ISO8859-1  O*h  ! $F & ),4.1~4#69g;<>@IBCEwG1HJLgN% O!Q"S\#U$+Y%]&o`'\c(8f)7j%*7m]+8p,s-w^.z/~~01*2F3b4~56789R :];t<=X>?@ABBCBDBHEBFaGq0HIJ8KGLJ8MăN1OPКQURSTUVgVWWX&Yj=Z[B\]4 ^a2_`X+ab cS#1d(eE-f 2g6h8i8j9k96l<m@Pn@loCpGqKryOs3Sut^Wu>\vh`GwdxiyClzLp4{bs|v}jzx~}V^^Mf~fBLsJ{Nff1ĕʩϺ/2C__&/5!=Yu9 c   9:cvk w""0"L"h""%`%|F%*.3Rn8:|>2|AE,H LPO[R`V\`ZYZ]]aNesg_jcnTsYw|9~)Gf:x+GG}mpP/AR &B^zޖH޲   }\nOxh HV [T X`| & # & }* -.0369<BDGJKK,KHKdKKKK N!Q"T#W$W%W&[N'_ (b)fa*j+n,s-w.}4/01G2)3 "4 05>6aZ78K9$:V@;<V= >&?@ABCġDĽE~FʚG[HwI8JTKL#MNOPQRSXTtU.VJWX YZ[\Z]s^_ `VabcQd9e$!4f$'Yg$-~h$3i$9j$?kFlF.mFJnFfoFpFqFrFsFtLuRvXVw^"xcyizi{i|i}j~j2jNjjjjjjjkk.morfuv xz?This is a reserved message.Node 01 I2C BUS responds status as reported by the Frame. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodefail1 returns the communication status between the frame supervisor and the node in slot 1. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Communication loss. 0 (FALSE) = Communication okay. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a communication loss for node 1 in all frames, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodefail1 unspecified=FrameNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodefail[2-17] Node 02 I2C BUS responds status as reported by the Frame. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodefail2 returns the communication status between the frame supervisor and the node in slot 2. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Communication loss. 0 (FALSE) = Communication okay. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a communication loss for node 2 in all frames, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodefail2 unspecified=FrameNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodefail[1,3-17] Node 03 I2C BUS responds status as reported by the Frame. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodefail3 returns the communication status between the frame supervisor and the node in slot 3. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Communication loss. 0 (FALSE) = Communication okay. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a communication loss for node 3 in all frames, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodefail3 unspecified=FrameNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodefail[1-2,4-17] Node 04 I2C BUS responds status as reported by the Frame. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodefail4 returns the communication status between the frame supervisor and the node in slot 4. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Communication loss. 0 (FALSE) = Communication okay. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a communication loss for node 4 in all frames, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodefail4 unspecified=FrameNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodefail[1-3,5-17] Node 05 I2C BUS responds status as reported by the Frame. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodefail5 returns the communication status between the frame supervisor and the node in slot 5. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Communication loss. 0 (FALSE) = Communication okay. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a communication loss for node 5 in all frames, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodefail5 unspecified=FrameNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodefail[1-4,6-17] Node 06 I2C BUS responds status as reported by the Frame. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodefail6 returns the communication status between the frame supervisor and the node in slot 6. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Communication loss. 0 (FALSE) = Communication okay. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a communication loss for node 6 in all frames, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodefail6 unspecified=FrameNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodefail[1-5,7-17] Node 07 I2C BUS responds status as reported by the Frame. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodefail7 returns the communication status between the frame supervisor and the node in slot 7. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Communication loss. 0 (FALSE) = Communication okay. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a communication loss for node 7 in all frames, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodefail7 unspecified=FrameNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodefail[1-6,8-17] Node 08 I2C BUS responds status as reported by the Frame. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodefail8 returns the communication status between the frame supervisor and the node in slot 8. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Communication loss. 0 (FALSE) = Communication okay. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a communication loss for node 8 in all frames, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodefail8 unspecified=FrameNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodefail[1-7,9-17] Node 09 I2C BUS responds status as reported by the Frame. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodefail9 returns the communication status between the frame supervisor and the node in slot 9. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Communication loss. 0 (FALSE) = Communication okay. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a communication loss for node 9 in all frames, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodefail9 unspecified=FrameNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodefail[1-8,10-17] Node 10 I2C BUS responds status as reported by the Frame. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodefail10 returns the communication status between the frame supervisor and the node in slot 10. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Communication loss. 0 (FALSE) = Communication okay. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a communication loss for node 10 in all frames, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodefail10 unspecified=FrameNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodefail[1-9,11-17] Node 11 I2C BUS responds status as reported by the Frame. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodefail11 returns the communication status between the frame supervisor and the node in slot 11. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Communication loss. 0 (FALSE) = Communication okay. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a communication loss for node 11 in all frames, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodefail11 unspecified=FrameNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodefail[1-10,12-17] Node 12 I2C BUS responds status as reported by the Frame. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodefail12 returns the communication status between the frame supervisor and the node in slot 12. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Communication loss. 0 (FALSE) = Communication okay. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a communication loss for node 12 in all frames, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodefail12 unspecified=FrameNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodefail[1-11,13-17] Node 13 I2C BUS responds status as reported by the Frame. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodefail13 returns the communication status between the frame supervisor and the node in slot 13. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Communication loss. 0 (FALSE) = Communication okay. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a communication loss for node 13 in all frames, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodefail13 unspecified=FrameNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodefail[1-12,14-17] Node 14 I2C BUS responds status as reported by the Frame. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodefail14 returns the communication status between the frame supervisor and the node in slot 14. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Communication loss. 0 (FALSE) = Communication okay. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a communication loss for node 14 in all frames, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodefail14 unspecified=FrameNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodefail[1-13,15-17] Node 15 I2C BUS responds status as reported by the Frame. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodefail15 returns the communication status between the frame supervisor and the node in slot 15. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Communication loss. 0 (FALSE) = Communication okay. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a communication loss for node 15 in all frames, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodefail15 unspecified=FrameNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodefail[1-14,16-17] Node 16 I2C BUS responds status as reported by the Frame. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodefail16 returns the communication status between the frame supervisor and the node in slot 16. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Communication loss. 0 (FALSE) = Communication okay. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a communication loss for node 16 in all frames, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodefail16 unspecified=FrameNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodefail[1-15,17] Switch I2C BUS responds status as reported by the Frame. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodefail17 returns the communication status between the frame supervisor and the switch in slot 17. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Communication loss. 0 (FALSE) = Communication okay. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a communication loss for switch 17 in all frames, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodefail17 unspecified=FrameNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodefail[1-16] Node 01 serial link open status as reported by the Frame. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodeLinkOpen1 returns the serial link open status of the node in slot 1. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Serial link is open. 0 (FALSE) = Serial link is closed. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodeLinkOpen[2-16] Node 02 serial link open status as reported by the Frame. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodeLinkOpen2 returns the serial link open status of the node in slot 2. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Serial link is open. 0 (FALSE) = Serial link is closed. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodeLinkOpen[1,3-16] Node 03 serial link open status as reported by the Frame. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodeLinkOpen3 returns the serial link open status of the node in slot 3. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Serial link is open. 0 (FALSE) = Serial link is closed. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodeLinkOpen[1-2,4-16] Node 04 serial link open status as reported by the Frame. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodeLinkOpen4 returns the serial link open status of the node in slot 4. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Serial link is open. 0 (FALSE) = Serial link is closed. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodeLinkOpen[1-3,5-16] Node 05 serial link open status as reported by the Frame. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodeLinkOpen5 returns the serial link open status of the node in slot 5. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Serial link is open. 0 (FALSE) = Serial link is closed. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodeLinkOpen[1-4,6-16] Node 06 serial link open status as reported by the Frame. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodeLinkOpen6 returns the serial link open status of the node in slot 6. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Serial link is open. 0 (FALSE) = Serial link is closed. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodeLinkOpen[1-5,7-16] Node 07 serial link open status as reported by the Frame. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodeLinkOpen7 returns the serial link open status of the node in slot 7. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Serial link is open. 0 (FALSE) = Serial link is closed. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodeLinkOpen[1-6,8-16] Node 08 serial link open status as reported by the Frame. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodeLinkOpen8 returns the serial link open status of the node in slot 8. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Serial link is open. 0 (FALSE) = Serial link is closed. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodeLinkOpen[1-7,9-16] Node 09 serial link open status as reported by the Frame. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodeLinkOpen9 returns the serial link open status of the node in slot 9. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Serial link is open. 0 (FALSE) = Serial link is closed. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodeLinkOpen[1-8,10-16] Node 10 serial link open status as reported by the Frame. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodeLinkOpen10 returns the serial link open status of the node in slot 10. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Serial link is open. 0 (FALSE) = Serial link is closed. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodeLinkOpen[1-9,11-16] Node 11 serial link open status as reported by the Frame. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodeLinkOpen11 returns the serial link open status of the node in slot 11. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Serial link is open. 0 (FALSE) = Serial link is closed. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodeLinkOpen[1-10,12-16] Node 12 serial link open status as reported by the Frame. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodeLinkOpen12 returns the serial link open status of the node in slot 12. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Serial link is open. 0 (FALSE) = Serial link is closed. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodeLinkOpen[1-11,13-16] Node 13 serial link open status as reported by the Frame. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodeLinkOpen13 returns the serial link open status of the node in slot 13. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Serial link is open. 0 (FALSE) = Serial link is closed. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodeLinkOpen[1-12,14-16] Node 14 serial link open status as reported by the Frame. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodeLinkOpen14 returns the serial link open status of the node in slot 14. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Serial link is open. 0 (FALSE) = Serial link is closed. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodeLinkOpen[1-13,15-16] Node 15 serial link open status as reported by the Frame. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodeLinkOpen15 returns the serial link open status of the node in slot 15. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Serial link is open. 0 (FALSE) = Serial link is closed. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodeLinkOpen[1-14,16] Node 16 serial link open status as reported by the Frame. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodeLinkOpen16 returns the serial link open status of the node in slot 16. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Serial link is open. 0 (FALSE) = Serial link is closed. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodeLinkOpen[1-15] Diagnosis byte as reported by the Frame, Node, Switch or Node Expansion. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.diagByte, IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.diagByte, IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.diagByte, and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.diagByte return the supervisor's hardware diagnosis indicator. The byte is subdivided which can indicate informational, warning, or error conditions detected internally by the hardware supervisor microcode. This resource variable is intended for engineering use only. Possible Values Values vary with each hardware supervisor since each supervisor defines its own set, and format, for indicators. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum), node number (NodeNum), switch number (SwitchNum), or node expansion number (NodeExpNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.diagByte, IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.diagByte, IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.diagByte, and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.diagByte are reported only as a result of a query since it's state doesn't change. