ISO8859-1?,(/U@6f2F;  | S 3 W  ^ \ C ; < ;/ xq B X ]. a O G% # , MP\wx%f[ 5a!E"7#J$L`%R&I'OJ(G)5*L+Be,V-H.lH/J0.1V/2U3@4G5Je6T7j8}p9-:=;lZ<u=C=>N?O #93$6X0?9 <: 6w ;   ; E.( + D% p: 4 ;! !B *" % 'i*%++0+=+U,7G,5, L- 3-X [- p- .Yb/ j/x02g]23HT5R5k[56C8s8X8!8D9 /9P+9D;s=-@e @;@ @5CLD ODV3DBD?EE] HT RK [LO L P{ TU+TU+U;%Ug%UU(U "U GV Vg W W!YY(Z"Z-5ZPLZmZ C[A J[ 1[ F\ \I^b fJUh:i:iu Rl8In;n{o ]qBs1t.t` lv&wTqw{<wx*.xxz|~IZx7Fd#t/uO1V qV-%B.Yq%1$s: 2612-001 Not a recognized flag: %2$s. %1$s: 2612-002 Not a recognized operand: %2$s. %1$s: 2612-003 The combination of %2$s and %3$s is not allowed. %1$s: 2612-004 A resource handle must be entered using the following format: "0x0000 0x0000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000" instead of: "%2$s". %1$s: 2612-005 A resource class name must be entered. %1$s: 2612-006 A resource handle must be entered. %1$s: 2612-007 Invalid command format-too many operands were entered. %1$s: 2612-008 The -s "Selection_string" flag is required. %1$s: 2612-009 Unexpected error when the underlying RMC function %2$s was issued and produced a return code of %3$s (%4$s). %1$s: 2612-010 Resource class %2$s is not defined. %1$s: 2612-011 Was not able to get a list of resource handles for Resource class %2$s. %1$s: 2612-012 Was not able to query the definition of the structured data for resource %2$s. %1$s: 2612-013 error_exit received an unexpected return code %2$s. %1$s: 2612-014 Error processing attribute %2$s value %3$s. %1$s: 2612-015 Error processing SD element %2$s value %3$s. %1$s: 2612-016 An action name must be entered. %1$s: 2612-017 An internal program error occurred while attempting to display the invalid attribute %2$s in %3$s %1$s: 2612-018 Attribute name %2$s is not a valid attribute name. %1$s: 2612-019 The selection string specified with the -s flag contains invalid syntax. %1$s: 2612-020 An Attr=value must be entered. %1$s: 2612-021 Resource handle %2$s is invalid. No resource corresponds to this resource handle. %1$s: 2612-022 A session could not be established with the RMC daemon on %2$s. Environment Variables used are %1$s %1$s: 2612-023 No resources found. %1$s: 2612-024 Could not authenticate user. %1$s: 2612-025 User not authorized to access the resource or resource class. %1$s: 2612-026 There are no command arguments required for resource class %2$s. %1$s: 2612-027 Command argument %2$s, resource %3$s line %4$s is not a valid command argument for this resource class. %1$s: 2612-028 The resource class definition for resource class %2$s, argument %3$s contains an invalid data type %4$s. %1$s: 2612-029 Error processing argument %2$s value %3$s, invalid value for this arguments data type. %1$s: 2612-030 Required argument %2$s for resource %3$s on command %4$s must be specified. %1$s: 2612-031 Error processing file %2$s for input. %1$s: 2612-032 processing the command line %2$s for Arg=value pairs. %1$s: 2612-033 Required memory could not be allocated. %1$s: 2612-034 Syntax of wildcard (%2$s) in attribute list is not valid. %1$s: 2612-035 A zero length attribute name was detected in operand "%2$s". %1$s: 2612-036 An attribute name was specified without a value in operand "%2$s". %1$s: 2612-037 A zero length option name was detected in operand "%2$s". %1$s: 2612-038 An option name was specified without a value in operand "%2$s". %1$s: 2612-039 The string "%2$s" is missing a closing quote character. %1$s: 2612-040 The binary value "%2$s" is not valid. %1$s: 2612-361 The structured data value "%2$s" does not have valid syntax. %1$s: 2612-362 The array value "%2$s" does not have valid syntax. %1$s: 2612-363 The command argument name "%2$s" is not valid for resource class %3$s. %1$s: 2612-364 The action name specified is not defined for class %2$s. %1$s: 2612-365 The action input argument name "%2$s" is not valid for action "%3$s" of resource class %4$s. %1$s: 2612-366 The specified string "%2$s" is not a recognized data type. %1$s: 2612-367 An attribute name is required. %1$s: 2612-368 More than the maximum number of permitted resources was found on %2$s. %1$s: 2612-369 The security mechanism specified in the ACL ID "%2$s" is not correct. %1$s: 2612-370 An access was specified without an ID in "%2$s". %1$s: 2612-371 An access was specified without a permission in "%2$s". %1$s: 2612-372 The specified permission "%2$s" is not a valid permission. %1$s: 2612-373 A security routine returned an error code of %2$d processing an ACL. %1$s: 2612-374 The resource was not created because a Resource ACL could not be created for the resource. %1$s: 