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The device is either not available or currently used. 2668-013 The disk reservation break operation on the device %1$s in the resource class %2$s has failed with an error code of %3$d. 2668-014 The ConfigCoordination action to class %1$s of request %2$d is rejected because one or more resources are currently active. 2668-015 Shared memory allocation for key 0x%1$x and size %2$d has failed with errno %3$d. 2668-016 Attaching a shared memory of key 0x%1$x has failed with errno %2$d. 2668-017 The filesystem %1$s (vfs=%2$s) cannot be mounted on %3$s. Return code=%4$d and errno=%5$d. 2668-018 A file system mount point '%2$s' is not configured or not available for the device %1$s 2668-019 The unmount of filesystem %1$s from the mount point %2$s failed with the errno %3$d. 2668-020 The following error was returned from the RMC subsystem while attempting Harvest: %1$s 2668-021 Online a disk %1$s fails because its volume group %2$s is composed of multiple physical volumes. 2668-022 The specified HarvestInterval (%1$d) should be either 0 or at least equal to or greater than %2$d seconds. 2668-023 The reservation operation on disk device %1$s failed due to the open failure of device %2$s with errno %3$d2668-024 The SCSI reserve operation on disk device %1$s has failed because a scsi-operation on %2$s gives driver status = 0x%3$x, host status = 0x%4$x, masked status = 0x%5$x, return code=%6$d. 2668-025 The SCSI release operation on disk device %1$s has failed because a scsi-operation on %2$s gives driver status = 0x%3$x, host status = 0x%4$x, masked status = 0x%5$x, return code=%6$d. 2668-026 The monitoring operation on the device %1$s in the resource class "%3$s" has failed with code %2$d. 2668-027 A UserControl resource can only be created as an aggregate resource with a ResourceType of 12668-028 Another resource with the same Name %1$s already exists. Try again with the 'Force=1' option.2668-029 Another resource with the same DeviceName %1$s already exists. Try again with the 'Force=1' option.2668-030 Unable to mount device %1$s on mount point %2$s. The command "%3$s" failed with error number %4$d .2668-031 The resource "%1$s" in the resource class "%2$s" cannot be deleted or changed because it is online. Use the command "stoprsrc" to offline the resource and try again. 2668-032 The online operation of the resource "%1$s" in the resource class "%2$s" has failed because it is already online on another node. 2668-033 The online operation to the volume group "%1$s" has been rejected because no PVs are found in the volume group. 2668-034 The operation on filesystem %1$s has failed because it is currently mounted but not at the intended mount point %2$s. 2668-035 The operation on filesystem %1$s has failed because another filesystem is mounted at the intended mount point %2$s. 2668-036 The operation on filesystem %1$s has failed because it failed to get data from OS kernel about mounted filesystems. 2668-037 The command "%1$s" failed with error %2$d and reported the following to standard error: %3$s 2668-038 The unmount of device %1$s failed with return code %2$d. Check that the file system is not busy.2668-039 The offline operation of the device "%1$s" in the resource class "%2$s" has failed because the dependent or containing resources of the class "%3$s" are currently online. 2668-040 The device "%1$s" of the resource class "%2$s" was already offlined when the Storage resource manager restarted and therefore the resource will not be recovered. 2668-041 The reset operation of the device "%1$s" of the resource class "%2$s" has failed because the resource is currently online. 2668-042 Attribute "%1$s" cannot be changed for the harvested file systems. 2668-043 Attribute "%1$s" is not provided or specified with an improper value. 2668-044 Name attribute of a file system resource '%1$s' is the same as its label and can not be changed. 2668-045 At least RSCT active version %1$s is required for the attribute '%2$s'. 2668-046 DeviceLockMode in %1$s may not be changed for this resource type. 2668-047 Monitoring operation on the device (%1$s) has failed with code %2$d in the class "%3$s" 2668-047 Monitor on device (%1$s) rc=%2$d in class "%3$s" failed. The IBM.Disk resource class allows for the monioring and control of disk resources in an RSCT peer domain.DiskDisk format (obsolete).FormatSupporting resources (obsolete).SupportingResourcesWhenever a resource is defined either explicitly or implicitly, this dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event.Resource DefinedGroup0An event is generated whenever a new resource is dscovered.Whenever a resource is deleted either explicitly or implicitly, this dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event.Resource UndefinedAn event is generated whenever a disk resource is removed.This dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event whenever the persistent attributes of the resource class change.Configuration ChangedAn event is generated whenever a persistent class or resource attribute changes.Identifes the specific defined class attributes and actions that apply to this variation of the resource class IBM.Disk.VarietyDefines the interval of time (in seconds) between successive harvesting of storage resources on the local node. Setting this value to 0 using chrsrc disables the periodic harvesting of storage resources.Harvest IntervalDuring havest, if storage resources are not discovered which were previoulsy harvested then the resource will be marked as a ghost resource (GhostResource=1). This may occur when a disk is reserved on one node and a harvest occurs on another. To disable this behavior and have disk definitions automatically deleted from the storage resource manager when they are not rediscovered, set the IBM Disk AutoDelete resource class attribute to 1 using chrsrc -c.AutoDeleteAutomatically recognize identical storage resources on multiple nodes and create an aggregate resource to represent the storage resource. By default this is enabled.AutoCorrelateThe amount of time in seconds between checking online storage resources for the IBM.Disk resource class. To disable the heartbeating of disks set the class resource attribute to 0 using chrsrc -c IBM.Disk HeartbeatInterval=0. Note the HeartbeatInterval atrribute is deprecated and the use of the MonitorInterval attribute specific to each class is reccomended.Heartbeat IntervalDescribes the operational state of the resource.OpStateUnknownOnlineOfflineFailed OfflineStuck OnlinePending OnlinePending OfflineMixedGroup0An event will be generated when a persistent attribute changes.Configuration ChangedNo configuration is changedOne or more persistent attribute values are changedACL ChangeAttributes and ACL ChangeConstraints ChangeAttribute and Constraints ChangeACL and Constraints ChangeAttributes, ACL and Constraints ChangeName of the disk or physical volumeNameDevice name of the disk or physical volumeDevice NameGroup1A unique identifier for the node.NodeIDsIndicates whether the resource is fixed (0) or floating/aggregate (1).Resource TypeFixedFloatConcurrentUndefinedThis is an internally assigned id to a particular resource which uniquely identifies the resource.Resource HandleGroup3The resource handle of the aggregate resource.Aggregate ResourceIdentifes the specific defined class attributes and actions that apply to this variation of the resource class IBM.Disk.VarietyThe resource id is a unique id which identifies the disk in the cluster. This id is used to identify shared disk resources among multiple nodes in a peer domain.ResourceIdAdditional descriptive information identifying the device.DeviceInfoThe major device number of the device on a node.MajorNumberThe minor device number of the device on a node.MinorNumberA ghost device is a device which was previouly discovered during harvest but was not subsequently found during the most recent harvest. In these cases the resource attribute GhostDevice is set equal to 1 for the disk device in question.GhostDeviceThis attribute indicates whether the resource should be considered critical or not. Critical resources are protected when operational quorum is lost. The measures used to protect critical resources may include drastic measures such as rebooting the containing node.Protection ModeA disk device type of 1 is a linux disk. A disk device type of 3 is an AIX disk device.Device TypeDescription of BreakReservation in resource Disk.BreakReservationDescription of BreakReservation in resource Disk.BreakReservationThis internal action is invoked when a node or the entire domain is about to be taken offline or when the domain is being removed. This action allows the resource manager to reject the offline or removal request such as in the case where resources that the resource manager controls are still online.Coordination On All NodesThis field indicates the operation that is about to be performed. OperationThe field identifies the target domain that the operation applies to.Domain NameIf the operation field is Offline Node (1) then this field contains the name of the node that is being taken offline.Node NameIf the operation field is Offline Node (1) then this field contains the unique identifier of the target node.Node IdThis output field indicates the resulting status. A value of one indicates that the operation should proceed. A value of zero means that the operation should not be performed.StatusUpdate Persistent Resource Attribute Configuration.Update Configuration.Response code.ResponseCodeThe DeviceLockMode attribute determines whether or not hardware locks are to be utilized when reserving the device via an online (startrsrc) operation.DeviceLockModeThe