ISO8859-1[?-8/f3444 R !s  ! " 14(f!#5 )Ii!!:(\ C!0"##<$-[%&'()*+# ,c <- . / 0S 1% 92- _3N 4 5 6& 73 48. h9, :) ; <* = 7>8 V?; @& AR B EC LD aE jF oG( H I JZ K6L9PMN#O,P/Q!+R!MS0oT1U&VWX%3Y*YZ"[3 raddbm cannot be executed while the radius daemon is running. Could not determine state of radius daemon. The -n is not a valid option for this command. No Data File specified with the -d flag - ignored. FATAL ERROR: Action requested (%s)not recognized. FATAL ERROR: No Action specified with the -a flag. Maximum User Id Size is %d - size of supplied User Id = %d User Id specified is too long. Maximum Password Size is %d - size of supplied Password = %d Password specified is too long. Invalid flag %s ignored. Unexpected input %s - ignored FATAL ERROR - Cannot read data file - RC = %d. Load File attempt failed with RC = %d Data Store failed with RC = %d Load File completed successfully FATAL ERROR: ADD requires a fully specified entry. UserId is missing. Password is missing. Error, passwords do not match. Insert failed with RC = %d ADD completed successfully. DELETE requires a User Id. Database is currently empty. Entry %s not found. Delete completed successfully. CHANGE requires a User Id. CHANGE completed successfully. FATAL ERROR: Invalid Action value %d. Failed attempt to read database input file %s for Load - RC = %d Use -n option to create new default data file. Insert of %s failed with RC = %d TREE_ERROR: Problem with Node %d - Height = %d Count = %d Node being Added: User Id = %s Passwd = %s This entry is a duplicate Input error Node Count error Tree BFactor error Tree Balance error Internal tree error Cannot read the database file Format error, entries must be in quotation marks, as shown here: "username" "password" Internal error Cannot allocate memory Entry not found USAGE: %s -a %s -u [-d ] [-n] [-t <0 - 52>] [-e MD5-challenge|none] USAGE: %s -a %s -u [-d ] USAGE: %s -a %s [-u ] [-d ] [-w] USAGE: %s -a %s -u -p [-d ] [-t <0 - 52>] [-e MD5-challenge|none] USAGE: %s -? USAGE: %s -l [-d ] [-n] [flags] = -? This help screen -a RADIUS action to perform [%s] -d RADIUS database filename -i Configuration filename -n Create the database -u User Id -p Change Password Flag -e EAP Type -t Number of weeks password is valid. Default is 0, password never expires. -l Import file name -w Show all fields (userid, EAP type, weeks password is valid) UserIDWeeks password validEAP TypenoneInvalid EAP type. Please specify a number between 0 - 52 Enter new password: Enter new password again: To change a user's data, at least one of { -p, -e, -t } option(s) need to be specified. %s requires a User Id. Attempt to add user '%s' failed - user already exists. %s: RADIUS terminated cleanly. %s: Waiting for RADIUS to terminate%s: RADIUS has been requested to terminate. %s: If not, manually delete stale pid file: %s %s: Couldn't locate pid file: %s %s: RADIUS failed to remove: %s. %s: RADIUS appears already running with pid=%s. %s: RADIUS pid=%s has been issued a kill signal. %s: RADIUS force-killed successfully. %s: RADIUS daemon started. %s: RADIUS daemon restarted. Usage: %s ( stop | start | restart ) Enter RADIUS Server Certificate Password: The password entered was invalid. %s: Null pid file found. No processes terminated.