the update file %1$s. No update to %2$s made. 0454-066 Cannot update traceid %1$03X to an earlier version. %2$d.%3$d vs. %4$d.%5$d. 0454-067 Traceid %1$03X is not in the file %2$s. Cannot delete. 0454-069 Unexpected end of file condition was detected during the read of template file. This could mean that a temporary file was deleted from the system. Re-run the command. 0454-070 Cannot %1$s an interactive trace session. Use the trcoff trace sub-command to stop tracing. YESNOWarningLine0454-071 permission denied: must have root authority. 0454-072 The trace daemon is currently active. Only one trace session may be active at a time. timestamp 0 0=elapsed+delta in milliseconds, 1=elapsed only, 2=elapsed+delta in microseconds, 3=none pagesize 0 0-500 0=no page breaks, n=lines between column headers ids on on=print trace id, off=none exec off on=print exec pathnames, off=none pid off on=print process id, off=none svc off on=print current svc, off=none 2line off on=use two lines per event, off=use one line starttime - starting time in seconds endtime - ending time in seconds hist off on=generate a histogram of hook tid off on=print thread id, off=none cpuid off on=print cpu id, off=none 0454-075 Event Buffer size of 4K exceeded, last %1$d bytes in event may be incorrect. 0454-032 Bad format for date string: '%1$s' A date string must be of the form: mmddhhmmssyy , where mm is a 2 digit month, dd is a 2 digit day of the month, hh is a 2 digit hour, mm is a 2 digit minute, ss is a 2 digit second, yy is a 2 digit year. usage: trcrpt -h -r -j -d idlist -k idlist -p pidlist -t tmpltfile -s startdate -e enddate -c -DLvq -T tidlist -x -n namelist -O optlist logfile(s) Write formatted report of logfile to stdout -h Omit heading and footing -r Output unformatted trace entries in length(4)|data format -j Output the list of trace ids, version numbers, and primary label -d idlist Output trace entries only for ids in 'idlist' -k idlist Exclude trace entries in 'idlist' -p pidlist Output only pids (or execnames) in list. INTR = interrupts -t tmpltfile Use 'tmpltfile' as template file instead of /etc/trcfmt -s startdate Select entries later than date. (MMddhhmmssyy) -e enddate Select entries earlier than date. (MMddhhmmssyy) -c Check the template file for syntax errors. No report -D Output debug information to file Btrace -L Generate list file to %s. Requires -c flag. -v Print filenames as they are opened. -vv gives additional info -q Suppress detailed output of syntax error messages -T tidlist Exclude or include trace entries in tidlist -x Print executable name for every event -n namelist Specify the kernel name list file to be used to interpret addresses -O optlist -O option=value, ... (-O help for additional info) The -s and -e flags are exclusive of the -O starttime and endtime. If logfile is unspecified, trcrpt uses the default logfile %s 0454-076 No trace data available in this dumpimage, because the trace session was not active at the time of the dump. usage: trcnm -a Filename trcnm -K Symbol1 ... Write a kernel name list to standard output. -a Print all loader symbols. Default is system calls only. -K Symbol1 Print the value for the specified symbols via knlist system call. If the Filename is not specified, the default Filename is %s. 0454-077 The function %s is not defined. 0454-078 No hooks found for trace group %1$s. usage: trcnm -a Filename trcnm -K Symbol1 ... trcnm -l [File1 ...] Write a kernel name list to standard output. -a Print all loader symbols. Default is system calls only. -K Symbol1 Print the value of the specified symbols via knlist system call. -l File1 Print all symbols from /unix, kernel extensions, shared libraries, and the specified files. Also print all current process ids and names and the list of objects each process has loaded. End with all the lock class names (from lockname.h) The -l option cannot be used with any other option If the Filename is not specified, the default Filename is %s. 0454-002 Usage:trace -fl -a -g -d -s -h -j event_list -k event_list -m message -o outfile -T trace_buffer_size -L log_file_size -b -B -c -n -f Log only the first buffer of trace data collected. -l Log only the last buffer of trace data collected. -a Start tracing and exit. Default is start trace, enter subcommand. -g Start generic tracing. Option -a must also be specified. -d Delay trace data collection until 'trcon' subcommand -s Stop tracing when trace log fills. Default is to wraparound. -h Suppress date/sysname/message header to the trace log. -j e1,,eN Collect trace data only for the events in list. Default is all. -k e1,,eN Do not collect trace data for the events in list. -m message Text to be included in trace log header record. -o filename Write trace log to 'filename'. Default is %1$s -o - Write trace log to stdout. -T size Trace buf size = 'size' bytes. Default is %2$d -L size Log file size = 'size' bytes. Default is %3$d -b Force trace buffer allocation from the kernel heap. -B Force trace buffer allocation from separate segments. -c Save the old trace log in a .old file. -n Write in trace log the nm of all loader entries. modes f and l are mutually exclusive. modes b,B are mutually exclusive. Usage: trcdead [-1 -2 -3 ... -7] [-o filename] dumpimage -1 -2 ... Retrieve entries for channel 1, 2, ... The default is channel 0. -o filename Write trace entries to 'filename'. dumpimage System dump image. A trace session must have been in progress when the system dump was invoked. -k e1,,eN Do not collect trace data for the events in list. -m message Text to be included in trace log header record. -o filename Write trace log to 'filename'. Default is %1$s -o - Write trace log to stdout. -T size Trace buf size = 'size' bytes. Default is %2$d -L size Log file size = 'size' bytes. Default is %3$d -b Force trace buffer allocation from the kernel heap. -B Force trace buffer allocation from separate segments. -c Save the old trace log in a .old file. -n Write in trace log the nm of all loader entries. -S Report default buffer and log file sizes. modes f and l are mutually exclusive. modes b,B are mutually exclusive. If specified, -S must be the only flag. Default Buffer Size: %1$d Default Log File Size: %2$d Default Log File: %3$s all0454-006 Warning : The -C option is ignored for a uni-processor trace. 0454-007 A processor number must be from 0 through n-1, where n is the total number of processors on the machine. 0454-002 Usage:trace -fl -a -g -d -S -s -h -j event_list -k event_list -m message -o outfile -T trace_buffer_size -L log_file_size -C cpu_list -b -B -c -n -f Log only the first buffer of trace data collected. -l Log only the last buffer of trace data collected. -a Start tracing and exit. Default is start trace, enter subcommand. -g Start generic tracing. Option -a must also be specified. -d Delay trace data collection until 'trcon' subcommand -s Stop tracing when trace log fills. Default is to wraparound. -h Suppress date/sysname/message header to the trace log. -j e1,,eN Collect trace data only for the events in list. Default is all. -k e1,,eN Do not collect trace data for the events in list. -m message Text to be included in trace log header record. -o filename Write trace log to 'filename'. Default is %1$s -o - Write trace log to stdout. -T size Trace buf size = 'size' bytes. Default is %2$d -L size Log file size = 'size' bytes. Default is %3$d -b Force trace buffer allocation from the kernel heap. -B Force trace buffer allocation from separate segments. -c Save the old trace log in a .old file. -C cpu_list Trace the specified cpus, may use -C all. -n Write in trace log the nm of all loader entries. -S Report default buffer and log file sizes. modes f and l are mutually exclusive. modes b,B are mutually exclusive. If specified, -S must be the only flag. 0454-008 Warning : The -b and -B options are ignored for a 64-bit kernel trace. 0454-009 The -C and -o - options are incompatible. 0454-011 Warning : A CPU number may only be specified once, duplicate %d ignored. 