ISO8859-1  ,@O lwefpB=flkTk 5, ^b ] ; 1[A( q5 A Keyboard repeat rateKeyboard repeat delayAlarm volumeoff,low,medium,highClicker volumeExtended keyboard identifiernone,nonumAvailable tty DevicesUsage: chhwkbd [-r Rate][-d Delay][-c Click] [-a Alarm][-m [KR,JP,TW]][-t [nonum]] -r Changes keyboard repetition rate. Rate is an integer from 2 to 30. -d Changes keyboard repetition delay. Delay values are 250, 500, 750, and 1000. -c Changes clicker volume. Click is an integer from 0 (lowest volume) to 3 (highest volume). -a Changes alarm volume. Alarm is an integer from 0 (lowest volume) to 3 (highest volume). -m Identifies international keyboard. Follow this flag with KR when using a Korean keyboard, with JP when Japanese keyboard, and with TW when Chinese keyboard. -t Enable/disable ten-key emulation. Follow this flag with nonum when using ten-key emulation. %1$s: 0832-001 ODM (Object Data Management) database initialization failed with error code of %2$d. %1$s: 0832-002 %2$s failed with error code of %3$d while accessing ODM (Object Data Management) %4$s database. %1$s: 0832-003 A keyboard must be configured to run this command. %1$s: 0832-004 Missing or invalid value specified. After the -d flag, specify 250, 500, 750 or 1000. %1$s: 0832-005 Missing or invalid value specified. After the -r flag, specify an integer between 2 and 30. %1$s: 0832-006 Missing or invalid value specified. After the -c flag, specify an integer between 0 and 3. %1$s: 0832-007 Missing or invalid value specified. After the -a flag, specify an integer between 0 and 3. %1$s: 0832-008 Value following -m flag is not valid. %1$s: 0832-009 Your changes have been saved and will take effect after the next system boot. %1$s: 0832-010 Could not find %2$s attribute in ODM (Object Data Management) PdDv database. %1$s: 0832-011 Invalid flag specified. -%2$c is not valid. %1$s: 0832-012 Command line options are invalid. %1$s: 0832-013 -m flag is not valid for the configured keyboard. %1$s: 0832-014 Keyboard operation failed with error code of %2$s. Your changes have been saved and will not completely take effect until the next system boot. %1$s: 0832-015 savebase command failed. %1$s: 0832-016 Value following -t flag is not valid. %1$s: 0832-017 -t flag is not valid for the configured keyboard.