2612-375 The resource was created but there was an error creating the Resource ACL. The resource does not have an ACL. %1$s: 2612-376 No permitted resources found. %1$s: 2612-377 The identity "%2$s" was not found in the ACL. %1$s: 2612-378 The input file "%2$s" could not be opened. The error number is "%3$d". The reason is "%4$s". %1$s: 2612-379 An error occurred processing the input file "%2$s". The error number is "%3$d". The reason is "%4$s". %1$s: 2612-380 There are no nodes listed in the input file "%2$s". %1$s: 2612-381 The specified value is outside the range for attribute "%2$s". %1$s: 2612-382 Attribute name %2$s is not a valid persistence attribute name. Usage: lsrsrcdef [-h] [-c] [-a p|d] [-p Property] [-s] [-e] [-l|-i|-t|-d|-D Delimiter] [-x] [-T] [-V] [Resource_class [Attr...]] Resource Class Definition for %1$s Resource Class Persistent Attribute Definitions for %1$s Resource Persistent Attribute Definitions for %1$s Resource Class Dynamic Attribute Definitions for %1$s Resource Dynamic Attribute Definitions for %1$s Resource Class Persistent Structured Data Definitions for %1$s Resource Persistent Structured Data Definitions for %1$s Resource Class Dynamic Structured Data Definitions for %1$s Resource Dynamic Structured Data Definitions for %1$s %1$s: 2612-041 Resource class %2$s could not be displayed. Usage: lsrsrcdef [-h] [-c] [-a p|d] [-p Property] [-s] [-e] [-v] [-l|-i|-t|-d|-D Delimiter] [-x] [-T] [-V] [Resource_class [Attr...]] Usage: lsrsrcdef [-h] [-c] [-A p|d] [-p Property] [-s] [-e] [-l|-i|-t|-d|-D Delimiter] [-x] [-T] [-V] [Resource_class [Attr...]] attributeUsage: lsrsrc [-h] [-s "Selection_string"] [-a p|d|b] [-p Property] [-l|-t|-d|-D Delimiter] [-x] [-T] [-V] [Resource_class [Attr...]] lsrsrc [-h] [-s "Selection_string"] -r [-l|-t|-d|-D Delimiter] [-x] [-T] [-V] [Resource_class] lsrsrc [-h] -c [-a p|d|b] [-p Property] [-l|-t|-d|-D Delimiter] [-x] [-T] [-V] [Resource_class [Attr...]] Resource Handles for %1$s Resource Class Persistent Attributes for %1$s Resource Persistent Attributes for %1$s Resource Class Dynamic Attributes for %1$s Resource Dynamic Attributes for %1$s Resource Class Persistent and Dynamic Attributes for %1$s Resource Persistent and Dynamic Attributes for %1$s %1$s: 2612-061 Resource class %2$s could not be displayed. Usage: lsrsrc [-h] [-s "Selection_string"] [-A p|d|b] [-p Property] [-l|-i|-t|-d|-D Delimiter] [-x] [-a] [-T] [-V] [Resource_class [Attr...]] lsrsrc [-h] [-s "Selection_string"] -r [-l|-t|-d|-D Delimiter] [-x] [-a] [-T] [-V] [Resource_class] lsrsrc [-h] -c [-A p|d|b] [-p Property] [-l|-t|-d|-D Delimiter] [-x] [-T] [-V] [Resource_class [Attr...]] Usage: lsrsrc [-h] [-s "Selection_string"] [-A p|d|b] [-p Property] [-l|-i|-t|-d|-D Delimiter] [-x] [-a] [-T] [-V] [Resource_class [Attr...]] lsrsrc [-h] [-s "Selection_string"] -r [-l|-t|-d|-D Delimiter] [-x] [-a] [-T] [-V] [Resource_class] lsrsrc [-h] -c [-A p|d|b] [-p Property] [-l|-t|-d|-D Delimiter] [-x] [-T] [-V] [Resource_class [Attr...]] lsrsrc [-h] -C Peer_domain_names [-A p|d|b] [-p Property] [-l|-t|-d|-D Delimiter] [-x] [-T] [-V] [Resource_class [Attr...]] Usage: To display attributes and values for a resource or resource class, using data entered on a command line: lsrsrc [-h] [-a|-N Node_file|"-"] [-s "Selection_string"] [-A p|d|b] [-p Property] [-l|-i|-t|-d|-D Delimiter] [-x] [-T] [-V] [Resource_class [Attr...]] lsrsrc [-h] -r [-a|-N Node_file|"-"] [-s "Selection_string"] [-l|-t|-d|-D Delimiter] [-x] [-T] [-V] [Resource_class] lsrsrc [-h] -c [-A p|d|b] [-p Property] [-l|-t|-d|-D Delimiter] [-x] [-T] [-V] [Resource_class [Attr...]] lsrsrc [-h] -C Peer_domain_names [-A p|d|b] [-p Property] [-l|-t|-d|-D Delimiter] [-x] [-T] [-V] [Resource_class [Attr...]] Usage: To display attributes and values for a resource or resource class, using data entered on a command line: lsrsrc [-h] [-a|-N Node_file|"-"] [-s "Selection_string"] [-A p|d|b] [-p Property] [-l|-i|-t|-d|-D Delimiter] [-x] [-T] [-V] [Resource_class [Attr...]] lsrsrc [-h] -r [-a|-N Node_file|"-"] [-s "Selection_string"] [-l|-t|-d|-D Delimiter] [-x] [-T] [-V] [Resource_class] lsrsrc [-h] -c [-A p|d|b] [-p Property] [-l|-t|-d|-D Delimiter] [-x] [-a] [-T] [-V] [Resource_class [Attr...]] lsrsrc [-h] -C Peer_domain_names [-A p|d|b] [-p Property] [-l|-t|-d|-D Delimiter] [-x] [-T] [-V] [Resource_class [Attr...]] Usage: To define a new resource using data entered on the command line: mkrsrc [-h] [-v] [-T] [-V] Resource_class Attr=value... To define a new resource using data predefined in an input file: mkrsrc [-h] -f