0454-014 Too many cpus specified. Error: Trace file is from a RISC machine Error: Trace file is from an IA64 machine File %s is not a valid trace log file. Warning : -C or -l and -s or -e are incompatible, -s and -e are ignored. usage: trcrpt -h -r -j -d idlist -k idlist -p pidlist -t tmpltfile -s startdate -e enddate -c -C cpu_list -DLvq -T tidlist -x -n namelist -O optlist logfile(s) Write formatted report of logfile to stdout -h Omit heading and footing -r Output unformatted trace entries in length(4)|data format -j Output the list of trace ids, version numbers, and primary label -d idlist Output trace entries only for ids in 'idlist' -k idlist Exclude trace entries in 'idlist' -p pidlist Output only pids (or execnames) in list. INTR = interrupts -t tmpltfile Use 'tmpltfile' as template file instead of /etc/trcfmt -s startdate Select entries later than date. (MMddhhmmssyy) -e enddate Select entries earlier than date. (MMddhhmmssyy) -c Check the template file for syntax errors. No report -C cpu_list Report on the specified cpus, may use -C all. -D Output debug information to file Btrace -L Generate list file to %s. Requires -c flag. -v Print filenames as they are opened. -vv gives additional info -q Suppress detailed output of syntax error messages -T tidlist Exclude or include trace entries in tidlist -x Print executable name for every event -n namelist Specify the kernel name list file to be used to interpret addresses -O optlist -O option=value, ... (-O help for additional info) The -s and -e flags are exclusive of the -O starttime and endtime. If logfile is unspecified, trcrpt uses the default logfile %s 0454-015 Too many functions are defined, only %d are allowed. 0454-016 Errors were detected in the merged trace file. No update to %s made. temporary file0454-002 Usage:trace -fl -a -g -d -S -s -h -j event_list -k event_list -m message -o outfile -p -T trace_buffer_size -L log_file_size -C cpu_list -b -B -c -n -f Log only the first buffer of trace data collected. -l Log only the last buffer of trace data collected. -a Start tracing and exit. Default is start trace, enter subcommand. -g Start generic tracing. Option -a must also be specified. -d Delay trace data collection until 'trcon' subcommand -s Stop tracing when trace log fills. Default is to wraparound. -h Suppress date/sysname/message header to the trace log. -j e1,,eN Collect trace data only for the events in list. Default is all. -k e1,,eN Do not collect trace data for the events in list. -m message Text to be included in trace log header record. -o filename Write trace log to 'filename'. Default is %1$s -o - Write trace log to stdout. -p Put the CPU_ID in the trace hooks (64-bit trace only). -T size Trace buf size = 'size' bytes. Default is %2$d -L size Log file size = 'size' bytes. Default is %3$d -b Force trace buffer allocation from the kernel heap. -B Force trace buffer allocation from separate segments. -c Save the old trace log in a .old file. -C cpu_list Trace the specified cpus, may use -C all. -n Write in trace log the nm of all loader entries. -S Report default buffer and log file sizes. modes f and l are mutually exclusive. modes b,B are mutually exclusive. If specified, -S must be the only flag. 0454-017 The -p flag is only valid with the 64-bit trace. -p is ignored. 0454-100 Usage: trcevgrp -l [ event-groups ] - List trcevgrp -r [ event-groups ] - Remove trcevgrp -a -d "description" -h "hook-list" event-group - Add trcevgrp -u [ -d "description" ] [ -h "hook-list" ] event-group - Update 0454-101 Only one action flag from the set "alru" is allowed. 0454-102 Only one description is allowed. 0454-103 Only one hook-list is allowed. 0454-104 The add, remove, and update actions require an event group. 0454-105 Only one group is allowed per add or update operation. 0454-106 Neither a description nor a hook-list is valid with the -l or -r flags. 0454-107 Either -d or -h must be specified. 0454-108 Both -d and -h must be specified. 0454-109 One action flag from the list "alru" must be specified. 0454-110 The event group %1$s already exists. 0454-111 The event group %1$s doesn't exist. 0454-112 Failed to unlock the event group database. 0454-113 You may not modify or delete the reserved group %1$s. 0454-114 The group name '*' is invalid here. 0454-002 Usage:trace -fl -a -g -d -S -s -h -j event_list -k event_list -J group_list -K group_list -m message -o outfile -p -T trace_buffer_size -L log_file_size -C cpu_list -b -B -c -n -f Log only the first buffer of trace data collected. -l Log only the last buffer of trace data collected. -a Start tracing and exit. Default is start trace, enter subcommand. -g Start generic tracing. Option -a must also be specified. -d Delay trace data collection until 'trcon' subcommand -s Stop tracing when trace log fills. Default is to wraparound. -h Suppress date/sysname/message header to the trace log. -j e1,,eN Collect trace data only for the events in list. Default is all. -k e1,,eN Do not collect trace data for the events in list. -J g1,,gN Collect trace data for events in listed groups. -K g1,,gN Do not collect trace data for events in listed groups. -m message Text to be included in trace log header record. -o filename Write trace log to 'filename'. Default is %1$s -o - Write trace log to stdout. -p Put the CPU_ID in the trace hooks (64-bit trace only). -T size Trace buf size = 'size' bytes. Default is %2$d -L size Log file size = 'size' bytes. Default is %3$d -b Force trace buffer allocation from the kernel heap. -B Force trace buffer allocation from separate segments. -c Save the old trace log in a .old file. -C cpu_list Trace the specified cpus, may use -C all. -n Write in trace log the nm of all loader entries. -S Report default buffer and log file sizes. modes f and l are mutually exclusive. modes b,B are mutually exclusive. If specified, -S must be the only flag. Event group errorusage: trcrpt -h -r -j -d idlist -k idlist -D grouplist -K grouplist -G -p pidlist -t tmpltfile -s startdate -e enddate -c -C cpu_list -DLvq -T tidlist -x -n namelist -O optlist logfile(s) Write formatted report of logfile to stdout -h Omit heading and footing -r Output unformatted trace entries in length(4)|data format -j Output the list of trace ids, version numbers, and primary label -d idlist Output trace entries only for ids in 'idlist' -k idlist Exclude trace entries in 'idlist' -D grouplist Output trace entries only for listed groups -K grouplist Exclude trace entries in listed groups -G List trace groups to standard output -p pidlist Output only pids (or execnames) in list. INTR = interrupts -t tmpltfile Use 'tmpltfile' as template file instead of /etc/trcfmt -s startdate Select entries later than date. (MMddhhmmssyy) -e enddate Select entries earlier than date. (MMddhhmmssyy) -c Check the template file for syntax errors. No report -C cpu_list Report on the specified cpus, may use -C all. -L Generate list file to %s. Requires -c flag. -v Print filenames as they are opened. -vv gives additional info -q Suppress detailed output of syntax error messages -T tidlist Exclude or include trace entries in tidlist -x Print executable name for every event -n namelist Specify the kernel name list file to be used to interpret addresses -O optlist -O option=value, ... (-O help for additional info) The -s and -e flags are exclusive of the -O starttime and endtime. If specified, -G must be the only flag. If logfile is unspecified, trcrpt uses the default logfile %s 0454-018 Warning: The available space, %lld bytes, may be insufficient. 0454-121 No trace data available in this dumpimage, because the trace session was not active at the time of the dump, or the trace data could not be extracted. 