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.diagByte is not reported by node supervisor's with a card type of 161. It instead returns IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.hardwareStatus. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.hardwareStatus Frame supervisor's bottom green LED; LED 1. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frACLED returns the status of the AC power (actually monitors +12 Volt DC power present at the frame supervisor). Possible Values 2 = AC power is not good; LED is blinking. 1 = AC power is good; LED is lit. 0 = No AC power exists; LED is not lit. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a +12 Volt DC power loss for frames, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frACLED unspecified=FrameNum expression=X==2 rearm=X!=2 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frACLED is unique to frame supervisor's with card types of 17 and 20. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frDCLED Frame supervisor's top green LED; LED 4. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frDCLED returns the status of the AC-to-DC power present at the frame supervisor. Possible Values 2 = DC power is not good; LED is blinking. 1 = DC power is good; LED is lit. 0 = No DC power exists; LED is not lit. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. To obtain notification of an AC-to-DC power loss for frames, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frDCLED unspecified=FrameNum expression=X==2 rearm=X!=2 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frACLED is unique to frame supervisor's with card types of 17 and 20. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frACLED Frame supervisor's bottom yellow LED; LED 5. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frRS232Active returns the status of the serial (RS/232) communication between the frame supervisor and the control workstation. Possible Values 2 = RS/232 error; LED is blinking. 1 = RS/232 activity; LED is lit. 0 = No RS/232 activity; LED is not lit. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. To obtain notification of an RS232 communication loss for frames, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frRS232Active unspecified=FrameNum expression=X==2 rearm=X!=2 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frRS232Active is unique to frame supervisor's with card types of 17 and 18. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frTTRS232Active1 IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frTTRS232Active2 Frame supervisor's top yellow LED; LED 8. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frNodeComm returns the status of the supervisor bus (I2C link) communication between the frame supervisor and the nodes/switch. Possible Values 2 = Bus dead, no nodes responding; LED is blinking. 1 = 1-or-more nodes not responding; LED is lit. 0 = All nodes responding; LED is not lit. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. To obtain notification of an I2C communication loss for frames, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frNodeComm unspecified=FrameNum expression=X==2 rearm=X!=2 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frNodeComm is unique to frame supervisor's with card types of 17 and 18. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frTTNodeComn Status of the frame supervisor's DC power supply. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerDC_A returns the status of the frame supervisor's "A" DC power supply. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = DC power supply is good. 0 (FALSE) = DC power supply is not good. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. To obtain notification of an "A" DC power supply problem for frames, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerDC_A unspecified=FrameNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerDC_A is unique to frame supervisor's with card types of 17 and 20. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerDC_B IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerDC_C IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerDC_D Status of the frame supervisor's DC power supply. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerDC_B returns the status of the frame supervisor's "B" DC power supply. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = DC power supply is good. 0 (FALSE) = DC power supply is not good. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a "B" DC power supply problem for frames, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerDC_B unspecified=FrameNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerDC_B is unique to frame supervisor's with card types of 17 and 20. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerDC_A IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerDC_C IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerDC_D Status of the frame supervisor's DC power supply. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerDC_C returns the status of the frame supervisor's "C" DC power supply. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = DC power supply is good. 0 (FALSE) = DC power supply is not good. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a "C" DC power supply problem for frames, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerDC_C unspecified=FrameNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerDC_C is unique to frame supervisor's with card types of 17 and 20. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerDC_A IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerDC_B IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerDC_D Status of the frame supervisor's DC power supply. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerDC_D returns the status of the frame supervisor's "D" DC power supply. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = DC power supply is good. 0 (FALSE) = DC power supply is not good. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. To obtain notification of an "D" DC power supply problem for frames, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerDC_D unspecified=FrameNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerDC_D is unique to frame supervisor's with card types of 17 and 20. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerDC_A IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerDC_B IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerDC_C Status of the frame supervisor's AC-DC power supply switch. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerOff_A returns the status of the frame supervisor's "A" AC-DC power supply switch. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = AC-DC power supply switch is the ON position. 0 (FALSE) = AC-DC power supply switch is the OFF position. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. To obtain notification that the "A" DC power supply switch has been turned off for frames, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerOff_A unspecified=FrameNum expression=X==0 rearm=X!=0 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerOff_A is unique to frame supervisor's with card types of 17 and 20. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerOff_B IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerOff_C IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerOff_D Status of the frame supervisor's AC-DC power supply switch. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerOff_B returns the status of the frame supervisor's "B" AC-DC power supply switch. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = AC-DC power supply switch is the ON position. 0 (FALSE) = AC-DC power supply switch is the OFF position. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. To obtain notification that the "B" DC power supply switch has been turned off for frames, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerOff_B unspecified=FrameNum expression=X==0 rearm=X!=0 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerOff_B is unique to frame supervisor's with card types of 17 and 20. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerOff_A IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerOff_C IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerOff_D Status of the frame supervisor's AC-DC power supply switch. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerOff_C returns the status of the frame supervisor's "C" AC-DC power supply switch. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = AC-DC power supply switch is the ON position. 0 (FALSE) = AC-DC power supply switch is the OFF position. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. To obtain notification that the "C" DC power supply switch has been turned off for frames, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerOff_C unspecified=FrameNum expression=X==0 rearm=X!=0 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerOff_C is unique to frame supervisor's with card types of 17 and 20. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerOff_A IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerOff_B IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerOff_D Status of the frame supervisor's AC-DC power supply switch. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerOff_D returns the status of the frame supervisor's "D" AC-DC power supply switch. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = AC-DC power supply switch is the ON position. 0 (FALSE) = AC-DC power supply switch is the OFF position. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. To obtain notification that the "D" DC power supply switch has been turned off for frames, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerOff_D unspecified=FrameNum expression=X==0 rearm=X!=0 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerOff_D is unique to frame supervisor's with card types of 17 and 20. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerOff_A IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerOff_B IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerOff_C This is a reserved message.This is a reserved message.This is a reserved message.This is a reserved message.This is a reserved message.This is a reserved message.This is a reserved message.This is a reserved message.This is a reserved message.Frame, Node, or Switch software serial number. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.serialNum, IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.serialNum, and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.serialNum return the hardware supervisor's software serial number. This resource variable is intended for engineering use only. Possible Values Values vary but are constant with each hardware supervisor. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum), node number (NodeNum), or switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.serialNum, IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.serialNum, and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.serialNum are reported only as a result of a query for this data since it's state doesn't change. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.serialNum data is not reported by node supervisor's with card types of 161, 177, 178, and 179. Frame, Node, Switch or Node Expansion supervisor card type. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.type, IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.type, IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.type, and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.type return a constant that is the definitive identifer for the supervisor card that is installed in the hardware for any given slot. Possible Values 0x11 = 17 = Frame w/PDU (Power Distribution Unit) 0x12 = 18 = Frame w/SEPBU (Scalable Electrical Power Based Unit). 0x14 = 20 = Twin-Tail Frame with PDU. 0x16 = 22 = Twin-Tail Frame with SEPBU. 0x21 = 33 = Envoy thin node. 0x31 = 49 = High Performance Switch. 0x32 = 50 = Switch. 0x41 = 65 = Early Envoy thin node. 0x53 = 83 = Papago wide node with 3.7 volt power. 0x51 = 81 = Papago wide node with 4.0 volt power. 0x61 = 97 = Oneida thin node. 0x73 = 115 = Courier wide node with 3.7 volt power. 0x71 = 113 = Courier wide node with 4.0 volt power. 0x81 = 129 = SP-Switch. 0x80 = 128 = SP-Switch card in Basecode Mode. 0x10 = 16 = Twin-Tail card in Basecode Mode. 0xa1 = 161 = High-Node. (604, 604e) 0xb1 = 177 = Silver thin node. (604e-X5) 0xb2 = 178 = Silver wide node. (604e-X5) 0xb3 = 179 = Nighthawk high node. (Power3 SMP High Node) 0x91 = 145 = Node Expansion I/O Unit. 0x90 = 144 = Node Expansion I/O Unit in Basecode Mode. 0x84 = 132 = SP Switch2 The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum), node number (NodeNum), switch number (SwitchNum), or node expansion number (NodeExpNum) of interest. Frame, Node, Switch, or Node Expansion microcode version. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.codeVersion, IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.codeVersion, IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.codeVersion, and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.codeVersion return the version number of the supervisor microcode that is loaded on the supervisor card. Possible Values Values vary depending on PSSP release and the level of microcode that is download to the supervisor card. of interest. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum), node number (NodeNum), switch number (SwitchNum), or node expansion number (NodeExpNum) of interest. Frame supervisor's bottom green LED; LED 1. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerMods returns the status of whether the frame's DC power modules "A", "B", "C", and "D" are present. Possible Values 2 = No power modules are present; LED is blinking. 1 = At least 1 power module is present; LED is lit. N/A = LED is not lit. The wall breaker is off, the SEPBU is off, or the supervisor card has a problem. In any case, the frame will not be able to respond with state data. Only visual inspection will reveal the green LED 1 not lit. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerMods is unique to frame supervisor's with card types of 18 and 22. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frNoPowerModA IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frNoPowerModB IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frNoPowerModC IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frNoPowerModD Frame supervisor's top green LED; LED 4. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerLED returns the status of the frame's DC power modules "A", "B", "C", and "D". Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = DC power okay; LED is lit. 0 (FALSE) = No DC power exists; LED is not lit. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. To obtain notification of no DC power for frames, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerLED unspecified=FrameNum expression=X==0 rearm=X!=0 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerLED is unique to frame supervisor's with card types of 18 and 22. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerModAbad IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerModBbad IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerModCbad IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerModDbad Staus of Frame's DC power module "A". Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerModAbad returns the status of the frame's "A" DC power module. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = "A" DC power module is not good. 0 (FALSE) = "A" DC power module is good. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. To obtain notification of an "A" DC power problem for frames, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerModAbad unspecified=FrameNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerModAbad is unique to frame supervisor's with card types of 18 and 22. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerLED Staus of Frame's DC power module "B". Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerModBbad returns the status of the frame's "B" DC power module. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = "B" DC power module is not good. 0 (FALSE) = "B" DC power module is good. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. To obtain notification of an "B" DC power problem for frames, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerModBbad unspecified=FrameNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerModBbad is unique to frame supervisor's with card types of 18 and 22. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerLED Staus of Frame's DC power module "C". Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerModCbad returns the status of the frame's "C" DC power module. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = "C" DC power module is not good. 0 (FALSE) = "C" DC power module is good. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. To obtain notification of an "C" DC power problem for frames, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerModCbad unspecified=FrameNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerModCbad is unique to frame supervisor's with card types of 18 and 22. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerLED Staus of Frame's DC power module "D". Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerModDbad returns the status of the frame's "D" DC power module. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = "D" DC power module is not good. 0 (FALSE) = "D" DC power module is good. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. To obtain notification of an "D" DC power problem for frames, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerModDbad unspecified=FrameNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerModDbad is unique to frame supervisor's with card types of 18 and 22. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerLED Indicates installation of Frame's DC power module "A". Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frNoPowerModA returns the status of whether the frame's "A" DC power module is present. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = "A" DC power module is not installed. 0 (FALSE) = "A" DC power module installed. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frNoPowerModA is unique to frame supervisor's with card types of 18 and 22. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerMods Indicates installation of Frame's DC power module "B". Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frNoPowerModB returns the status of whether the frame's "B" DC power module is present. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = "B" DC power module is not installed. 0 (FALSE) = "B" DC power module installed. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frNoPowerModB is unique to frame supervisor's with card types of 18 and 22. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerMods Indicates installation of Frame's DC power module "C". Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frNoPowerModC returns the status of whether the frame's "C" DC power module is present. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = "C" DC power module is not installed. 0 (FALSE) = "C" DC power module installed. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frNoPowerModC is unique to frame supervisor's with card types of 18 and 22. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerMods Indicates installation of Frame's DC power module "D". Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frNoPowerModD returns the status of whether the frame's "D" DC power module is present. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = "D" DC power module is not installed. 0 (FALSE) = "D" DC power module installed. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frNoPowerModD is unique to frame supervisor's with card types of 18 and 22. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerMods Status of the Frame's logical power ON/OFF switch. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerOff returns the state of the frames logical power switch which controls power modules (books) "A" "B" "C" and "D". Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Power modules are off. 0 (FALSE) = Power modules are on. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerOff is unique to frame supervisor's with card types of 18 and 22. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerMods IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerModAbad IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerModBbad IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerModCbad IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frPowerModDbad IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frNoPowerModA IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frNoPowerModB IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frNoPowerModC IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frNoPowerModD Power light on the front of the Node, Switch, or Node Expansion. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.powerLED, IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.powerLED, and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.powerLED return the status of the "Classic" green supervisor LED. Possible Values 2 = Power is off but available; Power light is blinking. 1 = Power is on; Power light is lit. 0 = No power exists; Power light is not lit. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum), switch number (SwitchNum), or node expansion number (NodeExpNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a power off state for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.powerLED unspecified=NodeNum expression=X!=1 rearm=X==1 Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.envLED IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.envLED IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.envLED Environment light on the front of the Node, Switch, or Node Expansion. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.envLED and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.envLED, and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.envLED return the status of the "Classic" yellow supervisor LED. The state of the environment which includes as voltages, fan speed, and temperature are reported. Possible Values 2 = Power is shut off due to critical error; Env light is blinking. 1 = Warning indicator, not yet critical; Env light is lit. 0 = Environment okay; Env light is not lit. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum), switch number (SwitchNum), or node expansion number (NodeExpNum) of interest. To obtain notification of an environment warning or error condition for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.envLED unspecified=NodeNum expression=X!=0 rearm=X==0 To obtain notification of an environment error condition for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.envLED unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==2 rearm=X!=2 Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.powerLED IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.powerLED IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.powerLED Node, Switch, or Node Expansion +48 Volt input from the Frame. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.P48OK, IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.P48OK, and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.P48OK return the state of the +48 Volt input from the frame supervisor. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = +48 Volts present. 0 (FALSE) = +48 Volts not present. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum), switch number (SwitchNum), or node expansion number (NodeExpNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a +48 Volt loss for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.P48OK unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==0 rearm=X!=0 Node, Switch, or Node Expansion DC-DC power ON indicator. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.nodePower, IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.nodePower, and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.nodePower return the definitive power indicator. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = DC-DC power is on; power switch is in the ON position. 0 (FALSE) = DC-DC power is off; power switch is in the OFF position. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum), switch number (SwitchNum), or node expansion number (NodeExpNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a power off condition for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.nodePower unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==0 rearm=X!=0 Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.powerLED IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.powerLED IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.powerLED IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.envLED IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.envLED IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.envLED Node or Switch DC-DC power on > 10 seconds indicator. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.nodePowerOn10Sec, IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.nodePowerOn10Sec, and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.nodePowerOn10Sec return status that indicates whether the DC-DC power has been operational for more than 10 seconds, and remains so. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = DC-DC power has been on for greater than 10 seconds. 0 (FALSE) = DC-DC power has been off for greater than 10 seconds. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum), switch number (SwitchNum), or node expansion number (NodeExpNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.nodePowerOn10Sec is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 33, 65, 113, 115, 81, 83, and 97. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.nodePowerOn10Sec is unique to node expansion supervisor's with card types of 145. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.nodePowerOn10Sec is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 132. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.nodePower IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.nodePower IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.nodePower Node or Switch +48 Volts off for > 10 seconds indicator. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.P48Off10Sec and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.P48Off10Sec return status that indicates whether the +48 Volt power from the frame has been operational for more than 10 seconds, and reamins so, for the node or switch. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = +48 Volt input has been terminated due to error and remains off. 0 (FALSE) = +48 Volt input has been on for more than 10 seconds. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) and switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.nodePowerOn10Sec is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 33, 65, 113, 115, 81, 83 and 97. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.nodePower IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.nodePower Node or Switch fan 1 environmental warning. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanwarning1 and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.fanwarning1 return status that indicates whether fan 1 is nearing an out-of-spec condition on the node or switch. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec warning condition has been raised. 0 (FALSE) = Fan 1 is operating within warning limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) and switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a fan 1 environmental warning condition for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanwarning1 unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanwarning1 is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 33, 65, 113, 115, 81, 83 and 97. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanfail1 IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.fanfail1 Node, Switch, or Node Expansion fan 1 environmental error. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanfail1, IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.fanfail1, and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.fanfail1 return status that indicates whether fan 1 reached an out-of-spec condition. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec error condition has been raised; node is shutdown. 0 (FALSE) = Fan 1 is operating within error limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum), switch number (SwitchNum), or node expansion number (NodeExpNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a fan 1 environmental error condition for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanfail1 unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanfail1 is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 33, 65, 113, 115, and 97. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.fanfail1 is unique to node expansion supervisor's with card types of 145. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.fanfail1 is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 49, 50 and 132. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanwarning1 IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.fanwarning1 Node or Switch fan 2 environmental warning. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanwarning2 and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.fanwarning2 return status that indicates whether fan 2 is nearing an out-of-spec condition on the node or switch. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec warning condition has been raised. 0 (FALSE) = Fan 2 is operating within warning limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) and switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a fan 2 environmental warning condition for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanwarning2 unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanwarning2 is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 33, 65, 113, 115, 81, 83 and 97. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanfail2 IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.fanfail2 Node, Switch, or Node Expansion fan 2 environmental error. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanfail2, IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.fanfail2, and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.fanfail2 return status that indicates whether fan 1 reached an out-of-spec condition. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec error condition has been raised; node is shutdown. 0 (FALSE) = Fan 2 is operating within error limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum), switch number (SwitchNum), or node expansion number (NodeExpNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a fan 2 environmental error condition for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanfail2 unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanfail2 is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 33, 65, 113, 115, and 97. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.fanfail2 is unique to node expansion supervisor's with card types of 145. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.fanfail2 is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 49, 50 and 132. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanwarning2 IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.fanwarning2 Node or Switch fan 3 environmental warning. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanwarning3 and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.fanwarning3 return status that indicates whether fan 3 is nearing an out-of-spec condition on the node or switch. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec warning condition has been raised. 0 (FALSE) = Fan 3 is operating within warning limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) and switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a fan 3 environmental warning condition for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanwarning3 unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanwarning3 is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 33, 65, 113, 115, 81, 83 and 97. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanfail3 IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.fanfail3 Node or Switch fan 3 environmental error. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanfail3 and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.fanfail3 return status that indicates whether fan 3 has reached an out-of-spec condition on the node or switch. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec error condition has been raised; node is shutdown. 0 (FALSE) = Fan 3 is operating within error limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) and switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a fan 3 environmental error condition for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanfail3 unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanfail3 is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 33, 65, 113, 115 and 97. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.fanfail3 is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 49, 50 and 132. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanwarning3 IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.fanwarning3 Node or Switch fan 4 environmental warning. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanwarning4 and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.fanwarning4 return status that indicates whether fan 4 is nearing an out-of-spec condition on the node or switch. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec warning condition has been raised. 0 (FALSE) = Fan 4 is operating within warning limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) and switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a fan 4 environmental warning condition for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanwarning4 unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanwarning4 is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 81 and 83. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanfail4 IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.fanfail4 Node or Switch fan 4 environmental error. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanfail4 and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.fanfail4 return status that indicates whether fan 4 has reached an out-of-spec condition on the node or switch. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec error condition has been raised; node is shutdown. 0 (FALSE) = Fan 4 is operating within error limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) and switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a fan 4 environmental error condition for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanfail4 unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanfail4 is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 97. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.fanfail4 is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 49, 50 and 132. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanwarning4 IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.fanwarning4 Node or Switch fan 5 environmental warning. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanwarning5 and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.fanwarning5 return status that indicates whether fan 5 is nearing an out-of-spec condition on the node or switch. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec warning condition has been raised. 0 (FALSE) = Fan 5 is operating within warning limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) and switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a fan 5 environmental warning condition for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanwarning5 unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanwarning5 is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 81 and 83. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanfail5 IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.fanfail5 Switch fan 5 environmental error. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.fanfail5 returns status that indicates whether fan 4 has reached an out-of-spec condition on switch. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec error condition has been raised; switch is shutdown. 0 (FALSE) = Fan 5 is operating within error limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a fan 5 environmental error condition for switch's, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.fanfail5 unspecified=SwitchNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanfail5 is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 49 and 50. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanwarning5 IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.fanwarning5 Switch clock multiplexor setting. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mux returns a value that indicates the clock source at the switch. This value has different semantics based on the type of switch. Refer to "Possible Values" below. Possible Values For switch supervisors with card types of 49 and 50. 3 = Clock mux to External Clock 3 (Jack 363). 2 = Clock mux to External Clock 2 (Jack 362). 1 = Clock mux to External Clock 1 (Jack 361). 0 = Clock mux to Internal Clock. For switch supervisors with a card type of 129. Indicates which of the 32 jacks is the active clock as a function of IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.chip and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.port when, and only when, IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.clockSource has a return value of 2 meaning Self-Timed Interface (STI) External. Mux value can be any of Jack 2 through Jack 34 per the following matrix. Port 0 1 2 3 | | | | Chip 0 -- 34 33 32 31 1 -- 10 9 8 7 2 -- 26 25 24 23 3 -- 18 17 16 15 4 -- 22 21 20 19 5 -- 14 13 12 11 6 -- 30 29 28 27 7 -- 6 5 4 3 Mux value can also be 0 (zero) which indicates that the active clock is Local. In this case, IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.clockSource will return a value of 0 (zero) meaning Local Internal. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.chip IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.chipClkMissing IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.port IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.portClkMissing IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.clockSource IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.osc IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.pll Node or Switch temperature environmental warning. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningTemp and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.warningTemp return status that indicates whether the temperature is nearing an out-of-spec condition on the node or switch. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec warning condition has been raised. 0 (FALSE) = Temperature is within warning limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) and switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a temperature environmental warning condition for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningTemp unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningTemp is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 81, 83, 97 and 161. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.warningTemp is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 49, 50, 129, and 132. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownTemp IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.shutdownTemp Node or Switch temperature environmental error. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownTemp and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.shutdownTemp return status that indicates whether the node has been shutdown due to a temperature out-of-spec condition on the node or switch. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec error condition has been raised; node is shutdown. 0 (FALSE) = Temperature is operating within error limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) and switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a temperature environmental error condition for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownTemp unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownTemp is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 33, 65, 113, 115, 81, 83 and 97. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.shutdownTemp is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 49, 50, 129, and 132. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningTemp IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.warningTemp Node, Switch or Node Expansion +5 Volt High environmental warning. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningP5High, IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.warningP5High, and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.warningP5High return status that indicates whether the +5 Volt line is nearing an out-of-spec condition (High). Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec warning condition has been raised. 0 (FALSE) = +5 Volt High is within warning limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum), switch number (SwitchNum), or node expansion number (NodeExpNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a +5 Volt High environmental warning condition for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningP5High unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningP5High is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 33, 65, 113, 115 and 97. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.warningP5High is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 49, 50 and 132. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.warningP5High is unique to node expansion supervisor's with card types of 145. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP5High IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.shutdownP5High IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.shutdownP5High Node, Switch or Node Expansion +5 Volt High environmental error. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP5High, IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.shutdownP5High, and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.shutdownP5High return status that indicates whether the node has been shutdown due to a +5 Volt out-of-spec condition (High). Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec error condition has been raised; node is shutdown. 0 (FALSE) = +5 Volt High is operating within error limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum), switch number (SwitchNum), or node expansion number (NodeExpNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a +5 Volt High environmental error condition for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP5High unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP5High is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 33, 65, 113, 115 and 97. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.shutdownP5High is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 49, 50 and 132. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.shutdownP5High is unique to node expansion supervisor's with card types of 145. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningP5High IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.warningP5High IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.warningP5High Node, Switch or Node Expansion +5 Volt Low environmental warning. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningP5Low, IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.warningP5Low, and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.warningP5Low return status that indicates whether the +5 Volt line is nearing an out-of-spec condition (Low). Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec warning condition has been raised. 0 (FALSE) = +5 Volt Low is within warning limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum), switch number (SwitchNum), or node expansion number (NodeExpNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a +5 Volt Low environmental warning condition for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningP5Low unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningP5Low is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 33, 65, 113, 115 and 97. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.warningP5Low is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 49, 50 and 132. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.warningP5Low is unique to node expansion supervisor's with card types of 145. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP5Low IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.shutdownP5Low IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.shutdownP5Low Node, Switch or Node Expansion +5 Volt Low environmental error. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP5Low, IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.shutdownP5Low, and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.shutdownP5Low return status that indicates whether the node has been shutdown due to a +5 Volt out-of-spec condition (Low). Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec error condition has been raised; node is shutdown. 0 (FALSE) = +5 Volt Low is operating within error limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum), switch number (SwitchNum), or node expansion number (NodeExpNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a +5 Volt Low environmental error condition for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP5Low unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP5Low is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 33, 65, 113, 115 and 97. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.shutdownP5Low is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 49, 50 and 132. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.shutdownP5Low is unique to node expansion supervisor's with card types of 145. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningP5Low IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.warningP5Low IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.warningP5Low Switch -5 Volt High environmental warning. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.warningN5High returns status that indicates whether the -5 Volt line is nearing an out-of-spec condition (High) on the switch. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec warning condition has been raised. 0 (FALSE) = -5 Volt High is within warning limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a -5 Volt High environmental warning condition for switch's, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.warningN5High unspecified=SwitchNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.warningN5High is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 49 and 50. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.shutdownN5High Switch -5 Volt High environmental error. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.shutdownN5High returns status that indicates whether the switch has been shutdown due to a -5 Volt out-of-spec condition (High) on the switch. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec error condition has been raised; switch is shutdown. 0 (FALSE) = -5 Volt High is operating within error limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a -5 Volt High environmental error condition for switch's, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.shutdownN5High unspecified=SwitchNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.shutdownN5High is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 49 and 50. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.warningN5High Switch -5 Volt Low environmental warning. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.warningN5Low return status that indicates whether the -5 Volt line is nearing an out-of-spec condition (Low) on the switch. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec warning condition has been raised. 0 (FALSE) = -5 Volt Low is within warning limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a -5 Volt Low environmental warning condition for switch's, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.warningN5Low unspecified=SwitchNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.warningN5Low is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 49 and 50. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.shutdownN5Low Switch -5 Volt Low environmental error. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.shutdownN5Low return status that indicates whether the node has been shutdown due to a -5 Volt out-of-spec condition (Low) on the switch. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec error condition has been raised; switch is shutdown. 0 (FALSE) = -5 Volt Low is operating within error limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a -5 Volt Low environmental error condition for switch's, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.shutdownN5Low unspecified=SwitchNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.shutdownN5Low is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 49 and 50. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.warningN5Low Node, Switch or Node Expansion +12 Volt High environmental warning. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningP12High, IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.warningP12High, and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.warningP12High return status that indicates whether the +12 Volt line is nearing an out-of-spec condition (High). Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec warning condition has been raised. 0 (FALSE) = +12 Volt High is within warning limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum), switch number (SwitchNum), or node expansion number (NodeExpNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a +12 Volt High environmental warning condition for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningP12High unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningP12High is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 33, 65, 113, 115, 81, 83 and 97. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.warningP12High is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 49 and 50. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.warningP12High is unique to node expansion supervisor's with card types of 145. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP12High IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.shutdownP12High IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.shutdownP12High Node, Switch or Node Expansion +12 Volt High environmental error. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP12High, IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.shutdownP12High, and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.shutdownP12High return status that indicates whether the node has been shutdown due to a +12 Volt out-of-spec condition (High). Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec error condition has been raised; node is shutdown. 0 (FALSE) = +12 Volt High is operating within error limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum), switch number (SwitchNum), or node expansion number (NodeExpNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a +12 Volt High environmental error condition for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP12High unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP12High is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 33, 65, 113, 115, 81, 83 and 97. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.shutdownP12High is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 49 and 50. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.shutdownP12High is unique to node expansion supervisor's with card types of 145. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningP12High IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.warningP12High IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.warningP12High Node, Switch or Node Expansion +12 Volt Low environmental warning. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningP12Low, IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.warningP12Low, and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.warningP12Low return status that indicates whether the +12 Volt line is nearing an out-of-spec condition (Low). Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec warning condition has been raised. 0 (FALSE) = +12 Volt Low is within warning limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum), switch number (SwitchNum), or node expansion number (NodeExpNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a +12 Volt Low environmental warning condition for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningP12Low unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningP12Low is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 33, 65, 113, 115, 81, 83 and 97. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.warningP12Low is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 49 and 50. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.warningP12Low is unique to node expansion supervisor's with card types of 145. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP12Low IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.shutdownP12Low IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.shutdownP12Low Node, Switch or Node Expansion +12 Volt Low environmental error. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP12Low, IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.shutdownP12Low, and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.shutdownP12Low return status that indicates whether the node has been shutdown due to a +12 Volt out-of-spec condition (Low). Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec error condition has been raised; node is shutdown. 0 (FALSE) = +12 Volt Low is operating within error limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum), switch number (SwitchNum), or node expansion number (NodeExpNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a +12 Volt Low environmental error condition for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP12Low unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP12Low is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 33, 65, 113, 115, 81, 83 and 97. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.shutdownP12Low is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 49 and 50. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.shutdownP12Low is unique to node expansion supervisor's with card types of 145. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningP12Low IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.warningP12Low IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.warningP12Low Node or Switch +48 Volt Low environmental error. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP48Low and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.shutdownP48Low return status that indicates whether the node has been shutdown due to a +48 Volt out-of-spec condition (Low) on the node or switch. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec error condition has been raised; node is shutdown. 0 (FALSE) = +48 Volt Low is operating within error limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) and switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a +48 Volt Low environmental error condition for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP48Low unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP48Low is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 33, 65, 113 and 115. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.shutdownP48Low is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 49 and 50. Hardware monitor daemon poll rate in seconds. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.daemonPollRate returns the rate at which the hardware monitor polls the frame supervisor for state data. Default Value 5 = Polls occur at 5 second intervals. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.daemonPollRate is reported only as a result of a query for this data since it's state doesn't change. This is a reserved message.This is a reserved message.This is a reserved message.Node fan 1 delayed environmental error. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanfail1d returns status that indicates whether the node might be shutdown due to a fan out-of-spec condition. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec error condition has been raised; node shutdown is delayed until fan error becomes critical. 0 (FALSE) = Fan 1 is operating within error limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a fan 1 environmental error condition for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanfail1d unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanfail1d is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 81 and 83. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanwarning1 IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanfail1 Node fan 2 delayed environmental error. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanfail2d returns status that indicates whether the node might be shutdown due to a fan out-of-spec condition. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec error condition has been raised; node shutdown is delayed until fan error becomes critical. 0 (FALSE) = Fan 2 is operating within error limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a fan 2 environmental error condition for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanfail2d unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanfail2d is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 81 and 83. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanwarning2 IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanfail2 This is a reserved message.Node fan 3 delayed environmental error. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanfail3d returns status that indicates whether the node might be shutdown due to a fan out-of-spec condition. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec error condition has been raised; node shutdown is delayed until fan error becomes critical. 0 (FALSE) = Fan 3 is operating within error limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a fan 3 environmental error condition for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanfail3d unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanfail3d is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 81 and 83. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanwarning3 IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanfail3 Node fan 4 delayed environmental error. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanfail4d returns status that indicates whether the node might be shutdown due to a fan out-of-spec condition. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec error condition has been raised; node shutdown is delayed until fan error becomes critical. 0 (FALSE) = Fan 4 is operating within error limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a fan 4 environmental error condition for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanfail4d unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanfail4d is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 81 and 83. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanwarning4 IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanfail4 Node fan 5 delayed environmental error. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanfail5d returns status that indicates whether the node might be shutdown due to a fan out-of-spec condition. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec error condition has been raised; node shutdown is delayed until fan error becomes critical. 0 (FALSE) = Fan 5 is operating within error limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a fan 5 environmental error condition for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanfail5d unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanfail5d is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 81 and 83. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanwarning5 IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.fanfail5 Twin-Tail Frame supervisor card Frame ID mismatch. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.controllerIDMismatch returns the status of the comparison between the contents of the frame supervisors NVRAM, and the definition of the frame number in the System Data Repository (SDR). Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = The frame ID stored in NVRAM does not match the frame ID configured in the SDR. No hardware monitor commands, except the "hmcmds setid" command, will be sent to any node/switch in this frame while this condition exists. 0 (FALSE) = NVRAM contents and the configured frame match. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a frame ID mismatch for frames, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.controllerIDMismatch unspecified=FrameNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.controllerIDMismatch is unique to frame supervisor's with card types of 20 and 22. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.controllerTail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.controllerTailActive IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.controllerTail1LED IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.controllerTail2LED Serial 1 port Data Terminal Ready (DTR) asserted. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.s1PortDTR returns status that indicates whether Data Terminal Ready (DTR) is asserted for the nodes serial 1 port. A console cannot be opened to the nodes serial 1 port unless this condition is true. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Serial 1 port DTR is asserted; console open is allowed. 0 (FALSE) = Serial 1 port DTR is not asserted. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a nodes DTR indicator is not asserted, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.s1PortDTR unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==0 rearm=X!=0 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.s1PortDTR is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 33, 65, 113, 115, 81, 83, 97, 177, 178, and 179. Node, or Node Expansion -12 Volt Low environmental warning. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningN12Low, and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.warningN12Low returns status that indicates whether the -12 Volt line is nearing an out-of-spec condition (Low). Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec warning condition has been raised. 0 (FALSE) = -12 Volt Low is within warning limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum), and node expansion number (NodeExpNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a -12 Volt Low environmental warning condition for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningN12Low unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningN12Low is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 33, 65, 113, 115 and 97. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.warningN12Low is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 145. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownN12Low IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.shutdownN12Low Node, or Node Expansion -12 Volt Low environmental error. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownN12Low, and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.shutdownN12Low returns status that indicates whether the node has been shutdown due to a -12 Volt out-of-spec condition. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec error condition has been raised; node is shutdown. 0 (FALSE) = -12 Volt Low is operating within error limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum), and node expansion number (NodeExpNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a -12 Volt Low environmental error condition for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownN12Low unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownN12Low is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 33, 65, 113, 115 and 97. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.warningN12Low is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 145. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningN12Low IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.warningN12Low Node, or Node Expansion -12 Volt High environmental warning. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningN12High, and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.warningN12High returns status that indicates whether the -12 Volt line is nearing an out-of-spec condition (High). Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec warning condition has been raised. 0 (FALSE) = -12 Volt High is within warning limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum), and node expansion number (NodeExpNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a -12 Volt High environmental warning condition for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningN12High unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningN12High is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 33, 65, 113, 115 and 97. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.warningN12High is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 145. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownN12High IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.shutdownN12High Node, or Node Expansion -12 Volt High environmental error. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownN12High, and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.shutdownN12High returns status that indicates whether the node has been shutdown due to a -12 Volt out-of-spec condition. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec error condition has been raised; node is shutdown. 0 (FALSE) = -12 Volt High is operating within error limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum), and node expansion number (NodeExpNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a -12 Volt High environmental error condition for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownN12High unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownN12High is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 33, 65, 113, 115 and 97. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.warningN12High is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 145. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningN12High IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.warningN12High Status of Twin-Tail RS/232 connection between CWS and Frame. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.controllerTailActive returns status that indicates whether the RS/232 connection between Control Workstation (CWS) and the frame is active. In an Highly-Available Control Workstation (HACWS) environment only one of the two RS/232 "tails" should be active. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = The RS/232 connection between the CWS and the frame is active; the frame supervisor accepts hardware control commands from the hardware monitor. 0 (FALSE) = The RS/232 connection is not active; hardware control commands are not accepted. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. To obtain notification that an RS/232 connection is not active for a frame, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.controllerTailActive unspecified=FrameNum expression=X==0 rearm=X!=0 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.controllerTailActive is unique to frame supervisor's with card types of 20 and 22. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.controllerTail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.controllerTail1LED IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.controllerTail2LED IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.controllerIDMismatch Twin-Tail RS/232 connection between CWS and Frame. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.controllerTail returns status that indicates which RS/232 connection is being used to connect the hardware monitor on the Control Workstation (CWS) to the frame supervisor on the frame. Possible Values 1 = The S1 RS/232 connection is being used. 2 = The S2 RS/232 connection is being used. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.controllerTail is unique to frame supervisor's with card types of 20 and 22. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.controllerTailActive IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.controllerTail1LED IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.controllerTail2LED IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.controllerIDMismatch Twin-Tail Frame's top green LED; LED 4. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.controllerTail1LED returns status that indicates whether the S1 RS/232 "tail" is active. In an Highly-Available Control Workstation (HACWS) environment only one of the two RS/232 tails should be active. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = The S1 RS/232 tail is connected; LED is lit. 0 (FALSE) = The S1 RS/232 tail is not connected; LED is not lit. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.controllerTail is unique to frame supervisor's with card types of 20 and 22. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.controllerTail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.controllerTailActive IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.controllerTail2LED IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.controllerIDMismatch Twin-Tail Frame's 2nd from top green LED; LED 3. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.controllerTail2LED returns status that indicates whether the S2 RS/232 "tail" is active. In an Highly-Available Control Workstation (HACWS) environment only one of the two RS/232 tails should be active. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = The S2 RS/232 tail is connected; LED is lit. 0 (FALSE) = The S2 RS/232 tail is not connected; LED is not lit. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.controllerTail is unique to frame supervisor's with card types of 20 and 22. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.controllerTail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.controllerTailActive IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.controllerTail1LED IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.controllerIDMismatch Node +5 Volt memory Low environmental warning. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningP5mLow returns status that indicates whether the +5 Volt memory line is nearing an out-of-spec condition (Low) on the node. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec warning condition has been raised. 0 (FALSE) = +5 Volt memory Low is within warning limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a +5 Volt memory Low environmental warning condition for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningP5mLow unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningP5mLow is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 81 and 83. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP5mLow Node +5 Volt memory Low environmental error. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP5mLow returns status that indicates whether the node has been shutdown due to a +5 Volt memory out-of-spec condition (Low) on the node. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec error condition has been raised; node is shutdown. 0 (FALSE) = +5 Volt memory Low is operating within error limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a +5 Volt memory Low environmental error condition for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP5mLow unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP5mLow is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 81 and 83. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningP5mLow Node +5 Volt memory High environmental warning. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningP5mHigh returns status that indicates whether the +5 Volt memory line is nearing an out-of-spec condition (High) on the node. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec warning condition has been raised. 0 (FALSE) = +5 Volt memory High is within warning limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a +5 Volt memory High environmental warning condition for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningP5mHigh unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningP5mHigh is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 81 and 83. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP5mHigh Node +5 Volt memory High environmental error. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP5mHigh returns status that indicates whether the node has been shutdown due to a +5 Volt memory out-of-spec condition (High) on the node. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec error condition has been raised; node is shutdown. 0 (FALSE) = +5 Volt memory High is operating within error limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a +5 Volt memory High environmental error condition for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP5mHigh unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP5mHigh is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 81 and 83. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningP5mHigh Node +5 Volt I/O Low environmental warning. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningP5iLow returns status that indicates whether the +5 Volt I/O line is nearing an out-of-spec condition (Low) on the node. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec warning condition has been raised. 0 (FALSE) = +5 Volt I/O Low is within warning limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a +5 Volt I/O Low environmental warning condition for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningP5iLow unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningP5iLow is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 81 and 83. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP5iLow Node +5 Volt I/O Low environmental error. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP5iLow returns status that indicates whether the node has been shutdown due to a +5 Volt I/O out-of-spec condition (Low) on the node. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec error condition has been raised; node is shutdown. 0 (FALSE) = +5 Volt I/O Low is operating within error limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a +5 Volt I/O Low environmental error condition for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP5iLow unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP5iLow is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 81 and 83. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningP5iLow Node +5 Volt I/O High environmental warning. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningP5iHigh returns status that indicates whether the +5 Volt I/O line is nearing an out-of-spec condition (High) on the node. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec warning condition has been raised. 0 (FALSE) = +5 Volt I/O High is within warning limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a +5 Volt I/O High environmental warning condition for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningP5iHigh unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningP5iHigh is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 81 and 83. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP5iHigh Node +5 Volt I/O High environmental error. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP5iHigh returns status that indicates whether the node has been shutdown due to a +5 Volt I/O out-of-spec condition (High) on the node. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec error condition has been raised; node is shutdown. 0 (FALSE) = +5 Volt I/O High is operating within error limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a +5 Volt I/O High environmental error condition for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP5iHigh unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP5iHigh is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 81 and 83. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningP5iHigh Frame, Node, or Switch +48 Volts out-of-range. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.voltP48Range, IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.voltP48Range, and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.voltP48Range return status that indicates when the +48 Volt input is out-of-range for a frame, node or switch. The value of IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.voltP48, IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.voltP48 or IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.voltP48 is compared to the lower and upper boundary range values set in /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds. Status is returned any time this "voltP48" value crosses a lower or upper boundary for the specified hardware. This facilitates a mechanism for software threshold checking in conjunction with the self-checking done internally by the hardware. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = +48 Volts is out of the range established by software range checking. 0 (FALSE) = +48 Volts is within software range checking boundaries. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum), node number (NodeNum), or switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a node's +48 Volt lower or upper software boundary has been crossed, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.voltP48Range unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.voltP48Range is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 33, 65, 113 and 115. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.voltP48Range is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 49 and 50. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.voltP48 IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.voltP48 IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.voltP48 Related Files: /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds Frame, Node, or Switch temperature out-of-range. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.tempRange, IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.tempRange, and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.tempRange return status that indicates when the temperature is out-of-range for a frame, node or switch. The value of IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.temp, IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.temp or IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.temp is compared to the lower and upper boundary range values set in /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds. Status is returned any time this "temp" value crosses a lower or upper boundary for the specified hardware. This facilitates a mechanism for software threshold checking in conjunction with the self-checking done internally by the hardware. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Temperature is out of the range established by software range checking. 0 (FALSE) = Temperature is within software range checking boundaries. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum), node number (NodeNum), or switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a node's temperature lower or upper software boundary has been crossed, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.tempRange unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.temp IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.temp IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.temp Related Files: /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds Frame DC power module "A" output out-of-range. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.amp_ARange returns status that indicates when the DC power module "A" output is out-of-range for a frame. The value of IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.amp_A is compared to the lower and upper boundary range values set in /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds. Status is returned any time this "amp_A" value crosses a lower or upper boundary for the specified hardware. This facilitates a mechanism for software threshold checking in conjunction with the self-checking done internally by the hardware. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = DC power module "A" output is out of the range established by software range checking. 0 (FALSE) = DC power module "A" output is within software range checking boundaries. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a frame's DC power module "A" output lower or upper software boundary has been crossed, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.amp_ARange unspecified=FrameNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.amp_ARange is unique to frame supervisor's with card types of 18 and 22. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.amp_A Related Files: /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds Frame DC power module "B" output out-of-range. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.amp_BRange returns status that indicates when the DC power module "B" output is out-of-range for a frame. The value of IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.amp_B is compared to the lower and upper boundary range values set in /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds. Status is returned any time this "amp_B" value crosses a lower or upper boundary for the specified hardware. This facilitates a mechanism for software threshold checking in conjunction with the self-checking done internally by the hardware. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = DC power module "B" output is out of the range established by software range checking. 0 (FALSE) = DC power module "B" output is within software range checking boundaries. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a frame's DC power module "B" output lower or upper software boundary has been crossed, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.amp_BRange unspecified=FrameNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.amp_BRange is unique to frame supervisor's with card types of 18 and 22. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.amp_B Related Files: /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds Node +4 Volt Low environmental warning. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningP4Low returns status that indicates whether the +4 Volt line is nearing an out-of-spec condition (Low) on the node. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec warning condition has been raised. 0 (FALSE) = +4 Volt Low is within warning limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a +4 Volt Low environmental warning condition for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningP4Low unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningP4Low is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 81 and 83. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP4Low Node +4 Volt Low environmental error. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP4Low returns status that indicates whether the node has been shutdown due to a +4 Volt out-of-spec condition (Low) on the node. