ISO8859-1JBpF./)5Y7= = \ 8 6( 6_E;rBsIBH1?G(^%'  5 8 V! ", #, $8 %% 7&8 ]'7 (7 )A *, H+0 u,0 -- .6 /7 <0@ t1, 2, 3. 4. >5, m6$ 7H 8;95D:Gz;,<F==6>Ft?5@4AD&BMkCDYE%0F6VG*H+I%JG 3001-401 The authname "%s" has no entry in /etc/security/passwd. 3001-402 The user "%s" has an invalid password field in /etc/passwd. 3001-403 Bad line found in /etc/passwd: "%s" 3001-404 /etc/security/passwd does not exist. 3001-405 The user "%s" has invalid flags specified. 3001-406 "%s" ignored. 3001-407 Bad line found in /etc/security/passwd: "%s" 3001-408 The user "%s" has an invalid lastupdate attribute. 3001-409 The user "%s" is missing the lastupdate attribute. 3001-410 WARNING: The password files were modified by another process while pwdck was running. The other process' changes may be lost. 3001-411 The user name "%s" in /etc/passwd is invalid. 3001-412 The user "%s" was not found in /etc/passwd. 3001-413 Adding "%s" stanza to /etc/security/passwd. 3001-414 The stanza for "%s" was not found in /etc/security/passwd. 3001-415 The user "%s" has an invalid password attribute. 3001-416 The user "%s" in /etc/security/passwd is not specified as an authentication name in /etc/security/user. 3001-417 Deleting the stanza for "%s" from /etc/security/passwd. 3001-418 The DBM files for /etc/passwd are out of date. Use the mkpasswd command to update these files. 3001-419 Sorting /etc/security/passwd in the same order as /etc/passwd. 3001-420 /etc/security/passwd is not in the same order as /etc/passwd. 3001-430 add a stanza to /etc/security/passwd ? 3001-431 replace it with '!' and transfer original password ? 3001-432 remove it ? 3001-433 create /etc/security/passwd ? 3001-434 remove the invalid flags ? 3001-435 remove it ? 3001-436 update it ? 3001-437 add it ? 3001-438 overwrite the files anyway ? 3001-439 remove the entry ? 3001-440 make 'password = *' ? 3001-441 remove the stanza from /etc/security/passwd ? 3001-442 sort it ? 3001-451 pwdck: could not get acl of "%s". 3001-452 pwdck: could not put acl on "%s". 3001-453 pwdck: could not get attribute for user "%s". 3001-454 pwdck: could not chown %s. 3001-455 pwdck: could not create /etc/security/passwd. 3001-456 pwdck: no entries were found in /etc/passwd. 3001-457 pwdck: could not read password restrictions. 3001-458 pwdck: could not lock on "%s". Please try again later. 3001-459 pwdck: could not allocate memory. 3001-460 pwdck: could not make temp file name. 3001-461 pwdck: could not open user data base. 3001-462 pwdck: could not open /etc/passwd. 3001-463 pwdck: could not open /etc/security/passwd. 3001-464 pwdck: could not open temporary /etc/passwd. 3001-465 pwdck: could not open temporary /etc/security/passwd. 3001-466 pwdck: could not get pcl of "%s". 3001-467 pwdck: could not put pcl on "%s". 3001-468 pwdck: could not popen to run "%s". 3001-468 pwdck: could not reallocate memory. 3001-469 pwdck: could not copy temp files. 3001-470 pwdck: could not stat %s. 3001-471 pwdck: could not get tcb attributes for /etc/security/passwd. 3001-472 pwdck: could not get last modified time of "%s". 3001-473 pwdck: could not unlink temporary file %s. 3001-474 usage: pwdck [ -p | -y | -n | -t ] [ user1 user2 ... | ALL ] 3001-475 pwdck: could not write into "%s". 3001-421 The user "%s" does not have a stanza in /etc/security/user. 3001-422 The user "%s" has multiple entries in /etc/passwd. 3001-423 The user "%s" has multiple stanzas in /etc/security/passwd. 3001-424 Bad line found in /etc/security/user: "%s" 3001-425 Adding "%s" stanza to /etc/security/user. 3001-426 The user "%s" has multiple entries in /etc/security/user. 3001-427 The user "%s" has an invalid auth attribute in /etc/security/user. 3001-443 remove duplicates?3001-476 usage: pwdck { -p | -y | -n | -t } [ -l ] [ -R ] { user1 [ user2 ... ] | ALL } 3001-477 pwdck: could not chmod %s. 3001-478 pwdck: could not create /etc/security/user. 3001-479 pwdck: could not create thread. 3001-480 pwdck: could not open file "%s". 3001-481 pwdck: signal %s received. 3001-476 usage: pwdck { -p | -n | -t | -y } [ -l ] { ALL | User ... }