44ISO8859-1, ! 9 [ |1 [ A * l  6 U2 uR 5 > 18 pF B E 3. y; ( 3 !A&c(9,.;I> 6S %$"37 k&,;? 3Y"*"83U( # (   ;@<|D-,,5Y 06'C1c% 2CJ::g5l ( )IsHEIFgFIL?J K f# ` M W9ISP/Zt` hW !P!T"lT"c#Q#zQ# _$R$~U$%'(%G%%p8%.% % f&1&Y'1|'((((0(Q5( 4( 3( Y)! Y){ v) **L"*w*"*=*:+Y+V:+ "+ A, 1,P,(,*,, --4 (-R-{;-3-".*.*&.UB.| B. S///V&/)/'/E/*0E10p:0<0)1*1D*1o71(1>1<2: 72w!82\2R3E"63.3,394+# 4e4h 4o4y444 4 4 4 4$(4C485!/5Z%5=64C6r&3626 7"7>#7a77$7'K728.%8a8F8B8(,9/)39\)919*9!::':D+0:a&:, K:@;D;F=;K;<><8< 9= Q=U L= +=-3> .>T/(>k/>0)>B>1?1=?P2?!?x?v@IA@39A7A<4AtAA-A*AB&2054-201 The arrow direction is not correct.2054-202 Incorrect resize policy.2054-203 Incorrect dialog style.2054-204 Incorrect shadow type.2054-205 Null font list (no vendor shell default)2054-211 XmCascadeButton must have correct type of XmRowColumnWidgetClass parent.2054-212 Only XmMENU_PULLDOWN XmRowColumnWidgets can be submenus.2054-213 MapDelay must be >= 0.2054-214 XmCascadeButtonGadget must have xmRowColumnWidgetClass parent with rowColumnType XmMENU_PULLDOWN, XmMENU_POPUP, XmMENU_BAR or XmMENU_OPTION.2054-215 XtGrabPointer failed.2054-216 XtGrabKeyboard failed.2054-221 The dialog type must be XmDIALOG_COMMAND.2054-222 Invalid child type. The Command widget does not have this child.2054-223 Invalid XmString, check for invalid charset.2054-224 NULL or empty string passed in to CommandAppendValue.2054-225 mustMatch is always False for a Command widget.2054-226 historyMaxItems must be a positive integer greater than zero.2054-231 Must call XmClipboardStartCopy() before XmClipboardCopy()2054-232 Must call XmClipboardStartCopy() before XmClipboardEndCopy()2054-233 Too many formats in XmClipboardCopy()2054-241 DialogShell widget only supports one rectObj child2054-242 gadgets aren't allowed in shell2054-251 Margin width or height cannot be negative.2054-252 Incorrect resize policy.2054-261 Fraction base cannot be zero.2054-262 Incorrect form attachment type.2054-263 Cannot set constraints for non-resizable widget.2054-264 Attachment widget must not be null.2054-265 Circular dependency in Form children.2054-266 Edge attached to a widget but no widget specified.2054-267 Bailed out of edge synchronization after 10,000 iterations Check for contradictory constraints on the children of this form.2054-268 Attachment widget must be have same parent as widget.2054-272 Only one child should be inserted in a frame.2054-273 Invalid margin width.2054-274 Invalid margin height.2054-281 Invalid highlight thickness.2054-282 The unit type is incorrect.2054-283 Invalid shadow thickness.2054-284 Cannot set pixmap resource to unspecified.2054-291 Invalid XmNlabeType 2054-292 Invalid value in XmNalignment2054-293 Invalid value in XmNstringDirection2054-294 Invalid XmNlabelString - must be a compound string2054-295 Invalid XmNacceleratorText - must be a compound string2054-300 List must have at least one visiable item.2054-301 Invalid Selection Policy.2054-302 Invalid Size Policy.2054-303 Invalid ScrollBar Display Policy.2054-304 Invalid String Direction.2054-305 Cannot change size policy after initialization.2054-306 Must set item count to non-negative value.2054-307 NULL font in SetValues ignored.2054-308 Invalid item(s) to delete.2054-309 No Horizontal Scrollbar to set.2054-310 Invalid Margin setting.2054-311 Invalid Spacing Value.2054-312 Cannot set items to NULL with non-zero item count.2054-313 Must set selected item count to non-negative value.2054-314 Cannot set selected items to NULL with non-zero item count.2054-315 Cannot set top position less than 1.2054-316 XmNitems and XmNitemCount mismatch!2054-317 Cannot leave