ISO8859-1 R3O3^0H"` H  r 06#C$AhL@8' e *^ e ^U H P % @;mRh")LjRl8g[ Wid ae!Q"~#Z #!$"w%M#&$3'f%s(&a+'C,p(S- Usage : chcod [-r ResourceType -n NbrResources] [-m MailAddr] [-c CustInfo] [-h] chcod : MailAddr must be 255 or fewer characters. chcod : putattr failure chcod : CustInfo must be 255 or fewer characters. chcod : The change in number of resources for %s will take effect at the next system reboot. Current MailAddr = %s Current CustInfo = %s Current Model and System ID = %s Current number of authorized %s(s) out of %d installed on system = %d chcod : Could not delete crontab entry. With root authority, use the crontab -e command to remove the codnotify entry from the /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root file. chcod : There are only %d %s(s) available, so your request for %d %s(s) cannot be completed. Contact your IBM Sales Representative or your IBM authorized Business Partner Representative. chcod : Could not add crontab entry. With root authority, use the crontab -e command to add the following cron job: 01 00 1 * * /usr/sbin/codnotify Usage : codnotify [-r ResourceType -o OldValue] [-h] codnotify : Error logging failed. There is no Capacity Upgrade on Demand support for this platform. Capacity Upgrade on Demand has not been enabled on this system. There is no Capacity Upgrade on Demand support for the specified resource. There is no Capacity Upgrade on Demand support on this system. Capacity on Demand cannot be managed from this operating system on this system. Please consult the system User's Guide for more information on Capacity on Demand. The system has detected use of processor capacity exceeding the amount authorized. Immediately return the system to the processor capacity level for which you have acquired authorization. Consult the Capacity Upgrade On Demand documentation for additional detailed instructions. The system has detected use of processor capacity exceeding the amount authorized. Immediately return the system to the processor capacity level for which you have acquired authorization. Consult the Capacity Upgrade On Demand documentation for additional detailed instructions. The system has detected use of memory capacity exceeding the amount authorized. Immediately return the system to the memory capacity level for which you have acquired authorization. Consult the Capacity Upgrade On Demand documentation for additional detailed instructions. %d days remain to use the selected processors from the Activate Immediate Processor Capacity screen. Prior to expiration of this period, you must acquire a permanent activation feature for this capacity, or return the system back to the authorized capacity level. Consult the Capacity Upgrade On Demand documentation for additional detailed instructions. %d days remain to use the selected memory from the Activate Immediate Memory Capacity screen. Prior to expiration of this period, you must acquire a permanent activation feature for this capacity, or return the system back to the authorized capacity level. Consult the Capacity Upgrade On Demand documentation for additional detailed instructions. %d days remain to use the selected processors from the Activate Immediate Processor Capacity screen. Prior to expiration of this period, you must acquire a permanent activation feature for this capacity, or return the system back to the authorized capacity level. Consult the Capacity Upgrade On Demand documentation for additional detailed instructions. %d days remain to use the selected memory from the Activate Immediate Memory Capacity screen. Prior to expiration of this period, you must acquire a permanent activation feature for this capacity, or return the system back to the authorized capacity level. Consult the Capacity Upgrade On Demand documentation for additional detailed instructions. The system has detected unauthorized use of CUoD processor or memory exceeding the Activate Immediate temporary period: Resource %d, Quantity %d. The system has detected unauthorized use of CUoD processor or memory capacity as a result of an unknown action: Resource %d, Quantity %d. An Activate Immediate period has been started for resource %d and quantity %d. The system has detected unauthorized use of CUoD processor or memory capacity as a result of the expiration of an On/Off Capacity on Demand period: Resource %d, Quantity %d. %d Trial CoD processors are currently active. Before the Trial CoD period expires in %d days and %d hours, you must enter a CUoD processor activation code to permanently activate this capacity. Otherwise, you must make this capacity available to be reclaimed by the system by removing the processors from partitions. %d GB of Trial CoD memory are currently active. Before the Trial CoD period expires in %d days and %d hours, you must enter a CUoD memory activation code to permanently activate this capacity. Otherwise, you must make this capacity available to be reclaimed by the system by removing the memory from partitions. The Trial CoD activation period has expired, and all Trial CoD processors have been successfully reclaimed. The Trial CoD activation period has expired, and all Trial CoD memory has been successfully reclaimed. %d Trial CoD processors are still in use after the Trial CoD activation period has expired. Immediately make this capacity available to be reclaimed by the system by removing the processors from partitions, or enter a CUoD processor activation code to permanently activate this capacity. %d GB of Trial CoD memory are still in use after the Trial CoD activation period has expired. Immediately make this capacity