ISO8859-1.$,CV)i= 7 ( % * N; y  ) * + , ;- N. b/ s3 4 6( 9" : ; <* .=/ Y>5 ?/ @3 A% #B1 IC/ {D/ E0 F G (f Ah _i! ~j k lm2n&+C, p} JaX 129<Y<%;C5 y 6 ? * ,7&d   % "C #f ; +L-?Hm5= sb   0 `D i!17yB*"0##P ')*#++'i+`,O9,[,T-F `- 6- 7.3 u.k <.<//[/{ //// ///////0 0$0=0 1! 1!"1+#1<$1R% 1Y&1f'1m 1r?1z J102326'2j(2 222 {2 "3o 3 3 333<4!4Z4|;4#40415(  5Z.5h5'5(55663 6K ;6e +6 667 :7,"7g*7077 57281 8d(empty)Exit code %d, pid %d. Caught signal %d! %1$s: %2$s: %3$s. %1$s: Invalid command line option: %2$s. %1$s: Root authority required to listen at any port <= %2$d. %s: Missing log file name. Inventory Scout Daemon %s. @@@ CAT VERSION @@@ USAGE: %s [options] logfile logfile Append status and err msgs. '-' means write to stderr. -o Overwrite preexisting log file instead of append. -pN Change port number to N from default %d. -bN Change read buffer size to N from default %ld. -dN Change max logic db file size to N from default %ld. -tN Change timeout period to N seconds from default %d seconds. -vN Change verbosity level to N from default %d, 25=max 20=debug 18=calls 15=banner 10=errs 5=fatal 0=none. %s Parsed args: p=%hd v=%hd t=%d pwd=%s %1$s: Unable to fork to disconnect: %2$s. Start %s %s: p=%hd u=%d v=%d t=%d d=%ld pid=%d flog=%s Inventory Scout Version %s Logic Database Version %s Cannot open socket: %s. Setsockopt error: %s. Bind error, port %1$hd: %2$s. Listen error: %s. Accept() error: %s Fork error: %s. Cannot change userid: %s '%s' Socket read error: %s Read socket timed out after %d seconds. Client closed socket prematurely. Read buffer overflow. Url request string is too long. Invalid or missing parameter DATALEN=%ld. %s: User '%s' does not exist in password file. %s: Root authority required to authenticate userids. %s: Root authority required for scout actions. Logic database file name not available from scout. Invalid or missing ACTION parameter. Invalid or missing Logic Database download data. Downloaded Logic Database failed verification. Public Key file name not available from scout. Could not uncompress downloaded Logic Database. %1$5d: %2$-20s %3$-20s %4$nWrite error: '%.10s...' Service child out of memory! Infinite Service Loop Broken. Password not sent or is invalid. Cannot change userid. Inventory Scout Daemon %s. @@@ CAT VERSION @@@ USAGE: %s [options] -o Overwrite preexisting log file instead of append. -pN Change port number to N from default %d. -bN Change read buffer size to N from default %ld. -dN Change max logic db file size to N from default %ld. -tN Change timeout period to N seconds from default %d seconds. -vN Change verbosity level to N from default %d, 25=max 20=debug 18=calls 15=banner 10=errs 5=fatal 0=none. Inventory Scout Daemon %s. USAGE: %s [options] -o Overwrite preexisting log file instead of append. -pN Change port number to N from default %d. -bN Change read buffer size to N from default %ld. -dN Change max microcode catalog file size to N from default %ld. -tN Change timeout period to N seconds from default %d seconds. -vN Change verbosity level to N from default %d, 25=max 20=debug 18=calls 15=banner 10=errs 5=fatal 0=none. Microcode catalog file name could not be derived. Microcode Catalog Version %s. Getting system microcode level(s) ... Scanning for device microcode level(s) ... %d devices detected; each dot (.) represents %d devices processed: Working ... Identifying the system ... The system name cannot be determined. Please provide a system name. This should be a name that you will recognize when you see it again in a microcode report for your system.System Name: Could not determine the system name via the 'gethostname' or 'uname' functions; cannot continue. An error occurred while: determining the OS levelAn error occurred while: determining the system IDAn error occurred while: determining the microcode levelsAn error occurred while: attempting to write the upload fileAn error occurred while: attempting to write the report fileAn error occurred while: initializingScanning directory: '%s' for input files to concatenate ...There must be at least 2 files to be concatenated in the directory.Concatenating %d files ... Concatenation is complete. The output file is: '%s'. An error occurred while: attempting to concatenate upload filesAn error occurred while: acquiring the VPDThe OS level is too low to run this command.Found %d files; now concatenating ... %s ERROR DETAILSource File NameSource File RevisionError TextError Code%s (general) diagnostics%s (libC) diagnostics%s (shell) diagnosticsutility library (general) diagnosticsutility library (libC) diagnosticsutility library (shell) diagnosticsAn error occurred while: executing at an undetermined pointDetails of this error are in the file: "%s"Could not record the details of this error in any file or to standard error.Usage: %s [%s] [%s] [%s] [%s] type-model [%s] serial [%s] [%s] [%s] [-h] %-3s -- Change the survey type from 'Microcode' to 'VPD' %-3s -- Change the main action from 'perform a new survey' to 'concatenate existing survey upload files' %-3s -- For a new Microcode Survey, sends a copy of the formatted text report file to the screen from which the command was invoked %-3s -- Allows input of the platform machine type and model for VPD surveys %-3s -- Allows input of the platform serial number for VPD surveys %-3s -- Displays the versions of this command and the logic database currently in use %-3s -- Suppresses most run-time messages %-3s -- Keeps temporary files when the command is complete -h -- Generates this usage statement Only users with an effective user ID of 'root' can execute this command.Could not initialize the logic database file: -------------------------- %s -------------------------- It may be missing or corrupted.****** Command ---- V%s ****** Logic Database V%sInitializing ... The minimum OS level at which this command will execute is %s. The OS level of this system is %s.Upload file: %sReport file: %sMicrocode Survey completeVPD Survey completeTo transfer the %s 'Upload file' for microcode comparison, see your service provider's web page.To transfer the %s 'Upload file' for Vital Product Data submission, see your service provider's web page.The output files can be found at:This version (%s) of this command requires version %s or higher of the logic database. The installed version (%s) of the logic database is too old.This version (%s) of this command is too old for the installed version (%s) of the logic database. This version of the logic database requires version %s or higher of the command.Cannot change ownership of the command/file: %s to: %s. Usage: %s [%s] [%s] [%s] [%s] type-model [%s] serial [%s] catpath [%s] [%s] [-h] %-3s -- Sets the survey or concatenation type to VPD (the default is Microcode) %-3s -- Concatenates existing survey upload files (the default is to perform a new survey) %-3s -- For a new Microcode Survey, sends a copy of the formatted text report file to the screen from which the command was invoked %-3s -- Allows input of the platform machine type and model for VPD surveys %-3s -- Allows input of the platform serial number for VPD surveys %-3s -- Change the default pathname of the microcode catalog %-3s -- Displays the versions of this command and the logic database currently in use %-3s -- Suppresses most run-time messages -h -- Generates this usage statement Error accessing microcode catalog file %s Concatenation not allowed for microcode surveys Usage: %s [%s] %s [%s type-model] [%s serial] [%s] %s [%s [mask]] [%s] [%s type-model] [%s serial] [%s catpath] [%s] %s [%s | %s [mask]] [%s type-model] [%s serial] [%s catpath] [%s filepath] [%s] %s [-h | %s] %-3s -- Sets the survey or concatenation type to VPD (the default is Microcode) %-3s -- Concatenates existing survey upload files (the default is to perform a new survey) %-3s -- For a new Microcode Survey, sends a copy of the formatted text report file to the screen from which the command was invoked %-3s -- Allows input of the platform machine type and model for VPD surveys %-3s -- Allows input of the platform serial number for VPD surveys %-3s -- Change the default pathname of the microcode catalog %-3s -- Displays the versions of this command and the logic database