add mode in multiple selection.2054-321 The Menu Bar cannot be changed to NULL.2054-322 The Command Window cannot be changed to NULL.2054-323 Negative margin value ignored.2054-331 MenuShell widgets must have a xmRowColumnWidgetClass child2054-332 Attempting to manage an incomplete menu.2054-341 Invalid Dialog Type.2054-342 Invalid Default Button Type.2054-343 Invalid Alignment Type.2054-344 Invalid Child Type.2054-345 PushButton Id cannot be changed directly.2054-346 Use XmNdefaultButtonType to set MessageBox default button.2054-354 Invalid minimum value, must be greater than zero.2054-355 Invalid maximum value, must be greater than zero.2054-356 Invalid minimum/maximum value, minimum value must be smaller than the maximum value.2054-357 Constraints do not allow appropriate sizing.2054-358 Too few parameters.2054-359 Invalid 1st parameter.2054-361 fontList is not defined2054-371 Must be a vendor shell2054-372 Protocol manager already exists2054-373 More protocols than I can handle2054-381 Not enough memory2054-401 Attempt to set width to zero. Set to default value 16.2054-402 Attempt to set width to zero. The value is ignored.2054-403 Attempt to set height to zero. Set to default value 16.2054-404 Attempt to set height to zero. The value is ignored.2054-405 XmNhelpWidget not used by PopUps. It is set to NULL.2054-406 XmNhelpWidget not used by Pulldowns. It is set to NULL.2054-407 XmNhelpWidget not used by Option menus. It is set to NULL.2054-408 XmNhelpWidget not used by Work Areas. It is set to NULL.2054-409 Unknown value of XmNrowColumnType. It is set to WorkArea.2054-410 Widget hierarchy not appropriate for this XmNrowColumnType. It is set to WorkArea.2054-411 Attempt to change XmNrowColumnType after initialization. The value is ignored.2054-412 Unknown value of XmNorientation. The default value is used.2054-413 Attempt to set XmNorientation to unknown value. The value is ignored.2054-414 Unknown value of XmNpacking. The default value is used.2054-415 Attempt to set XmNpacking to unknown value. The value is ignored.2054-416 Unknown value of XmNentryAlignment. The default value is used.2054-417 Attempt to set XmNentryAlignment to unknown value. The value is ignored.2054-418 Attempt to set XmNisHomogenous to FALSE for a RowColumn widget of type XmMENU_BAR. The value is ignored.2054-419 Attempt to change XmNentryClass for a RowColumn widget of type XmMENU_BAR. The value is ignored.2054-420 Attempt to change XmNwhichButton via XtSetValues for a RowColumn widget of type XmMENU_PULLDOWN. The value is ignored.2054-421 Attempt to change XmNmenuPost via XtSetValues for a RowColumn widget of type XmMENU_PULLDOWN. The value is ignored.2054-422 Attempt to set XmNpostMenu to an illegal value. The value is ignored.2054-423 Attempt to change XmNshadowThickness for a RowColumn widget not of type XmMENU_PULLDOWN or XmMENU_POPUP. The value is ignored.2054-024 Attempt to change XmNorientation for a RowColumn widget of type XmMENU_OPTION. The value is ignored.2054-425 Attempt to add wrong type child to a menu (i.e. RowColumn) widget2054-426 Attempt to add wrong type child to a homogeneous RowColumn widget2054-427 Attempt to change XmNisHomogeneous for a RowColumn widget of type XmMENU_OPTION ignored2054-428 Tear off enabled on a shared menupane is allowed but not recommended.2054-429 Illegal mnemonic character. Could not convert X KEYSYM to a keycode.2054-431 The scale minumum value is greater than or equal to the scale maximum value.2054-432 The specified scale value is less than the minimum scale value.2054-433 The specified scale value is greater than the maximum