0454-122 An error occurred reading trace data from the dump. end of file reached on %s argument not found in trace log %s The trace event at offset %x in log file %s is invalid. end of file trace file or record format error A limit was exceeded. error in template file warning in template file unknown error usage: trcrpt -h -r -j -d idlist -k idlist -D grouplist -K grouplist -G -p pidlist -t tmpltfile -s startdate -e enddate -c -C cpu_list -T tidlist -vx -n namelist -O optlist logfile(s) logdir(s) Write formatted report of logfile to stdout -h Omit heading and footing -r Output unformatted trace entries in length(4)|data format -j Output the list of trace ids, version numbers, and primary label -d idlist Output trace entries only for ids in 'idlist' -k idlist Exclude trace entries in 'idlist' -D grouplist Output trace entries only for listed groups -K grouplist Exclude trace entries in listed groups -G List trace groups to standard output -p pidlist Output only pids (or execnames) in list. INTR = interrupts -t tmpltfile Use 'tmpltfile' as template file instead of /etc/trcfmt -s startdate Select entries later than date. (MMddhhmmssyy) -e enddate Select entries earlier than date. (MMddhhmmssyy) -c Check the template file for syntax errors. No report -C cpu_list Report on the specified cpus, may use -C all. -v Print filenames as they are opened. -vv gives additional info -T tidlist Exclude or include trace entries in tidlist -x Print executable name for every event -n namelist Specify the kernel name list file to be used to interpret addresses -O optlist -O option=value, ... (-O help for additional info) -l namelist Report on the specified components, may use -l all (only valid when using multi-components trace files). The -s and -e flags are exclusive of the -O starttime and endtime. If specified, -G must be the only flag. If logfile is unspecified, trcrpt uses the default logfile %s If logdir is specified, trcrpt expects a multi-components trace file in that directory. 0454-077 Undefined event type detected on event %1$d, file offset 0x%2$llx. This means that the trace file %3$s is not a properly formatted trace file. The trace event at offset %llx in log file %s is invalid. 0454-019 A thread id must be a decimal number. 0454-020 A process or thread must be a valid decimal number. 0454-021 Trace propagation must be either n, p, or t. 0454-002 Usage:trace -fl -a -g -d -S -s -h -j event_list -k event_list -J group_list -K group_list -m message -o outfile -p -T trace_buffer_size -L log_file_size -C cpu_list -A process_list -t thread_list -P propagation -x program -X program -I -b -B -c -n -f Log only the first buffer of trace data collected. -l Log only the last buffer of trace data collected. -a Start tracing and exit. Default is start trace, enter subcommand. -g Start generic tracing. Option -a must also be specified. -d Delay trace data collection until 'trcon' subcommand -s Stop tracing when trace log fills. Default is to wraparound. -h Suppress date/sysname/message header to the trace log. -j e1,,eN Collect trace data only for the events in list. Default is all. -k e1,,eN Do not collect trace data for the events in list. -J g1,,gN Collect trace data for events in listed groups. -K g1,,gN Do not collect trace data for events in listed groups. -m message Text to be included in trace log header record. -o filename Write trace log to 'filename'. Default is %1$s -o - Write trace log to stdout. -p Put the CPU_ID in the trace hooks (64-bit trace only). -T size Trace buf size = 'size' bytes. Default is %2$d -L size Log file size = 'size' bytes. Default is %3$d -b Force trace buffer allocation from the kernel heap. -B Force trace buffer allocation from separate segments. -c Save the old trace log in a .old file. -C cpu_list Trace the specified cpus, may use -C all. -A process_list Trace the specified processes. -t thread_list Trace the specified threads, may use -t all. -P propagation Specifies trace propagation for a thread-based trace. -I Include non-thread events in a thread-based trace. -x and -X program Trace only the specified program. -n Write in trace log the nm of all loader entries. -S Report default buffer and log file sizes. modes f and l are mutually exclusive. modes b,B are mutually exclusive. If specified, -S must be the only flag. 0454-023 None of the specified processes or threads exist. 0454-034 Only one program specification is allowed. 0454-037 Thread-based tracing is only valid for channel 0. 0454-038 The -I flag is only valid for trace channel 0. Usage: trcctl [ -l ] trcctl [ -L logfile-size ] trcctl [ -o logfile ] trcctl [ -N nonroot-user-buffer-max ] trcctl [ -r ] trcctl [ -T buffer-size ] ODM object not found Error opening the ODM database. Error updating the ODM database. Incorrect number format: #@ Where @ = M|m|K|k Default Buffer Size: %s Default Log File Size: %s Default Log File: %s Non-Root User Buffer Size Maximum: %s -r may NOT be combined with any flag other than -l Invalid output file path The size value is too large. Large files are not supported here. The size must be a posative value. You do not have permission to modify this data. ODM create failed.The minimum buffer/file size is %d bytes. 0454-002 Usage:trace -fl -a -g -d -S -s -h -j event_list -k event_list -J group_list -K group_list -m message -o outfile -p -T trace_buffer_size -L log_file_size -C cpu_list -A process_list -r register_list -t thread_list -P propagation -x program -X program -I -b -B -c -n -e ctctrl_args -f Log only the first buffer of trace data collected. -l Log only the last buffer of trace data collected. -a Start tracing and exit. Default is start trace, enter subcommand. -g Start generic tracing. Option -a must also be specified. -d Delay trace data collection until 'trcon' subcommand -s Stop tracing when trace log fills. Default is to wraparound. -h Suppress date/sysname/message header to the trace log. -j e1,,eN Collect trace data only for the events in list. Default is all. -k e1,,eN Do not collect trace data for the events in list. -J g1,,gN Collect trace data for events in listed groups. -K g1,,gN Do not collect trace data for events in listed groups. -m message Text to be included in trace log header record. -o filename Write trace log to 'filename'. Default is %1$s -o - Write trace log to stdout. -p Put the CPU_ID in the trace hooks (64-bit trace only). -T size Trace buf size = 'size' bytes. Default is %2$d -L size Log file size = 'size' bytes. Default is %3$d -b Force trace buffer allocation from the kernel heap. -B Force trace buffer allocation from separate segments. -c Save the old trace log in a .old file. -C cpu_list Trace the specified cpus, may use -C all. -A process_list Trace the specified processes. -r register_list Trace the specified registers. -t thread_list Trace the specified threads, may use -t all. -P propagation Specifies trace propagation for a thread-based trace. -I Include non-thread events in a thread-based trace. -x and -X program Trace only the specified program. -n Write in trace log the nm of all loader entries. -S Report default buffer and log file sizes. -e ctctrl_args Before tracing, execute ctctrl command with the specified list of arguments. Multiple -e options may be used. modes f and l are mutually exclusive. modes b,B are mutually exclusive. If specified, -S must be the only flag. timestamp 0 0=elapsed+delta in milliseconds, 1=elapsed only, 2=elapsed+delta in microseconds, 3=none pagesize 0 0-500 0=no page breaks, n=lines between column headers ids on on=print trace id, off=none exec off on=print exec pathnames, off=none pid off on=print process id, off=none svc off on=print current svc, off=none 2line off on=use two lines per event, off=use one line starttime - starting time in seconds endtime - ending time in seconds hist off on=generate a histogram of hook tid off on=print thread id, off=none cpuid off on=print cpu id, off=none component off on=print component's name, off=none PURR off on=show PURR value after times, off=none 0454-044 Register %s is invalid, or not valid for this hardware platform. 0454-045 Only %d registers may be specified. 0454-046 The %s register was already specified. 0454-047 The -r flag is only valid with the 64-bit trace. 0454-048 Attention: PURR=on was specified, but the PURR wasn't traced. The elapsed time is shown instead of the PURR. 0454-124 Unable to update the base trace file. Attention: The file for cpu %d is missing. 