ISO8859-1C:@2{'('<'0d M ' $ E0 Cv7P7C5{7;Y%T(e* (6 4 k y$  S $  0 U B 5  6  ) ) E o; x ) ) 6  M0 Y 4   4   4 ! K"4 R# $4 % &5 ' (5)=*:E+ ,:- .:/  0:1 T2:_3 4;5 657 %8%29X:`;z<-=>I? @A.B63C jDAvE FFG  HMIbJrK LM N5OPQ!R&S@T]U uVW X,YZ.[ \#]5^"=_``hayb"cd/e2635-001 Class name %s is not recognized by this resource manager. 2635-002 Could not initialize control point for class %s. 2635-003 Could not compute MicroSensor signature. 2635-004 RefreshInterval is not valid. 2635-005 Refresh of MicroSensor failed. 2635-006 Reload of MicroSensor failed. 2635-007 Attribute %1$s is read only and cannot be changed. 2635-008 Value for attribute %1$s is not valid. 2635-009 Module %1$s is not re-entrant and can only be used in one resource. 2635-010 Module "%1$s" does not exist. 2635-011 Module %1$s is not usable. 2635-012 Module %1$s is not loadable due to it current ModuleStatus. 2635-013 Signature of module %1$s does not match stored signature. 2635-014 Module %1$s is not valid and can't be loaded. 2635-015 A function in module %1$s returned an error or did not return in time. 2635-016 Module %1$s is not online and cannot be used. 2635-017 MicroSensor name "%1$s" is already defined. 2635-018 Module "%1$s" file permissions are not valid. 2635-019 Refresh action not valid when an fd is specified. 2635-020 Invalid custom dynamic attribute info for internal attribute identifier '%1$d'. 2635-021 The number of the module supported dynamic resource attributes is invalid. 2635-022 Invalid module version number. Description of resource class MicroSensor.MicroSensorAsserted when a persistent class attribute is changed.ConfigChangedGroup255Asserted when a resource is created.ResourceDefinedDescription of example expression for ResourceDefined in resource class MicroSensorAsserted when a resource is removed.ResourceUndefinedDescription of example expression for ResourceUndefined in resource class MicroSensorDescription of Variety in resource class MicroSensor.VarietyAsserted when a persistent resource attributes change.ConfigChangedValid Value 0 for attribute ConfigChangedValid Value 1 for attribute ConfigChangedGroup255Will be set when some (other) attribute is being monitored.MonitorStatusValid Value 0 for attribute MonitorStatusValid Value 1 for attribute MonitorStatusReturn code of last attribute query callback function.LastQueryRCSeconds since epoch of the last attribute query.LastQueryTimeA String attribute type settable by the MicroSensor.StringGroup0An Int32 attribute type settable by the MicroSensor.Int32A UInt32 attribute type settable by the MicroSensor.UInt32An Int64 attribute type settable by the MicroSensor.Int64A UInt64 attribute type settable by the MicroSensor.UInt64A Float32 attribute type settable by the MicroSensor.Float32A Float64 attribute type settable by the MicroSensor.Float64A String array attribute type settable by the MicroSensor.StringArrayAn Int32 array attribute type settable by the MicroSensor.Int32ArrayA UInt32 array attribute type settable by the MicroSensor.UInt32ArrayAn Int64 array attribute type settable by the MicroSensor.Int64ArrayA UInt64 array attribute type settable by the MicroSensor.UInt64ArrayA Float32 array attribute type settable by the MicroSensor.Float32ArrayA Float64 attribute type settable by the MicroSensor.Float64ArraySet when asserted by the MicroSensor.QuantumThe RSCT resource handle.ResourceHandle List of node ids where the sensor is active.NodeIDsDefines the set of valid attributes for a specific version of this class.VarietyThe name of the MicroSensor.NameA description of the sensor and what it is monitoring.DescriptionThe loadable module file name as it is stored on the file system.ModuleNameArguments passed to the MicroSensor in call to usf_get_control_data().ArgumentsInterval, in seconds, upon which IBM.MicroSensorRM will query for new values.RefreshIntervalStatus of the shared library.ModuleStatusThe modules signature.SignatureData of the custom dynamic attributes being monitoredCustom Dynamic AttributesThe attribute nameNameThe attribute internal IDInternal Attribute SpecifierThe attribute data typeData TypeThe attribute variable typeVariable TypeThe attribute reporting interval, in secondsReporting IntervalA bitfield specifying the attribute propertiesPropertiesCertify a module.CertifyPathname of the module to certify.CertifyReload a module.ReloadPathname of the module to certify.ReloadRefresh the values reported by the MicroSensor.Refresh