ùISO8859-1 Œˆ#9Y4jŸ5¸5î n$ f“ mú #h ˜Œ Usage: mktcpip {-S interface | -h hostname -a address -i interface [-n nameserver_address -d domain] [-m subnet_mask] [-g gateway_address]] [-t cable_type] [-r ring_speed] [-c subchannel -D destination_address] [-s]} -h hostname Hostname of your machine -a address IP address of the interface specified by -i (must be in dotted decimal notation) -i interface Interface to associate with the -a IP address -n nameserver_address IP address of nameserver machine (must be in dotted decimal notation) -d domain Domain name, only use with -n -m subnet_mask Subnetwork mask (dotted decimal or 0x notation) -g gateway_address Gateway destination address (dotted decimal or symbolic name) -t cable_type Cable type for ethernet, either 'bnc', 'dix', 'tp' or 'N/A' -r ring_speed Ring speed for token ring adapter, either 4 or 16 -s Start the TCP/IP daemon -c subchannel Subchannel Address for 370 Channel Adapter -D destination_address Destination IP address for 370 Channel Adapter -S interface Retrieve information for SMIT display Example: $NAME -h fred.austin.ibm.com -a -i tr0 mktcpip: Mandatory flag(s) missing mktcpip: Problem with command: , return code = mktcpip: IP address not in dotted decimal notation, mktcpip: Too many flags mktcpip: -d flag cannot be specified without -n flag mktcpip: -n flag cannot be specified without -d flag Warning: Token Ring device busy. The ring speed change (if any) will take effect on the next reboot. To select bnc or dix on the integrated ethernet adapter, please change the jumper on the adapter. Warning: Ethernnet device busy. The cable type change (if any) will take effect on the next reboot. Select either 'bnc', 'dix' or 'tp' Usage: mktcpip {-S interface | -h hostname -a address -i interface [-n nameserver_address -d domain] [-m subnet_mask] [-g gateway_address]] [-t cable_type] [-r ring_speed] [-c subchannel -D destination_address] [-s]} -h hostname Hostname of your machine -a address IP address of the interface specified by -i (must be in dotted decimal notation) -i interface Interface to associate with the -a IP address -n nameserver_address IP address of nameserver machine (must be in dotted decimal notation) -d domain Domain name, only use with -n -m subnet_mask Subnetwork mask (dotted decimal or 0x notation) -g gateway_address Gateway destination address (dotted decimal or symbolic name) -t cable_type Cable type for ethernet, either 'bnc', 'dix', 'tp' or 'N/A' -r ring_speed Ring speed for token ring adapter, either 4 or 16 -s Start the TCP/IP daemon -c subchannel Subchannel Address for 370 Channel Adapter -D destination_address Destination IP address for 370 Channel Adapter -S interface Retrieve information for SMIT display Example: /usr/sbin/mktcpip -h fred.austin.ibm.com -a -i tr0