available to be reclaimed by the system by removing the memory from partitions, or enter a CUoD memory activation code to permanently activate this capacity. %d On/Off CoD processors are currently active. Before the On/Off CoD request period expires in %d days and %d hours, you must make this capacity available to be reclaimed by the system by removing the processors from partitions. %d GB of On/Off CoD memory are currently active. Before the On/Off CoD request period expires in %d days and %d hours, you must make this capacity available to be reclaimed by the system by removing the memory from partitions. The On/Off CoD request period has expired, and all On/Off CoD processors have been successfully reclaimed. The On/Off CoD request period has expired, and all On/Off CoD memory has been successfully reclaimed. %d On/Off CoD processors are still in use after the On/Off CoD request period has expired. If this capacity remains assigned to partitions, at the beginning of each 24-hour period, the system will record %d unreturned processor days of capacity. You will be charged for the unreturned processor days at the end of the On/Off CoD billing cycle. %d GB of On/Off CoD memory are still in use after the On/Off CoD request period has expired. If this capacity remains assigned to partitions, at the beginning of each 24-hour period, the system will record %d unreturned memory days of capacity. You will be charged for the unreturned memory days at the end of the On/Off CoD billing cycle. %d On/Off CoD processors are still in use after the On/Off CoD request period has expired. %d unreturned processor days of capacity have been recorded for billing at the end of the On/Off CoD billing cycle. %d GB of On/Off CoD memory are still in use after the On/Off CoD request period has expired. %d unreturned memory days of capacity have been recorded for billing at the end of the On/Off CoD billing cycle. The capacity limit of %d processor days for On/Off CoD has been reached. To reestablish your capability to request On/Off CoD processors in the future, purchase a new On/Off Processor Enablement feature and enter its On/Off processor enablement code. The capacity limit of %d memory days for On/Off CoD has been reached. To reestablish your capability to request On/Off CoD memory in the future, purchase a new On/Off Memory Enablement feature and enter its On/Off memory enablement code. %d Reserve CoD processors have been put into use in the shared processor pool. This capacity will be available for the next 24 hours. As a result of this Reserve CoD capacity being put into use, the number of available prepaid processor days for Reserve CoD has been reduced. You now have a total of %d prepaid processor days remaining for Reserve CoD. The system has removed %d Reserve CoD processors from the shared processor pool because you do not have enough prepaid processor days remaining for Reserve CoD. The capacity limit of %d prepaid processor days for Reserve CoD has been reached, and the system has removed %d Reserve CoD. There are %d days and %d hours remaining for Utility CoD. To ensure future availability of Utility CoD capacity, request and enter a new Utility processor enablement code. The limit of %d days for Utility CoD has been reached. To reestablish your capability to request Utility CoD processors in the future, request and enter a new Utility processor enablement code. %d Utility CoD processor minutes have been used this month, which is approaching the system's monthly limit of %d processor minutes. When this limit is reached, all Utility CoD processors will be removed from the shared processor pool, and you will not be able to request any more Utility CoD processors for the rest of the month unless this limit is increased or removed. The system's monthly limit of %d Utility CoD processor minutes has been reached. All Utility CoD processors have been removed from the shared processor pool. %d unreported Utility CoD processor minutes have been used, which is approaching the system's threshold of %d processor minutes. Report your Utility CoD processor minutes and enter the resulting Utility CoD reporting code as soon as possible to ensure continued availability of your Utility CoD capacity. %d unreported Utility CoD processor minutes have been used, which meets or exceeds the system's threshold of %d processor minutes. Report your Utility CoD processor minutes and enter the resulting Utility CoD reporting code as soon as possible to ensure continued availability of your Utility CoD capacity. If you do not report your usage within %d days or prior to reaching the system's limit of %d unreported processor minutes, all Utility CoD processors will be removed from the shared processor pool and you will not be able to request any more Utility CoD processor until a Utility CoD reporting code has been entered. %d days have elapsed since the number of unreported Utility CoD processor minutes used exceeded the system's threshold of %d processor minutes. The required usage reporting has not been done. Report your Utility CoD processor minutes and enter the resulting Utility CoD reporting code to reestablish your capability to request Utility CoD processors. The system's limit of %d unreported Utility CoD processor minutes has been reached. All Utility CoD processors have been removed from the shared processor pool. Report your Utility CoD processor minutes and enter the resulting Utility CoD reporting code to reestablish your capability to request Utility CoD processors. The system has removed all Utility CoD processors from the shared processor pool.