ùISO8859-1$"-%PvŠ ÀØ ø  - E Tew‹'¡8É_fbaÉi+4•7Ê$"'!J<lA©usage: aclput [-i infile] filename 3002-120 Cannot create temp file 3002-121 Cannot open %s for writing unknown keyword: %sunknown attribute: %spermissions for owner not foundexpected permission setpermissions for group not foundpermissions for others not foundbad access mode: %sill formed type/ID pairno identifiersunknown user: %sunknown group: %sunknown ID type: %s* line number %d: %s 3002-122 Cannot malloc new ACL buffer 3002-123 The size of the ACL exceeds the system limit. 3002-124 Warning: User name "%s" is undefined. Substituting user name "%s" (uid=%d) for "%s". 3002-125 Warning: User name "%s" and user ID %d are undefined. Saving "%s" as user ID %d in the ACL. 3002-126 Warning: Group name "%s" is undefined. Substituting group name "%s" (gid=%d) for "%s". 3002-127 Warning: Group name "%s" and group ID %d are undefined. Saving "%s" as group ID %d in the ACL. 3002-128 Not all requested changes were made to %s Usage: aclput [-i infile] [-t acl_type] [-v] filename 3002-129 Invalid ACL textual format 3002-130 ACL type mismatch: %s %s 3002-131 ACL type %s is too long Usage: aclput [-i infile] [-R] [-t acl_type] [-v] filename Usage: aclput [-i infile] [-R] [-t acl_type] [-v] [-h] filename