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Usage: %s [-f file] [-d [level]] [-a hostname] [-c community] Where: -f file - a non-default configuration file -d level - tracing/debug level, default level=%d levels: 8 = DPI level 1 16 = DPI level 2 32 = Internal level 1 64 = Internal level 2 128 = Internal level 3 Add the numbers for multiple trace levels -a host - connect to the SNMP agent on the specified host -c community - use specified community name Defaults: %s -d 0 -a %s -c %s Can't open file, %s Missing a filename Missing a hostname Missing a community name Tracing set to %d %3d DPI level 1 %3d DPI level 2 %3d Internal level 1 %3d Internal level 2 %3d Internal level 3 Code out of Sync Invalid instance data: %s Connect to SNMP agent on the host %s failed, will keep trying Can not connect to the SNMP agent on the host %s, Please make sure that the agent is running on the host DPI sub-agent (%s): connected, ready to receive requests... DPI sub-agent (%s): reconnected, ready to receive requests... Error occured, try to re-establish connection. Failed on pDPIpacket() Unexpected DPI packet for subtree, %d Unexpected DPI packet type, %d Connected to agent via shared memory Connected to agent via tcp Failed on mkDPIopen() Did not get DPI-RESPONSE packet on DPI-OPEN Error, %d, in RESPONSE to DPI-OPEN Quit, this seems unrecoverable error. Now registering %s Failed on mkDPIregister() Failed on DPIsend_packet_to_agent() Failed on DPIawait_packet_from_agent() Did not get a DPI-RESPONSE on a DPI-REGISTER Error code, %d, in DPI response packet DPI UNREGISTER received from agent for %s, reason=%d DPI CLOSE received from agent, reason=%d Higher priority registered; may regain control Can't open logging file, %s Can't process file, %s Unable to read aixmibd config file. Configuration value for agentAccess out of range. Configuration value for PollInterval out of range. Configuration value for CPUThreshold out of range. Configuration value for VgThreshold out of range. Configuration value for FsThreshold out of range. Configuration value for PageThreshold out of range. Configuration value for LoginFailedThreshold out of range. Configuration value for LoginFailedTimePeriod out of range. Problem reading aixmibd config file values. Failed to re-open /dev/null as standard input, fd=%d Failed to open /dev/kmem Failed to seek /dev/kmem Failed to read /dev/kmem knlist system error No volumn groups found Setting of non-blocking io on the src file descriptor failed. src_status: cannot execute stat() not root user, cannot access long status Not root user, cannot access long status. stopsrc issuedtraceson: logging is already enabled traceson: logging is already enabled. is not configured for logging. tracesoff: logging is already disabled. tracesoff: logging is already disabled Stop trace. doit_src: recvfrom Start trace. Error: cannot determine the user. Start subserver: not supported. Stop subserver: not supported. Status of subserver: not supported. Trace subserver: not supported. Illegal command. LogFileName:Tracing:Unable to initialize odm (odmerrno = %d) Unable to mount ODM object class '%s' (odmerrno = %d) %s: Out of Memory No Memory Usage: %s [-d] [-a hostname | -h dest ] [-c community] [-o OID] -m message Where: -d - enable the debug facility -a hostname - connect to the snmp agent running on the specified host -h dest - any destination hostname on which the trap will be received. This option makes it possible that the message is able to be sent to any platform. Either -a hostname or -h dest can appear in the command line, but not both -c community - use specified community name -o OID - use the specified OID for the trap message -m message - define the message sent by the snmptrap command. the -m option must be the last option Defaults: %s -a %s -c %s -m message mkDPItrap return a NULL pointer The trap has been sent correctly The packet can not be sent to the agent %s: No record matching %s was found in %s %s: %s is not a known vfs type %s: Cannot reduce size of file system File System size already %ld File System size changed to %s %s: Cannot get volume group partition size %s: Can not extend a JFS file system with nbpi = %d and frag = %d past %llu (512 byte blocks) %s: Cannot get logical volume size %s: Cannot get lv id from odm %s: Cannot get lg id from odm %s: %s is not recognized as a JFS filesystem %s: %s is not a supported JFS filesystem version %s: The %s JFS filesystem superblock is corrupted -i doesn't make sense unless you specify a delta %s: can only use one of b,u,f,k,m for size %s: "%s": invalid size %s: size arg is empty %s: "%s": not a filesystem %s: Cannot read superblock on %s Failed on statfs() for the file system %s Error occured in the subroutine %s Could not find the information for path %s Could not get information about mount status of the system Default vfs for this node is indeterminate Failed getting mount status buffer for inherit Object %s for inherited mount is not fully qualified Stat failed for %s The root filesystem may not be overmounted No mount helper is defined for %s Internal error, strlen failed Internal error, strcpy failed Non-device mounts may not be removable There is no plausible log device for %s ("%s") Stat of log device ("%s") failed Replaying log for %s The compression algorithm is either not present or not loaded into the kernel Cannot continue inheriting fork of mount helper failed%s has an unknown gfstype (%d) Stale filesystem? revision %d != %d mntctl error Could not table filesystem data AFopen failed Could not find anything to unmount error unmounting %s: %sD %sTforced unmount of %s Unknown vfs name "%s" for object %s inherited mount of %s on %s Unknown vfs name "%s" pipe to mount helper failed Bad status (%d) returned from mount helper Can not parse the mount buffer The superblock on %s is dirty. Run a full fsck to fix. No connection,established, and the trap can not be generated Unable to get id for the volume group %s by its name Unable to query the information on the volume group %s The group name %s is not correct when it is checked in the odm/n%s: Unable to find device id %2$s in the Device Configuration Database. %1$s: Unable to find attribute %2$s in the Device Configuration Database. Execute synclvodm to attempt to correct the database. %1$s: No volume groups found. ps: Cannot open the directory %s. Check path name and permissions. ps: Cannot change the current directory to %s. ps: An error occured while reading the process table. Cannot open the temporary configuration file, %s. Cannot open the configuration file, %s. Can not run the command %s. Can not get the attributes of all users Can not get all user names from the system User %s does not exist in the system Can not get the attributes of all groups Can not get group user names from the system Group %s does not exist in the system Syntax error in qconfig file Device stanzas do not match "device =" clause Illegal "device =" clause in device stanza at the line %s Can't lock file, %s, for reading or writing Can not get the subsystem information from the system Unknown host: %s No OID is specified by the user