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Wg+Wh0XiXCj*Xck#XlXm=XnXo;YpYRq*YerYs'Yt%YuYvZwDZ2xIZwy1ZzAZ{[5|[L}[_~([q[/[E[\!\9\X:\p2\\\] 4]*]_]]]"]] ^  ^^?^[^rexpire_v4 set to MIN(%u,%u) import_rdatasetexpire_v6 set to MIN(%u,%u) import_rdatasetENTER: import_a6() name %pexpire_v6 set to MIN(%u,%u) in import_v6killing name %pexpiring v4 for name %pexpiring v6 for name %pENTER clean_finds_at_name, name %p, evtype %08x, addrs %08xcfan: processing find %pSending event %p to task %p for find %pcfan: skipping find %pEXIT clean_finds_at_name, name %pkilling entry %pcleaning name bucket %dcleaning entry bucket %dCleaning interval for adb: %u buckets every %u seconds, %u buckets in system, %u cl.intervaldns_adb_createfind: returning ISC_R_SHUTTINGDOWNdns_adb_createfind: name %p is an alias (cached)dns_adb_createfind: found A for name %p in dbdns_adb_createfind: name %p is an aliasdns_adb_createfind: found A6 for name %pdns_adb_createfind: name %p is an aliasdns_adb_createfind: found AAAA for name %pdns_adb_createfind: name %p is an aliasdns_adb_createfind: started A fetch for name %pdns_adb_createfind: started AAAA fetch for name %pcreatefind: attaching find %p to adbname %pdns_adb_destroyfind on find %pdns_adb_cancelfind on find %pSending event %p to task %p for find %padb name %p: Caching auth negative entry for Aadb name %p: Caching auth negative entry for AAAAadb name %p: Caching negative entry for A (ttl %u)adb name %p: Caching negative entry for AAAA (ttl %u)adb name %p: caching alias targetadb name %p: Caching auth negative entry for A6adb name %p: Caching negative entry for A6 (ttl %u)adb name %p: caching alias targetadb fetch name %p: Caching negative entry for A (ttl %u)adb fetch name %p: Caching negative entry for AAAA (ttl %u)adb fetch name %p: caching alias targetENTER: fetch_callback_a6() name %pname %p: A6 failed: %sadb fetch name %p: Caching negative entry for A6 (ttl %u)adb A6 fetch name %p: caching alias targetname %p: A6 query failed, starting AAAAname %p: callback_a6: Found AAAA forname %p: callback_a6: Started AAAA fetchfetch_name: starting at zone for name %pfetch_name_a6: starting at DNS root for name %pfindaddrinfo: new entry %pfindaddrinfo: found entry %pisc_mutex_init failed in new_adbfind()DNS_EVENT_ADBMOREADDRESSESDNS_EVENT_ADBNOMOREADDRESSESisc_mutex_init() failed: %sisc_task_create() failed: %scache cleaner: isc_task_onshutdown() failed: %sisc_timer_create() failed: %scache cleaner could not create iterator: %scache cleaner: dns_dbiterator_first() failed: %sbegin cache cleaning, mem inuse %luend cache cleaning, mem inuse %lucache cleaner: dns_dbiterator_current() failed: %scache cleaner: dns_dbiterator_next() failed: %scache cleaner: still overmem, reset and try againcache cleaner: checked %u nodes, mem inuse %lu, sleepingcache cleaner: dns_db_expirenode() failed: %sunexpected non-minimal diff'%s/%s/%s': TTL differs in rdataset, adjusting %lu -> %luupdate with no effectdiff_tuple_tordataset failed: %sdispatchmgr %p: %sdispatch %p: %sdispatch %p response %p %s: %sdispatch %p req/resp %p: %sshutting down; detaching from sock %p, task %pgot packet: requests %d, buffers %d, recvs %dodd socket result in udp_recv(): %sblackholed packet from %sgot garbage packetgot valid DNS message header, /QR %c, id %usearch for response in bucket %d: %s[a] Sent event %p buffer %p len %d to task %pgot TCP packet: requests %d, buffers %d, recvs %dshutting down on EOFshutting down due to TCPresult %d, length == %d, addr = %pgot garbage packetsearch for response in bucket %d: %s[b] Sent event %p buffer %p len %d to task %pdestroy_mgr_ok: shuttingdown=%d, listnonempty=%d, epool=%d, rpool=%d, dpool=%ddestroy: killit=%disc_mutex_init failedcreated TCP dispatcher %pcreated task %pcreated UDP dispatcher %pcreated socket %pdetach: refcount %dattached to task %pstarttcp %pdetaching from task %pcancel: failsafe event %p -> task %p dispatch %p, addr %s search for response in bucket %d: %sgot valid DNS message header, /QR %c, id %uunsupported database type '%s'isc_result_register() failed: %uisc_result_register() failed: %uisc_rwlock_init() failed: %sError: type name %s is too long Error: type %d has two names: %s, %s Error: type %d has different attributes: %s, %s Error: attr (%s) [name %s] is too long malloc() failed n == 0? missing SOA%s: seek: %s%s: read: %s%s: write: %s%s: flush: %s%s: fsync: %s%s: create: %s%s: close: %sjournal file %s does not exist, creating it%s: open: %s%s: journal format not recognized%s: journal file corrupt: expected serial %u, got %u%s: offset too largewriting to journalmalformed transaction: %d SOAs%s: malformed transaction: serial number would decreasemalformed transaction: %s last serial %u != transaction first serial %u%s: journal file corrupt: missing initial SOA%s: applying diff to database(%u)%s: applying final diff to database(%u)no journal file, but that's OKno journal filejournal open failure: %s: %s%s: journal file corrupt: missing initial SOA%s: cannot print: journal file corrupt%s: journal corrupt: empty transaction%s: journal file corrupt: expected serial %u, got %u%s: journal corrupt: impossible RR size (%d bytes)no changesisc_mutex_init() failed: %sisc_rwlock_init() failed: %s%s: file does not end with newlinedns_master_load: %s%s: %s:%lu: %s dns_master_loaddns_master_load: %s:%lu: isc_lex_gettoken() failed: %sdns_master_load: %s:%lu: unexpected end of %sisc_mutex_init() failed: %s%s: %s:%lu: invalid range '%s'%s: %s:%lu: unknown RR type '%s'%s: %s:%lu: unsupported type '%s'dns_master_load: %s:%lu: ignoring out-of-zone data (%s)$GENERATE: %s$GENERATE: %s:%lu: %s%s: %s:%lu: $TTL %lu > MAXTTL, setting $TTL to 0%s: %s:%lu: $INCLUDE not allowed%s: %s:%lu: $INCLUDE may not be used with $DATE%s: %s:%lu: $DATE outside epoch%s: %s:%lu: $DATE in future, using current date%s: %s:%lu: no TTL specified%s: %s:%lu: unknown $ directive '%s'dns_master_load: %s:%lu: ignoring out-of-zone data (%s)%s:%lu: isc_lex_gettoken() returned unexpeced token type (%d)%s:%lu: no current owner nameisc_lex_gettoken() returned unexpected token typeisc_lex_gettoken() returned unexpected token type%s: %s:%lu: unknown RR type '%.*s'%s: %s:%lu: class '%s' != zone class '%s'dns_master_load: %s:%lu: SOA record not at top of zone (%s)%s:%lu: no TTL specified; using SOA MINTTL instead%s:%lu: no TTL specified; zone rejected%s: %s:%lu: using RFC 1035 TTL semantics%s: %s:%lu: signature has expired%s: %s:%lu: TTL set to prior TTL (%lu)dns_master_load: %s%s: %s:%lu: %s: %scould not set master file stylemaster file write failed: %sdumping master file: %s: open: %sdumping master file: %s: %sdumping master file: %s: fsync: %sdumping master file: %s: close: %sdumping master file: rename: %s: %sdumping node to file: %s: open: %smessage has %u byte(s) of trailing garbageUnexpected state %dUnexpected label type %02xUnknown state %ddecrement_reference: delete from rbt: %p %sdecrement_reference: dns_rbt_deletenode: %szone_findzonecut() called!overmem cache: %s %sovermem cache: stale %sovermem cache: reprieve by RETAIN() %sovermem cache: saved %sisc_mutex_init() failed: %sisc_rwlock_init() failed: %sisc_mutex_init() failed: %sflush_deletions: %d nodes of %d in tree%s:%lu: "%s" is not a decimal dotted quadoverlapping key flags%s:%lu: file does not end with newline%s: %s:%lu: near eol: %s%s: %s:%lu: near eof: %s%s: %s:%lu: near %lu: %s%s: %s:%lu: near '%s': %s%s: %s:%lu: %sdns_rdata_fromtext: %s:%lu: %sdns_requestmgr_createdns_requestmgr_create: %pdns_requestmgr_whenshutdowndns_requestmgr_shutdown: %prequestmgr_attach: %p: eref %d iref %drequestmgr_detach: %p: eref %d iref %ddns_requestmgr_attach: %p: eref %d iref %ddns_requestmgr_detach: %p: eref %d iref %dsend_shutdown_events: %pmgr_destroymgr_gethashreq_send: request %pblackholed address %sdns_request_createrawdns_request_createraw: request %pdns_request_createraw: failed %sdns_request_createviadns_request_createvia: request %pdns_request_createvia: failed %srequest_renderdns_request_cancel: request %pdns_request_getresponse: request %pdns_request_destroy: request %preq_connected: request %preq_senddone: request %preq_response: request %p: %sreq_timeout: request %preq_sendevent: request %preq_destroy: request %preq_cancel: request %pisc_timer_reset(): %sisc_time_nowplusinterval: %sisc_timer_create: %slame server resolving '%s' (in '%s'?): %screatefetch: %s %sclients-per-query increased to %u%s %s%s%sresolving '%s/%s/%s': %scheck-names %s %s/%s/%sreceived packet: %.*scould not mark server as lame: %senforced delegation-only for '%s' (%s/%s/%s) from %sclients-per-query decreased to %ucreatefetch: %s %stoo much NS indirection resolving '%s'exceeded max queries resolving '%s'extra data in root hints '%s'isc_mutex_init() failed: %sAllocated %d bytes Received %d bytes (of %d) process_dhtkey: tkey-dhkey not definedprocess_dhtkey: algorithms other than hmac-md5 are not supportedprocess_dhtkey: found an incompatible keyprocess_dhtkey: failed to find a keyprocess_dhtkey: failed to compute shared secret: %sprocess_dhtkey: failed to obtain entropy: %sdns_tkey_processquery: couldn't find a TKEY matching the questiondns_tkey_processquery: query was not properly signed - rejectingdns_tkey_processquery: tkey-domain not setdns_tkey_processdhresponse: tkey mode invalid or error setdns_tkey_processdhresponse: failed to find server keydns_tkey_processdhresponse: tkey mode invalid or error setdns_tkey_processdeleteresponse: tkey mode invalid or error settsig key '%s': %sthe key '%s' is too short to be securekey name and algorithm do not matchunknown keysignature has expiredsignature is in the futuresignature failed to verifysignature was emptykey name and algorithm do not matchsignature has expiredsignature is in the futuresignature is emptyisc_rwlock_init() failed: %ssignature length to bigsignature length below minimumtruncated signature length too smallsignature length too smallfetch_callback_validator: event == NULLin fetch_callback_validatorkeyset with trust %dfetch_callback_validator: got %sfetch_callback_nullkey: event == NULLin fetch_callback_nullkeyfalling back to insecurity prooffound a keyset with a null keyinsecurity proof succeededinsecurity proof failedno keys foundfetch_callback_nullkey: got %sin keyvalidatedkeyset with trust %dkeyvalidated: got %sfailure processing NXT setlooking for relevant nxtinvalid type %dtype should not be presentnxt bitmask okin dsvalidateddsset with trust %ddsvalidated: got %sfailure processing NSEC setlooking for relevant nsecNSEC does not cover name, before NSECignoring parent nsecignoring child nsecnsec proves name exists (owner) data=%dNSEC proves CNAME existsignoring nsec matches next nameignoring nsec because name is past end of rangensec proves name exist (empty)failure generating wildcard namensec range okin authvalidatedauthvalidated: got %sDNS_R_COVERINGNSECcovering nsec: trust %ucovering nsec: for parentcovering nsec: not in zonecovering nsec: not in rangecovering nsec found: '%s' '%s' '%s'continuing validation would lead to deadlock: aborting validationkeyset with trust %daccepted expired %sRRSIG (keyid=%u)verify rdataset (keyid=%u): %sresuming validatemust be secure failurefailed to verify rdatasetno message available for noqname prooflooking for noqname proofmarking as secureverify failure: %sfailed to iterate signatures: %sno