ISO8859-1> , A = RG + Q _ V q o ( S 1 $9P^\W Sd/1%)@&j>.-+-TY.*Y Rb!A"C#<;$9x%?&5'-((BV)I*H+B,,2o-C.A/(0>D1=2H3* 4F559|6?7L8_C9:-;<.=c2>s?e @1pABC?DU[EAF!G)HA?IDJ/KLI MG `N\ OR!Pa!XQ]!RU"S:"nTC"Ua"VY#OWS#Xk#Y~$iZ#$[>% \N%K]7%^8%_9& `J&Ea,&b&c'*dC*eQ+ f5+[g=+hN+i/,jO,NkN,l5,m*-#n@-No -p<-q:-r=.(s<.ft;.ub.v#/Bw!/fx#/y/z /{/|F0} 0K~#0l0?0D0?1=1^$1111122$292N2i222;2*2 3(/3I>3y3383/4'64W4849455)5S5}P5R586<36u/6:67787L07675738#*8W 8*80878*979b89{9999: :8:.8:g::,:3:$;+,;P/;} ;6;2<&<89<_<+<<#<4=!#=V=z3=5=0>?>5!>u5>'>7>7?-2?e/?&?.?0@,@O @|,@@&@2A 3A=Aq<A AEA B,<BM BEB BCCCVCkC|CCCCCDEDDa-Dz?DD3E:E<<EwE&E(E F*F6 (Fa F F F F4F2G1GF6Gx2G#G)H$H0$HU%Hz5H2HI I'2IFhIy&I &J 4J0 Je J} J~J JJ J JJJJJ J &J(K BK6/Ky(K)K6K(L3 )L\ 5L L 3L (M)M1M[JMrCMN$N$N@,NeN(N0N%O /O17Oa>O-O/P:P6 6PqnPXQKQpWQ+Rsnmpd: 1473-100 Unable to open message catalog '%1$s' '%2$s'. Using catalog '%s' for SNMP agent messages. snmpd: 1473-101 Sigaction for %1$s failed : %2$s (%3$d/%4$8.8x). SIGTERM received for SNMP daemon which is now shutting down. SNMP agent: Could not determine TCPIPjobname using default of 'INET'. snmpd: 1473-102 Unable to open %1$s : %2$s snmpd: 1473-103 Line number %1$d in the %2$s file is not in the correct format. snmpd: 1473-104 Community name on line number %1$d in %2$s file cannot exceed %3$d characters. snmpd: 1473-105 Line number %1$d in the %2$s file has a network address:%3$s which is not in the correct format. snmpd: 1473-106 Line number %1$d in the %2$s file has a network mask :%3$s which is not in the correct format. snmpd: 1473-107 Error reading the %1$s file at line number: %2$d error text: %3$s. snmpd: 1473-108 Unable to open %1$s file : %2$s. Using SNMP trap defaults. Using %s for trap destination file. snmpd: 1473-109 Line number %1$d in the %2$s file is not in the correct format. snmpd: 1473-110 Line number %1$d in the %2$s file failed host_lookup for ip address: %3$s. snmpd: 1473-111 Line number %1$d in the %2$s file %3$s is not a supported connection. snmpd: 1473-112 Error reading the %1$s file at line number: %2$d error text: %3$s. rc=%1$d (%2$s) (expect %3$d (%4$s)) from %5$s. snmpd: 1473-113 Unknown notification version %s. snmpd: 1473-114 Need community name. snmpd: 1473-115 Need a UNIX socket name. SNMP agent: initialization complete. snmpd: 1473-116 %1$s is an incorrect port number, using %2$d. Added managers for community: %1$s rc= %2$d. rc=%1$d (%2$s) from snmp_local_config_set(). Closing DPI UNIX socket connection, fd=%d. Closing DPI inet socket connection, fd=%1$d, address %2$d.%3$d.%4$d.%5$d port %6$u. rc = %1$d (%2$s) from snmp_delete_subagent(). The SNMP agent is running as jobname, %s. snmpd: 1473-117 Cannot allocate buffers for SNMP ,DPI and SMUX packets; SNMP agent ends. snmpd: 1473-118 gethostname function failed; SNMP agent defaulting to snmpd: 1473-119 socket function failed for SNMP inet UDP socket. snmpd: 1473-120 bind function failed for SNMP inet udp socket; %s. snmpd: 1473-121 socket function failed for DPI inet socket. snmpd: 1473-122 getsockname failed for DPI inet socket. snmpd: 1473-123 selectex() function timed out on wait forever. snmpd: 1473-124 selectex() failed, return code = %d. snmpd: 1473-125 Receive function failed; %s. snmpd: 1473-126 accept function failed for a DPI inet socket; %s. snmpd: 1473-127 Refused new DPI connection, at maximum connection of %d. Accepted new DPI inet socket connection on fd=%1$d from %2$s port %3$u. snmpd: 1473-128 accept function failed for a DPI UNIX socket; %s. Accepted new DPI UNIX socket connection on fd=%d. snmpd: 1473-129 SNMP agent terminating, got %d errors on selectex. snmpd: 1473-130 A select function