Resource_data_input_file [-v] [-T] [-V] Resource_class To see examples of the mkrsrc command for a Resource_class: mkrsrc [-h] -e Resource_class Defining resource: %1$s Defined resource: %1$s "%2$s" Sample mkrsrc command with required attributes: Sample mkrsrc command with required and optional attributes: %1$s: 2612-081 Do not specify attribute %2$s when you define the resource %3$s %4$s. %1$s: 2612-082 Attribute %2$s is required when defining resource %3$s. %1$s: 2612-083 Error processing file %2$s for input. %1$s: 2612-084 Error processing the command line %2$s for Attr=value pairs. %1$s: 2612-085 Resource %2$s could not be defined. %1$s: 2612-086 The required NLSTranslation Stanza keyword %2$s: is missing from file %3$s. %1$s: 2612-087 The keyword %2$s which appears in the NLSTranslation Stanza in file %3$s is not a valid keyword. %1$s: 2612-088 Attribute %2$s specified in the NLSTranslation Stanza in file %3$s is not a defined persistent resource attribute for this resource class or does not have a data type of ct_char_ptr. %1$s: 2612-089 Error translating attribute %2$s = %3$s, message map %4$s, message catalogue %5$s. Usage: To define a new resource using data entered on the command line: mkrsrc [-h] [-v] [-T] [-V] Resource_class Attr=value... To define a new resource using data predefined in an input file: mkrsrc [-h] -f Resource_data_input_file [-v] [-T] [-V] Resource_class To see examples of the mkrsrc command for a Resource_class: mkrsrc [-h] -e Resource_class Usage: To define a new resource using data entered on the command line: mkrsrc [-h] [-v] [-T] [-V] Resource_class Attr=value... [Arg=value...] To define a new resource using data predefined in an input file: mkrsrc [-h] -f Resource_data_input_file [-v] [-T] [-V] Resource_class To see examples of the mkrsrc command for a Resource_class: mkrsrc [-h] -e Resource_class %1$s: 2612-090 When command arguments are specified, the number of sets of arguments must match the number of sets of attributes. %1$s: 2612-091 A temporary file needed to process the input data could not be created. %2$s. Usage: To define a new resource using data entered on the command line: mkrsrc [-h] [-v] [-T] [-V] Resource_class Attr=value... [Arg=value...] To define a new resource using data predefined in an input file: mkrsrc [-h] -f Resource_data_input_file [-v] [-T] [-V] Resource_class To see examples of the mkrsrc command for a Resource_class: mkrsrc [-h] -e Resource_class To list the command arguments names and data types: mkrsrc [-h] -l Resource_class Sample mkrsrc command with required and optional attributes, and command arguments: %1$s: 2612-092 Attribute %2$s is not valid for defining a resource in class %3$s. %1$s: 2612-093 Attribute %2$s is not valid for defining a resource in class %3$s for %4$s. Usage: To define a new resource using data entered on the command line: mkrsrc [-N {Node_file |"-"}] [-h] [-v] [-T] [-V] Resource_class Attr=value... [Arg=value...] To define a new resource using data predefined in an input file: mkrsrc [-N {Node_file |"-"}] [-h] -f Resource_data_input_file [-v] [-T] [-V] Resource_class To see examples of the mkrsrc command for a Resource_class: mkrsrc [-h] -e Resource_class To list the command arguments names and data types: mkrsrc [-h] -l Resource_class %1$s: 2612-094 The %2$s class does not support defining resources. Usage: rmrsrc [-h] -s "Selection_string" [-T] [-V] Resource_class rmrsrc [-h] -r [-T] [-V] Resource_handle Undefining resource: "%1$s" Undefined resource: %1$s "%2$s" %1$s: 2612-101 Failure removing resource, bad resource handle: %2$s %1$s: 2612-102 Failure removing resource %2$s. Usage: To remove one or more resources, using data entered on the command line: rmrsrc [-h] -s "Selection_string" [-a] [-T] [-V] Resource_class rmrsrc [-h] -r [-a] [-T] [-V] Resource_handle To remove one or more resources using command arguments predefined in an input file: rmrsrc [-h] -f Resource_data_input_file -s "Selection_string" [-a] [-T] [-V] Resource_class rmrsrc [-h] -f Resource_data_input_file -r [-a] [-T] [-V] Resource_handle To list the command arguments names and data types: rmrsrc [-h] -l Resource_class Usage: To remove one or more resources, using data entered on the command line: rmrsrc [-h] -s "Selection_string" [-T] [-V] Resource_class [Arg=value...] rmrsrc [-h] -r [-T] [-V] Resource_handle [Arg=value...] To remove one or more resources using command arguments predefined in an input file: rmrsrc [-h] -f Resource_data_input_file -s "Selection_string" [-T] [-V] Resource_class rmrsrc [-h] -f