ISO8859-1u   / 8 V ez  'H!f!! *Gd ~!"#$% &''E( d)*+,-./0#1>2M3j456789: ; < 6= V> l? @* A B C D E 8F UG sH I J K L M N .O+ EP" qQ* R) S0 T" U7 =V5 uW X Y Z" [2 \ K]) k^ _ ` a b cd, e MfYg hhuijk lmnopqrs+t;u7** NONE **ONOFFYesNoASCIINativeDPI Debug turned ON (level %d) DPI Debug turned OFF (level %d) %s - %s DPI Debug code not available Out of memory DPI buffer overflow PDU buffer overflow DPI encoding error DPI decoding error Invalid DPI packet type %s: Invalid value type %d %s: Unsupported DPI level Invalid/Unsupported DPI version Invalid/Unsupported DPI release Invalid/Unsupported DPI port Invalid/Unsupported transport %s No agent support for DPI over %s No agent response on SNMP GET Invalid/Unsupported SNMP version %s: invalid integer length %hu %s: invalid 64-bit length %hu %s: invalid NSAP length %hu %s: invalid NULL length %hu %s: invalid objectID: %s %s: invalid groupID: %s %s: invalid instanceID: %s %s: invalid timeout: %lu %s: invalid maxVarbinds: %lu %s: invalid password_len: %lu %s: Value length is invalid %s: Invalid generic type %ld %s: Invalid specific type %ld Invalid character set selection Invalid bulk selection Invalid view selection Invalid priority Community name too long Unix path name too long %s: description too long Length is zero %s: NULL ptr (zero)passed Missing value Missing subagent Identifier Missing subagent Description Missing priority Missing view selection Missing bulk selection Missing community name Missing reason code Missing subtree(s) %s: Missing groupID Missing trailing dot Missing selected character set %s: Missing objectID No IP address for host %s All %d connections in use Closing connection on file descriptor, %d %s: Invalid handle %d %s: Invalid handle %d (int=%d) %s error: Out of handles %s OK: Created handle %d %s: Invalid error code: %ld %s: Invalid error index: %ld %s: transport layer error: %d %s OK: sent over handle %d Outgoing DPI packetIncoming DPI packetOnly %d of %lu bytes sent EOF received on DPI %s fd %d %s connection setup for fd %d Dump of %d byte %s: Incomplete incoming DPI packet on %s fd %d Timeout after %d seconds on fd %d Code out of sync, source file %s, line %d Received %lu byte DPI packet on %s fd %d Sent %lu byte DPI packet on fd %d to %s port %u Sent %lu byte DPI packet on fd %d Drop %lu byte DPI packet, too large for %d byte buffer %s: Major=%d, Version=%d, Release=%d, Id=%u, Type=%s %*s Community=%.*s %s: subagent Identification=%s %*s Description=%s %*s Selected Character Set is %d:%*s timeout=%lu, max_varBinds=%lu, password=%.*s %s: close reason_code=%ld (%s) %s: subtree=%s, priority=%ld, timeout=%u %*s view_selection=%*s bulk_selection=%*s community=%.*s %s: subtree=%s reason_code=%d %s: subtree=%s, instance=%s %*s object=%s %*s value_type=%s ['%2.2x'H], value_len=%d %*s value=%ld [0x%8.8x] %d.%d.%d.%d %lu [0x%8.8x] %lu.%lu [0x%8.8x%8.8x] %.*s ** NULL ** %.*s '%2.2x %*s'H %2.2x%s %s: ret_code=%d [0x%x] (%s), ret_index=%lu %s: generic=%ld [0x%x], specific=%ld [0x%x], enterprise=%s %s%s