ISO8859-1[ EnH$+  ( C V hz/<>Y/&%'Mi,#& ! "- '#' U$5 }%) &/ '! ( /) L*5 d+ , - .% / 01 #1% U2( {3 4> 5" 6) 7, H8 u9% :( ; <* =& > F? U@ iA$ yB" C! D& E" F-G AHNI)WJ-K6L7MN 1O&<P7cQnR STLUuV$mWX<Y1Z[2 Usage: %s [-f file] [-d [level]] [-h hostname] [-c community] [-shm | -tcp] Where: -f file - a non-default configuration file -d level - tracing/debug level, default level=%d levels: 8 = DPI level 1 16 = DPI level 2 32 = Internal level 1 64 = Internal level 2 128 = Internal level 3 Add the numbers for multiple trace levels -h host - send request to specified host -c community - use specified community name -shm - connect over shared memory, not TCP -tcp - connect over TCP (default) Defaults: %s -d 0 -tcp -h %s -c %s In default mode: if tcp fails, we try shm Can't open file, %s Missing a filename Missing a hostname Missing a community name Tracing set to %d %3d DPI level 1 %3d DPI level 2 %3d Internal level 1 %3d Internal level 2 %3d Internal level 3 Code out of Sync Invalid instance data: %s Connect to SNMP agent failed, will keep trying DPI sub-agent (%s): connected, ready to receive requests... DPI sub-agent (%s): reconnected, ready to receive requests... Error occured, try to re-establish connection. Failed on pDPIpacket() Unexpected DPI packet for subtree, %d Unexpected DPI packet type, %d Connected to agent via shared memory Connected to agent via tcp Failed on mkDPIopen() Did not get DPI-RESPONSE packet on DPI-OPEN Error, %d, in RESPONSE to DPI-OPEN Quit, this seems unrecoverable error. Now registering %s Failed on mkDPIregister() Did not get a DPI-RESPONSE on a DPI-REGISTER Error code, %d, in DPI response packet DPI UNREGISTER received from agent for %s, reason=%d DPI CLOSE received from agent, reason=%d Higher priority registered; may regain control Got %d entries in hrSystem group Can't open logging file, %s Cant' process file, %s Failed to re-open /dev/null as standard input, fd=%d Failed to open /dev/kmem Failed to seek /dev/kmem Failed to read /dev/kmem Failed to read sysconfig information knlist system error Failed to get processes information (errno = %d) queryvg system call failed (rc = %d) statvfs system call failed (errno = %d) No volumn groups found Setting of non-blocking io on the src file descriptor failed. src_status: cannot execute stat() not root user, cannot access long status Not root user, cannot access long status. stopsrc issuedtraceson: logging is already enabled traceson: logging is already enabled. is not configured for logging. tracesoff: logging is already disabled. tracesoff: logging is already disabled Stop trace. doit_src: recvfrom Start trace. Error: cannot determine the user. Start subserver: not supported. Stop subserver: not supported. Status of subserver: not supported. Trace subserver: not supported. Illegal command. LogFileName:Tracing:Unable to initialize odm (odmerrno = %d) Unable to set ODM path '%si' (odmerrno = %d) Unable to mount ODM object class '%s' (odmerrno = %d) Unable to get ODM object in class '%s' (odmerrno = %d) %s: Out of Memory No Memory Host Resources DPI sub-agent Version 1%s [-f file] [-d [level]] [-h hostname] [-c community] Where: -f file - a non-default configuration file -d level - tracing/debug level, default level=%d levels: 8 = DPI level 1 16 = DPI level 2 32 = Internal level 1 64 = Internal level 2 128 = Internal level 3 Add the numbers for multiple trace levels -h host - send request to specified host -c community - use specified community name Defaults: %s -d 0 -h %s -c %s %s : failed. The kernel is running in 64-bit mode, but %s cannot be found. %s : failed. The kernel is running in 32-bit mode. The 64-bit version of the command cannot be run on this kernel. getkerninfo of 0x%x for "%s" failed cannot read %s: %s Invalid log file name: %s. Instead use default log file: %s %s: getargs() failed for process %d (errno = %d) %s: readlink() of %s failed %s: getpagesize() failed