0454-130 Usage: trcctl [ -l ] trcctl [ -d directory ] trcctl [ -L logfile-size ] trcctl [ -o logfile ] trcctl [ -M LMT log directory ] trcctl [ -N nonroot-user-buffer-max ] trcctl [ -r ] trcctl [ -T buffer-size ] Default Buffer Size: %s Default Log File Size: %s Default Log File: %s Non-Root User Buffer Size Maximum: %s Default Components Directory: %s Default LMT Log Dir: %s 0454-002 Usage: trace -fl -a -g -d -S -s -h -j event_list -k event_list -J group_list -K group_list -m message -o outfile -p -T trace_buffer_size -L log_file_size -C cpu_list -A process_list -r register_list -t thread_list -P propagation -x program -X program -I -b -B -c -n -e ctctrl_args -M -f Log only the first buffer of trace data collected. -l Log only the last buffer of trace data collected. -a Start tracing and exit. Default is start trace, enter subcommand. -g Start generic tracing. Option -a must also be specified. -d Delay trace data collection until 'trcon' subcommand -s Stop tracing when trace log fills. Default is to wraparound. -h Suppress date/sysname/message header to the trace log. -j e1,,eN Collect trace data only for the events in list. Default is all. -k e1,,eN Do not collect trace data for the events in list. -J g1,,gN Collect trace data for events in listed groups. -K g1,,gN Do not collect trace data for events in listed groups. -m message Text to be included in trace log header record. -o filename Write trace log to 'filename'. Default is %1$s. -o - Write trace log to stdout. -p Put the CPU_ID in the trace hooks (64-bit trace only). -T size Trace buf size = 'size' bytes. Default is %2$d. -L size Log file size = 'size' bytes. Default is %3$d. -b Force trace buffer allocation from the kernel heap. -B Force trace buffer allocation from separate segments. -c Save the old trace log in a .old file. -C cpu_list Trace the specified cpus, may use -C all. -A process_list Trace the specified processes. -r register_list Trace the specified registers. -t thread_list Trace the specified threads, may use -t all. -P propagation Specifies trace propagation for a thread-based trace. -I Include non-thread events in a thread-based trace. -x and -X program Trace only the specified program. -n Write in trace log the nm of all loader entries. -S Report default buffer and log file sizes. -e ctctrl_args Before tracing, execute ctctrl command with the specified list of arguments. Multiple -e options may be used. -M Dump the address map of running processes into the trace. This flag must be used if the trace file is to be processed by the tprof command. modes f and l are mutually exclusive. modes b,B are mutually exclusive. If specified, -S must be the only flag. 0454-049 timestamp 0 0=elapsed+delta in milliseconds, 1=elapsed only, 2=elapsed+delta in microseconds, 3=none pagesize 0 0-500 0=no page breaks, n=lines between column headers ids on on=print trace id, off=none exec off on=print exec pathnames, off=none pid off on=print process id, off=none svc off on=print current svc, off=none 2line off on=use two lines per event, off=use one line starttime - starting time in seconds endtime - ending time in seconds hist off on=generate a histogram of hook tid off on=print thread id, off=none cpuid off on=print cpu id, off=none component off on=print component's name, off=none PURR off on=show PURR value after times, off=none 0454-049 timestamp 0 0=elapsed+delta in milliseconds, 1=elapsed only, 2=elapsed+delta in microseconds, 3=none pagesize 0 0-500 0=no page breaks, n=lines between column headers ids on on=print trace id, off=none exec off on=print exec pathnames, off=none pid off on=print process id, off=none svc off on=print current svc, off=none 2line off on=use two lines per event, off=use one line starttime - starting time in seconds endtime - ending time in seconds hist off on=generate a histogram of hook tid off on=print thread id, off=none cpuid off on=print cpu id, off=none component off on=print component's name, off=none PURR off on=show PURR value after times, off=none filename off on=show event's source log file, off=non removedups on on=remove duplicate entries, only valid with -m off=show all entries 0454-050 usage: trcrpt -h -r -j -d idlist -k idlist -D grouplist -K grouplist -G -p pidlist -t tmpltfile -s startdate -e enddate -c -C cpu_list -T tidlist -vx -M common | rare -n namelist -O optlist -l namelist logfile(s) logdir(s) Write formatted report of logfile to stdout -h Omit heading and footing -r Output unformatted trace entries -j Output the list of trace ids and primary labels -d idlist Output trace entries only for ids in 'idlist' -k idlist Exclude trace entries in 'idlist' -D grouplist Output trace entries only for listed groups -K grouplist Exclude trace entries in listed groups -G List trace groups to standard output -p pidlist Output only pids (or execnames) in list, INTR = interrupts -t tmpltfile Use 'tmpltfile' as template file instead of /etc/trcfmt -s startdate Select entries later than date (MMddhhmmssyy) -e enddate Select entries earlier than date (MMddhhmmssyy) -c Check the template file for syntax errors, No report -C cpu_list Report on the specified cpus, may use -C all -v Print filenames as they are opened, -vv gives additional info -T tidlist Exclude or include trace entries in tidlist -x Print executable name for every event -M common | rare Generates a report from the memory trace logfiles -n namelist Specify the kernel name list file to be used to interpret addresses -O optlist -O option=value, ... (-O help for additional info) -l namelist Report on the specified components, may use -l all (only valid when using multi-component trace files) The -s and -e flags are exclusive of the -O starttime and endtime. If specified, -G must be the only flag. If logfile is not specified, trcrpt uses the logfile specified with the trcctl command, the default is %s. When the -M flag is used, trcrpt uses the LMT log directory specified with the trcctl command, the default is %s. No log files or log directories may be specified with -M. If logdir is specified, trcrpt expects a multi-component trace in that directory, and -l all is the default. If logdir is not specified, but -l is specified, trcrpt uses the components directory specified with trcctl, the default is /var/adm/ras/trc_ct. 0454-050 usage: trcrpt -h -r -j -d idlist -k idlist -D grouplist -K grouplist -G -p pidlist -t tmpltfile -s startdate -e enddate -c -m -C cpu_list -T tidlist -vx -M common | rare | all[:LMT dir] -n namelist -O optlist -l namelist[:CT dir] logfile(s) logdir(s) Write formatted report of logfile to stdout -h Omit heading and footing -r Output unformatted trace entries -j Output the list of trace ids and primary labels -d idlist Output trace entries only for ids in 'idlist' -k idlist Exclude trace entries in 'idlist' -D grouplist Output trace entries only for listed groups -K grouplist Exclude trace entries in listed groups -G List trace groups to standard output -p pidlist Output only pids (or execnames) in list, INTR = interrupts -t tmpltfile Use 'tmpltfile' as template file instead of /etc/trcfmt -s startdate Select entries later than date (MMddhhmmssyy) -e enddate Select entries earlier than date (MMddhhmmssyy) -c Check the template file for syntax errors, No report -C cpu_list Report on the specified cpus, may use -C all -v Print filenames as they are opened, -vv gives additional info -T tidlist Exclude or include trace entries in tidlist -x Print executable name for every event -M common | rare | all [:LMT dir] Generates a report from the memory trace logfile. Specifying all produces seperate reports for both common and rare log files unless -m is specified. A directory other than the default can be specified by adding a colon and directory after the buffer specification. -n namelist Specify the kernel name list file to be used to interpret addresses -O optlist -O option=value, ... (-O help for additional info) -l namelist[:CT dir] Report on the specified components, may use -l all (only valid when using multi-component trace files). A directory other than the default can be specified by adding a colon and directory after the buffer specification. -m All files specified including those via the -M and -l option are merged into a chronologically ordered report. The -s and -e flags are exclusive of the -O starttime and endtime. If specified, -G must be the only flag. If logfile is not specified, trcrpt uses the logfile specified with the trcctl command, the default is %s. When the -M flag is used, trcrpt uses the LMT log directory specified with the colon syntax. If no colon and directory is present, trcrpt uses the directory specified with the trcctl command, the default is %s If a logdir is specified, trcrpt expects a multi-component trace in that directory, and -l all is the default. If logdir is not specified, but -l is specified, trcrpt uses the components directory specified with the colon syntax. If no colon and directory is present, trcrpt uses the directory specified with trcctl, the default is /var/adm/ras/trc_ct. 0454-051 Attention: -C or -l and -s or -e are incompatible, -s and -e are ignored. 