ISO8859-1p/!X:z $ 5 1 @ ,E r:%1)W -1" >+_.  ! *"D K# $ % & ' (< ) ?*U \+ ,B -: .f K/^ 0y 1 2 3C 4 5 6="7.`891:%;$<%!=)G>'q?'@5A!BBCG\DHEEFF3GGzHLIJG(K*pL:MWN.O)HP5rQ.RMSO%T8uUV-W.X+YBZ`[+\]^_`a<b8Xcde0f#g'h68ioj klmnopEnter selectionEntry does not match available menu selection. Enter the number of the menu item you wish to select, or the token which is associated with the menu item, or a partial string which uniquely identifies the token for the menu item. Enter ?? to reprint the menu.Enter the token which is associated with the menu item, or a partial string which uniquely identifies the token for the menu item. Enter ?? to reprint the menu.Too many items selected from menuThe entered text does not uniquely identify a menu choice.Bad numeric choice specification ... %d more menu choices to follow; for more choices, to stop display:(default: %s) quitPlease enter one of the following keywords: Enter appropriate valuePathname does not meet suggested filename syntax standard.Pathname is not readable.Pathname is not writable.Pathname is not executable.Pathname cannot be created.Pathname must begin with a slash (/).Pathname must not begin with a slash (/).Pathname does not exist.Pathname must not already exist.Pathname must specify a block special device.Pathname must specify a character special device.Pathname must specify a directory.Pathname must be a regular file.Pathname must be a file of non-zero length.Pathname must be readable.Pathname must be writable.Pathname must be executable.Pathname will be created if it does not exist.Pathname must already exist.Pathname must not already exist.A pathname is a filename, optionally preceded by parent directories. The pathname you enter:Enter an absolute pathnameEnter a relative pathnameEnter a pathnameInput is required.Please enter a string containing no more than %d characters.Pattern matching has failed.Please enter a string which contains no imbedded, leading or trailing spaces or tabs.Enter an appropriate valuePlease enter a string which matches one of the following patterns:Please enter a string which matches the following pattern:Please enter a string containing no more than %d characters and matches one of the following patterns:Please enter a string containing no more than %d characters and matches the following pattern:Please enter a string containing no more than %d characters and contains no imbedded, leading or trailing spaces or tabs.Input is required.Please enter yes or no.Enter y or yes if your answer is yes; n or no if your answer is no.Yes or Noincorrect usage USAGE: putdev -a alias [secdev=alias] [attribute=value [...]] putdev -m device attribute=value [attribute=value [...]] putdev -d device [attribute[...]] putdev -p device attribute=value[,value...] putdev -r device attribute=value[,value...] Device Database in inconsistent state - notify administrator LTDB is not accessible - notify administrator insufficient memory Device Database could not be accessed or created %s already exists in Device Database "%s" not defined in Device Database %s does not exist in Device Database "%s" multiply defined for attribute "%s" "%s" already exists in Device Database invalid alias or invalid pathname "%s" hilevel does not dominate lolevel in attribute range invalid value for attribute "%s" invalid value for attribute "%s" level= "%s" not defined in LTDB invalid value for attribute "%s" user/uid= "%s" not defined in system invalid value for attribute "%s" group/gid= "%s" not defined in system invalid value for attribute "%s" invalid permissions specified "%s" invalid value for attribute "%s" invalid delimiter specified in "%s" "%s" does not define essential security attributes(range, mode, state) "%s" must be defined with essential security attributes(range, mode, state) "%s" not defined for %s cannot specify security attrs for alias and map to another secdev "%s" Device Database in use - Try again later. invalid attribute %s:ERROR: system service not installed essential security attributes (range, mode, state) must be specified together for "%s" permission denied for %s "%s" is undefined or inaccessible for %s "%s" is not a block or character special file for %s "%s" resides on a read-only filesystem for %s "%s" resides on a filesystem that does not support per-file labelling for %s "%s" resides on a filesystem that does not support access control lists for %s ,\n\ \ or [%c] to format %s and place a filesystem on it,\n\ \ or [%c] to format the %s,\n\ \ or [%c] to write a new label on the %s,\n\ \ or [%c] to use the current label anyway,\n\ \ or [%c] to quit %s (%s) cannot be accessed. Attempt to format %s failed. Attempt to place filesystem on %s failed. goEnter text for fsname label:Enter text for volume label: Write of label to %s failed.Insert a %s into %s. The following external label should appear on the %s:\n\t%s The %s should be internally labeled as follows:\n\t%s\n\nType [go] when ready Label incorrect. The internal label on the inserted %s is %s,%s The internal label for %s is %s,%s Enter file system type on %s in %s.\n\ Select file system type to be created on %s in %s.\n\ could not determine capacity invalid inputNo help available.yesnohelpquitall