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U&/ U30U>1U[2 Uw3!U4U5/U60U7V8%V9 VC:VM;Vk<Vr=$Vw>+V?#V@VAVB)WC)W9DWcE0W{F/WGWH WIXJ1X8K8XjL$XM)XN#XOYPY-QYIR YaSYlTYU YV!YWYXYYZZ$Z[Z?\ Z^]Z^Z_Z`ZaZb5Zc[/d[Be3[Wf [g [h[i[j[k[l\m\n\'o\Gp \Zq\hr\~s\t\u\v\w\x \y\z$]{"]6|]Y}]o~"]'] ]]]^^^,^@^I^J^Z^b^g^|^^^^^^^^^_  _'_H_h__#_4_%``8$`J#`o``+`-` a&a2 aQa] an)a|)a:a:b :bF:b#b#b'c'c,8cT8c8c8c!d8!dZ d|!d+d,d(e&eA,eh(e0e+e1f/fM1f}2f8fgg0gHgbg~gggggg!ghh+h0hK'hj*h h)h hiii2iR iq i~%iiiiij j%j.&jHjojjjj1j0j1k )k="kg!kunable to exec No reply text givenno pipesunable to forkunable to fdopenunable to fdopen %sunable to dupunable to allocate string storageextra >extra )Error %dcontinuing...-%s ambiguous. It matchesillegal \missing >missing )missing "bad address '%1$s' - %2$snull addressnull address '%s'no mailbox in addressno mailbox in address '%s'insufficient memory to represent addressillegal address: %serror writing %serror reading %smkdir %s"%1$s": format compile error - %2$sunable to allocate format storageformataddr: couldn't get buffer spaceformataddr: couldn't allocate buffer spaceunable to open %sunable to open format file %sunable to stat format file %sunable to allocate space for formaterror reading format fileOptions are: -%s unknown. Hit for help. illegal argument delimiter: `%c'(0%o)no %s messagemessage %s doesn't existmessage %1$s out of range 1-%2$dbad message list %sfolder full, no %s messageno messages match specificationno messages in range %smessage %d doesn't existbug: m_delete(key="%s")error on folder %sunable to create folder %sunable to read %sunable to read '%s'unable to read folder %sunable to allocate folder storageonly one message draft at a time!unable to allocate profile storageno HOME envariableunable to create %seof encountered in field "%s"eol encountered in field "%s"field name "%1$s" exceeds %2$d bytesm_getfld() called with bogus state of %dmaildrop delimiter must be at least 2 bytesplease fix the %1$s: entry in your %2$s fileextra '%>' or '%|'component or function name expected'}' expectedcomponent used as both date and address'(', '{', ' ' or ')' expectedunknown functioncomponent name expected')' expected'(', '{', '%<' or ')' expected'(' or '{' expected'>' expected.unknownambiguousfullemptysequence %1$s %2$sunable to allocate info storageunable to allocate messages storagem_gmsg() botch -- you lose bigno blank lines are permitted in %s/%s%s/%s is poorly formattedbug: m_readefs called but pump not primedno blank lines are permitted in %s%s is poorly formattedunable to re-allocate folder storageunable to re-allocate messages storagem_remsg() botch -- you lose big[1]m_remsg() botch -- you lose big[2]bug: m_replace(key="%1$s",value="%2$s")only %1$d sequences allowed (no room for %2$s)!no such sequence as %sempty sequence nameillegal sequence name: %sunable to write %sunable to create directory %sExit %d Signal %d (core dumped)unable to fork, so can't push...unable to determine working directoryunable to determine working directory: %sunable to remove directory %svfgets() botch -- you lose big-%s unknown%s [switches] aliases ...missing argument to %saliasing error in %1$s - %2$susage: %s addresses ... (you forgot the addresses) no address in "%s"bad address "%s"'<' without alias-fileerror in line '%s'out of memory while on '%s'no such group as '%s'unknown error (%d)%s [+folder] [msgs] [switches]only one component at a time!only one body at a time!only one folder at a time!no messages in %sEnter component name: null component nameinvalid component name %stoo large component name %sunable to open for re-reading %sunable to rename %1$s to %2$s%s [switches] addrs ...more than %d addressesusage: %s [switches] addrs ...unable to allocate pqpair memory-%s unknown unable to allocate burst storageunable to read message %sburst() botch -- you lose bigmessage %d not in digest formatonly one file at a time!only one draft folder at a time!only one draft message at a time!only one message at a time!can't mix forms and folders/msgsunable to open message %sunable to open form file %sunable to open default components file %sunable to stat %sDraft "%1$s" exists (%2$ld bytes).say what?mail to one address onlymore than %d directoriesaliasing