0454-052 Error executing command: ctctrl %s. 0454-140 usage: %s [-h | -?] | [[-r] [-u] {-q | command | -D [-d dirname] } [-c componentList] [-l aliasList ] [-t type_subtype]] command : one of memtraceon, memtraceoff, memtraceresume, memtracesuspend, memtracebufsize={size}, memtraceminimal, memtracenormal, memtracedetail, memtraceall, memtracelevel={0-9}, memtracefilltime, systraceon, systraceoff, systraceminimal systracenormal, systracedetail, systraceall, systracelevel={0-9}, or another component's specific command. -c list : specify a comma or space separated list of components names, may use -c all. -d dir : Dump the buffer in directory dir. -D : Dump the private memory buffer into a file. -h or -?: Display this help. -l list : Specify a comma or space separated list of components by alias. -q : Query the settings of some components. -r : Apply command recursively down to all subcomponents. -t list : Specify a comma or space separated list of components by type_subtype. -u : Apply command recursively up to all subcomponents. 0454-141 Error retrieving components by alias. 0454-142 Error retrieving components list. 0454-143 Error retrieving components by type. 0454-144 Error getting component information: %s 0454-145 Error while applying settings for component %s: %s 0454-146 Option -%c must be used only once. 0454-147 Error while creating directory %s. 0454-148 Error while changing current directory to %s: %s 0454-149 Invalid level value %d. 0454-150 Only one command allowed. 0454-151 Can't create file %1$s (%2$s). 0454-152 Attention: can't get private buffer for component %s. 0454-153 Action not allowed for non-root user. 0454-154 Invalid size value %s. 0454-155 No specified component. ---------------------------------------+-------+-------+-------+--------------- | Have |Mem Trc|Sys Trc| Buffer size Component name | alias | /level| /level| /Allocated ---------------------------------------+-------+-------+-------+--------------- 0454-156 No component matching alias: %s. 0454-157 No component matching name %s. Searching in the alias list... 0454-158 No component matching type(s). 0454-159 No component found. 0454-120 Usage: trcdead [-1 -2 -3 ... -7] [-c] [-M] [-o name] dumpimage -1 -2 ... Retrieve entries for channel 1, 2, ... The default is channel 0. -c Extract all buffers of all Component Trace components. -M Extract the memory trace buffers to the default directory specified by trcctl command -o name Write trace entries to 'name' file or directory if -c is specified. dumpimage System dump image. A trace session must have been in progress when the system dump was invoked. 0454-125 Channel specification, -c and -M are mutually exclusive. 0454-160 Usage: mtrcsave [ -M common | rare ] [ -C Cpulist | all ] -M common | rare Extract a specific buffer (all if not specified) -C Cpulist | all Extract the specified cpus (all if not specified) 0454-160 Usage: mtrcsave [ -M common | rare ] [ -C Cpulist | all ] [ -d dir ] -M common | rare Extract a specific buffer (all if not specified) -C Cpulist | all Extract the specified cpus (all if not specified) -d dir Output LMT data to specified directory 0454-161 Error reading the ppda. 0454-162 For Processor %d, no buffer was found. 0454-163 Memory trace buffer error 0454-164 A resize operation is in progress. 0454-165 Memory trace is disabled. 0454-053 rare and common are mutually exclusive. 0454-180 usage: %s [-h | -?] | {-q | command } [-r] [-u] [-c componentList] [-l aliasList] command : one of errcheckon, errcheckoff, errcheckminimal, errchecknormal, errcheckdetail, errchecklevel={0-9}, lowsevdisposition={N}, medsevdisposition={N} or another component's specific command. -c list : Specify a comma or space separated list of components names, : may use -c all. -h or -?: Display this help -l list : Specify a comma or space separated list of components by alias -q : Query the settings of some components -r : Apply command recursively down to all subcomponents -u : Apply command recursively up to all subcomponents ---------------------------------------------+-------+-------+-------+-------- | Have |ErrChk |LowSev |MedSev Component name | alias | /level| Disp | Disp ---------------------------------------------+-------+-------+-------+-------- 0454-181 Invalid disposition value %d. 0454-182 Failed to make the error checking state persistent. 0454-183 Kernel error checking capability is now turned %s. For this value to be persistent across system reboots, the bosboot command must be issued. ONOFFN/A0454-184 Trace log file cannot be a symbolic link. 0454-185 The -d option must specify a valid directory. 0454-186 The -M option may only be specified once. 0454-123 A multi-cpu, LMT or component trace can not be saved to standard output. Usage: trcdead [-1 -2 -3 ... -7][-c][-M][-o name] dumpimage -1 -2 ... Retrieve entries for Channel 1, 2, ... The default is channel 0. -c Extract all buffers of all Component Trace components. -M Extract the memory trace buffers to the default directory specified by trcctl command. Optionally, the -o flag can be used to specify a directory other than the default. -o name Write trace entries to 'name' file or directory if -c or -M is specified. dumpimage System dump image. A trace session must have been in progress when the system dump was invoked unless -M or -c is specified. 0454-187 All option flags must occur before trace log file(s) are specified. 0454-140 usage: %s [-h | -?] | [[-r] [-u] {-q | command | -D [-d dirname] } [-c componentList] [-l aliasList ] [-t type_subtype]] command : one of memtraceon, memtraceoff, memtraceresume, memtracesuspend, memtracebufsize={size}, memtraceminimal, memtracenormal, memtracedetail, memtracemax, memtracelevel={0-9}, memtracefilltime, systraceon, systraceoff, systraceminimal systracenormal, systracedetail, systracemax, systracelevel={0-9}, or another component's specific command. -c list : specify a comma or space separated list of components names, may use -c all. -d dir : Dump the buffer in directory dir. -D : Dump the private memory buffer into a file. -h or -?: Display this help. -l list : Specify a comma or space separated list of components by alias. -q : Query the settings of some components. -r : Apply command recursively down to all subcomponents. -t list : Specify a comma or space separated list of components by type_subtype. -u : Apply command recursively up to all subcomponents. usage: %s -P { memtraceon | memtraceoff } Turn on or off all component in-memory tracing. This persists after a reboot, if a bosboot is issued. 0454-188 Failed to make component in-memory tracing state persistent. 0454-189 Kernel component in-memory tracing capability is now turned %s. For this value to be persistent across system reboots, the bosboot command must be issued. 