ISO8859-1^&_!)6"$1 /V )    ')>O+^ON>^3Usage: seastat -d -c seastat -d [-n | -s searchtype=value] Error %d opening socket for device %s Error %d connecting to device %s Ioctl %d returned error %d for device %s Invalid search type. Valid types are: mac, priority, vlan, ip, host, greaterbytessent (gbs), greaterbytesrecv (gbr), greaterpktssent (gps), greaterpktsrecv (gpr), smallerbytessent (sbs), smallerbytesrecv (sbr), smallerpktssent (sps), smallerpktsrecv (spr) Search argument must be entered as 'searchtype=value' Device %s has accounting disabled Statistics for %s have been cleared Advanced Statistics for SEA Device Name: %s MAC: %.02X:%.02X:%.02X:%.02X:%.02X:%.02X VLAN: %d VLAN Priority: %d VLAN: None VLAN Priority: None Hostname: %s IP: Transmit Statistics: Receive Statistics: Packets: %-30lluBytes: %-32lluInsufficient memory to retrieve statistics Invalid MAC address '%s' is not a valid IP address '%s' is not a valid priority value. Value should be an integer between 0 and 7 '%s' is not a valid VLAN value. Value should be an integer between 0 and 4095 '%s' is not a valid number. Number must be a positive integer No statistics were found matching the search value Error %s is not SEA device