ISO8859-1/:; X bm      8 DQcu  +:+V ! "/#$H% E&G O' ( ) *2 +/ ,1 -1 Q.% /1 01 1/ 2' =30 e4( 5 6$ 7) 8- .96 \:0 ;1 <' =) >- H?, v@J Ar B aCoD ~E F GHIJK LMN*O@P VQdR'S(T&U-V5%W9[X5Y=Z8 [ B\M]N]^<_3`0a)Nb-xc;d)eD f4Qg)hijkl2m88nqo%p5q r*s^-tu.vgw!+x)My8wzq{0"|CS} ~"!-=K+$    ,8QKYG?? &s2R@ IJJh3)!1TSOF4?,t>  J  T!2""5"P"pvmstat: 0551-117 The -i flag is not supported. Usage: vmstat [ -fsviItlw ] [Drives] [ Interval [Count] ] total address trans. faults page ins page outs paging space page ins paging space page outs total reclaims zero filled pages faults executable filled pages faults pages examined by clock revolutions of the clock hand pages freed by the clock backtracks lock misses free frame waits extend XPT waits pending I/O waits start I/Os iodones cpu context switches device interrupts software interrupts traps syscalls large-page hi water count forks kthr memory page faults cpu r b avm fre re pi po fr sr cy in sy cs us sy id wa disk xfer 1 2 3 4priority level type count module(handler) %5d %7d %s %5d %s(%x) kthr memory page faults cpu time r b p avm fre fi fo pi po fr sr in sy cs us sy id wa hr mi se large-page alp flp vmstat: 0551-118 The interval value is not valid. vmstat: 0551-119 The count value is not valid. vmstat: 0551-120 Read error on vmminfo structure.vmstat: 0551-121 Read error on sysinfo structure.vmstat: 0551-122 Read error on lbolt.vmstat: 0551-123 Read error on vmmrate structure.vmstat: 0551-124 Read error on sysrate structure.vmstat: 0551-125 Read error on vmker structure.vmstat: 0551-126 Cannot open name list.vmstat: 0551-127 Read error on iostat structure.vmstat: 0551-128 Drive %s is not found. vmstat: 0551-129 knlist failed.vmstat: 0551-130 Permission Denied. vmstat: Read error on syswait structure. vmstat: 0551-131 libelf version out of date. vmstat: 0551-132 cannot initialize object file /unix. vmstat: 0551-133 Read error on mpvars structure.vmstat: 0551-134 Read error on kervars structure.vmstat: 0551-135 Knlist on /unix failedvmstat: 0551-136 open of /dev/kmem failedvmstat: 0551-137 Lseek error on hd_pendqblkedvmstat: 0551-138 Read error on hd_pendqblked%s : failed. The kernel is running in 64-bit mode, but %s cannot be found %s : failed. The kernel is running in 32-bit mode. The 64-bit version of the command cannot be run on this kernel memory pages lruable pages free pages memory pools pinned pages maxpin percentage minperm percentage maxperm percentage numperm percentage file pages compressed percentage compressed pages numclient percentage maxclient percentage client pages remote pageouts scheduled pending disk I/Os blocked with no pbuf paging space I/Os blocked with no psbuf filesystem I/Os blocked with no fsbuf client filesystem I/Os blocked with no fsbuf external pager filesystem I/Os blocked with no fsbuf vmstat: 0551-015 LPAR statistics could not be retrieved. vmstat: PARTITION statistics could not be retrieved. vmstat: 0551-022 CPU PURR statistics could not be retrieved. vmstat: 0551-156 CPU statistics could not be retrieved. pc ec large-page System configuration changed. The current iteration values may be inaccurate. System configuration: lcpu=%d mem=%lldMB drives=%d ent=%.2f System configuration: lcpu=%d mem=%lldMB drives=%d System configuration: lcpu=%d mem=%lldMB ent=%u System configuration: lcpu=%d mem=%lldMB System configuration: %slcpu=%d %smem=%lldMB System configuration: lcpu=%d mem=%lldMB drives=%d wpar=%d %s configuration: %slcpu=%d %smem=%lldMB System configuration: lcpu=%d mem=%lldMB drives=%d ent=%.2f wpar=%d %s configuration: %slcpu=%d %smem=%lldMB %sent=%.2f System configuration: mem=%lldMB wpar=%d decrementer interruptsmpc-sent interruptsmpc-receive interruptsphantom interruptsSystem configuration: lcpu=%d mem=%lldMB ent=%.2f System configuration: %slcpu=%d %smem=%lldMB %sent=%.2f Page Size : %s vmstat: %s option used more than oncevmstat: 0551-139 Read error on vminfo_psize structurevmstat: Invalid page size to -p vmstat: option %s cannot combined with -p Usage: vmstat [ -fsviItlw ] [ -p pagesize | ALL ] [Drives] [ -S [Power]] [ Interval [Count] ] pages: vmstat: option %s cannot be combined with %s. Usage: vmstat [ -fsviItl ] [ [ -p | -P ] pagesize | ALL ] [Drives] [ -S [Power]] [ Interval [Count] ] System configuration: mem=%lldMB Virtualized Partition Memory Page Faults Time resolving virtualized partition memory page faults Usage: vmstat [ -fsviItlw ] [ [ -p | -P ] pagesize | ALL ] [ -@ Wpar Name | ALL ] [Drives] [ Interval [Count] ] Usage: vmstat [ -fsvItlw ] [ Interval [Count] ] vmstat : The output is applicable only to the Global Environment. vmstat: option is not allowed. vmstat failed. wparname required. vmstat: Unable to get WPAR Info. vmstat: WPAR %s is not active. vmstat: Workload Partition %s is not found. vmstat: Could not switch to workload partition environment. vmstat: Unable to retrieve SMT statistics. WPARvmstat: Invalid option combination. lcpu=%d cpulim=%.2f rset=Exclusive rset=Regular ent=%.2f memlim=%lldMB mem=%lldMB %s configuration: System configuration: lcpu=%d mem=%lldMB drives=%d ent=%.2f mmode=%s mpsz=%.2fGB System configuration: lcpu=%d mem=%lldMB drives=%d ent=%.2f wpar=%d mmode=%s mpsz=%.2fGB System configuration: lcpu=%d mem=%lldMB ent=%.2f mmode=%s mpsz=%.2fGB vmstat: option -h can only be combined with -I,-t,-l,-w and -v @mmode=%s @mpsz=%.2fGBNumber of 4k page frames loaned Percentage of partition memory loaned Usage: vmstat [ -fsviItlwh ] [ [ -p | -P ] pagesize | ALL ] [ -@ Wpar Name | ALL ] [Drives] [ Interval [Count] ] Usage: vmstat [ -fsvItlwh@ ] [ Interval [Count] ] Usage: vmstat [ -fsviItlwh ] [ [ -p | -P ] pagesize | ALL ] [ -@ Wpar Name | ALL ] [Drives] [ -S [ Power ]] [ Interval [Count] ] Usage: vmstat [ -fsvItlwh@ ] [ -S [Power]] [ Interval [Count] ] Usage: vmstat [ -fsvItlwh@ ] [Drives] [ -S [Power]] [ Interval [Count] ] usage: vmstat [ -fsviItlwhC ] [ [ -p | -P ] pagesize | ALL ] [ -@ Wpar Name | ALL ] [ Drives ] [ -S [ Power ]] [ Interval [ Count ] ] Usage: vmstat [ -fsvItlwhC@ ] [Drives] [ -S [Power]] [ Interval [Count] ] compressed pool page ins compressed pool page outs Compressed Pool Size percentage of true memory used for compressed pool free pages in compressed pool (4K pages) target memory expansion factor achieved memory expansion factor vmstat: Active Memory Expansion is not enabled on the system, -C flag is not valid. System configuration: lcpu=%d mem=%lldMB tmem=%lldMB drives=%d ent=%.2f wpar=%dSystem configuration: lcpu=%d mem=%lldMB tmem=%lldMB drives=%d wpar=%dSystem configuration: lcpu=%d mem=%lldMB tmem=%lldMBSystem configuration: mem=%lldMB tmem=%lldMBSystem configuration: lcpu=%d mem=%lldMB tmem=%lldMB drives=%d ent=%.2f mmode=%s mpsz=%.2fGB mmode=%stmem=%lldMB usage: vmstat [ -fsviItlwhc ] [ [ -p | -P ] pagesize | ALL ] [ -@ Wpar Name | ALL ] [ Drives ] [ -S [ Power ]] [ Interval [ Count ] ] Usage: vmstat [ -fsvItlwhc@ ] [Drives] [ -S [Power]] [ Interval [Count] ] mmode=%susage: vmstat [[ -fsviItlwhc ] [ [ -p | -P ] pagesize | ALL ] [ -@ Wpar Name | ALL ] [ Drives ] [ -S [ Power ]] [ Interval [ Count ] ]] | [ -X [ -o filename ]] [ Interval [ Count ] ] vmstat: Active Memory Expansion is not enabled on the system, -c flag is not valid. percentage of memory used for computational pages %5d %7d %s %5llu %s(%x) Enter WPAR name to be MonitoredTo display the statistics of a single WPAR, select the WPAR name. To display the statistics of all the active WPARs, select ALL option