timed out on a DPI connection. EOF received on DPI fd %d. snmpd: 1473-131 Receive function failed for a DPI socket; %s. snmpd: 1473-132 sendto function failed for a DPI socket; %s. snmpd: 1473-133 On a sendto function only %1$d out of %2$lu bytes sent. snmpd: 1473-134 send function failed; %s. snmpd: 1473-135 On a send function only %1$d out of %2$lu bytes sent. snmpd: 1473-136 select function failed return code = %d. snmpd: 1473-137 gethostbyname function failed for %1$s; %2$s. snmpd: 1473-138 SIGPIPE received for SNMP agent which is now shutting down. snmpd: 1473-139 SIGABND signal received, SNMP agent daemon terminating with %1$8.8X / %2$8.8X. Tracing is set to %d. snmpd: 1473-140 Unrecognized modify request. Modify request completed. snmpd: 1473-141 Unsupported command received. snmpd: 1473-142 Configuration problem in file %1$s at line %2$d variable name %3$s not recognized. snmpd: 1473-143 Configuration problem in file %1$s at line %2$d variable name %3$s the value: %4$s not recognized. Usage: %1$s [options], incorrect option specified. To see a complete list of options, enter %2$s ? Using file %s for community names configuration. Tracing set to %d. Usage: %1$s options password engine Valid options for %2$s are: -e : indicates engine identification is an snmpEngineID. -d level : debug level; if equal to 1, debug traces generated. -p protocol : protocol to use in generating keys; may be 'HMAC-MD5', 'HMAC-SHA' or 'all'. -u key_usage : how key will be used; may be 'auth', 'priv' or 'all'. -s : add spaces to display of data for readability. password : must be at least %3$d characters long. engine : identification of SNMP engine at which key will be used; may be IPaddress, hostname or snmpEngineID. - snmpEngineID must be 2-64 hex digits. - IPaddress or hostname assume enterpriseID for IBM (2). Option defaults:-d 0 -p HMAC-MD5 -u auth To display usage: %4$s -? %5$s - %6$s. Display of %1$d byte %2$s: snmpd: 1473-144 SNMP agent: Could not establish affinity with '%1$s' (%2$d/%3$8.8X). snmpd: 1473-145 Value specified for the %s parameter is missing. Using file %s for configuration. Using file %s for MIB variable defaults. snmpd: 1473-146 Unable to open or create boots file %1$s : %2$s. snmpd: 1473-147 Unsuccessful initialization: %s. SNMP agent ending. Using %1$s file %2$s for boots initialization. EngineBoots value is wrapping. snmpd: 1473-148 Line number %1$d contains an unsupported keyword : %2$s. snmpd: 1473-149 Line number %1$d contains an unsupported value : %2$s. snmpd: 1473-150 Line number %1$d contains an incorrect number of keywords for a %2$s entry. snmpd: 1473-151 Line number %1$d contains a keyword value that is too long: %2$s. snmpd: 1473-152 Line number %1$d defaults positional keyword %2$d, but that keyword is required. snmpd: 1473-153 Line number %1$d contains an unsupported value: %2$s. Default value is used. snmpd: 1473-154 Error configuring %1$s entry on line number %2$d. SNMP agent ending. snmpd: 1473-155 Line number %d defines a duplicate entry. snmpd: 1473-156 setibmsockopt failed for SNMP INET UDP socket; %s. snmpd: 1473-157 SNMP agent initialization terminated because TCP/IP Base feature is not enabled. snmpd: 1473-158 Unexpected error in adding %s entry at initialization. Return code = %d. snmpd: 1473-159 Line number %1$d contains a keyword value that is too short: %2$s. snmpd: 1473-160 Line number %1$d defines a keyType that is not consistent with the engineID specification. snmpd: 1473-161 Line number %1$d defines a storageType that is not consistent with the authentication protocol specification. Dynamic configuration initialized. snmpd: 1473-162 