Resource_data_input_file -r [-T] [-V] Resource_handle To list the command arguments names and data types: rmrsrc [-h] -l Resource_class Usage: To remove one or more resources, using data entered on the command line: rmrsrc [-h] -s "Selection_string" [-a|-N Node_file|"-"] [-T] [-V] Resource_class [Arg=value...] rmrsrc [-h] -r [-T] [-V] Resource_handle [Arg=value...] To remove one or more resources, using command arguments predefined in an input file: rmrsrc [-h] -f Resource_data_input_file -s "Selection_string" [-a|-N Node_file|"-"] [-T] [-V] Resource_class rmrsrc [-h] -f Resource_data_input_file -r [-T] [-V] Resource_handle To list the command arguments names and data types: rmrsrc [-h] -l Resource_class Usage: refrsrc [-h] [-T] [-V] Resource_class Refreshing resource class: %1$s %1$s: 2612-121 Resource class %2$s could not be refreshed. Usage: To change the persistent attribute values of a resource or resource class (-c flag), using data entered on the command line: chrsrc [-h] -s "Selection_string" [-v] [-T] [-V] Resource_class Attr=value... chrsrc [-h] -r [-v] [-T] [-V] Resource_handle Attr=value... chrsrc [-h] -c [-v] [-T] [-V] Resource_class Attr=value... To change the persistent attribute values of a resource or resource class (-c flag), using data predefined in an input file: chrsrc [-h] -f Resource_data_input_file -s "Selection_string" [-v] [-T] [-V] Resource_class chrsrc [-h] -f Resource_data_input_file -r [-v] [-T] [-V] Resource_handle chrsrc [-h] -f Resource_data_input_file -c [-v] [-T] [-V] Resource_class %1$s: 2612-141 Error processing file %2$s for input. %1$s: 2612-142 Error processing the command line %2$s for Attr=value pairs. %1$s: 2612-143 Do not specify attribute %2$s when changing resource %3$s %4$s. %1$s: 2612-144 Resource %2$s could not be changed. %1$s: 2612-145 Resource %2$s attribute %3$s could not be changed. %1$s: 2612-146 Failure changing resource, bad resource handle. Usage: To change the persistent attribute values of a resource or resource class (-c flag), using data entered on the command line: chrsrc [-h] -s "Selection_string" [-v] [-a] [-T] [-V] Resource_class Attr=value... chrsrc [-h] -r [-v] [-a] [-T] [-V] Resource_handle Attr=value... chrsrc [-h] -c [-v] [-T] [-V] Resource_class Attr=value... To change the persistent attribute values of a resource or resource class (-c flag), using data predefined in an input file: chrsrc [-h] -f Resource_data_input_file -s "Selection_string" [-v] [-a] [-T] [-V] Resource_class chrsrc [-h] -f Resource_data_input_file -r [-v] [-a] [-T] [-V] Resource_handle chrsrc [-h] -f Resource_data_input_file -c [-v] [-T] [-V] Resource_class Usage: To change the persistent attribute values of a resource or resource class (-c flag), using data entered on the command line: chrsrc [-h] -s "Selection_string" [-v] [-a] [-T] [-V] Resource_class Attr=value... chrsrc [-h] -r [-v] [-a] [-T] [-V] Resource_handle Attr=value... chrsrc [-h] -c [-v] [-T] [-V] Resource_class Attr=value... chrsrc [-h] -C Peer_domain_names [-v] [-T] [-V] Resource_class Attr=value... To change the persistent attribute values of a resource or resource class (-c flag), using data predefined in an input file: chrsrc [-h] -f Resource_data_input_file -s "Selection_string" [-v] [-a] [-T] [-V] Resource_class chrsrc [-h] -f Resource_data_input_file -r [-v] [-a] [-T] [-V] Resource_handle chrsrc [-h] -f Resource_data_input_file -c [-v] [-T] [-V] Resource_class chrsrc [-h] -f Resource_data_input_file -C Peer_domain_names [-v] [-T] [-V] Resource_class %1$s: 2612-147 Attribute %2$s is not valid for changing a resource in class %3$s. %1$s: 2612-148 Attribute %2$s is not valid for changing a resource in class %3$s for %4$s. Usage: To change the persistent attribute values of a resource or resource class (-c flag), using data entered on the command line: chrsrc [-h] -s "Selection_string" [-a|-N Node_file|"-"] [-v] [-T] [-V] Resource_class Attr=value... chrsrc [-h] -r [-v] [-a] [-T] [-V] Resource_handle Attr=value... chrsrc [-h] -c [-v] [-T] [-V] Resource_class Attr=value... chrsrc [-h] -C Peer_domain_names [-v] [-T] [-V] Resource_class Attr=value... To change the persistent attribute values of a resource or resource class (-c flag), using data predefined in an input file: chrsrc [-h] -f Resource_data_input_file -s "Selection_string" [-v] [-a|-N Node_file|"-"] [-T] [-V] Resource_class chrsrc [-h] -f Resource_data_input_file -r [-v] [-a] [-T] [-V] Resource_handle chrsrc [-h] -f Resource_data_input_file -c [-v] [-T] [-V] Resource_class chrsrc [-h] -f Resource_data_input_file -C