error in %1$s - %2$s alias file %s is ok no duplicate users duplicate user %1$s(uid=%2$d) duplicate group %1$s(gid=%2$d) more than %d groups (time to recompile) no duplicate groups group %1$s(gid=%2$d) has unknown member %3$s group %1$s(gid=%2$d) has duplicate member %3$s user %1$s is a member of %2$d groups (max %3$d)all group members accounted for all group-id users accounted for unable to open maildrop area %s there is a maildrop for the unknown user %1$s in %2$s all maildrops accounted for in %s %s: the following is suspicious unknown group %s in group leaders file duplicate group %s in group leaders file all groups in group leaders file accounted for group %1$s has unknown leader %2$s group %1$s had duplicate leader %2$s all group leaders accounted for more than %d groups in group leaders file (time to recompile) %s [switches] [aliasfiles ...]user %1$s(uid=%2$d) has unknown group-id %3$d %1$d messages exploded from digest %2$d message %1$d becomes message %2$d message %1$d of digest %2$d becomes message %3$d unable to write message %s%s [+folder] [msg] [switches]can't mix files and folders/msgsunable to create temporary fileunable to create temporary file %splease re-edit %1$s to remove the ``%2$s'' header!please re-edit %s to consist of headers only!please re-edit %s to include a ``Resent-To:''!please re-edit %s and fix that header!getfld() returned %dunable to re-open temporary file %sno file descriptors -- you lose bigformat error in message %s%s [switches] dates ...more than %d datesusage: %s [switches] dates ...unable to allocate drop storagewrite error %s%s: missing or partial index%s: version mismatch%s: bad magic number%1$s: pointer mismatch or incomplete index (%2$ld!=%3$ld)%s: corrupt index(1)%s: corrupt index(2)only one (current) message at a time!no other foldersorry, no folders allowed with -popfolder stack emptyunable to find folder %s%22s%c unreadable bad argument %1$s %2$smore than %1$d messages for %2$s exec Message %dunable to read directory %s more than %d folders to report onEnd of %s Digest unable to allocate format line storage%s [+folder] [switches]usage: %s [+folder] [switches]no mail to incorporateCreating Receive-Audit: %sunable to append to %sIncorporating new mail into %s... error on file %swrite error on %sinc aborted! aborted!more than %1$d messages in folder %2$s, %3$s not zero'dscan() botch (%d)new messages have arrived!%s not zero'd no messages incorporated Incorporating encrypted mail into %s... invocation errorYou already have an MH profile, use an editor to modify itDo you want help <%s/%s>? I'm going to create the standard MH path for you. Do you want a path below your login directory <%s/%s>? What is the path? %s/What is the whole path? /[Using existing directory] only %d sequences allowed!unable to change directory to %sfolder %s is read-only, so -public not allowed-%s requires at least one -sequence argument%s [switches] [files ...]format file syntax error: %sc1: name="%1$s" text="%2$s" ovtxt="%3$s" offset=%1$d ovoff=%2$d width=%3$d cwidth=%4$d length=%5$d flags=%s missing argument to variable %s Forwarded Messages Forwarded MessagePress to list "%s"...unable to allocate buffer memoryunable to allocate comp memorycomponent: %1$s width(%2$d) too small for overflow(%3$d)unable to pipeunable to dup() standard outputunable to dup2() standard outputunable to exec %s%s [addrs ... [switches]]Letter saved in dead.letter more than %d messages%s [switches] [users ...]you loseno such user as %s%s [switches] fileuse a file or a folder, not bothno dispatch for %ssetup() botch -- you lose bigunable to allocate Msgs structureunable to reallocate Msgs structureunable to dup cached messageunable to fdopen cached messagemsh_ready (%1$d, %2$d) botchwrite error on temporary fileunable to re-read folder %sunable to fstat %smore than %1$d messages in %2$sgap in ID:s, last seen %1$d, lowest present %2$d readid (%d) botchunable to dup standard outputunable to fdopen standard outputunable to lock and open %sunable to lock and fopen %sunable to lock %snew messages have arrived, no updateerror zero'ing %scommands: type CTRL-D or use ``quit'' to leave %s say what: ``%s'' -- type ? (or help) for help unmatched "the newline character can not be quotedinvalid null commandmissing name for redirectbad name for redirectunknown user: %swriteappendCreate file "%s" <%s/%s>? Create folder "%s" <%s/%s>? Do you want the standard MH path "%s/Mail" <%s/%s>? Remove folder "%s" <%s/%s>? Update file "%s" <%s/%s>?Use "%s" <%s/%s>? You already have the standard MH directory "%s". Do you want to use it for MH <%s/%s>? Zero file "%s" <%s/%s>?"