ùISO8859-1& %Ç+í8[N:ªGå P- \~ UÛ 1 Kl s,”Usage: lssrad [-v] { -s SRADID | -a } Must specify either -s or -a option. -s and -a options cannot be used together. -s flag requires a parameter. Invalid SRADID (%s). rs_alloc(RS_SYSTEM): Unable to initialize RSET with available system resources (errno=%d). rs_alloc(RS_EMPTY): Unable to initialize SRAD (errno=%d). rs_info failed: Unable to get the REF1 system detail level (errno=%d). rs_getrad failed: Unable to get the rad in SRAD system detail level (errno=%d). rs_numrads failed: Unable to get the number of rads in SRAD system detail level (errno=%d). vmgetinfo(VM_SRAD_MEMINFO) failed: Unable to get the memory size of an SRAD (rc=%d). SRADID %d: No such SRAD. REF1 SRAD MEM CPU SRAD: duplicate -s flags not allowed. rs_info(RS_CONTAINING_RAD) failed. (%d, %d)