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec error condition has been raised; node is shutdown. 0 (FALSE) = +4 Volt Low is operating within error limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a +4 Volt Low environmental error condition for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP4Low unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP4Low is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 81 and 83. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningP4Low Node +4 Volt High environmental warning. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningP4High returns status that indicates whether the +4 Volt line is nearing an out-of-spec condition (High) on the node. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec warning condition has been raised. 0 (FALSE) = +4 Volt High is within warning limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a +4 Volt High environmental warning condition for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningP4High unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningP4High is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 81 and 83. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP4High Node +4 Volt High environmental error. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP4High returns status that indicates whether the node has been shutdown due to a +4 Volt out-of-spec condition (High) on the node. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec error condition has been raised; node is shutdown. 0 (FALSE) = +4 Volt High is operating within error limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a +4 Volt High environmental error condition for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP4High unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP4High is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 81 and 83. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningP4High Frame DC power module "C" output out-of-range. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.amp_CRange returns status that indicates when the DC power module "C" output is out-of-range for a frame. The value of IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.amp_C is compared to the lower and upper boundary range values set in /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds. Status is returned any time this "amp_C" value crosses a lower or upper boundary for the specified hardware. This facilitates a mechanism for software threshold checking in conjunction with the self-checking done internally by the hardware. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = DC power module "C" output is out of the range established by software range checking. 0 (FALSE) = DC power module "C" output is within software range checking boundaries. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a frame's DC power module "C" output lower or upper software boundary has been crossed, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.amp_CRange unspecified=FrameNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.amp_CRange is unique to frame supervisor's with card types of 18 and 22. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.amp_C Related Files: /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds Frame DC power module "D" output out-of-range. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.amp_DRange returns status that indicates when the DC power module "D" output is out-of-range for a frame. The value of IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.amp_D is compared to the lower and upper boundary range values set in /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds. Status is returned any time this "amp_D" value crosses a lower or upper boundary for the specified hardware. This facilitates a mechanism for software threshold checking in conjunction with the self-checking done internally by the hardware. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = DC power module "D" output is out of the range established by software range checking. 0 (FALSE) = DC power module "D" output is within software range checking boundaries. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a frame's DC power module "D" output lower or upper software boundary has been crossed, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.amp_DRange unspecified=FrameNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.amp_DRange is unique to frame supervisor's with card types of 18 and 22. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.amp_D Related Files: /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds Node, or Switch +5 Volts out-of-range. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.voltP5Range and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.voltP5Range return status that indicates when the +5 Volts is out-of-range for a node or switch. The value of IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.voltP5 and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.voltP5 is compared to the lower and upper boundary range values set in /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds. Status is returned any time this "voltP5" value crosses a lower or upper boundary for the specified hardware. This facilitates a mechanism for software threshold checking in conjunction with the self-checking done internally by the hardware. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = +5 Volts is out of the range established by software range checking. 0 (FALSE) = +5 Volts is within software range checking boundaries. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum), or switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a node's +5 Volts lower or upper software boundary has been crossed, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.voltP5Range unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.voltP5Range is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 33, 65, 113, 115 and 97. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.voltP5Range is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 49 and 50. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.voltP5 IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.voltP5 Related Files: /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds Node, or Switch +12 Volts out-of-range. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.voltP12Range and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.voltP12Range return status that indicates when the +12 Volts is out-of-range for a node or switch. The value of IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.voltP12 and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.voltP12 is compared to the lower and upper boundary range values set in /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds. Status is returned any time this "voltP12" value crosses a lower or upper boundary for the specified hardware. This facilitates a mechanism for software threshold checking in conjunction with the self-checking done internally by the hardware. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = +12 Volts is out of the range established by software range checking. 0 (FALSE) = +12 Volts is within software range checking boundaries. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum), or switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a node's +12 Volts lower or upper software boundary has been crossed, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.voltP12Range unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.voltP12Range is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 33, 65, 113, 115, 81, 83 and 97. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.voltP12Range is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 49 and 50. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.voltP12 IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.voltP12 Related Files: /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds Switch -5 Volts out-of-range. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.voltN5Range returns status that indicates when the -5 Volts is out-of-range for a switch. The value of IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.voltN5 is compared to the lower and upper boundary range values set in /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds. Status is returned any time this "voltN5" value crosses a lower or upper boundary for the specified hardware. This facilitates a mechanism for software threshold checking in conjunction with the self-checking done internally by the hardware. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = -5 Volts is out of the range established by software range checking. 0 (FALSE) = -5 Volts is within software range checking boundaries. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a switch's -5 Volts lower or upper software boundary has been crossed, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.voltN5Range unspecified=SwitchNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.voltN5Range is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 49 and 50. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.voltN5 Related Files: /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds Node +5 Volts I/O out-of-range. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.voltP5iRange returns status that indicates when the +5 Volts I/O is out-of-range for a node. The value of IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.voltP5i is compared to the lower and upper boundary range values set in /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds. Status is returned any time this "voltP5i" value crosses a lower or upper boundary for the specified hardware. This facilitates a mechanism for software threshold checking in conjunction with the self-checking done internally by the hardware. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = +5 Volts I/O is out of the range established by software range checking. 0 (FALSE) = +5 Volts I/O is within software range checking boundaries. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a node's +5 Volts I/O lower or upper software boundary has been crossed, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.voltP5iRange unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.voltP5iRange is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 81 and 83. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.voltP5i Related Files: /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds Node -12 Volts out-of-range. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.voltN12Range returns status that indicates when the -12 Volts is out-of-range for a node. The value of IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.voltN12 is compared to the lower and upper boundary range values set in /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds. Status is returned any time this "voltN12" value crosses a lower or upper boundary for the specified hardware. This facilitates a mechanism for software threshold checking in conjunction with the self-checking done internally by the hardware. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = -12 Volts is out of the range established by software range checking. 0 (FALSE) = -12 Volts is within software range checking boundaries. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a node's -12 Volts lower or upper software boundary has been crossed, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.voltN12Range unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.voltN12Range is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 33, 65, 113, 115, 81, 83 and 97. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.voltN12 Related Files: /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds Node +5 Volts memory out-of-range. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.voltP5mRange returns status that indicates when the +5 Volts memory is out-of-range for a node. The value of IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.voltP5m is compared to the lower and upper boundary range values set in /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds. Status is returned any time this "voltP5m" value crosses a lower or upper boundary for the specified hardware. This facilitates a mechanism for software threshold checking in conjunction with the self-checking done internally by the hardware. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = +5 Volts memory is out of the range established by software range checking. 0 (FALSE) = +5 Volts memory is within software range checking boundaries. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a node's +5 Volts memory lower or upper software boundary has been crossed, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.voltP5mRange unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.voltP5mRange is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 81 and 83. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.voltP5m Related Files: /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds Node +4 Volts out-of-range. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.voltP4Range returns status that indicates when the +4 Volts is out-of-range for a node. The value of IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.voltP4 is compared to the lower and upper boundary range values set in /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds. Status is returned any time this "voltP4" value crosses a lower or upper boundary for the specified hardware. This facilitates a mechanism for software threshold checking in conjunction with the self-checking done internally by the hardware. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = +4 Volts is out of the range established by software range checking. 0 (FALSE) = +4 Volts is within software range checking boundaries. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a node's +4 Volts lower or upper software boundary has been crossed, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.voltP4Range unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.voltP4Range is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 81 and 83. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.voltP4 Related Files: /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds Node +4 Volts daughter out-of-range. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.voltP4dRange returns status that indicates when the +4 Volts daughter is out-of-range for a node. The value of IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.voltP4d is compared to the lower and upper boundary range values set in /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds. Status is returned any time this "voltP4d" value crosses a lower or upper boundary for the specified hardware. This facilitates a mechanism for software threshold checking in conjunction with the self-checking done internally by the hardware. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = +4 Volts daughter is out of the range established by software range checking. 0 (FALSE) = +4 Volts daughter is within software range checking boundaries. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a node's +4 Volts daughter lower or upper software boundary has been crossed, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.voltP4dRange unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.voltP4dRange is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 97. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.voltP4d Related Files: /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds This is a reserved message.Twin-Tail Frame's top yellow LED; LED 8. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frRS232Active1 returns status that shows the current communication status on the S1 RS/232 connection and the Control Workstation (CWS). An active state means that data is currently being transmitted across the connection. Possible Values 2 = S1 RS/232 error; LED is blinking. 1 = The S1 RS/232 tail is currently active; LED is lit. 0 = The S1 RS/232 tail is currently inactive; LED is not lit. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a frames S1 RS/232 communication is in an error (or unable to communicate) state, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frRS232Active1 unspecified=FrameNum expression=X==2 rearm=X!=2 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frRS232Active2 is unique to frame supervisor's with card types of 20 and 22. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frRS232Active Node +5 Volt DC-DC output okay. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.P5DCok returns status that indicates whether the node's +5 Volt DC-DC output is good. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = +5 Volt DC-DC output is good. 0 (FALSE) = +5 Volt DC-DC output is not on. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a node's +5 Volt DC-DC output is not on, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.P5DCok unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==0 rearm=X!