ùISO8859-1 pu2”=Ç&;,"hÖ‹ ;b 9žPage0653-550 The file %s is empty.0653-551 There is not enough memory available now.0653-552 Internal error. A page-buffer overflow has occurred.0653-553 Too many files are specified.0653-554 The width specified with the -n flag is too large.0653-555 File %s cannot be opened.Usage: pr [+Page][[-Column [-a]] | -m][-dFrt] [-e[Character][Gap]][-h Header][-i[Character][Gap]][-l Lines] [-n[Character][Width]][-o Offset][-s[Character]][-w Width] [-x[Character][Width]][-fp][File ...] pr: 0653-556 Specify an integer value with the -%c option. pr: 0653-557 Value %d can not be greater than %d for -%c