ISO8859-1_"4+WD' 0z 8 %  " &! I( k* , . '  C K k  " $ + / =! m% S 0 !W :" #! $" %0 & '' F(" f), * +# ,1 -",.#O/s0#1/2.3.4D5d6"z7#89$: ;$<#:=^>m?t@"AB$CD'E ,F16GhH|I'J*K&LM!/N&QO=xPQ#R ST,U`IV1W8XY)Z C[ O\Z],z^)_*Package scripts were found.## Verifying package dependencies.## Verifying <%s> set package dependencies.Other packages currently installed on the system have indicated a dependency on the package being removed. If removal of this package occurs, it may render other packages inoperative. If you wish to disregard this dependency, answer 'y' to continue the package removal process.\nThe current run-level of this machine is <%s>, which is not a run-level suggested for removal of this package. Suggested run-levels (in order of preference) include:If this package is not removed in a run-level which has been suggested, it is possible that the package may not remove properly. If you wish to follow the run-level suggestions, answer 'n' to stop the package removal process.\nTo change states, reboot the machine after exiting the package removal process. Please note that after changing states you may have to mount appropriate filesystem(s) in order to remove this package.\nThis package contains scripts which may have a security impact and which will be executed during the process of removing this package.During the removal of this package, certain scripts provided with the package will be executed. These scripts may modify or otherwise change your system without your knowledge. If you are certain of the origin and trustworthiness of the package being removed, answer 'y' to continue the removal process.Do you want to continue with the removal of this packageunable to determine current run-stateDependency checking failed.## Executing set preremove script.unable to process pkginfo in <%s> The following set is currently spooled: The following set is currently installed: The following package is currently spooled: The following package is currently installed: Removing spooled package instance <%s>Usage: %s [-a admin] [pkg [pkg ...]] %s -n [-a admin] pkg [pkg ...] %s -s spool [pkg [pkg ...]] Do you want to remove this setDo you want to remove this packageRemovals of <%s> has been suspended. Pre-SVR4 package reported failed removal. Pre-SVR4 package reported successful removal. *** Removing Pre-SVR4 Package ***## Executing package UNINSTALL scriptEnter the alias or pathname for the device to be used (e.g., diskette1 or /dev/fd0)Insert the first volume for package <%s> into %sAn attempt to remove the <%s> pre-SVR4 package on <%s> completed with exit status <%d>. 1 package was not processed! %d packages were not processed! Usage: %s [-a admin] [-n] pkginst (A previous attempt may have been unsuccessful.)## Executing preremove script.## Executing postremove script.## Processing package information. ## Removing installed package instance <%s>## Updating system information.## Removing pathnames in <%s> classclass action script did not complete successfullyunable to change directory to <%s>CLASSES parameter undefined in <%s>unable to create lockfile <%s>unable to process pkginfo file <%s>postremove script did not complete successfullypreremove script did not complete successfullyunable to reset privileges on linked file <%s>unable to remove directory <%s>unable to remove <%s>unable to establish temporary fileunable to write temporary file <%s>%s %s %s unable to unlink <%s>No changes were made to the system.was successfulfailedpartially failedwas terminated due to user requestwas suspended (administration)was suspended (interaction required)failed (internal error)failed with an unrecognized error code.(unknown) Removal of %s as package instance <%s> on %s %s.Removal of <%s> packages were found in <%s> There is 1 more package to be removed. There are %d more packages to be removed.Login <%s> may not remove software, %sCall to setuid failed, %sunable to stat file system for %sunable to stat pathname <%s>, errno=%dno space in %s filesystem for temporary copy of contents filebad device <%s> specifiedcould not open setinfo file for %s rename(%s, %s) failed (errno %d)unable to unmount <%s>instance <%s> does not existRemoval of a pre-SVR4 package requires the original medium from which the package was installed.unable to create copy of UNINSTALL script in <%s>-n option cannot be used when removing pre-SVR4 packagesno memory, errno=%dbad read of contents filepathname=%sproblem=%swrite of entry failed, errno=%dUsage: %s [-a admin] [-P path] [-n] pkginst %s [-a admin] [-P path] [pkg [pkg ...]] %s -n [-a admin] [-P path] pkg [pkg ...]