SNMP agent: Error in allocating memory in %s. snmpd: 1473-163 SNMP agent: Error adding entry to dynamic configuration list. snmpd: 1473-164 SNMP agent: Unknown record type in %s. snmpd: 1473-165 Incorrect number of arguments for %1$s. snmpd: 1473-166 %1$s value for %2$s option is not valid. snmpd: 1473-167 Passwords for %1$s must be at least %2$d characters long. snmpd: 1473-168 %1$s for %2$s is not valid. Usage: %1$s options oldPassword newPassword engine Valid options for %2$s are: -e : indicates engine identification is an snmpEngineID. -d level : debug level; if equal to 1, debug traces generated. -p protocol : protocol to use in generating keys; may be 'HMAC-MD5', 'HMAC-SHA' or 'all'. -u key_usage : how key will be used; may be 'auth', 'priv' or 'all'. -s : add spaces to display of data for readability. oldPassword : must be %3$d to %4$d characters long. newPassword : must be %5$d to %6$d characters long. engine : identification of SNMP engine at which key will be used; may be IPaddress, hostname or snmpEngineID. - snmpEngineID must be 2-64 hex digits. - IPaddress or hostname assume enterpriseID for IBM (2). Option defaults:-d 0 -p HMAC-MD5 -u auth To display usage: %7$s -? %8$s - %9$s. snmpd: 1473-169 Input in %s not valid. snmpd: 1473-170 String contains non-printable US ASCII characters. snmpd: 1473-171 Cannot find entry to delete from the dynamic configuration list. snmpd: 1473-172 Error reopening %s file for writing. snmpd: 1473-173 Default %1$s entry definition not redefined. snmpd: 1473-174 Passwords for %1$s must be no more than %2$d characters long. snmpd: 1473-175 %1$s option %2$s is not valid. snmpd: 1473-176 SNMP agent terminating, cannot update configuration file %1$s. snmpd: 1473-177 Attempt to update configuration file failed. Agent continues. snmpd: 1473-178 %1$s is an incorrect interval value. snmpd: 1473-179 Memory allocation failed. snmpd: 1473-180 Error in /etc/mibs.defs file, line %1$d : %2$s. For more details issue : %1$s ? snmpd: 1473-181 listen function failed for DPI inet socket. snmpd: 1473-182 bind function failed for DPI inet socket. snmpd: 1473-183 socket function failed for UNIX DPI socket. snmpd: 1473-184 listen function failed for UNIX DPI socket. snmpd: 1473-185 bind function failed for UNIX DPI socket. snmpd: 1473-186 Error reading the SNMP configuration file %1$s at line number: %2$d errno: %3$s. Display of outgoing SNMP inform : Timeout : %1$lu, retry : %2$lu . Display of incoming SNMP inform : Display of SNMP trap V2: Display of SNMP received port: Display of SNMP response: snmpd: 1473-187 Entry %1$d in line %2$d is not in digit.digit format. Closing SMUX connection, fd=%d. EOF recieved on SMUX TCP fd %1$d . %1$s . snmpd: 1473-188 socket() function failed for SMUX inet socket. snmpd: 1473-189 getsockname() function failed for SMUX inet socket. snmpd: 1473-190 listen() function failed for SMUX inet socket. snmpd: 1473-191 bind() function failed for SMUX inet socket. Printing the entries in the list... USM USER record at %x. Name : %s. Storage: %d. Uncommitted record. Text present : %s. Entry Updated : %d. Set record exists. VACM_GROUP record at %x. Security Name : %s. Security Model %d. Storage: %d. Comment record at %s. snmpd: 1473-192 Could not identify the type of the record. After printing the entries in the list... Usage: %s [options] [ ] Where: options - one or more valid options. - This command is an SNMPv1/v2c/v3 entity in an agent role. SNMP in an agent role. Address %d.%d.%d.