%s" doesn't exist; Create it <%s/%s>? unable to dup %sunable to %1$s %2$sunable to pipe %sunknown redirection for commandunable to dup2 standard outputproblems writing %sbroken pipe new messages have arrived!%1$s: gap in ID:s, last seen %2$d, lowest present %3$d empty!type ``quit'' to leave %s say what: ``%s'' -- type ? (or help) for helppLOOP protocol screw-uppTTY protocol screw-uppWIN protocol screw-uperror reading from pipeunable to dup standard inputunable to dup diagnostic outputunable to dup2 diagnostic outputunable to dup2 standard inputnull commandbad init "%s"version %d unsupportedpINI protocol screw-upunable to create file for annotation listmessage not delivered to everyoneunable to re-open %s Message not delivered to everyone. ------- Unsent Draft temporary file ------- End of Unsent Draft send failed on enclosed draftsend failed on %sunable to remove %sunable to fork, so doing annotations by hand...%s [+folder] [msgs] [switches] [switches for showproc]%s [+folder] [switches] [switches for showproc]usage: %s [+folder] [switches] [switches for showproc]more than %d messages for show exec(Message %1$s:%2$s) %s [switches] [address info sender]no such local user as %sunable to access temporary fileunable to ascertain local time(invoking hook) (trying normal delivery) %1$s: ownership/modes bad (%2$d, %3$d,%4$d,0$o) format error in messageinternal error delivering to file "%s" (uucp style)unable to open:error writing to:unable to copy message; skipping hook not present delivering to pipe "%s", system error no messageonly one date field at a time!no messages to sortunable to allocate sort storageno %1$s field in message %2$dformat error in message %1$d(header #%2$d)internal error -- you loseunable to parse %1$s field in message %2$dswap messages %1$s and %2$s unable to rename %1$s to %2$s message %1$s becomes message %2$s aliasing error in file %1$s - %2$susage: %s [switches] filemessage format error in component #%dcan't reopen for sendmail %s%1$s: can't fork to %2$s can't exec %sillegal header line -- %s:re-format message and try againtoo many %ssunable to re-openunable to vfork%s lost (status=0%o)no forks, so not ok errored (0%o) Prior to using MH, it is necessary to have a file in your login directory (%1$s) named %2$s which contains information o direct certain MH operations. The only item which is required is the path to use for all MH folder operations. The suggested MH path for you is %3$s/Mail... %s [switches for vmhproc]pINI peer errorno such window "%s"pLOOP(QRY) peer errorpLOOP(CMD) peer errorpLOOP(QRY) protocol screw-uppLOOP(CMD) protocol screw-upType any key to continue... pTTY peer errorflush windowscreen too smallpWIN peer errorwgetch lostbad numbernot understoodunable to allocate line storagenot a ttyread from peer lost(1)malloc of %d lostread from peer lost(2)write to peer lost(1)write to peer lost(2): Error %d What now? %s [switches] [file]only one draft at a time!no alternate message to displayunable to unlink %sdraft left on %sproblems with edit--%s deletedproblems with edit--%s preservedunable to update %1$s from %2$sunable to truncate %smay have damaged %sunable to fork, so sending directly...%s [switches]usage: %s [switches]unable to link %1$s to %2$sunable to fork, so checking directly... NULLHangupInterruptQuitIllegal instructionTrace/BPT trapIOT trapEMT trapFloating exceptionKilledBus errorSegmentation faultBad system callBroken pipeAlarm clockTerminated NULLStopped (signal)StoppedContinuedChild exitedStopped (tty input)Stopped (tty output)Tty input interruptCputime limit exceededFilesize limit exceeded NULL Disposition? 