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Some terminal types are not supported in non-English languages. ibm3101 tvi912 vt330 ibm3151 tvi920 vt340 ibm3161 tvi925 wyse30 ibm3162 tvi950 wyse50 ibm3163 vs100 wyse60 ibm3164 vt100 wyse100 ibmpc vt320 wyse350 lft sun +-----------------------Messages----------------------- | ERROR: Undefined terminal type. Please try again. 88 Help ? | 99 Exit | If the next screen is unreadable, press Break (Ctrl-c) | to return to this screen. >>> Choice []: install_assist: You have indicated that you have no licenses to add. You have completed the Add License Passwords for Applications task. install_assist: Please wait. The bos.ifor_ls.server package will be installed. 0851-001 install_assist: Concurrent-use and use-once licenses cannot be added to the system until the bos.ifor_ls.server package is installed. An attempt to install this package failed. 0851-002 install_assist: The system cannot be backed up until the bos.sysmgt.sysbr package is installed. An attempt to install this package failed. 0851-003 install_assist: TCP/IP cannot be started until the bos.net.tcp.client package is installed. An attempt to install this package failed. 0851-004 install_assist: NFS cannot be started until the bos.net.nfs.client package is installed. An attempt to install this package failed. The installation failure may have been caused by one of the following: - The input device/directory is not correct. The device may be changed through the Set Installation Device menu. - The input device does not contain a valid installation medium. - There is a valid installation medium, but it does not contain the necessary packages. If you are able to correct this problem, you may wish to try this function again. 0851-005 install_assist: The following packages could not be installed from device %s. 0851-006 mount_cd: Cannot create a CD-ROM file system for device %s with mount point %s. 0851-007 mount_cd: Cannot mount the CD-ROM file system for device %s on mount point %s. 0851-008 mount_cd: The CD is not a valid installation CD. 0851-009 install_assist: You have requested a paging space size that is less than the current size. The paging space size cannot be decreased from this menu. 0851-010 install_assist: You have requested a paging space size that requires more free space than you have available in rootvg (the system volume group). If you have available disks that are not yet allocated, you can add another disk to the rootvg volume group. In order to show the disks in rootvg or to add disks from the available disks, use the Add/Show Disks for System Storage (rootvg) menu. If you do not choose to add another disk to rootvg, then the value entered for the new paging space size cannot be greater than the current paging space size plus the space available in rootvg. 0851-011 install_assist: An unexplained error occurred while attempting to increase the paging space. install_assist: The paging space was successfully increased to %d megabytes. 0851-012 install_assist: An unexplained error occurred while attempting to increase the paging space to the default size. Help for Set Terminal Type The terminal type must be correctly set in order for the SystemManagement Interface Tool (SMIT) to display readable menus. If you have a graphics display, then enter "lft" for your terminaltype. There may be other terminal types in addition to those listed thatare valid for your system (if the terminal information data isinstalled). If you enter a terminal type that is not valid, you willreceive an error, and you can try again. If you enter a valid terminal type but one that does not correctlymatch your terminal, you may find that the next screen is unreadable.If this happens, then press Break to return to the Set Terminal Typescreen. For most terminal types, Break is the Ctrl-c key sequence(that is, while holding down the Ctrl key, also press the c key). >>> 99 Previous Menu >>> Choice [99]: 0851-013 install_assist: These commands cannot be run until the printers.rte package is installed. An attempt to install this package failed. install_assist: No prior configuration of NCS was found for this system. Attempting to configure NCS for use of this system as an iFOR/LS license server. 0851-014 install_assist: An error occurred while attempting to configure this system as a standalone iFOR/LS license server. Consult the iFOR/LS product documentation for more specific information about any errors displayed by the configuration procedure. install_assist: An existing configuration of NCS was detected for this system. Attempting to start the iFOR/LS license server with the current configuration. 0851-015 install_assist: Unable to start the iFOR/LS license server. Consult the iFOR/LS product documentation for more specific information. The message files for the Graphical Installation Assistant are not present on this system for your language. Would you like to use the Ascii Installation Assistant in your language, or the Graphical Installation Assistant in English only? 1 Ascii Installation Assistant in your language 2 Graphical Installation Assistant in English >>> Choice []: Set Terminal Type The terminal is not properly initialized. Please enter a terminal type and press Enter. Some terminal types are not supported in non-English languages. ibm3101 tvi912 vt330 aixterm ibm3151 tvi920 vt340 dtterm ibm3161 tvi925 wyse30 xterm ibm3162 tvi950 wyse50 lft ibm3163 vs100 wyse60 sun ibm3164 vt100 wyse100 ibmpc vt320 wyse350 +-----------------------Messages------------------------ | If the next screen is unreadable, press Break (Ctrl-c) 88 Help ? | to return to this screen. | >>> Choice []: Set Terminal Type The terminal is not properly initialized. Please enter a terminal type and press Enter. Some terminal types are not supported in non-English languages. ibm3101 tvi912 vt330 aixterm ibm3151 tvi920 vt340 dtterm ibm3161 tvi925 wyse30 xterm ibm3162 tvi950 wyse50 lft ibm3163 vs100 wyse60 sun ibm3164 vt100 wyse100 ibmpc vt320 wyse350 +-----------------------Messages----------------------- | ERROR: Undefined terminal type. Please try again. 88 Help ? | | If the next screen is unreadable, press Break (Ctrl-c) | to return to this screen. >>> Choice []: Press Enter to proceed to sign the License Agreement. Software License AgreementFor programs purchased in Europe, Latin America, the Middle East, or Africa. For programs purchased in North America or in a location other than Australia, Europe, Latin America, the Middle East, or Africa. No further action needed. Press Enter to continue.Enter your nameSign License Cancel SaveEnter your name:You must enter data in the input field.OkFor programs purchased in Australia. You must be a superuser in order to save the text.