amount of time in seconds between checking online storage resources for the IBM.Disk resource class.MonitorIntervalThe resource handle of the volume group to which the physical volume is a member.Dependent ResourceUnique physical volume id or disk idPVIDThe ResourceId of the dependent resource (i.e IBM.VolumeGroup resource)DependentResourceIdDescribes the health state of the resource.Health StateUnknownOkayWarningMinorMajorCriticalFatalSystem GoneNot ApplicableIn ProgressThis action is used to complete the migration to a new version of RSCT in the peer domain. Complete MigrationThis parameter is used to pass flags that control the operation of the CompleteMigration action. At this time, no options are defined and this value must be set to zero. OptionsThis flag indicates whether the migration is only for RSCT or any RMs. Migrate AllNew RSCT Active VRMF. New Active VersionTime-Out of migration Time-OutWhich RM issues this action. OriginatorResult of "CompleteMigration".ResultThis dynamic attribute shows the number of successful harvests after the daemon startup. Harvest CountAn event is generated whenever a successful harvest is completed.The DeviceLockMode attribute for resource class IBM.Disk determines whether or not hardware locks are to be utilized when reserving the device via an online operation. If hardware lock is being utilized, which type it will be out of SCSI-2 and SCSIPR lock.DeviceLockModeDisable SCSI reservation on diskEnable SCSI-2 reservation on diskEnable SCSIPR reservation on diskFollow class DeviceLockMode for diskThis is an optional information that may describe the resource.Optional ResourceInfoThe IBM.Partition resource class allows for the monitoring and control of partition resources in an RSCT peer domain.PartitionDisk format (obsolete).FormatSupporting resources (obsolete).SupportingResourcesWhenever a resource is defined either explicitly or implicitly, this dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event.Resource DefinedGroup0An event is generated whenever a new resource is discovered.When ever a resource is deleted either explicitly or implicitly, this dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event.Resource UndefinedAn event is generated whenever a partition resource is removed.This dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event whenever the persistent attributes of the resource class change.Configuration ChangedThis dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event whenever the persistent attributes of the resource class change.Identifies the specific defined class attributes and actions that apply to this variation of the resource class IBM.Partition.VarietyDescribes the operational state of the resource.OpStateUnknownOnlineOfflineFailed OfflineStuck OnlinePending OnlinePending OfflineMixedGroup0An event will be generated when a persistent attribute changes.Configuration ChangedNo configuration is changedOne or more persistent attribute values are changedACL ChangeAttributes and ACL ChangeConstraints ChangeAttribute and Constraints ChangeACL and Constraints ChangeAttributes, ACL and Constraints ChangeThe name of a partition resourceNameThe device name of a partitionDevice NameGroup1Indicates whether the resource is fixed (0) or floating/aggregate (1).Resource TypeFixedFloatConcurrentUndefinedThis is an internally assigned id to a particular resource which uniquely identifies the resource.Resource HandleGroup3The resource handle of the aggregate resource.Aggregate ResourceIdentifes the specific defined class attributes and actions that apply to this variation of the resource class IBM.Partition.VarietyThe resource id of the IBM.Disk resource that contains the partition.Container ResourceThe size of the IBM.Partition resource given in number of blocks.NumberOfBlocksThe major device number of the partition.MajorNumberThe minor device number of the partition.MinorNumberThe partition number of the partition on the disk device.PartitionNumberAn unique identifier for the node.NodeIDsA ghost device is a device which was previouly discovered during harvest but was not subsequently found during the most recent harvest. In these cases the resource attribute GhostDevice is set equal to 1 for the partition device in question.GhostDeviceThis is the UUID of the partition.ResourceIdThis attribute indicates whether the resource should be considered critical or not. Critical resources are protected when operational quorum is lost. The measures used to protect critical resources may include drastic measures such as rebooting the containing node.Protection ModeThe amount of time in seconds between checking online storage resources for the IBM.Partition resource class.Monitor IntervalThe resource id of the IBM.VolumeGroup to which the partition belongs.Dependent ResourceThe Disk Id or physical volume IdPVIDResourceId of the dependent