scale value.2054-434 Incorrect orientation.2054-435 Incorrect processing direction.2054-436 Invalid highlight thickness.2054-437 Invalid scaleMultiple; greater than (max - min)2054-438 Invalid scaleMultiple; less than zero2054-439 (Maximum - minimum) cannot be greater than INT_MAX divided by 2. Miminimum has been set to zero. Maximum may have been set to (INT_MAX/2).2054-441 The scrollbar minimum value is greater than or equal to the scrollbar maximum value.2054-442 The specified slider size is less than 12054-443 The specified scrollbar value is less than the minimum scrollbar value.2054-444 The specified scrollbar value is greater than the maximum scrollbar value minus the scrollbar slider size.2054-445 Incorrect orientation.2054-446 Incorrect processing direction.2054-447 The scrollbar increment is less than 1.2054-448 The scrollbar page increment is less than 1.2054-449 The scrollbar initial delay is less than 1.2054-450 The scrollbar repeat delay is less than 1.2054-451 Error in context manager; scrollbar backgrounds cannot be set correctly2054-452 Error in context manager; scrollbar foregrounds cannot be set correctly2054-453 Specified slider size is greater than the scrollbar maximum value minus the scrollbar minimum value.2054-461 Invalid ScrollBar Display policy.2054-462 Invalid Scrolling Policy.2054-463 Invalid Visual Policy.2054-464 Invalid placement policy.2054-466 Cannot change scrolling policy after initialization.2054-467 Cannot change visual policy after initialization.2054-468 Cannot set AS_NEEDED scrollbar policy with a visual policy of VARIABLE.2054-469 Cannot change scrollbar widget in AUTOMATIC mode.2054-470 Cannot change clip windowCannot set visual policy of CONSTANT in APPLICATION_DEFINED mode.2054-471 Wrong parameters passed to the function.2054-481 Incorrect dialog type.2054-482 Dialog type cannot be modified.2054-483 Only one work area child allowed.2054-484 Invalid child type.2054-491 Invalid separator type.2054-492 Invalid orientation.2054-501 Invalid source, source ignored.2054-502 Invalid edit mode.2054-503 Text widget is editable, traversalOn must be true.2054-504 Can't find position in MovePreviousLine().2054-505 Invalid rows, must be > 02054-506 XmFontListInitFontContext failed.2054-507 XmFontListGetNextFont failed.2054-508 Character '%c' is not supported in font. It is discarded.2054-509 Character '%s' is not supported in font. It is discarded.2054-510 Cannot use a multibyte locale without a fontset. The value is discarded.2054-511 Invalid cursor position, must be >= 0.2054-512 Invalid columns, must be > 0.2054-513 traversalOn must always be true.2054-514 Invalid columns, must be >= 0.2054-521 Indicator type should be either XmONE_OF_MANY or XmN_OF_MANY2054-531 Invalid value for navigation_type2054-532 Wrong value in old for navigation_type!!2054-533 Traversal bootstrap situation with bad parameters2054-534 Attempt to traverse to new tab using bad parameters2054-535 startWidget is not in child list2054-536 Bad parameters to TraverseToChild2054-541 Invalid value for delete response2054-542 Invalid XmNpreeditType, default to OverTheSpot2054-545 FetchUnitType: bad widget class2054-546 String to no-op conversion needs no extra parameters.2054-547 FetchUnitType called without a widget to reference.2054-551 Virtual bindings Initialize hasn't been called2054-561 Invalid color requested from _XmAccessColorData2054-562 Cannot allocate colormap entry for background, setting background to white2054-563 Cannot parse given background color, setting background to white2054-571 The specified Input Method faild to init : %s2054-572 