0454-180 usage: %s [-h | -?] | {-q | command } [-r] [-u] [-c componentList] [-l aliasList] command : one of errcheckon, errcheckoff, errcheckminimal, errchecknormal, errcheckdetail, errchecklevel={0-9}, lowsevdisposition={N}, medsevdisposition={N} or another component's specific command. -c list : Specify a comma or space separated list of components names, : may use -c all. -h or -?: Display this help -l list : Specify a comma or space separated list of components by alias -q : Query the settings of some components -r : Apply command recursively down to all subcomponents -u : Apply command recursively up to all subcomponents usage: %s -P { errcheckon | errcheckoff } Turn on or off all component error checking capability. This persists after a reboot, if a bosboot is issued. Advanced First Failure Data Capture Featuresenabled,disabledRun bosboot automaticallyyes,nois set to beAttention: The command '/usr/sbin/bosboot -a' must be run and the system must be rebooted for the change to take effect.Attention: The system must be rebooted for the change to take effect.ERROR: Unable to change the state of Advanced First Failure Data Capture Features.Advanced First Failure Data Capture Features include tracing and error checking functionality that focus on gathering sufficient information so that if a failure occurs, it can be diagnosed and serviced without requiring recreation.Specifies whether the advanced memory tracing and error checking facilities are enabled or disabled. Note that disabling these features reduces system reliability, availability, and serviceabilty. You must run the /usr/sbin/bosboot command after changing the state of the Advanced First Failure Data Capture Features, and then reboot the operating system, in order for the change to become fully active.Specifies whether '/usr/sbin/bosboot -a' will automatically be run when the change requests are successful.Usage: ffdcctrl [-h] | [-q] | [-o commands] -h : Displays this help -q : Queries the state of Advanced First Failure Data Capture Features -o : Specifies option and value pair. Available options and their respective values: ffdc=[enabled|disabled] bosboot=[yes|no] NOTE: -o flag must be specified for every option='value' pairs. Example: ffdcctrl -o ffdc='enabled' -o bosboot='no' 0454-013 Bad format for traceid %s A traceid consists of 2, 3 or 4 hexadecimal digits. A 2-digit traceid represents a range of 16 traceids, 0xnn00, 0xnn10, 0xnn20, etc. A 3-digit traceid represents 1 traceid, 0xnnn0. A 4-digit traceid represents 1 traceid, 0xnnnn. However, traceids of the form 0x0nnx are not allowed when x is not 0. 0454-022 Multiple occurrences of trace id %04x. 0454-025 Expected a hex 3- or 4-digit trace id at the start of the line. This could mean that the beginning of this template is wrong, or that the previous template is missing a '\' continuation character. 0454-026 Unexpected end of line encountered. A template must begin with a hex 3- or 4-digit template id, a version field, and a trace label. 0454-027 Bad format for trace id %s. A trace id must consist of 3 hex digits or 4 hex digits. Kernel RecoveryChange/Show Kernel Recovery StateShow Kernel Recovery StateChange Next Boot Kernel Recovery StateCurrent Kernel Recovery StateNext Boot Kernel Recovery StateCurrent Kernel Recovery State is %s.Next Boot Kernel Recovery State is %s.The kernel recovery framework improves system availability. The framework allows continued system operation after some unexpected kernel errors.Displays a menu to show the current and next boot states and also to enable or disable kernel recovery framework at the next boot.Displays the current and next boot kernel recovery states.Displays a dialog menu to change the next boot kernel recovery state.Specifies whether the kernel recovery framework will be enabled or disabled at the next boot. Note that disabling these features reduces system availability. You must run the /usr/sbin/bosboot command after changing the kernel recovery state, and then reboot the operating system in order for the change to become fully active.Specifies whether '/usr/sbin/bosboot -a' will automatically be run when the change request is successful.Usage: rasctrl -h rasctrl -q feature[:keyword] rasctrl -o feature[:keyword][=value] -h Displays this help -q Displays the value of specified RAS feature -o Changes the value of specified RAS feature NOTE: -o flag must be specified for every feature. Example: rasctrl -o k_recovery:nextboot=enabled -o bosboot=no ERRORERROR: The following command has failed:Usage: trcdead [-1 -2 -3 ... -7][-c][-M][-o name] dumpimage [unixfile] -1 -2 ... Retrieve entries for Channel 1, 2, ... The default is channel 0. -c Extract all buffers of all Component Trace components. -M Extract the memory trace buffers to the default directory specified by trcctl command. Optionally, the -o flag can be used to specify a directory other than the default. -o name Write trace entries to 'name' file or directory if -c or -M is specified. dumpimage System dump or live dump image. unixfile OS image in use during dump A trace session must have been in progress when the system dump or live dump was invoked unless -M or -c is specified. On a live dump, the pseudo-component related to the trace system of interest must have been specified at dump time to retrieve that data via trcdead. Pseudo-components can be found in /usr/include/sys/dump.h 0454-190 Attribute value customizations remain in effect across reboots, unless you issue the bosboot command. 0454-191 For attribute value customizations to persist across reboots, issue the bosboot command. 0454-194 Error specifying persistent attribute values for component %1$s: %2$s 0454-192 permission denied: WPAR does not have appropriate authority to run trace. 0454-193 No active WPAR exists matching the specified WPAR: %1$s. 0454-002 Usage: trace -fl -a -g -d -S -s -h -j event_list -k event_list -J group_list -K group_list -m message -o outfile -p -T trace_buffer_size -L log_file_size -C cpu_list -W -@ WPARName_list -A process_list -r register_list -t thread_list -P propagation -x program -X program -I -b -B -c -n -e ctctrl_args -M -f Log only the first buffer of trace data collected. -l Log only the last buffer of trace data collected. -a Start tracing and exit. Default is start trace, enter subcommand. -g Start generic tracing. Option -a must also be specified. -d Delay trace data collection until 'trcon' subcommand -s Stop tracing when trace log fills. Default is to wraparound. -h Suppress date/sysname/message header to the trace log. -j e1,,eN Collect trace data only for the events in list. Default is all. -k e1,,eN Do not collect trace data for the events in list. -J g1,,gN Collect trace data for events in listed groups. -K g1,,gN Do not collect trace data for events in listed groups. -m message Text to be included in trace log header record. -o filename Write trace log to 'filename'. Default is %1$s. -o - Write trace log to stdout. -p Put the CPU_ID in the trace hooks (64-bit trace only). -T size Trace buf size = 'size' bytes. Default is %2$d. -L size Log file size = 'size' bytes. Default is %3$d. -b Force trace buffer allocation from the kernel heap. -B Force trace buffer allocation from separate segments. -c Save the old trace log in a .old file. -C cpu_list Trace the specified cpus, may use -C all. -A process_list Trace the specified processes. -W Put the WPAR ID in the trace hooks. -@ WPARName_list Trace the specified WPARs. -r register_list Trace the specified registers. -t thread_list Trace the specified threads, may use -t all. -P propagation Specifies trace propagation for a thread-based trace. -I Include non-thread events in a thread-based trace. -x and -X program Trace only the specified program. -n Write in trace log the nm of all loader entries. -S Report default buffer and log file sizes. -e ctctrl_args Before tracing, execute ctctrl command with the specified list of arguments. Multiple -e options may be used. -M Dump the address map of running processes into the trace. This flag must be used if the trace file is to be processed by the tprof command. modes f and l are mutually exclusive. modes b,B are mutually exclusive. If specified, -S must be the only flag. 0454-050 usage: trcrpt -h -r -j -d idlist -k idlist -D grouplist -K grouplist -G -p pidlist -t tmpltfile -s startdate -e enddate -c -m -C cpu_list -T tidlist -vx -M common | rare | all[:LMT dir] -n