%d port %u. snmpd: 1473-193 Unable to open message catalog '%s',%s. snmpd: 1473-194 Only %d out of %lu bytes sent. snmpd: 1473-195 Report PDU has error-status: %s (%d). Valid options for %s are: -d [level] - debug level; if level omitted: level=%d. -c community - accept requests with this community name. -p port - listen for SNMP packets on this port. -s socketname - listen for SNMP packets. On this UNIX socket name. -i interval - interval in minutes to write out dynamic configuration changes. -S - prevent the non-root user from changing the valus of MIB variable. -c community - use this community name in SNMP request. -h host - send SNMP request to this hostname. -p port - send SNMP request to this port. -t nn - timeout in seconds to wait for a response. -r nn - max number of retries before giving up. -n non_rep - number of non_repeaters (BULK function). -m max_rep - max repetitions (BULK function). -c community - accept TRAPs with this community name. -h hostname - bind SNMP TRAP port to this hostname. -p port - listen for SNMP TRAPs on this port. Defaults used if option is not specified: snmpd: 1473-196 Need hostname. snmpd: 1473-197 Memory allocation failed. snmpd: 1473-198 Error in %s file, line %d : %s. snmpd: 1473-199 Error in file, line %d : %s. snmpd: 1473-200 Memory allocation failed. Community: %.*s ('SNMP logging data follows ============================= Log_type: %s. Destinations: %lu. Send rc: %d. Destination: %s. Trap PDU data: Unknown format. End of SNMP logging data: ============================= SNMP logging data follows ============================= Origin: %s. Destination: %s. snmpd: 1473-201 Cannot create snmp_request. Skipping inform control, more than %d outstanding. More than %lu reports, drop inform. SIGPIPE received for SNMP agent is ignored. snmpd: 1473-202 Error in setting timer value. Global Timer set to %d minutes. snmpd: 1473-203 Unknown snmp role for initialization. Dyn.Conf: snmpd_remote_snmp_usm_user_set invoked. Dyn.Conf: operation : %d Status : %d. snmpd: 1473-204 Dyn.Conf: UNDO failed due to UTF8 chars. Dyn.Conf: Delete received. Dyn.Conf: dynDeleteFromConfigList nRc: %d. Dyn.Conf: Modify Received. Dyn.Conf: dynUpdateConfig nRc: %d. Dyn.Conf: snmpd_remote_snmp_vacm_group_set invoked. Dyn.Conf: dynUpdateConfig nRc: %d. Dyn.Conf: Unknown status : %d. Dyn.Conf: snmpd_remote_snmp_vacm_view_set invoked. Dyn.Conf: snmpd_remote_snmp_vacm_access_set invoked. Dyn.Conf: snmpd_remote_snmp_notify_set invoked. snmpd: 1473-205 Dyn.Conf: snmpd_remote_snmp_notify_set failed. Dyn.Conf: informs not supported. Dyn.Conf: snmpd_remote_snmp_target_addr_set invoked. Dyn.Conf: multiple entries in taglist. Dyn.Conf: snmpd_remote_snmp_target_params_set invoked. Dyn.Conf: snmpd_remote_snmp_notify_filter_profile_set. Dyn.Conf: Not Supported -- Storage: %d Opern: %d. Dyn.Conf: snmpd_remote_snmp_notify_filter_set. Dyn.Conf: Multiple tag entries found. snmpd: 1473-206 Dyn.Conf: freopen failed: %s. snmpd: 1473-207 Dyn.Conf: errno: %d errno2: %x. snmpd: 1473-208 Dyn.Conf: fputs failed: %s. Dyn.Conf: Updated Config file. snmpd: 1473-209 Dyn.Conf: fsync failed: %s. Dyn.Conf: After fsync. Dyn.Conf: After updating config file. snmpd: 1473-210 Dyn.Conf: Buffer Length Exceeded. -c %s (speficy configuration file,if not found). Display of SNMP trap: snmpd: 1473-211 Error %d generating keyChange for HMAC-MD5. HMAC-MD5 authKey keyChange valuesnmpd: 1473-212 Error %d generating keyChange for DES with HMAC-MD5. HMAC-MD5 privKey keyChange valuesnmpd: 1473-213 Error %d generating keyChange for HMAC-SHA. HMAC-SHA authKey keyChange valuesnmpd: 1473-214 Error %d generating keyChange for DES with HMAC-SHA. HMAC-SHA privKey keyChange valueAccepted new SMUX inet socket connection on fd=%d from %s port %u. Dump of %d byte %s: HMAC-MD5 