Peer_domain_names [-v] [-T] [-V] Resource_class Usage: To change the persistent attribute values of a resource or resource class (-c flag), using data entered on the command line: chrsrc [-h] -s "Selection_string" [-a|-N Node_file|"-"] [-v] [-T] [-V] Resource_class Attr=value... chrsrc [-h] -r [-v] [-a] [-T] [-V] Resource_handle Attr=value... chrsrc [-h] -c [-v] [-a] [-T] [-V] Resource_class Attr=value... chrsrc [-h] -C Peer_domain_names [-v] [-T] [-V] Resource_class Attr=value... To change the persistent attribute values of a resource or resource class (-c flag), using data predefined in an input file: chrsrc [-h] -f Resource_data_input_file -s "Selection_string" [-v] [-a|-N Node_file|"-"] [-T] [-V] Resource_class chrsrc [-h] -f Resource_data_input_file -r [-v] [-a] [-T] [-V] Resource_handle chrsrc [-h] -f Resource_data_input_file -c [-v] [-a] [-T] [-V] Resource_class chrsrc [-h] -f Resource_data_input_file -C Peer_domain_names [-v] [-T] [-V] Resource_class Usage: lsactdef [-h] [-c] [-p Property] [-s i|o] [-e] [-l|-i|-t|-d|-D Delimiter] [-x] [-T] [-V] [Resource_class [Action...]] Listing Action Structured Data Definition: Listing Action Definition: Resource Class Action Definitions for %1$s Resource Action Definitions for %1$s Resource Class Action Input for %1$s Resource Action Input for %1$s Resource Class Action Response for %1$s Resource Action Response for %1$s %1$s: 2612-161 Resource %2$s action definition could not be displayed. Usage: lsactdef [-h] [-c] [-p Property] [-s i|o] [-e] [-v] [-l|-i|-t|-d|-D Delimiter] [-x] [-T] [-V] [Resource_class [Action...]] actionUsage: runact [-h] -s "Selection_string" [-f Resource_data_input_file] [-v] [-l|-t|-d|-D Delimiter] [-x] [-T] [-V] Resource_class Action [In_Element_0=value In_Element_1=value ...] [Rsp_Element...] runact [-h] -r [-f Resource_data_input_file] [-v] [-l|-t|-d|-D Delimiter] [-x] [-T] [-V] Resource_handle Action [In_Element_0=value In_Element_1=value ...] [Rsp_Element...] runact [-h] -c [-f Resource_data_input_file] [-v] [-l|-t|-d|-D Delimiter] [-x] [-T] [-V] Resource_class Action [In_Element_0=value In_Element_1=value ...] [Rsp_Element...] Invoking class action: %1$s %2$s Invoking action: %1$s %2$s Resource Class Action Response for %1$s Resource Action Response for %1$s %1$s: 2612-181 Error processing file %2$s for input. %1$s: 2612-182 Error processing the command line %2$s for Attr=value pairs. %1$s: 2612-183 SD Element %2$s, resource %3$s action %4$s line %5$s is not a valid element name for this SD. %1$s: 2612-184 Action %2$s SD Element %3$s invalid data type %4$s. %1$s: 2612-185 Required SD Element %2$s on action %3$s must be specified. %1$s: 2612-186 Action %2$s could not be invoked. %1$s: 2612-187 SD response element %2$s is not valid for action %3$s. Usage: runact [-h] -s "Selection_string" [-f Resource_data_input_file] [-l|-t|-d|-D Delimiter] [-x] [-T] [-V] Resource_class Action [In_Element_0=value In_Element_1=value ...] [Rsp_Element...] runact [-h] -r [-f Resource_data_input_file] [-l|-t|-d|-D Delimiter] [-x] [-T] [-V] Resource_handle Action [In_Element_0=value In_Element_1=value ...] [Rsp_Element...] runact [-h] -c [-f Resource_data_input_file] [-n Node_name] [-l|-t|-d|-D Delimiter] [-x] [-T] [-V] Resource_class Action [In_Element_0=value In_Element_1=value ...] [Rsp_Element...] Usage: runact [-h] -s "Selection_string" [-f Resource_data_input_file] [-l|-t|-d|-D Delimiter] [-x] [-T] [-V] Resource_class Action [In_Element_0=value In_Element_1=value ...] [Rsp_Element...] runact [-h] -r [-f Resource_data_input_file] [-l|-t|-d|-D Delimiter] [-x] [-T] [-V] Resource_handle Action [In_Element_0=value In_Element_1=value ...] [Rsp_Element...] runact [-h] -c [-f Resource_data_input_file] [-n Node_name] [-l|-t|-d|-D Delimiter] [-x] [-T] [-V] Resource_class Action [In_Element_0=value In_Element_1=value ...] [Rsp_Element...] runact [-h] -C Peer_domain_names [-f Resource_data_input_file] [-l|-t|-d|-D Delimiter] [-x] [-T] [-V] Resource_class Action [In_Element_0=value In_Element_1=value ...] [Rsp_Element...] Usage: To run an action on a resource class, using data entered on the command line: runact [-h] -s "Selection_string" [-N Node_file|"-"] [-f Resource_data_input_file] [-l|-t|-d|-D Delimiter] [-x] [-T] [-V] Resource_class Action [In_Element_0=value In_Element_1=value ...] [Rsp_Element...] runact [-h] -r [-f Resource_data_input_file] [-l|-t|-d|-D Delimiter] [-x] [-T] [-V] Resource_handle Action [In_Element_0=value In_Element_1=value ...] [Rsp_Element...] runact [-h] -c [-f Resource_data_input_file] [-n Node_name] [-l|-t|-d|-D