namelist -O optlist -@ WPARlist -l namelist[:CT dir] logfile(s) logdir(s) Write formatted report of logfile to stdout -h Omit heading and footing -r Output unformatted trace entries -j Output the list of trace ids and primary labels -d idlist Output trace entries only for ids in 'idlist' -k idlist Exclude trace entries in 'idlist' -D grouplist Output trace entries only for listed groups -K grouplist Exclude trace entries in listed groups -G List trace groups to standard output -p pidlist Output only pids (or execnames) in list, INTR = interrupts -@ WPARlist Output trace entries for the specified WPARs. -t tmpltfile Use 'tmpltfile' as template file instead of /etc/trcfmt -s startdate Select entries later than date (MMddhhmmssyy) -e enddate Select entries earlier than date (MMddhhmmssyy) -c Check the template file for syntax errors, No report -C cpu_list Report on the specified cpus, may use -C all -v Print filenames as they are opened, -vv gives additional info -T tidlist Exclude or include trace entries in tidlist -x Print executable name for every event -M common | rare | all [:LMT dir] Generates a report from the memory trace logfile. Specifying all produces seperate reports for both common and rare log files unless -m is specified. A directory other than the default can be specified by adding a colon and directory after the buffer specification. -n namelist Specify the kernel name list file to be used to interpret addresses -O optlist -O option=value, ... (-O help for additional info) -l namelist[:CT dir] Report on the specified components, may use -l all (only valid when using multi-component trace files). A directory other than the default can be specified by adding a colon and directory after the buffer specification. -m All files specified including those via the -M and -l option are merged into a chronologically ordered report. The -s and -e flags are exclusive of the -O starttime and endtime. If specified, -G must be the only flag. If logfile is not specified, trcrpt uses the logfile specified with the trcctl command, the default is %s. When the -M flag is used, trcrpt uses the LMT log directory specified with the colon syntax. If no colon and directory is present, trcrpt uses the directory specified with the trcctl command, the default is %s If a logdir is specified, trcrpt expects a multi-component trace in that directory, and -l all is the default. If logdir is not specified, but -l is specified, trcrpt uses the components directory specified with the colon syntax. If no colon and directory is present, trcrpt uses the directory specified with trcctl, the default is /var/adm/ras/trc_ct. 0454-049 timestamp 0 0=elapsed+delta in milliseconds, 1=elapsed only, 2=elapsed+delta in microseconds, 3=none, 4=timestamp only pagesize 0 0-500 0=no page breaks, n=lines between column headers ids on on=print trace id, off=none exec off on=print exec pathnames, off=none pid off on=print process id, off=none svc off on=print current svc, off=none 2line off on=use two lines per event, off=use one line starttime - starting time in seconds endtime - ending time in seconds hist off on=generate a histogram of hook tid off on=print thread id, off=none cpuid off on=print cpu id, off=none cid off on=print cid, off=none wparname off on=print WPAR names, off=none component off on=print component's name, off=none PURR off on=show PURR value after times, off=none filename off on=show event's source log file, off=non removedups on on=remove duplicate entries, only valid with -m off=show all entries 0454-049 timestamp 0 0=elapsed+delta in milliseconds, 1=elapsed only, 2=elapsed+delta in microseconds, 3=none, 4=timestamp only pagesize 0 0-500 0=no page breaks, n=lines between column headers ids on on=print trace id, off=none exec off on=print exec pathnames, off=none pid off on=print process id, off=none svc off on=print current svc, on_noblank=print '----' when svc is blank, off=none 2line off on=use two lines per event, off=use one line starttime - starting time in seconds endtime - ending time in seconds hist off on=generate a histogram of hook tid off on=print thread id, off=none cpuid off on=print cpu id, off=none cid off on=print cid, off=none wparname off on=print WPAR names, off=none component off on=print component's name, off=none PURR off on=show PURR value after times, off=none filename off on=show event's source log file, off=non removedups on on=remove duplicate entries, only valid with -m off=show all entries Usage: %1$s -D [-d dirname] [-nru] Selector... %1$s [-nPpru] Selector... subcommand... %1$s -x {-P | -p | -Pp} [-ru] Selector... %1$s -q [-Ppru] [Selector...] %1$s [-h|-?] %1$s -P { memtraceon | memtraceoff } Selector: either "-c all" or one or more of -c list : comma- or space-separated list of component names, -l list : comma- or space-separated list of component aliases -t list : comma- or space-separated list of type or type_subtype names subcommand : memtraceon, memtraceoff, memtraceresume *, memtracesuspend *, memtracebufsize={size}, memtraceminimal, memtracenormal, memtracedetail, memtracemax, memtracelevel={0-9}, memtracefilltime *, systraceon, systraceoff, systraceminimal systracenormal, systracedetail, systracemax, systracelevel={0-9}, setbufxdbytecount={0-24}, or another component's specific command. -d dir : directory where to dump the buffer -D : dump the private memory buffer into file -h or -?: display this help -n : apply attribute values immediately -p : specify persistent attribute customizations -P : specify attribute customizations that persist after rebooting NOTE: You will also need to issue the "bosboot" command for changes to persist after rebooting. -q : query the settings of some components -r : apply command recursively down to all subcomponents -u : apply command recursively up to all subcomponents -x : delete a persistent customization * These subcommands can not be persistently specified. Usage: %1$s [-nPpru] Selector... subcommand... %1$s -x {-P | -p | -Pp} [-ru] Selector... %1$s -q [-Ppru] [Selector...] %1$s [-h|-?] %1$s -P { errcheckon | errcheckoff } Selector: either "-c all" or one or more of -c list : comma- or space-separated list of component names, -l list : comma- or space-separated list of component aliases -t list : comma- or space-separated list of type or type_subtype names subcommand : one of errcheckon, errcheckoff, errcheckminimal, errchecknormal, errcheckdetail, errchecklevel={0-9}, lowsevdisposition={disp}, medsevdisposition={disp} or a component's specific command. {disp} is one of the following: - ignore (or 48) - log (or 64) - livedump (or 80) - isolate (or 96) - sysdump (or 112) -h or -?: display this help -n : apply attribute values immediately -p : specify persistent attribute customizations -P : specify attribute customizations that persist after rebooting NOTE: You will also need to issue the "bosboot" command for changes to persist after rebooting. -q : query the settings of some components -r : apply command recursively down to all subcomponents -u : apply command recursively up to all subcomponents -x : delete a persistent customization 0454-073 permission denied: must have root authority or authorized user. 0454-166 Action not allowed for non-root user or non-authorized user. 0454-195 Only one thread or process based trace allowed at a time. 0454-196 Too many active traces. Maximum trace sessions has been reached. 0454-197 Trace command is not valid in an Application WPAR. 0454-198 Option not supported in a WPAR: %s 0454-199 Specified log file size exceeds ulimit and will be reduced. 0454-160 Usage: mtrcsave [ -M common | rare ] [ -C Cpulist | all ] [ -d dir ] -M common | rare Extract a specific buffer (all if not specified) -C Cpulist | all Extract the specified cpus (all if not specified) -d dir Output LMT data to specified directory mtrcsave [suspend | resume] suspend Suspend LMT resume Resume LMT 0454-040 Error: Maximum logfile size (%1$s bytes) must be at least twice the size of the trace buffer (%2$d bytes). 0454-041 Error: Maximum logfile size (%1$s bytes) must be at least the size of the trace buffer (%2$d bytes). 