valid signature founddlv_validatezonekeydns_ds_buildrdata() -> %sno DNSKEY matching DLVFound matching DLV record: checking for signaturein dsfetcheddsset with trust %ddsfetched: got %sin dsfetched2: %smust be secure failureno RRSIG matching DLV keymarking as securemust be secure failureno supported algorithm/digest (dlv)signed by trusted key; marking as secureunable to find a DNSKEY which verifies the DNSKEY RRset and also matches one of specified trusted-keys for '%s'unsigned DS recordno DS recordmust be secure failureno DNSKEY matching DSno RRSIG matching DS keymarking as securemust be secure failureno supported algorithm/digest (DS)in checkwildcard: %sresuming nsecvalidatenoqname proof foundmarking as securenoqname proof not foundnonexistence proof(s) foundin dlvfetched: %sDLV %s foundDLV not foundDLV lookup: %sDLV lookup: %splain DNSSEC returns unsecure (%s): looking for DLVmust be secure failuremust be secure failureDLV concatenate failedlooking for DLV %snot beneath secure rootresuming proveunsecuremust be secure failure at '%s'no supported algorithm/digest (%s/DS)checking existence of DS at '%s'must be secure failureno supported algorithm digest (%s/DS)insecurity proof faileddlv_validator_startrestarting using DLVstartinglooking for DLVattempting positive response validationfalling back to insecurity proofattempting insecurity proofattempting negative response validationdns_validator_canceldns_validator_destroy%s: creating %s for %s %smarking as answerisc_mutex_init() failed: %sdns_zt_create() failed: %sdns_keytable_create() failed: %sdns_fwdtable_create() failed: %sgot incremental response to AXFR requestnon-SOA response to SOA queryrequested serial %u, master has %u, not updatingfirst RR in zone transfer must be SOAgot incremental responsegot nonincremental responsezone transfer setup failedshut downresetting%s: %sfailed creating transfer contextfailed setting up socketconnectedfailed to connectrequesting IXFR for serial %usent request length prefixfailed sending request length prefixsent request datafailed sending request datareceived %u bytesgot %s, retrying with AXFRempty answer section, retrying with AXFRTSIG check failed: %signoring out-of-zone datafailed while receiving responsesgiving upend of transfertransfer of '%s' from %s: %sIXFR out of sync: expected serial %u, got %uzone transfer setup failedconnected using %sisc_mutex_init() failed: %sskipping load: master file older than last loadstarting loadloading zone: creating database: %sloading zone: no master file configuredloading zone: no master file configured: continuingno master fileloading master file %s: %snumber of nodes in database: %uloadedjournal rollforward failed: %sjournal rollforward failed: journal out of sync with zonejournal rollforward completed successfully: %scould not find NS and/or SOA recordshas %d SOA recordshas no NS recordszone serial has gone backwardsunexpected zone type %dloaded serial %udump failed: %sexpiredcannot refresh: no masterssending notify to %ssending notifies (serial %u)exitingcould not refresh stub from master %s: %srefreshing stub: unexpected rcode (%.*s) from %srefreshing stub: truncated TCP response from master %srefreshing stub: non-authoritative answer from master %srefreshing stub: unexpected CNAME response from master %srefreshing stub: no NS records in response from master %srefreshing stub: unable to save NS records from master %srefresh: failure trying master %s: %srefresh: retry limit for master %s exceededrefresh: failure trying master %s: %srefresh: unexpected rcode (%.