Delimiter] [-x] [-T] [-V] Resource_class Action [In_Element_0=value In_Element_1=value ...] [Rsp_Element...] runact [-h] -C Peer_domain_names [-f Resource_data_input_file] [-l|-t|-d|-D Delimiter] [-x] [-T] [-V] Resource_class Action [In_Element_0=value In_Element_1=value ...] [Rsp_Element...] Usage: To start one or more resources, using data entered on the command line: startrsrc [-h] -s "Selection_string" [-n Node_name] [-T] [-V] Resource_class [Arg=value...] startrsrc [-h] -r [-n Node_name] [-T] [-V] Resource_handle [Arg=value...] To start one or more resources using command arguments predefined in an input file: startrsrc [-h] -f Resource_data_input_file -s "Selection_string" [-n Node_name] [-T] [-V] Resource_class startrsrc [-h] -f Resource_data_input_file -r [-n Node_name] [-T] [-V] Resource_handle To list the command arguments names and data types: startrsrc [-h] -l Resource_class Attempting to bring resource online, class: %1$s, node: %2$s, resource handle: %3$s %1$s: 2612-201 Resource %2$s could not be brought online. Usage: To start one or more resources, using data entered on the command line: startrsrc [-h] -s "Selection_string" [-N Node_file|"-"] [-n Node_name] [-T] [-V] Resource_class [Arg=value...] startrsrc [-h] -r [-n Node_name] [-T] [-V] Resource_handle [Arg=value...] To start one or more resources, using command arguments predefined in an input file: startrsrc [-h] -f Resource_data_input_file -s "Selection_string" [-N Node_file|"-"] [-n Node_name] [-T] [-V] Resource_class startrsrc [-h] -f Resource_data_input_file -r [-n Node_name] [-T] [-V] Resource_handle To list the command arguments names and data types: startrsrc [-h] -l Resource_class Usage: To stop one or more resources, using data entered on the command line: stoprsrc [-h] -s "Selection_string" [-T] [-V] Resource_class [Arg=value...] stoprsrc [-h] -r [-T] [-V] Resource_handle [Arg=value...] To stop one or more resources using command arguments predefined in an input file: stoprsrc [-h] -f Resource_data_input_file -s "Selection_string" [-T] [-V] Resource_class stoprsrc [-h] -f Resource_data_input_file -r [-T] [-V] Resource_handle To list the command arguments names and data types: stoprsrc [-h] -l Resource_class Attempting to take offline resource class: %1$s, resource handle: %2$s %1$s: 2612-221 Resource %2$s could not be brought offline. Usage: To stop one or more resources, using data entered on the command line: stoprsrc [-h] -s "Selection_string" [-N Node_file|"-"] [-T] [-V] Resource_class [Arg=value...] stoprsrc [-h] -r [-T] [-V] Resource_handle [Arg=value...] To stop one or more resources, using command arguments predefined in an input file: stoprsrc [-h] -f Resource_data_input_file -s "Selection_string" [-N Node_file|"-"] [-T] [-V] Resource_class stoprsrc [-h] -f Resource_data_input_file -r [-T] [-V] Resource_handle To list the command arguments names and data types: stoprsrc [-h] -l Resource_class Usage: To reset one or more resources, using data entered on the command line: resetrsrc [-h] -s "Selection_string" [-T] [-V] Resource_class [Arg=value...] resetrsrc [-h] -r [-T] [-V] Resource_handle [Arg=value...] To reset one or more resources using command arguments predefined in an input file: resetrsrc [-h] -f Resource_data_input_file -s "Selection_string" [-T] [-V] Resource_class resetrsrc [-h] -f Resource_data_input_file -r [-T] [-V] Resource_handle To list the command arguments names and data types: resetrsrc [-h] -l Resource_class Attempting to reset resource class: %1$s, resource handle: %2$s %1$s: 2612-241 Resource %2$s could not be reset. Usage: To reset one or more resources, using data entered on the command line: resetrsrc [-h] -s "Selection_string" [-N Node_file|"-"] [-T] [-V] Resource_class [Arg=value...] resetrsrc [-h] -r [-T] [-V] Resource_handle [Arg=value...] To reset one or more resources, using command arguments predefined in an input file: resetrsrc [-h] -f Resource_data_input_file -s "Selection_string" [-N Node_file|"-"] [-T] [-V] Resource_class resetrsrc [-h] -f Resource_data_input_file -r [-T] [-V] Resource_handle To list the command arguments names and data types: resetrsrc [-h] -l Resource_class Usage: lscmdargdef [-h] [-e] [-l|-i|-t|-d|-D Delimiter] [-x] [-T] [-V] [Resource_class command_name] Command Argument Definitions for %1$s Usage: lscmdargdef [-h] [-e] [-v] [-l|-i|-t|-d|-D Delimiter] [-x] [-T] [-V] [Resource_class command_name] %1$s: 2612-261 Class %2$s arguments could not be displayed. %1$s: 2612-262 "%2$s" is not a valid command name. Valid command names are: mkrsrc, rmrsrc, startrsrc, stoprsrc, and resetrsrc. %1$s: 2612-263 Command_name argument missing. Usage: To list information about a set of resources. lsrsrc-api [-a[::]...]