ùISO8859-1x!à!$<Vp¨ Ä ã  <$ 'a$‰® Éê&"I+dC3Ô#!>`"¢ ½Þ þ!;"<Z#8—$9Ð%5 &4 @'" u(; ˜)& Ô*/ û+! +,! M- o.$ ‰/ ®0& Î1$ õ2! 38 <45 u5( «6$ Ô7 ù8 99 9:+ s; Ÿ<" »=% Þ>+ ?, 0@! ]A8 B/ ¸C* èD5E7IF<G$¾H'ãI: J4FK1{L1­M7ßN)O%AP$gQ+ŒR(¸S&áT'U-0V%^W1„X-¶Y%äZ+ [&6\]]z^"—_#º`Þa÷b(c*<dge&‚f"©gÌhài új%k$Al*fm,‘n¾oDÖp5q(Qr5zs°tFÏuEvE\wW¢x&ú2055-301 Vector allocation failed2055-408 Buffer allocation failed2055-303 Invalid buffer2055-304 Get block failed2055-306 Put block failed2055-305 Invalid record header2055-311 Invalid context2055-312 Invalid data entry2055-313 Invalid segment entry2055-314 Unknown data entry type2055-401 Unexpected record type2055-000 File version %1$s is greater than Mrm version %2$s.2055-432 This is not the header record.2055-403 Resource index out of range2055-404 NULL data pointer2055-003 Illegal overflow record2055-321 GT record mismatch2055-322 LT record mismatch2055-402 Unexpected parent record type2055-331 Record beyond EOF2055-420 Cannot swap record #%1$d type %2$d2055-421 Encountered unimplemented type %1$d, in Callback item %2$d2055-422 Encountered unimplemented argument type %d2055-405 NULL hierarchy id2055-406 Invalid hierarchy2055-410 Invalid interface module2055-407 Invalid widget record2055-341 Context allocation failed2055-342 Validation failed2055-343 Resource size too large2055-022 Display not yet opened2055-020 Could not open file %s2055-021 Could not open file %s - UID file version mismatch2055-030 XmGetPixmap failed with XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP for %s2055-033 XCreateImage failed during IconImage conversion2055-034 XCreatePixmap failed during IconImage conversion2055-035 XCreateGC failed during IconImage conversion2055-036 XtMalloc failed during IconImage conversion2055-031 Could not load color '%s'2055-414 Could not convert RGB color/pixel '%1$d,%2$d,%3$d'2055-415 Invalid color descriptor type2055-032 Illegal Color item monochrome state %d2055-040 Cannot find literal '%s'2055-409 Invalid resource context2055-351 Too many widgets2055-352 Topmost index out of bounds2055-361 List allocation failed2055-362 List vector allocation failed2055-363 Vector re-allocation failed2055-364 String allocation failed2055-371 UID file is obsolete - has no compression table2055-050 Could not find class descriptor for class %s2055-101 Cannot find indexed widget '%s'2055-102 Cannot find RID widget '%x'2055-103 ?? UNKNOWN key type %d2055-145 Unknown widget variety2055-142 Unresolved Widget reference in creation callback2055-141 Could not Fixup creation callbacks2055-144 Unknown child type2055-143 Child of parent not found2055-129 Widget reference not Indexed2055-108 Could not convert color/pixel '%s'2055-416 Could not uncompress string code %d2055-130 Unhandled resource group2055-111 Could not convert ASCIZ '%s' to compound string2055-112 Could not parse translation table '%s'2055-104 Could not convert identifier '%s'2055-131 Internal error: case MrmRtypeIconImage found2055-132 Internal error: case MrmRtypeXBitmapFile found2055-139 Internal error: Could not convert Display to String2055-105 Could not convert font '%s'2055-138 Could not convert fontset '%s'2055-137 Could not open one or more fonts for fontset '%s'2055-136 Could not add fontlist fontset '%s' to list2055-107 Could not add fontlist font '%s' to list2055-113 Could not convert class record name '%s'2055-114 Could not convert keysym string '%s' to KeySym2055-115 Cannot find indexed literal '%s'2055-116 Cannot find RID literal '%x'2055-117 Unknown literal key type %d2055-118 Invalid ColorTable literal type %d2055-119 Invalid ColorTable type code %d2055-120 Invalid Color literal type %d2055-121 Invalid ColorItem type code %d2055-122 Callback routine '%s' not registered2055-129 Widget reference not Indexed2055-123 Cannot find indexed widget resource '%s'2055-124 Cannot find RID widget resource '%x'2055-125 Unknown resource key type %d2055-135 Could not instantitate widget tree2055-202 Null user-defined class name2055-203 Invalid class code2055-204 Too many arguments2055-205 Invalid compression code2055-206 Invalid or unhandled type2055-207 Vector too big2055-209 Empty routine name2055-210 Char8Vector not yet implemented2055-211 CStringVector not yet implemented2055-214 Too many children2055-215 Null children list descriptor2055-216 Child index out of bounds2055-217 Null index2055-218 Invalid key type2055-220 Arg index out of bounds2055-423 Invalid widget/gadget record2055-221 Invalid callback descriptor2055-222 Callback item index out of bounds2055-416 Could not uncompress string code %d2055-208 Too many items2055-146 Could not convert multibyte string to wide character string2055-424 Could not convert integer '%d' to icon image2055-425 Could not convert to icon image2055-426 Could not open buffer - UID version mismatch2055-427 Could not open buffer2055-428 Unable to convert units to XmPIXELS: bad units format or type2055-429 Unable to convert units to XmPIXELS: floating point overflow2055-430 Invalid version string %s in UID file. Unable to read file.2055-000 Mrm version %1$s is greater than file version %2$s; please recompile UIL file.2055-431 Object '%s' declared PRIVATE.