ISO8859-1q+.%B"h5 (  " 5 V!g-+ &6-]+1=!>` x7&" !%"$=#*b$.%*&2'8 (2 S), ** +! ,( -- ).4 W/: 0* 10 2( #32 L4= 5/ 6, 7+ 8, F9 s:? ;% <9 => />$ n? @' A$ B; C!8D!ZE,|F7G=HI5=JsK"L"M N5OPQR %S/T @UMV+eW)X&YZ&[&&\+M]9y^_'`0a#b'>c-fd6e+f2g<*h+gi5j<k,l23m\fn:o+p *q+81285-700 Cannot find parser %s1285-701 Cannot open yacc.debug1285-702 Cannot open action temporary file.1285-703 A terminal or nonterminal is too big. %d/%d terminals, %d/%d nonterminals %d/%d grammar rules, %d/%d states %d shift/reduce, %d reduce/reduce conflicts reported %d/%d working sets used memory: states,etc. %d/%d, parser %d/%d %d/%d distinct lookahead sets %d extra closures %d shift entries, %d exceptions %d goto entries %d entries saved by goto default conflicts: %d shift/reduce conflicts: %d reduce/reduce conflicts:%d shift/reduce, %d reduce/reduce yacc: %1$s Line %2$d 1285-704 The nonterminal %s is not defined.1285-705 Internal error; pyield is %d.1285-706 Cannot look ahead as state requires.1285-707 Cannot have more than 5000 states.putitem(%S), state %d 1285-708 Use the -Nm flag to increase state size.1285-709 The nonterminal %s does not generate a token string.1285-710 The working set is full. State %d, nolook = %d flag set! yacc: 1285-770 The -o flag is now the default in yacc. 1285-711 Ratfor yacc is not supported.1285-712 The %s flag is not valid.1285-713 Cannot open yacc.debug1285-714 Cannot open %s1285-715 Cannot open temporary file.1285-716 There is no specified input file.1285-717 The %%start statement is not correct.1285-718 The %%type syntax is not correct.1285-719 The type of token %s is already declared.1285-720 The type of nonterminal %s is already declared.1285-721 The precedence of %s is already declared.1285-722 The type of %s is already declared.1285-723 Define type number of %s earlier.1285-724 There is a syntax error.1285-725 Reached end of file before %%%%1285-726 Syntax on first rule is not correct.1285-727 Cannot have a token on LHS of grammar rule.1285-728 There appears to be a missing ; or | in the rule.1285-729 The %%prec syntax is not correct.1285-730 Cannot have nonterminal %s after %%prec1285-731 Cannot have more than %d rules.1285-732 LHS has a type; rule must return a value.1285-733 A type conflict may occur because of default action.1285-734 Cannot have more than %d nonterminals.1285-735 Cannot have more than %d terminals.1285-736 The character escape is not valid.1285-737 The \nnn construction is not valid.1285-738 \000 is not valid.1285-739 The identifiers and literals have too many characters.1285-740 A < ... > clause has no end.1285-741 There is an extra or a missing ' or " character.1285-742 The escape is not valid or %s is not a reserved word.1285-743 Must specify a type for %s.1285-744 Define %s earlier.1285-745 Reached end of file before %%}1285-746 The comment is not correct.1285-747 Syntax on the $ clause is not correct.1285-748 Use of $%d is not valid.1285-749 Must specify type of $%d1285-750 Reached end of file inside comment.1285-751 Newline found in string or character constant.1285-752 Reached end of file in string or character constant.1285-753 Action does not end. %d: reduce/reduce conflict (red'ns %d and %d ) on %soff = %d, k = %d 1285-754 The action table is full.1285-755 The action table is full.%s: gotos on %d: shift/reduce conflict (shift %d, red'n %d) on %saccepterrorshift %dreduce %d . reduce %d . error Rule not reduced: %s yacc: 1285-756 %d rules are never reduced. 1285-757 The temporary file is corrupted.1285-758 The internal a array is full.Nonterminal %d, entry at %d 1285-759 Cannot put goto %d in array. State %d: entry at %d equals state %d 1285-760 Out of space in optimizer a array.1285-761 The a array is corrupted at position %1$d, %2$d.State %d: entry at %d 1285-762 Cannot put state %d in array. Optimizer space used: input %d/%d, output %d/%d %d table entries, %d zero maximum spread: %d, maximum offset: %d 1285-763 Use -Nm flag to increase space size.1285-764 The optimizer cannot open the temporary file.1285-765 Specify a prefix with the -b flag.1285-766 There is not enough memory available now.1285-767 Use an integer greater than 40000 with the -N flag.1285-768 The -N flag format is not correct.1285-769 Reached end of file while processing %%union1285-770 Use an integer greater than 8000 with the -Nn flag.1285-771 The -Nn flag format is not correct.1285-772 Use -Nn flag to increase name space size.1285-773 Use -Nr flag to increase buffer size to handle large grammars (default size is %d).1285-774 Use an integer greater than %d with the -Nr flag.1285-775 Specify a prefix with the -p flag. yacc: %1$s 1285-776 Specify a parser with the -y flag.