... [-c][-D] [-e][-h][-i][-I][-k][-m][-n][-p][-q][-t][-v][-T][-V] [-c [::]...]... [-o [::[::[::]...]]]... [-r [::]...]... [-s [::[::]...]]... Usage: To list information about a set of resources. lsrsrc-api [-a[::]...]... [-c][-D] [-e][-h][-i][-I][-k][-m][-n][-p][-q][-t][-u][-v][-T][-V] [-c [::]...]... [-C [::[::]...]]... [-o [::[::[::]...]]]... [-r [::]...]... [-s [::[::]...]]... Usage: To list information about a set of resources. lsrsrc-api [-a[::]...]... [-d][-D] [-e][-h][-i][-I][-k][-m][-n][-p][-q][-t][-u][-v][-T][-V] [-c [::]...]... [-C [::[::]...]]... [-o [::[::[::]...]]]... [-j [::[::[::]...]]]... [-r [::]...]... [-s [::[::]...]]... [-w [::[::[::]...]]]... Usage: To create one or more resources. mkrsrc-api [-D][-e][-h][-I][-k][-m][-T][-V] [ClassName[::::::]...]]... Usage: To create one or more resources. mkrsrc-api [-D][-e][-h][-I][-k][-m][-T][-V] [ClassName[::::::]...]]... [-f InputFileName]... [-F InputFileName]... Usage: To create one or more resources. mkrsrc-api [-D][-e][-h][-I][-k][-m][-N NodeFile][-T][-V] [ClassName[::::::]...]]... [-f InputFileName]... [-F InputFileName]... Usage: To change the attributes of one or more resources or resource classes. chrsrc-api [-D][-e][-h][-i][-I][-k][-T][-V] [-c [::::]...]... [-o [::[::[::::]...]]]... [-r [::::]...]... [-s [::[::::]...]]... Usage: To change the attributes of one or more resources or resource classes. chrsrc-api [-D][-e][-h][-i][-I][-k][-u][-T][-V] [-c [::::]...]... [-C [::[::::]...]]... [-o [::[::[::::]...]]]... [-r [::::]...]... [-s [::[::::]...]]... Usage: To change the attributes of one or more resources or resource classes. chrsrc-api [-D][-e][-h][-i][-I][-k][-u][-T][-V] [-c [::::]...]... [-C [::[::::]...]]... [-o [::[::[::::]...]]]... [-j [::[::[::::]...]]]... [-r [::::]...]... [-s [::[::::]...]]... [-w [::[::[::::]...]]]... Usage: To delete one or more resources. rmrsrc-api [-D][-e][-h][-i][-I][-k][-T][-V] [-o [::[::[::::]...]]]]... [-r [::::]...]... [-s [::[::::]...]]... Usage: To delete one or more resources. rmrsrc-api [-D][-e][-h][-i][-I][-k][-T][-V] [-o [::[::[::::]...]]]]... [-j [::[::[::::]...]]]]... [-r [::::]...]... [-s [::[::::]...]]... [-w [::[::[::::]...]]]... Usage: To run actions against one or more resources or resource classes. runact-api [-D][-e][-h][-i][-I][-k][-t][-T][-V] [-c [::[::::]...]]... [-o [::[::[::::]...]]]... [-r [::::]...]... [-s [::[::::]...]]... Usage: To run actions against one or more resources or resource classes. runact-api [-D][-e][-h][-i][-I][-k][-t][-u][-T][-V] [-c [::[::[::::]...]]]... [-C [::[::[::::]...]]]... [-o [::[::[::[::::]...]]]]... [-r [::[::::]...]]... [-s [::[::[::::]...]]]... Usage: To run actions against one or more resources or resource classes. runact-api [-D][-e][-h][-i][-I][-k][-t][-u][-T][-V] [-c [::[::[::::]...]]]... [-C [::[::[::::]...]]]... [-o [::[::[::[::::]...]]]]... [-r [::[::::]...]]... [-s [::[::[::::]...]]]... [-P ::Permissions[::MaxPerm[::[::[::::]...]]]]... Usage: To run actions against one or more resources or resource classes. runact-api [-D][-e][-h][-i][-I][-k][-t][-u][-T][-V] [-c [::[::[::::]...]]]... [-C [::[::[::::]...]]]... [-J [::[::[::::]...]]]... [-o [::[::[::[::::]...]]]]... [-j [::[::[::[::::]...]]]]... [-r [::[::::]...]]... [-s [::[::[::::]...]]]... [-w [::[::[::[::::]...]]]]... [-P ::Permissions[::MaxPerm[::[::[::::]...]]]]... [-W ::Permissions[::MaxPerm[::[::[::[::::]...]]]]]... Usage: To start or bring online one or more resources. startrsrc-api [-D][-e][-h][-i][-I][-k][-T][-V] [-o [::[::[::[::::]...]]]]... [-r [::[::::]...]]... [-s [::[::[::::]...]]]... Usage: To start or bring online one or more resources. startrsrc-api [-D][-e][-h][-i][-I][-k][-T][-V] [-o [::[::[::[::::]...]]]]... [-j [::[::[::[::::]...]]]]... [-r [::[::::]...]]... [-s [::[::[::::]...]]]... [-w [::[::[::[::::]...]]]]... Usage: To stop or bring offline one or more resources. stoprsrc-api [-D][-e][-h][-i][-I][-k][-T][-V][-z] [-o [::[::[::::]...]]]... [-r [::::]...]... [-s [::[::::]...]]... Usage: To stop or bring offline one or more resources. stoprsrc-api [-D][-e][-h][-i][-I][-k][-T][-V][-z] [-o [::[::[::::]...]]]... [-j [::[::[::::]...]]]... [-r [::::]...]... [-s [::[::::]...]]... [-w [::[::[::::]...]]]... Usage: To reset one or more resources which will take it out of the Failed-Offline state. resetrsrc-api [-D][-e][-h][-i][-I][-k][-T][-V] [-o [::[::[::::]...]]]... [-r [::::]...]