Cannot create the Input Method Object2054-573 XmIMFocus invoked with NULL widget.2054-574 XmIMMove invoked without the Input Method focus.OKCancelSelectionApplyHelpFilterFilesDirectoriesItemsFilterDirectory2054-581 No context found for extension.2054-582 _XmPopWidgetExtData: no extension found with XFindContext.2054-583 XmFreeWidgetExtData is not a supported routine.2054-584 getLabelSecResData: not enough memory.2054-591 Creating multiple XmDisplays for the same X display. Only the first XmDisplay created for a particular X display can be referenced by calls to XmGetXmDisplay.2054-592 Received TOP_LEVEL_LEAVE with no active DragContext.2054-593 Cannot set XmDisplay class to a non-subclass of XmDisplay.2054-601 The _MOTIF_DRAG_WINDOW has been destroyed.2054-602 The protocol version levels do not match.2054-603 Unable to open display.2054-604 The atoms table is empty.2054-605 The target table is empty.2054-606 The target table has an inconsistent property.2054-607 Invalid target table index.2054-611 GenerateCallback does not expect XmCR_DROP_SITE_ENTER as a reason.2054-612 Invalid selection in DropConvertCallback.2054-613 The drop selection was lost.2054-614 XGrabPointer failed.2054-615 ExternalNotifyHandler: the callback reason is not acceptable.2054-616 XmDragStart must be called as a result of a button press.2054-621 Unknown drag and drop message type.2054-631 No geometry specified for dragIcon pixmap.2054-632 dragIcon created with no pixmap.2054-633 String to Bitmap converter needs Screen.2054-641 Depth mismatch.2054-642 Unknown icon attachment.2054-643 Unknown drag state.2054-644 Unknown blendModel.2054-651 Unable to get dropSite window geometry.2054-652 Invalid animationPixmapDepth.2054-661 Cannot create drop sites which are children of a simple drop site.2054-662 Receiving Motion Events without an active drag context.2054-663 Receiving operation changed without an active drag context.2054-664 Creating an active drop site with no drop procedure.2054-665 Cannot set rectangles or rectangle numbers of composite dropsites.2054-666 Registering a widget as a drop site out of sequence. Ancestors must be registered before any of their descendants are registered.2054-667 Cannot register widget as a drop site more than once.2054-668 DropSite type may only be set at creation time.2054-669 Cannot change rectangles of non-simple dropsite.2054-670 Cannot register a drop site which is a descendent of a simple drop site.2054-671 Cannot create a discontiguous child list for a composite drop site.2054-672 %s is not a drop site child of %s.2054-681 Geometry request to "almost" reply failed.2054-691 Memory error.2054-701 Illegal representation type id.2054-702 Illegal value (%d) for rep type XmR%s.2054-711 FetchUnitType: bad widget class.2054-712 Cannot continue because of errors in a default font list.2054-721 Icon screen mismatch.2054-722 Cannot get XmScreen because XmDisplay was not found.2054-731 Invalid numeric shape.2054-732 Invalid character shape.2054-733 The character shape is not compatible with mode XmTEXT_MODE_IMPLICIT. Mode XmCSD_MODE_AUTOMATIC will be used.2054-734 The numeric shape is not compatible with mode XmTEXT_MODE_VISUAL mode. Mode XmNSS_MODE_ARABIC will be used.2054-735 Both bi-directional and multi-byte characters specified.2054-741 Could not allocate memory for color object data.2054-742 Bad screen number from color server selection.2054-751 Incorrect alignment.2054-752 Incorrect behavior.2054-753 Incorrect fill mode.2054-754 Incorrect string or pixmap position.2054-755 Incorrect margin width or height.2054-756 Incorrect shadow type.