ISO8859-15vdC;.Bj " ; < *] ?12D-Qr8.,22EbZ EWLM armsrvconv processing completed successfully. EWLM armsrvconv command processing failed because the armconvtrace.log file could not be created or opened for use. EWLM armsrvconv command processing completed, but with unusual conditions. See the armconvtrace.log file for information about the conditions. The ARM trace activation occurence has been deactivated. The captured trace may or may not be usable. EWLM armsrvconv command processing failed. See the armconvtrace.log file for failure information. Usage: armsrvconv Error: A required parameter is missing. Conversion failed. Error: armsrvconv: arguments must be given in absolute path form. Failed to parse %s Failed to allocate schema context Error: armsrvconv: could not obtain path name for logfile. armsrvconv: XML output file does not conform to the schema. Failed to obtain trace capture file path. The trace conversion log file was established/re-opened at %s Error opening the input file. Conversion failed. Error opening the output file. Conversion failed. The input file is not a valid trace capture file. Conversion failed Warning. Some records may have beenlost due to read failures from theinput file. Warning. An error occurred when closing the input file. The input file is corrupt. Conversion failed. Warning: %d input file records we corrupted andcould not be converted. Non-corrupted records wereconverted into the output file. Error closing the output file. Conversion failed. Warning: An invalid trace record was encountered. armsrvconv: unable to retieve trace information. armsrvconv failed. armsrvconv: error retrieving context/identity properties. XML output file may not be consistent.