... [-s [::[::::]...]]... Usage: To reset one or more resources which will take it out of the Failed-Offline state. resetrsrc-api [-D][-e][-h][-i][-I][-k][-T][-V] [-o [::[::[::::]...]]]... [-j [::[::[::::]...]]]... [-r [::::]...]... [-s [::[::::]...]]... [-w [::[::[::::]...]]]... Usage: To refresh the configuration of one or more resource classes. refrsrc-api [-D][-e][-h][-I][-k][-T][-V][-c ]... Usage: To list definition of a resource or resource class. lsrsrcdef-api [-D OutDelimiter][-e][-h][-I InDelimiter][-k] [-c ResourceClass[::AttributeName[::AttributeName]...]]... [-r ResourceClass[::AttributeName[::AttributeName]...]]... Usage: To list definition of a resource or resource class. lsrsrcdef-api [-D OutDelimiter][-e][-h][-I InDelimiter][-k][-q] [-c *|ResourceClass[::AttributeName[::AttributeName]...]]... [-r ResourceClass[::AttributeName[::AttributeName]...]]... [-s ResourceClass::SDRsrcAttrName[::SDRsrcAttrName]...]... [-S ResourceClass::SDClsAttrName[::SDClsAttrName]...]... [-a ResourceClass[::RsrcActionName[::RsrcActionName]...]]... [-A ResourceClass[::ClsActionName[::ClsActionName]...]]... [-x ResourceClass::RsrcActionName[::RsrcActionName]...]... [-X ResourceClass::ClsActionName[::ClsActionName]...]... [-y ResourceClass::RsrcActionName[::RsrcActionName]...]... [-Y ResourceClass::ClsActionName[::ClsActionName]...]... [-o ResourceClass[::define|undefine|online|offline|reset [::define|undefine|online|offline|reset]...]]... Usage: To list definition of a resource or resource class. lsrsrcdef-api [-D OutDelimiter][-e][-h][-I InDelimiter][-k][-q][-t] [-c *|ResourceClass[::AttributeName[::AttributeName]...]]... [-r ResourceClass[::AttributeName[::AttributeName]...]]... [-s ResourceClass::SDRsrcAttrName[::SDRsrcAttrName]...]... [-S ResourceClass::SDClsAttrName[::SDClsAttrName]...]... [-a ResourceClass[::RsrcActionName[::RsrcActionName]...]]... [-A ResourceClass[::ClsActionName[::ClsActionName]...]]... [-x ResourceClass::RsrcActionName[::RsrcActionName]...]... [-X ResourceClass::ClsActionName[::ClsActionName]...]... [-y ResourceClass::RsrcActionName[::RsrcActionName]...]... [-Y ResourceClass::ClsActionName[::ClsActionName]...]... [-o ResourceClass[::define|undefine|online|offline|reset [::define|undefine|online|offline|reset]...]]... Usage: To list ACLs of a resource or resource class. lsrsrcacl-api [-D OutDelimiter][-e][-h][-i][-I InDelimiter][-k][-l][-m][-E][-R][-t][-u][-TV] -r ResourceHandle[::id[::id...]]... -s ClassName::SelectionString[::id[::id...]]... -o ClassName::ResourceName[::NodeNameList[::id[::id...]]]... {-p|-b|-c} ClassName[::NodeNameList[::id[::id...]]]... {-P|-B|-C} ClassName[::PeerDomainList[::id[::id...]]]... Usage: To list ACLs of a resource or resource class. lsrsrcacl-api [-D OutDelimiter][-e][-h][-i][-I InDelimiter][-k][-l][-m][-E][-R][-t][-u][-TV] -r ResourceHandle[::id[::id...]]... -o ClassName::ResourceName[::NodeNameList[::id[::id...]]]... -j ClassName::ResourceName[::NodeNameFile[::id[::id...]]]... -s ClassName::SelectionString[::id[::id...]]... -w ClassName::SelectionString[::NodeNameFile[::id[::id...]]]... {-p|-b|-c} ClassName[::NodeNameList[::id[::id...]]]... {-l|-y|-g} ClassName[::NodeNameFile[::id[::id...]]]... {-P|-B|-C} ClassName[::PeerDomainList[::id[::id...]]]... {-L|-Y|-G} ClassName[::PeerDomainFile[::id[::id...]]]... Usage: To change ACLs of a resource or resource class. chrsrcacl-api [-D OutDelimiter][-e][-h][-i][-I InDelimiter][-k][-O|{-S|-X}][-TV] -r ResourceHandle[::id::perm[::id::perm...]]... -s ClassName::SelectionString[::id::perm[::id::perm...]]... -o ClassName::ResourceName[::NodeNameList[::id::perm[::id::perm...]]]... {-p|-b|-c} ClassName[::NodeNameList[::id::perm[::id::perm...]]]... {-P|-B|-C} ClassName[::PeerDomainList[::id::perm[::id::perm...]]]... %1$s: 2612-541 The -X flag cannot be used when specifying access. Usage: To change ACLs of a resource or resource class. chrsrcacl-api [-D OutDelimiter][-e][-h][-i][-I InDelimiter][-k][-O|{-S|-X}][-TV] -r ResourceHandle[::id::perm[::id::perm...]]... -o ClassName::ResourceName[::NodeNameList[::id::perm[::id::perm...]]]... -j ClassName::ResourceName[::NodeNameFile[::id::perm[::id::perm...]]]... -s ClassName::SelectionString[::id::perm[::id::perm...]]... -w ClassName::SelectionString[::NodeNameFile[::id::perm[::id::perm...]]]... {-p|-b|-c} ClassName[::NodeNameList[::id::perm[::id::perm...]]]... {-l|-y|-g} ClassName[::NodeNameFile[::id::perm[::id::perm...]]]... {-P|-B|-C} ClassName[::PeerDomainList[::id::perm[::id::perm...]]]... {-L|-Y|-G} ClassName[::PeerDomainFile[::id::perm[::id::perm...]]]...