ùISO8859-1%H<g¤2¼ï.6 +e '‘ 7¹ #ñ ,+-X†¢1¾ð/$6+[/‡5·í*GRg…º(@ Ji!´"'Ï#-÷$-%%Shook function cannot be null. specified hookid(0x%03x) exceeds the maximum value(0x%03x). %s: failed to open %s. %s already exists, use force option to overwrite. failed to create %s. failed to memory map %s. %s is not a valid %s. failed to allocate %d bytes of Memory for %s. failed to create thread for processing %s. %s exceeds the limit of %d characters. cpuid %d is out of the range of available/traced cpus. %s failed, cannot proceed further. %s failed, ignoring. failed to start command line trace utility. buffer item is null, specify no-null buffer. no valid trace logs found. stopping trace collection. multicpu trace cannot be invoked in online mode. starting command %s. %d hooks processed ( incl. %d utility hooks ). %5.3f seconds in measured interval. associated trace log files may be missing. Run ptxtrcstop command to signal end of trace. trace kernel buffers overflow, increase buffer size. Global Hook Counts Hook Counts for cpu id %d Program execution capture was incomplete. Trace kernel buffers overflow. Report is not accurate. Use the -T flag to increase the size of the trace buffer. Report is not accurate. Use the -T flag to increase the size of the trace buffer, or the -f flag to decrease the sampling frequency. PURR not supported in this environment. Turning off MultiCPU trace as we cannot find any MultiCPU trace log files Number of CPU traced = %d PURR not detected in input trace file. Run trcon command to signal start of trace. Run trcstop command to signal end of trace. Waiting for trace.