1 message exploded from digest %d The %s program emulates many of the commands found in the Rand MH system. Instead of operating on MH folders, commands to %s concern a single file. To see the list of commands available, just type a ``?'' followed by the RETURN key. To find out what switches each command takes, type the name of the command followed by ``-help''. To leave %s, use the ``quit'' command. Although a lot of MH commands are found in %s, not all are fully implemented. %s will always recognize all legal switches for a given command though, and will let you know when you ask for an option that it is unable to perform. Running %s is fun, but using MH from your shell is far superior. After you have familiarized yourself with the MH style by using %s, you should try using MH from the shell. You can still use %s for message files that aren't in MH format, such as BBoard files. TOTAL= %*d messages in %d folders. TOTAL= %*d messages in 1 folder. TOTAL= %*d message in %d folders. TOTAL= %*d message in 1 folder. Folder %*s# of messages (%*srange%*s); cur%*smsg (other files) has no messages%*shas %*d message (%*d-%*d)has %*d messages (%*d-%*d);%*s (others) ------- End of Forwarded Messages ------- End of Forwarded Message %*d empty error writing to file %sinternal error!1 hit %d hits %s unexpectedmissing disjunctivemissing conjunctivemissing negationmissing groupmissing -rbracepattern error in %1$s %2$sunable to parse %1$s %2$sunable to allocate component storageOR AND NOT PATTERN(%1$s) %2$s headerbodydraftTEMPORAL(%1$s) %2$s: %3$s afterbeforeUNKNOWN(0x%x) advance() botch -- you lose bigformat error in message %dunable to parse %1$s field in message %2$d, matching...aliasing error in %1$s - %2$simpossible width %dunable to write /dev/nullunable to open /dev/nullMessage Processed %s: field requires at least one addressOriginal-%s: field does not allow groups-deliver unknowngetname () failed -- you lose extraordinarily bigbad signature '%s'message has no Date: headermessage has no From: headerno addressees------- -- Addresses -- local: -- Folder Copies -- fcc: problem initializing MMDF system [%s]problem with sender address [%s]problem initializing server; %s -- Address Verification -- -- Local Recipients -- -- UUCP Recipients -- -- Network Recipients -- -- Address Verification Successful -- -- Posting for %s Recipients -- BlindSighted -- Posting for All Recipients -- -- %s Recipient Copies Posted -- -- Recipient Copies Posted -- problem ending addresses [%s] problem ending addresses; %sproblem writing text [%s] problem writing text; %s problem reading from %sproblem ending text [%s] problem getting submission status [%s] you lose; %sno delivery occurred; %stry again later; %snothing done; %sunexpected response; [%1$s] -- %2$sposting failed; %sunexpected response; %snot supported; UUCP addressproblem submitting address [%s]address ok nameserver timeout - queued for checking temporary nameserver failurenot deliverabletry again laternothing doneunexpected responsenot deliverable; unknown user not deliverable; unknown system not deliverable; unknown host %1$s at %2$sloses; %s -- Filing Folder Copies -- -- Folder Copies Filed -- folder ok not deliverable; unknown address (invoking hook) error in transmission; unable to open maildrop error in transmission; write to maildrop failed sent unable to invoke hook; fork() failed accepted %s error on hook; status=0%o systemuserunable to start uux; popen() failed error in transmission; write to uux failed error in transmission; read failed queued (via uux) unable to dup fdunable to filter mail(%1$d), examine %2$s %1$s at %2$s: unable to get queue file %1$s at %2$s: queued error in transmission; write to temporary failederror in transmission; unable to queue message --------Enter initial text --------Enter additional text skeleton is poorly formatted%s [switches] [switches for postproc] address ...usage: %s [switches] [switches for postproc] address ...unable to allocate component buffersunable to allocate component buffer stackunable to allocate component bufferm_getfld() returned %dmissing argument name to %sfolder %s doesn't existempty filecan't file message %d%s [command ...]