authKeyHMAC-MD5 localized authKeyHMAC-MD5 privKeyHMAC-MD5 localized privKeyHMAC-SHA authKeyHMAC-SHA localized authKeyHMAC-SHA privKeyHMAC-SHA localized privKeyClosing DPI inet socket connection, fd=%1$d, address %2$s port %3$u. Address %1$s port %2$u. snmpd: 1473-265 Error, address family = %1$d snmpd: 1473-180 Error in /etc/mib.defs file, line %1$d : %2$s. snmpd: 1473-215 Out of Memory. snmpd: 1473-216 src_status: cannot execute stat(). snmpd: 1473-217 Not root user, cannot access long status. snmpd: 1473-218 Not root user, cannot access long status. stopsrc issued. traceson: logging is already enabled. traceson: logging is already enabled. is not configured for logging. tracesoff: logging is already disabled. tracesoff: logging is already disabled. Stop trace. snmpd: 1473-219 cannot add fd. doit_src: recvfrom. Start trace. snmpd: 1473-220 Error: cannot determine the user. snmpd: 1473-221 Start subserver: not supported. snmpd: 1473-222 Stop subserver: not supported. snmpd: 1473-223 Status of subserver: not supported. snmpd: 1473-224 Trace subserver: not supported. snmpd: 1473-225 Illegal command. snmpd: 1473-226 No COMMUNITY configured. snmpd: 1473-227 No TRAP configured. snmpd: 1473-228 No SMUX configured. snmpd: 1473-229 Invalid logname: %s. snmpd: 1473-230 %s cannot be opened for logging: %s. snmpd: 1473-231 %s is not configured for logging. Logging started at level %d. Logging to %s is terminating. snmpd: 1473-232 %s is not configured for logging. snmpd: 1473-233 Current system max limit on the log file (%d) is less than the requested max size (%d). snmpd: 1473-234 getrlimit failed: %s. snmpd: 1473-235 setrlimit failed: %s. snmpd: 1473-236 %s cannot write to log file %s: %s. %s rotating log files. EMERGENCY: ALERT: CRITICAL: FATAL: EXCEPTIONS: WARNING: NOTICE: PDUS: TRACE: DEBUG: DEFAULT: snmpd: 1473-237 Bad version: %d (%s). snmpd: 1473-238 %s: out of memory (%s). snmpd: 1473-239 Authentication error: invalid community name: %s. snmpd: 1473-240 Too big on a too_big response. snmpd: 1473-241 Bad operation: %d (%s). snmpd: 1473-242 Invalid debug level: %s. snmpd: 1473-243 Invalid port: %1$s, using port %2$d. snmpd: 1473-244 Invalid smux_port: %s. snmpd: 1473-245 Invalid configfile: %s. Usage: %s [-c config_file] [-d level] [-f logfile]. Processing signal %d. snmpd: 1473-246 %s is not configured for logging. snmpd: 1473-247 odm_initialize failed. snmpd: 1473-248 init_smuxio failed: %s. %s (%d) is starting. snmpd: 1473-249 setsockopt SO_LINGER failed on SMUX_CLIENT %d, errno %d. snmpd: 1473-250 setsockopt SO_LINGER failed on SMUX %d, errno %d. %s (%d) is terminating. snmpd: 1473-251 no listening fd's. snmpd: 1473-252 select failed: %s. snmpd: 1473-253 selected fd %d, but no fi. snmpd: 1473-254 Cannot fork. snmpd: 1473-255 Cannot open /dev/null. snmpd: 1473-256 Cannot initialize mib objects. snmpd: 1473-257 init_io failed: %s. snmpd: 1473-258 sigvec failed for sig %d: %s. snmpd: 1473-259 snmp_receive_signal: Set timer failed. snmp_receive_signal: Set timer is reseting an existing timer. snmpd: 1473-260 Can't create OID container. snmpd: 1473-261 Can't create value container. snmpd: 1473-262 recv() failed on a SMUX TCP connection. snmpd: 1473-263 Error creating or opening file: %s. Log file "size" value, %s, cannot be converted into an integer. The default value 0 (unlimited) will be used. Log file "size" value was not specified. The default value 0 (unlimited) will be used. Invalid debug level in %s: %s. The default value 0 (minimal) will be used. Log file "level" value was not specified. The default value 0 (minimal) will be used. snmpd: 1473-264 Malformed directive: "%s".