ùISO8859-1Œ\CéC-Cq,µ"7â,%G?m7­,åWj >k ;ª 1æ  (<B*;ªBæV)i€Aê4,:a=œ>Ú=>W2–ÉD ß„ $' © Ñ!Q ò"} DUsage: bootlist [-m mode] bootlist -m mode [-V] [-F] [-r] [-o] [-i] [-v] | [[-f file] device1 [Attr=Value...] device2 [Attr=Value...] ...] ------------------- NORMAL IPLIST at address 0x%x --------------- ------------------- SERVICE IPLIST at address 0x%x -------------- ------------------- PREVBOOT LIST at address 0x%x --------------- %d bytes were written to address 0x%x in %s 0514-201 bootlist: Usage error. Conflicting flags (%s) 0514-202 bootlist: Invalid device name (%s) 0514-203 bootlist: Invalid mode (%s) 0514-204 bootlist: There is not enough room in the list for %s 0514-205 bootlist: IOCTL system call returned errno %d 0514-206 bootlist: Unable to open file '%s' 0514-207 bootlist: Failure loading or executing the platform specific bootlist module 0514-209 bootlist: Was not able to access the %s object class 0514-210 bootlist: Device %s is not in the AVAILABLE state 0514-211 bootlist: No parent found for device %s 0514-213 bootlist: Unknown disk type %s 0514-214 bootlist: Invalid combination of attributes for %s 0514-215 bootlist: Invalid attribute (%s) 0514-216 bootlist: Attribute specified more than once (%s) 0514-200 bootlist: Usage error. Flag or parameter is missing (%s) 0514-217 bootlist: Hardware address must be 12 hex digits; separators are not allowed 0514-218 bootlist: The device %s cannot be used to boot from because the system ROS does not support it 0514-219 bootlist: This model does not support boot device lists 0514-220 bootlist: Invalid mode (%s) for this model 0514-221 bootlist: Unable to make boot device list for %s 0514-222 bootlist: Unable to write boot device list to NVRAM 0514-223 bootlist: Unable to write bserver attribute to NVRAM 0514-224 bootlist: Unable to write client attribute to NVRAM 0514-225 bootlist: Unable to write gateway attribute to NVRAM 0514-226 bootlist: Invalid attribute value for %s 0514-227 bootlist: Firmware information necessary to validate the network attributes for %s is not available at this time. You can either reboot the system and retry the command or run the command again with the force (-F) flag to bypass validation of network attributes. 0514-228 bootlist: Boot information could not be found on disk '%s' 0514-229 bootlist: Multiple boot logical volumes found on disk '%s'. Use the 'blv' attribute to specify the one from which to boot 0514-230 bootlist: Missing device name 0514-231 bootlist: Malloc error 0514-232 bootlist: The device does not contain one or more of the paths provided 0514-233 bootlist: Command is not supported on the KVM pSeries Guest platform The boot device must be set from the KVM host.