resource (i.e. IBM.VolumeGroup resource)DependentResourceIdResourceId of the containing resource (i.e. IBM.Disk resource)Container ResourceIdDescribes the health state of the resource.Health StateUnknownOkayWarningMinorMajorCriticalFatalSystem GoneNot ApplicableIn ProgressThis is an optional information that may describe the resource.Optional ResourceInfoThe IBM.AgFileSystem resource class allows for the monioring and control of file system resources in an RSCT peer domain.AgFileSystemWhenever a resource is defined either explicitly or implicitly, this dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event.Resource DefinedGroup0Whenever a resource is deleted either explicitly or implicitly, this dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event.Whenever a resource is deleted either explicitly or implicitly, this dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event.Resource UndefinedAn event is generated whenever a file system resource is removed.This dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event whenever the persistent attributes of the resource class change.Configuration ChangedAn event is generated whenever a persistent class or resource attribute changes.Identifes the specific defined class attributes and actions that apply to this variation of the resource class IBM.AgFileSystem.VarietyGroup255An event will be generated when a persistent attribute changes.Configuration ChangedNo configuration is changedOne or more persistent attribute values are changedACL ChangeAttributes and ACL ChangeGroup0Describes the operational state of the resource.OpStateUnknownOnlineOfflineFailed OfflineStuck OnlinePending OnlinePending OfflineMixedAn event is generated whenever the operational state changes.Percent of file system in use.PercentTotUsedDescription of example expression for PercentTotUsed in resource class AgFileSystemDescription of example rearm expression for PercentTotUsed in resource class AgFileSystemDescription of PercentINodeUsed in resource class AgFileSystem.PercentINodeUsedDescription of example expression for PercentINodeUsed in resource class AgFileSystemDescription of example rearm expression for PercentINodeUsed in resource class AgFileSystemThis is an internally assigned id to a particular resource which uniquely identifies the resource.Resource HandleGroup255Name of the file systemNameThe variety indicates the type of file system. A variety of 1 indicates a file system on a partition, 2 indicates on a logical volume and 3 indicates a user defined IBM.AgFileSystem resource.VarietyLinuxAn unique identifier for the node.NodeIDsIndicates whether the device is fixed (0) or floating/aggregate (1).Resource TypeFixedFloatThe mount point to be used during startrsrc or stoprsrc commands. Overides the SysMountPoint resource attribute.MountPointThe system defined device name (e.g /dev/sda1)Device NameThe type of virtual file system.Vfsext2ext3reiserfsDescription of Size in resource class AgFileSystem.SizeThe resource handle of the aggregate resource.Aggregate ResourceThe resource handle of the containing IBM.Partition or IBM.LogicalVolume resource instance.Container ResourceThis attribute indicates whether the resource should be considered critical or not. Critical resources are protected when operational quorum is lost. The measures used to protect critical resources may include drastic measures such as rebooting the containing node.Protection ModeA ghost device is a device which was previouly discovered during harvest but was not subsequently found during the most recent harvest. In these cases the resource attribute GhostDevice is set equal to 1 for the file system device in question.GhostDeviceThe resource id is a unique id which identifies the file system in the cluster. This id is used to identify shared file system resources among multiple nodes in a peer domain.ResourceIdA UserControl resource is a resource which was created by hte administrator in order to control resources which cannot be harvested locally (e.g. NFS).UserControlThe mount point specified by the system on which the file system device was harvested.SystemMountPointCreate a user control resource even if a file system device of the same Name or DeviceName already exists.Forcejfsjfs2ext4The amount of time in seconds between checking online storage resources for the IBM.AgFileSystem resource class.Monitor IntervalThis is the file system label as specified by LVM or as indicated on the local disk.LabelThe unique logical volume id or UUID.FSIDSpecifies the IBM.AgFileSystem default action to perform on the file system in case of an initial failure to mount a file system.PreOnlineMethodDefault pre online actionNo pre online operationSafe file system check and correctionForceful filesystem check and correctionSpecifies the file system checks to perform in case the initial attempt to mount the