0454-167 Specified trace buffer size exceeds the limit of %d bytes. Usage: %s [-s] -s : Serialized I/O from multi cpu buffer to files Supported only with circular logging Error: %s -s option supported only for circular mode logging Error capturing lvup artex profile '/etc/security/artex/samples/trcctlProfile.xml' Error capturing lvup artex profile '/etc/security/artex/samples/dumpctrlProfile.xml' Error capturing lvup artex profile '/etc/security/artex/samples/ctctrlProfile.xml' Error capturing lvup artex profile '/etc/security/artex/samples/dumpCompTraceProfile.xml' Error capturing lvup artex profile '/etc/security/artex/samples/errctrlProfile.xml' Error capturing lvup artex profile '/etc/security/artex/samples/skctlProfile.xml' Error setting lvup artex profile '/var/adm/ras/liveupdate/ras_tunables/lvtrcctlProfile.xml' Error setting lvup artex profile '/var/adm/ras/liveupdate/ras_tunables/lvdumpctrlProfile.xml' Error setting lvup artex profile '/var/adm/ras/liveupdate/ras_tunables/lvctctrlProfile.xml' Error setting lvup artex profile '/var/adm/ras/liveupdate/ras_tunables/lvdumpCompTraceProfile.xml' Error setting lvup artex profile '/var/adm/ras/liveupdate/ras_tunables/lverrctrlProfile.xml' Error setting lvup artex profile '/var/adm/ras/liveupdate/ras_tunables/lvskctlProfile.xml' Error getting logical volume name from lslv command Error getting the logical volume name from df command Error taking component trace dump using ctctrl command Error taking LMT trace dump using mtrcsave command Invalid option to lvup_ras_ct_lmt scriptError marking command as base processUsage: %s [-s | -d] [-ch] -s : Serialized I/O from multi cpu buffer to files -d : Discard unwritten trace buffers -ch : Channel for which to stop trace. If none specified trace channel 0 is assumed Error: -s and -d options of %s are mutually exclusive Error: Wrong argument(s) specified for %s trcon Start collection of data trcoff Stop collection of data q,quit Stop collection of data and exit trace q -s,quit -s Stop trace with serialized I/O q -d,quit -d Stop trace and discard buffers ! command Run command 'command' ? Display summary of trace commands 0454-002 Usage: trace -fl -a -g -d -S -s -h -j event_list -k event_list -J group_list -K group_list -m message -o outfile -p -T trace_buffer_size -L log_file_size -C cpu_list -W -@ WPARName_list -A process_list -r register_list -t thread_list -P propagation -x program -X program -I -b -B -c -n -e ctctrl_args -M -N process_list -f Log only the first buffer of trace data collected. -l Log only the last buffer of trace data collected. -a Start tracing and exit. Default is start trace, enter subcommand. -g Start generic tracing. Option -a must also be specified. -d Delay trace data collection until 'trcon' subcommand -s Stop tracing when trace log fills. Default is to wraparound. -h Suppress date/sysname/message header to the trace log. -j e1,,eN Collect trace data only for the events in list. Default is all. -k e1,,eN Do not collect trace data for the events in list. -J g1,,gN Collect trace data for events in listed groups. -K g1,,gN Do not collect trace data for events in listed groups. -m message Text to be included in trace log header record. -o filename Write trace log to 'filename'. Default is %1$s. -o - Write trace log to stdout. -p Put the CPU_ID in the trace hooks (64-bit trace only). -T size Trace buf size = 'size' bytes. Default is %2$d. -L size Log file size = 'size' bytes. Default is %3$d. -b Force trace buffer allocation from the kernel heap. -B Force trace buffer allocation from separate segments. -c Save the old trace log in a .old file. -C cpu_list Trace the specified cpus, may use -C all. -A process_list Trace the specified processes. -W Put the WPAR ID in the trace hooks. -@ WPARName_list Trace the specified WPARs. -r register_list Trace the specified registers. -t thread_list Trace the specified threads, may use -t all. -P propagation Specifies trace propagation for a thread-based trace. -I Include non-thread events in a thread-based trace. -x and -X program Trace only the specified program. -n Write in trace log the nm of all loader entries. -S Report default buffer and log file sizes. -e ctctrl_args Before tracing, execute ctctrl command with the specified list of arguments. Multiple -e options may be used. -M Dump the address map of running processes into the trace. This flag must be used if the trace file is to be processed by the tprof command. -N Dump the address map of specified processes into the trace. This option is used in conjunction with -M option. modes f and l are mutually exclusive. modes b,B are mutually exclusive. If specified, -S must be the only flag. 0454-002 Usage: trace -fl -a -g -d -S -s -h -j event_list -k event_list -J group_list -K group_list -m message -o outfile -p -T trace_buffer_size -L log_file_size -C cpu_list -A process_list -r register_list -t thread_list -P propagation -x program -X program -I -b -B -c -n -e ctctrl_args -M -N process_list -f Log only the first buffer of trace data collected. -l Log only the last buffer of trace data collected. -a Start tracing and exit. Default is start trace, enter subcommand. -g Start generic tracing. Option -a must also be specified. -d Delay trace data collection until 'trcon' subcommand -s Stop tracing when trace log fills. Default is to wraparound. -h Suppress date/sysname/message header to the trace log. -j e1,,eN Collect trace data only for the events in list. Default is all. -k e1,,eN Do not collect trace data for the events in list. -J g1,,gN Collect trace data for events in listed groups. -K g1,,gN Do not collect trace data for events in listed groups. -m message Text to be included in trace log header record. -o filename Write trace log to 'filename'. Default is %1$s. -o - Write trace log to stdout. -p Put the CPU_ID in the trace hooks (64-bit trace only). -T size Trace buf size = 'size' bytes. Default is %2$d. -L size Log file size = 'size' bytes. Default is %3$d. -b Force trace buffer allocation from the kernel heap. -B Force trace buffer allocation from separate segments. -c Save the old trace log in a .old file. -C cpu_list Trace the specified cpus, may use -C all. -A process_list Trace the specified processes. -r register_list Trace the specified registers. -t thread_list Trace the specified threads, may use -t all. -P propagation Specifies trace propagation for a thread-based trace. -I Include non-thread events in a thread-based trace. -x and -X program Trace only the specified program. -n Write in trace log the nm of all loader entries. -S Report default buffer and log file sizes. -e ctctrl_args Before tracing, execute ctctrl command with the specified list of arguments. Multiple -e options may be used. -M Dump the address map of running processes into the trace. This flag must be used if the trace file is to be processed by the tprof command. -N Dump the address map of specified processes into the trace. This option is used in conjunction with -M option. modes f and l are mutually exclusive. modes b,B are mutually exclusive. If specified, -S must be the only flag. Default Buffer Size: %s Default Log File Size: %s Default Log File: %s Non-Root User Buffer Size Maximum: %s Default Components Directory: %s Default LMT Log Dir: %s Restrict non-privileged users from using trace Channel-0: %s Restrict non-privileged users from using trcrpt Channel-0: %s 0454-130 Usage: trcctl [ -l ] trcctl [ -d directory ] trcctl [ -L logfile-size ] trcctl [ -o logfile ] trcctl [ -M LMT log directory ] trcctl [ -N nonroot-user-buffer-max ] trcctl [ -r ] trcctl [ -T buffer-size ] trcctl [ -R enable | disable ] trcctl [ -S enable | disable ] You can not change channel-%1$d restriction while trace is active on channel-%1$d. permission denied: trace on channel-%1$d is restricted by system administrator. You must have root authority or authorization to trace channel-%1$d. permission denied: trcrpt on channel-%1$d is restricted by system administrator. You must have root authority or authorization to trcrpt channel-%1$d logfile.