ùISO8859-1#3HOe{– "± Ô ó  ,L^JqJ¼UU]K³Jÿ[J¦ d& d‹ [ð ,L ey.ßa;pSwitchFAILING ADAPTERSWITCHING TO ADAPTERSWITCHETHERCHANNEL FAILOVERETHERCHANNEL RECOVERYPING TO REMOTE HOST FAILEDCANNOT CREATE ETHERCHANNELUNSUPPORTED IOCTL IN DEVICE DRIVERUSE SUPPORTED ETHERNET ADAPTERTOTAL ETHERCHANNEL FAILUREETHERCHANNEL CANNOT FAIL OVERETHERCHANNEL WILL NOT FAIL OVERPORT LACP FAILUREPORT LACP RECOVERYAll primary EtherChannel adapters failed: switching over to backup adapterA primary adapter in the EtherChannel recovered: returning to main channelUnable to reach remote host through primary adapter: switching over to backup adapterUnable to reach remote host through backup adapter: switching over to primary adapterWhole EtherChannel is down: backup adapter failed while operating on backupWhole EtherChannel is down: can not fail over to backup because it is downUnable to set link status callback in adapter: adapter does not support EtherChannel BackupPrimary adapter recovered, but EtherChannel will not come back to the primary because previous failover was due to ping failureUnable to reach remote host through primary adapter, but backup adapter is down: could not fail overUnable to reach remote host through backup adapter, but primary adapter is down: could not fail overWhole EtherChannel is down: all main adapters failed and there is no backup adapter definedPort did not receive LACPDU from its partnerPort stopped receiving LACPDU from its partner. IEEE802.3AD port synchronization state is OUT_OF_SYNCPort started receiving LACPDU from its partnerPort started receiving LACPDU from its partner. IEEE802.3AD port synchronization state is IN_SYNCRecovered to backup channel as the backup adapter recovered