currently in use %-3s -- Suppresses most run-time messages %-3s -- Updates devices with available updates. This flag requires a valid microcode catalog file and valid microcode images to be available on the system. %-3s -- Updates devices and system firmware with available updates. This flag requires a valid microcode catalog file and valid microcode images to be available on the system. %-3s -- Generates a formatted text report that identifies hardware with available microcode files. Requires a valid catalog file to be available on the system. %-3s -- Changes the default pathname of the microcode files. These files are stored in an .rpm format mask - Valid options are a combination of: %s, %s - Latest %s, %s - Current %s, %s - Previous %s, %s - Available %s, %s - Outcome %s, %s - Description %s, %s - Effect %s, %s - Suggested Action -h -- Generates this usage statement Writing Microcode Survey upload file ... Writing VPD Survey upload file ... Hostname . . . . . . : %s Command Version . . . : %s Logic Database Version: %s Survey Date and Time : %s OS Level . . . . . . : %s uname -M . . . . . . : %s uname -m Model ID . . : %s ------------------------- SYSTEM/SERVICE PROCESSORS ------------------------- Processor(s) Installed Microcode ---------------- ----------------------------------------This system does not use any system or service microcode.The system/service microcode level(s) of this system cannot be programmatically determined. ------------------ IDENTIFIED DEVICES ------------------ Device Installed Microcode ---------------- ----------------------------------------There was no device microcode detected on this system.There are no devices on this system that use microcode.system/service Name . . . . . : %s Version(system) : %s Version(service): %s system Name : %s Version: %s service Name : %s Version: %s %-18sName : %s %-18sVersion: UpdatedNo ActionUnable to UpdateLogicalDeviceCurrent LevelAvailable LevelEffectSuggested ActionPrevious LevelOutcomeRPM Install FailMicrocode Survey ResultsMicrocode Update ResultsHostname . . . . . . : %s Command Version . . . : %s Logic Database Version: %s Survey Date and Time : %s OS Level . . . . . . : %s uname -M . . . . . . : %s catalog.mic date . . : %s Microcode Path . . . : %s BacklevelNo ActionCannot DetermineNot Service PartitionUpdateTake OfflineRebootNoneunknownThe server received an invalid name-value pair from the client.On an SP, VPD can only be gathered from the control work station (Node 0).Your system model and serial numbers are needed.Your SP system model and serial numbers are needed.The model number must be %i characters.The serial number must be %i characters.Model number:Serial number:Unable to obtain VPD data.Please try running "%s" from the command line. If it does not run properly, please correct this problem and try "%s" again.Neither %s nor %s could be found. %s could not be found. Error executing 'node_number'Error executing 'lslpp -cql -Ou'Could not move or append VPD results to upload fileThe serial number must also begin with one of these strings:Error executing 'SDRGetObjects'. Invalid PSSP node number. VPD for this server can only be collected through the HMC. 'Node_VPD' class not found in SDR. Unable to classify VPD stanza by location code. Required 'SP' class attributes not found in SDR. Out of memoryError in logic database internal configurationCommand internal errorError with system firmware level scriptError with device microcode level scriptError executing 'uname'Error with system ID scriptError executing 'lslpp'Error executing 'oslevel'Error accessing concatenation input directory or input fileError accessing a temporary or utility fileError accessing the upload fileError accessing the report fileError initializing ODM libraryError waiting on child process to run script or OS commandNo data in stdout of shell commandUnexpected data in stdout of shell commandA concatenation input file has an invalid formatError executing '%s'Installing RPM Files and Flashing Non-System Devices Installing RPM Files and Flashing System Firmware Unable to Flash System Firmware