ùISO8859-1 _x.Ø+A<<~9» "õ > W xss Usage: xss [-options ...] xss -h where options include: -h print out this message -bg color background color to use -fg color foreground color to use -e command command to execute use "" for multiple word commands -display displayname X server to contact -geometry wxh+x+y size and location of window -timeout seconds idle timeout period till command executes -v turn on verbose mode 1356-901 xss: unable to execute command "%s". - timeout = %d. - command = -%s-. - verbose = %d. 1356-905 xss: Server does not support the ScreenSaver extension. 1356-906 xss: Error while querying for ScreenSaver Version. 1356-907 xss: Unknown version of Screen Saver extension. 1356-908 xss: Invalid option %s. 1356-909 xss: Another Screen Saver client is already running. XScreenSaver