ISO8859-1&*?;j2J?$1d8 8 + %4 Z r " .*#B#f664-A3Y*+%s: 0822-167 A domain already exists: %s: 0822-179 A nameserver already exists: namerslv: 0822-168 The specified flags are not compatible. namerslv: 0822-169 One or more flags are missing. namerslv: 0822-170 A flag was passed with an option that is not expected. namerslv: 0822-171 IP address %s is not in the correct format. namerslv: 0822-172 Specify a nameserver address. %s: 0822-173 Specify either the -i flag or the -D flag. %s: 0822-174 Specify either the -i flag or the -n flag. namerslv: 0822-175 %c is not a valid flag. Usage: %s -a -i IPAddress|-D Domain %s -d -i IPAddress|-n %s -X [-I] %s -c Domain %s -s [-I|-n] [-Z] %s -e %s -E File %s -b [-i IPAddress [-D Domain]] %s -B File %s: 0822-176 There is not a nameserver entry. %s: 0822-177 There is not a domain entry. %s: 0822-178 There are no entries. %s: a search list already exists: %s: you must also specify one of -i, -D, or -S flags. %s: you must also specify one of -i, -n, or -l flags. Usage: %s -a -i IPAddress|-D Domain |-S Search List %s -C Search List %s -s [-I|-n|-l] [-Z] %s -b [-i IPAddress [-D Domain] [-S Search List]] %s: argument length exceeds buffer size: %s: MAXNS nameserver entries already exist