ISO8859-194:Ho';7W Kv 2 5 /+ 3[.4*'8`*}(+3pLQl3|0654-419 The specified archive file was already stripped.0654-420 The file was already stripped as specified.Usage: strip [-V] [-r[-l]|-x[-l]|-t|-H|-e|-E] [-X{32|64|32_64}] File ...0654-400 Cannot open file.0654-401 Cannot open temporary file %s.0654-402 Cannot write to file, permissions are not correct.0654-403 Cannot read from file.0654-404 Cannot write to file.0654-405 Specify an XCOFF object file or an archive of XCOFF object files.0654-406 Internal error while reading file tables.0654-407 Internal error while processing file tables.0654-408 Internal error while copying sections.0654-409 Internal error while copying symbol table.0654-410 Internal error while writing headers.0654-411 The specified flags are mutually exclusive.0654-412 The ftruncate system call failed.0654-413 File seek error.0654-414 Temporary file %s: seek error.0654-415 File size was zero.0654-416 Temporary file %s: size was zero.0654-417 File close error.0654-418 Temporary file %s: close error.0654-421 Cannot write to temporary file %s.0654-422 Cannot use -e or -E flags with an archive.0654-423 %s is not valid in the current object file mode. Use the -X option to specify the desired object mode.0654-424 The specified object mode is not valid. Specify -X32, -X64, or -X32_64.0654-425 The OBJECT_MODE environment variable has an invalid setting. OBJECT_MODE must be 32, 64, or 32_64.0654-426: Cannot strip discontinued XCOFF64 files.