%s [msgs] [switches] +folder ...only one source folder at a time!only %d files allowed!only %d folders allowed!no folder specifieduse -file or some messages, not bothunable to allocate exec vectormessage %1$s:%2$s already existserror linking %1$s to %2$s%s: [+folder] [msg] [switches] repl: bad addresses: BAD ADDRRESS: %s Reply to %s <%s/%s>? sorry, you can't remove the current working directory[+%s now current] [+%s de-referenced] you have no profile entry for the %1$s folder +%2$sunreadableread-onlyunable to read folder +%sfile "%s/%s" not deletedunable to unlink %1$s:%2$sfolder +%s not removed%*d unreadable Folder %-32s%s ??Format error (message %d) in ??Format error in component %d getfld() returned %d %s [file] [switches]unable to stat draft file %s, wins. , loses, timed-out; terminated [install-mh aborted]error openingYour MH-directory "" doesn't exist; Create it <%s/%s>? unable to access MH-directory "%s"bad value for $%s: %sFOpen of %s sets %d FClose emulating close of %d (%d) unable to determine tty's process grouplost peer forward backwards ------- ---------next screen SPACEnext %d line RETURN ynext %d line EOT ugo g Grefresh CTRL-Lquit qNULL forward backwards ------- ---------next screen SPACEnext %d lines RETURN ynext %d lines EOT ugo g Grefresh CTRL-Lquit qNULL%s [msgs] [switches]sorry, no folders allowed!message %d not in digest format %s +folder... [msgs] [switches]sorry, -%s not allowed!only one folder at a time! only one message at a time! null folder names are not permitted Folder %*s# of messages (%*srange%*s); cur%*smsg unable to read default filter file %sunable to create ------- End of Forwarded Messages ------- End of Forwarded Message no messages remaining in +%sno messages remaining in %s%1$s %2$s[switches] [switches for showproc]usage: %s [switches] [switches for showproc] (Message %dPress to list "%d"...syntax: %s switches are: version: %s You have old old-style bell mail waiting You have new old-style bell mail waiting You have old old-style bell and old Internet mail waiting You have old old-style bell and new Internet mail waiting You have new old-style bell and old Internet mail waiting You have new old-style bell and new Internet mail waiting You have old Internet mail waiting You have new Internet mail waiting %s has old old-style bell mail waiting %s has new old-style bell mail waiting %s has old old-style bell and old Internet mail waiting %s has old old-style bell and new Internet mail waiting %s has new old-style bell and old Internet mail waiting %s has new old-style bell and new Internet mail waiting %s has old Internet mail waiting %s has new Internet mail waiting You don't have any mail waiting %s doesn't have any mail waiting %1$s doesn't have any mail waiting on %2$s %1$s has %2$d messages (%3$d bytes) on %4$s %1$s has 1 message (%2$d bytes) on %3$s You don't have any mail waiting on %s You have %1$d messages (%2$d bytes) on %3$s You have 1 message (%1$d bytes) on %2$s Reading %1$s, currently at message %2$d of %3$d Reading, currently at message %1$d of %2$d Reading +%1$s, currently at message %2$d of %3$d 1 address unparsable, 1 addressee undeliverable1 address unparsable, %d addressees undeliverable%d addresses unparsable, 1 addressee undeliverable%1$d addresses unparsable, %2$d addressees undeliverable1 address unparsable%d addresses unparsable1 addressee undeliverable%d addressees undeliverableBad value in short form date.Invalid mm/dd/yy[yy] format.Invalid[yy] format.daymonthyearOut of memory.No recognizable date parts found.Time is in the past.timeRepeated %s argument: "%s"Ambiguous abbreviation: "%.*s"Can only use "am" or "pm" after a time.Can't use "am" or "pm" with 24 hour clock.time modifierCan only use "week" after a weekday of monthYear out of range.Illegal time: %02d:%02d:%02dIllegal time: %02d:%02d:%02d %sMonth day out of range. (> %d)or a number or a number.Something like: Jan 10 10:30:01 1990 header buffer='%s' %s '%s' unknown. Hit for help. Please re-enter the %s field: Please re-enter the date: is bad Problem with %s '%s': %s ctime() failed, this header is ignoredalias aliasfileInvalid mm dd,yy[yy] format.noyeslistplease re-edit draft to remove the ``%s'' header!please re-edit draft to consist of headers only!please re-edit draft to include a ``Resent-To:''!please re-edit draft and fix that header!" doesn't exist; Create it ? m_find() failed and returned NULL