*s) from master %srefresh: truncated UDP answer, initiating TCP zone xfer for master %srefresh: truncated TCP response from master %srefresh: non-authoritative answer from master %srefresh: CNAME at top of zone in master %srefresh: referral response from master %srefresh: NODATA response from master %srefresh: answer SOA count (%d) != 1 from master %srefresh: unable to get SOA record from master %srefresh: dns_rdataset_first() failedrefresh: dns_rdata_tostruct() failedserial: new %u, old %urefresh: could not set file modification time of '%s': %saheaddns_request_createvia() failed: %srefreshing stub: could not create database: %srefreshing stub: dns_db_findnode() failed: %srefreshing stub: dns_db_addrdataset() failed: %sdns_request_createvia() failed: %sshutting downsettimer inactivecould not deactivate zone timer: %scould not reset zone timer: %sNOTIFY with no question section from: %sNOTIFY zone does not matchrefused notify from non-master: %snotify from %s: zone is up to datenotify from %s: refresh in progress, refresh check queuedzone %s: %s%s: zone %s: %snotify response from %s: %.*snotify to %s failed: %snotify to %s: retries exceededgenerating diffsdumping new zone versionremoving journal filereplacing zone databasezone transfer finished: %stransfer: could not set file modification time of '%s': %stransferred zone has %d SOA record%stransferred zone has no NS recordstransfered serial %uzone transfer deferred due to quotastarting zone transfer: %sno database exists yet, requesting AXFR of initial version from %sforced reload, requesting AXFR of initial version from %sretrying with AXFR from %s due to previous IXFR failureIXFR disabled,requesting AXFR from %srequesting IXFR from %scould not get TSIG key for zone transfer: %scould not forward dynamic update to %s: %sforwarding dynamic update: unexpected response: master %s returned: %.*sexhausted dynamic update forwarder listisc_rwlock_init() failed: %sisc_mutex_init() failed: %sstarting zone transfer: %ssaved '%s' as '%s'database (%p) destroyednotify = %d, refresh = %depoch approaching: upgrade required:now + %s failedno master filestarting load%s/MX '%s' has no address records (A or AAAA)%s/MX '%s' is a CNAME (illegal)%s/MX '%s' is below a DNAME '%s' (illegal)%s/SRV '%s' has no address records (A or AAAA)%s/SRV '%s' is a CNAME (illegal)%s/SRV '%s' is below a DNAME '%s' (illegal)%s/NS '%s' has no %s address records (A or AAAA)%s/NS '%s' is a CNAME (illegal)%s/NS '%s' is below a DNAME '%s' (illegal)weak %s (%u) key found (exponent=3)loadedixfr-from-differences: new serial (%u) out of range [%u - %u]zone serial has gone backwardszone serial unchanged. zone may fail to transfer to slaves.loaded serial %u%sNS '%s' has no address records (A or AAAA)NS '%s' is a CNAME (illegal)NS '%s' is below a DNAME '%s' (illegal)isc_time_nowplusinterval() failed: %sdns_journal_compact: %sdns_journal_compact failed: %srefreshing stub: timeout retrying without EDNS master %s (source %s)refreshing stub: rcode (%.*s) retrying without EDNS master %s (source %s)refresh: failure trying master %s (source %s): %srefresh: rcode (%.*s) retrying without EDNS master %s (source %s)unable to find key: %shas %d SOA recordshas no NS recordsretrieving SOA and NS records failed: %sgenerating diffsixfr-from-differences: unable to get new serialixfr-from-differences: failed: new serial (%u) out of range [%u - %u]dns_journal_compact: %sdns_journal_compact failed: %stransferred serial %u%stransfer: could not set file modification time of '%s': %sixfr-from-differences set, requesting AXFR from %sTransfer started.isc_rwlock_init() failed: %sLoading '%s' using driver %sunsupported DLZ database driver '%s'. %s not loadedDLZ driver loaded successfully.DLZ driver failed to load.Unloading DLZ driver.Registering DLZ driver '%s'DLZ Driver '%s' already registeredUnregistering DLZ driver.Loading SDLZ driver.SDLZ driver loaded successfully.SDLZ driver failed to load.Unloading SDLZ driver.Registering SDLZ driver '%s'