file system fails.PreOnlineMethodResourceId of the container resource (i.e. IBM.Partition or IBM.LogicalVolume resource instance)ContainerResourceIdA file system on IBM.Partition deviceA file System on IBM.LogicalVolume deviceAn user control file systemDetects whether the resource is externally onlined (e.g. mounted)AutoMonitorDescribes the health state of the resource.Health StateUnknownOkayWarningMinorMajorCriticalFatalSystem GoneNot ApplicableIn ProgressThis attributes holds the file system mount options. OptionsThis dynamic attribute shows the number of successful harvests after the daemon startup. Harvest CountAn event is generated whenever a successful harvest is completed.Specifies the IBM.AgFileSystem default action to perform on the file system in case of an initial failure to unmount a file system.PreOfflineMethodDefault pre-offline actionNo pre-offline operationKill applications by fuserSpecifies the file system checks to perform in case the initial attempt to umount the file system fails.PreOfflineMethodImports the state of the underlying container resourceVGStateInfoxfsThis is an optional information that may describe the resource.Optional ResourceInfoIBM.StorageRM daemon has started. The RSCT Storage Resource Manager daemon (IBM.StorageRMd) has been started.IBM.StorageRM daemon has been stopped.The RSCT Storage Resource Manager daemon(IBM.StorageRMd) has been stopped.The stopsrc -s IBM.StorageRM command has been executed.Confirm that the daemon should be stopped. Normally, this daemon should not be stopped explicitly by the user.NoneError CodeMessage Catalog NameMessage SetMessage IdentifierMessage InsertsAn internal error was encountered in the storage resource manager daemon (IBM.StorageRMd).Failure in the various reasons. See the detailed error fields for the specific error.Resolve the problem indicated in the detailed data fields. Try bringing the node online via the 'startrpnode' or 'startrpdomain' command.StorageRM informational messageInformational messageInformational messageNONEDIAGNOSTIC EXPLANATIONThe IBM.VolumeGroup resource class allows for the monioring and control of volume group resources in an RSCT peer domain.VolumeGroupDisk format (obsolete).FormatSupporting resources (obsolete).SupportingResourcesWhenever a resource is defined either explicitly or implicitly, this dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event.Resource DefinedGroup0An event is generated each time a new resource is created or discovered.Whenever a resource is deleted either explicitly or implicitly, this dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event.Resource UndefinedAn event is generated whenever a volume group resource is removed.This dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event whenever the persistent attributes of the resource class change.Configuration ChangedAn event is generated whenever a persistent class or resource attribute changes.Identifes the specific defined class attributes and actions that apply to this variation of the resource class IBM.VolumeGroup.VarietyThe period of time in seconds between checking the availability of online IBM.VolumeGroup resources.Monitor IntervalDescribes the operational state of the resource.OpStateUnknownOnlineOfflineFailed OfflineStuck OnlinePending OnlinePending OfflineMixedGroup0An event will be generated when a persistent resource attribute changes.Configuration ChangedNo configuration is changedOne or more persistent attribute values are changedACL ChangeAttributes and ACL ChangeConstraints ChangeAttribute and Constraints ChangeACL and Constraints ChangeAttributes, ACL and Constraints ChangeVolume group nameNameA unique identifier for the node.NodeIDsIndicates whether the resource is fixed (0) or floating/aggregate (1).Resource TypeThis is an internally assigned id to a particular resource which uniquely identifies the resource.Resource HandleThe resource handle of the aggregate resource.Aggregate ResourceIdentifes the specific defined class attributes and actions that apply to this variation of the resource class IBM.VolumeGroup.VarietyThe unique volume group id.ResourceIdA ghost device is a device which was previouly discovered during harvest but was not subsequently found during the most recent harvest. In these cases the resource attribute GhostDevice is set equal to 1 for the volume group in question.GhostDeviceThis attribute indicates whether the resource should be considered critical or not. Critical resources are protected when operational quorum is lost. The measures used to protect critical resources may include drastic measures such as rebooting the containing node.Protection ModeIndicates whether device reserves are used to reserve the volume group.DeviceLockModeThe volume group id.VGIDName of the volume groupVGNameDescribes the health state of the resource.Health StateUnknownOkayWarningMinorMajorCriticalFatalSystem GoneNot ApplicableIn ProgressDetects whether the resource is externally onlined (e.g. varied on)AutoMonitorThe DeviceLockMode attribute for IBM.VolumeGroup class determines whether underlying disk will be opened or not by a volume-group when volume-group is made online.DeviceLockModeDont open disk while volume-group is onlineOpen disk while volume-group is onlineFollow class DeviceLockMode for volume-groupThe AutoMonitor attribute for IBM.VolumeGroup class determines whether VolumeGroup will be directly monitored by StorageRM or not.AutoMonitorDo not monitor volume-groupMonitor volume-groupFollow class AutoMonitor for volume-groupThis is an optional information that may describe the resource.Optional ResourceInfoThe IBM.LogicalVolume resource class allows for the monioring and control of logical volume resources in an RSCT peer domain.LogicalVolumeDisk format (obsolete).FormatSupporting resources (obsolete).SupportingResourcesWhenever a resource is defined either explicitly or implicitly, this dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event.Resource DefinedGroup0An event is generated whenever a new resource is dscovered.Whenever a resource is deleted either explicitly or implicitly, this dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event.Resource UndefinedAn event is generated whenever a disk resource is removed.This dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event whenever the persistent attributes of the resource class change.Configuration ChangedAn event is generated whenever a persistent class or resource attribute changes.Identifes the specific defined class attributes and actions that apply to this variation of the resource class IBM.LogicalVolume.VarietyThe amount of time in seconds between checking online storage resources for the IBM.LogicalVolume resource class.Monitor IntervalThe operational state of the resource.OpStateUnknownOnlineOfflineFailed OfflineStuck OnlinePending OnlinePending OfflineMixedGroup0An event will be generated when a persistent attribute changes.Configuration ChangedNo configuration is changedOne or more persistent attribute values are changedACL ChangeAttributes and ACL ChangeConstraints ChangeAttribute and Constraints ChangeACL and Constraints ChangeAttributes, ACL and Constraints ChangeLogical volume nameNameThe device name of the logical volume.Device NameIndicates whether the resource is fixed (0) or floating/aggregate (1).Resource TypeThis is an internally assigned id to a particular resource which uniquely identifies the resource.Resource HandleThe resource handle of the aggregate resource.Aggregate ResourceIdentifes the specific defined class attributes and actions that apply to this variation of the resource class IBM.VolumeGroup.VarietyThe resource handle of the volume group to which the logical volume is a member.Container ResourceThe number of blocks in the logical volume.NumberOfBlocksA unique identifier for the node.NodeIDsA ghost device is a device which was previouly discovered during harvest but was not subsequently found during the most recent harvest. In these cases the resource attribute GhostDevice is set equal to 1 for the logical volume in question.GhostDeviceThe unique volume group id.ResourceIdThis attribute indicates whether the resource should be considered critical or not. Critical resources are protected when operational quorum is lost. The measures used to protect critical resources may include drastic measures such as rebooting the containing node.Protection ModeThe logical volume id.LVIDResourceId of the container resource (i.e IBM.VolumeGroup resource)ContainerResourceIdDescribes the health state of the resource.Health StateUnknownOkayWarningMinorMajorCriticalFatalSystem GoneNot ApplicableIn ProgressImports the state of the underlying container resourceVGStateInfoThe DeviceLockMode attribute for resource class IBM.Disk determines whether or not hardware locks are to be utilized when reserving the device via an online operation. If hardware lock is being utilized, which type it will be out of SCSI-2 and SCSIPR lock.DeviceLockModeDisable SCSI reservation on diskEnable SCSI-2 reservation on diskEnable SCSIPR reservation on diskFollow class DeviceLockMode for diskThe DeviceLockMode attribute for IBM.VolumeGroup class determines whether underlying disk will be opened or not by a volume-group when volume-group is made online.DeviceLockModeDont open disk while volume-group is onlineOpen disk while volume-group is onlineFollow class DeviceLockMode for volume-groupThe AutoMonitor attribute for IBM.VolumeGroup class determines whether VolumeGroup will be directly monitored by StorageRM or not.AutoMonitorDo not monitor volume-groupMonitor volume-groupFollow class AutoMonitor for volume-groupxfsThis is an optional information that may describe the resource.Optional ResourceInfo