=0 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.P5DCok is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 81, 83, 97 and 161 Node's LED value has changed. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.7segChanged returns status that indicates whether the node's LED values are changing faster than once per second. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = LED is changing faster than once per second. 0 (FALSE) = LED is changing less than once per second. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a node's LED is changing faster tnan once per second, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.7segChanged unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.7segChanged is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 33, 65, 113, 115, 81, 83 and 97. Twin-Tail Frame's 2nd from top yellow LED; LED 7. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frRS232Active2 returns status that shows the current communication status on the S2 RS/232 connection and the Control Workstation (CWS). An active state means that data is currently being transmitted across the connection. Possible Values 2 = S2 RS/232 error; LED is blinking. 1 = The S2 RS/232 tail is currently active; LED is lit. 0 = The S2 RS/232 tail is currently inactive; LED is not lit. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a frames S2 RS/232 communication is in an error (or unable to communicate) state, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frRS232Active2 unspecified=FrameNum expression=X==2 rearm=X!=2 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frRS232Active2 is unique to frame supervisor's with card types of 20 and 22. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frRS232Active Twin-Tail Frame's 2nd from bottom yellow LED; LED 6. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frTTNodeComm returns status that indicates the current communication status with the nodes over the frame supervisor's I2C (I Squared C) bus. Possible Values 2 = The I2C bus is dead; no nodes responding; LED is blinking. 1 = One or mode nodes are not responding; LED is lit. 0 = All nodes are responding; LED is not lit. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a frame is not receiving data from any node on the I2C communication bus, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frTTNodeComm unspecified=FrameNum expression=X==2 rearm=X!=2 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frTTNodeComm is unique to frame supervisor's with card types of 20 and 22. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frNodeComm Position of the Node's key switch. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.keyModeSwitch returns status that indicates the current position of the nodes key switch. Possible Values 2 = Key switch is in the Service position. 1 = Key switch is in the Secure position. 0 = Key switch is in the Normal position. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.keyModeSwitch is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 33, 65, 113, 115, 81, 83, 97 and 161. Node reset button status. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.resetActive returns status that indicates the node is currently resetting due to the node's reset button being pressed. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = The node is resetting. 0 (FALSE) = The node is not resetting. Note: Although it's legitimate to register for an event that captures node reset occurrances, it is highly unlikely that the event will ever be reported since the duration of the node reset is much less than the hardware monitors poll cycle. Said another way, the reset state will toggle from TRUE to FALSE much faster than the hardware monitor can obtain it. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.resetActive is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 33, 65, 113, 115, 81, 83 and 97. Node, Node Expansion, or Switch serial port open. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.serialLinkOpen, IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.serialLinkOpen, and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.serialLinkOpen returns status that indicates whether the supervisor has opened the serial port. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Supervisor reports its serial port is open. 0 (FALSE) = Supervisor reports its serial port is not open. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum), and node expansion number (NodeExpNum), or switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.nodeLinkOpen[1-16] This is a reserved message.This is a reserved message.This is a reserved message.This is a reserved message.This is a reserved message.This is a reserved message.This is a reserved message.This is a reserved message.This is a reserved message.This is a reserved message.The Frame is responding to the Hardware Monitor. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.controllerResponds returns status that indicates whether the frame supervisor is responding to commands from the hardware monitor. Of key importance is the command that signals the the frame supervisor to respond with state data for itself and the nodes. This command is sent to the frame once every poll cycle. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = The frame supervisor is responding. 0 (FALSE) = Not responding. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a frame is not responding to hardware monitor commands, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.controllerResponds unspecified=FrameNum expression=X==0 rearm=X!=0 Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.daemonPollRate The Carrier Detect signal has been asserted on the RS232 link. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.rs232DCD returns status that indicates whether the hardware monitor has received the Carrier Detect (DCD) signal over the RS232 link. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = The hardware monitor has received DCD. 0 (FALSE) = DCD not received. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. To obtain notification when the RS232 link does not assert the DCD signal, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.rs232DCD unspecified=FrameNum expression=X==0 rearm=X!=0 The Clear To Send signal has been asserted on the RS232 link. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.rs232CTS returns status that indicates whether the hardware monitor has received the Clear To Send (CTS) signal over the RS232 link. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = The hardware monitor has received CTS. 0 (FALSE) = CTS not received. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. To obtain notification when the RS232 link does not assert the CTS signal, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.rs232CTS unspecified=FrameNum expression=X==0 rearm=X!=0 This is a reserved message.This is a reserved message.Check Node's memory cards for correct type. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.memoryProtect returns status that indicates whether the memory cards in the processor are the correct type. This status is obtained, by the node supervisor, from the MemoryProtect signal from the I/O planer of the processor node. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Memory cards are an incorrect voltage. 0 (FALSE) = Memory cards are okay for this node type. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. To obtain notification when an incorrect memory card is detected in a node, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.memoryProtect unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.memoryProtect is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 33, 65, 113, 115 and 97. Node over-current environmental error. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.currentShutdown returns status that indicates whether the node has been shutdown due to an over-current condition. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec error condition has been raised; node is shutdown. 0 (FALSE) = Current is operating within error limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. To obtain notification of an over-current Low environmental error condition for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.currentShutdown unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.currentShutdown is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 33, 65, 113 and 115. This is a reserved message.Node +4 Volt daughter Low environmental warning. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningP4dLow returns status that indicates whether the +4 Volt daughter line is nearing an out-of-spec condition (Low) on the node. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec warning condition has been raised. 0 (FALSE) = +4 Volt daughter Low is within warning limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a +4 Volt daughter Low environmental warning condition for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningP4dLow unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningP4dLow is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 97. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP4dLow Node +4 Volt daughter Low environmental error. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP4dLow returns status that indicates whether the node has been shutdown due to a +4 Volt daughter out-of-spec condition (Low) on the node. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec error condition has been raised; node is shutdown. 0 (FALSE) = +4 Volt daughter Low is operating within error limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a +4 Volt daughter Low environmental error condition for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP4dLow unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP4dLow is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 97. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningP4dLow Node +4 Volt daughter High environmental warning. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningP4dHigh returns status that indicates whether the +4 Volt daughter line is nearing an out-of-spec condition (High) on the node. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec warning condition has been raised. 0 (FALSE) = +4 Volt daughter High is within warning limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a +4 Volt daughter High environmental warning condition for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningP4dHigh unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningP4dHigh is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 97. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP4dHigh Node +4 Volt daughter High environmental error. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP4dHigh returns status that indicates whether the node has been shutdown due to a +4 Volt daughter out-of-spec condition (High) on the node. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec error condition has been raised; node is shutdown. 0 (FALSE) = +4 Volt daughter High is operating within error limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a +4 Volt daughter High environmental error condition for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP4dHigh unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP4dHigh is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 97. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningP4dHigh This is a reserved message.This is a reserved message.This is a reserved message.This is a reserved message.This is a reserved message.Node +4 Volt daughter card present. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.P4dPresent returns status that indicates whether a +4 Volt daughter card is installed in the node. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = +4 Volt daughter card is installed. 0 (FALSE) = Not installed. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.P4dPresent is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 97. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.volt4d IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.volt4dRange IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningP4dLow IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP4dLow IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningP4dHigh IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP4dHigh This is a reserved message.This is a reserved message.Frame card or Switch card FEEPROM has been erased. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.feepromEmpty and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.feepromEmpty return status that indicates whether a supervisor cards programmable FEEPROM has been erased for a frame or switch. This typically only occurs in preparation for a supervisor microcode download. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = FEEPROM has been cleared. 0 (FALSE) = FEEPROM is programmed and contains frame, node, or switch microcode. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) or switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.feepromEmpty is unique to frame and node supervisor's with card types of 16. A card type of 16 is a Twin-Tail card that is in "basecode" mode. A Twin-Tail card in basecode mode has the ability to become, via download, frame and node supervisor's with card types of 20, 22, 161, 177, 178, and 179. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.feepromEmpty is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 128. A card type of 128 is an SP-Switch card that is in "basecode" mode. An SP-Switch card in basecode mode has the ability to become, via download, switch supervisor's with card types of 129. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.feepromEraseCount IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.feepromEraseCount Frame, Node or Switch checksum error during microcode download. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.checksumError and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.checksumError return status that indicates whether the microcode download process detected a data transmission checksum error. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = A checksum error was detected. 0 (FALSE) = A checksum error was not detected. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) or switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.checksumError is unique to frame and node supervisor's with card types of 16. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.checksumError is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 128. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.feepromEmpty IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.feepromEmpty IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.supDataChecksum IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.supDataChecksum IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.supRomChecksum IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.supRomChecksum Frame, Node or Switch key mismatch during microcode download. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.keyidMismatch and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.keyidMismatch return status that indicates whether a compatible supervisor is being download to the target supervisor card. The "keys" that are compared is a software key that is internal to the microcode file, and a hardware key that is burnt into the supervisor card. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = The target hardware is not compatible with the supervisor that is being download to it. 0 (FALSE) = The hardware is compatible with the supervisor. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) or switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.keyidMismatch is unique to frame and node supervisor's with card types of 16. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.keyidMismatch is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 128. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.feepromEmpty IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.feepromEmpty IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.hardwareKeyID IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.hardwareKeyID IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.softwareKeyID IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.softwareKeyID Frame, Node or Switch supervisor's executable status. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.supFailure and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.supFailure return status that indicates whether a supervisor is executable for a frame, node, or switch. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Indicates that the supervisor loaded into FEEPROM cannot be executed due to en error generated during the download, or that the FEEPROM is empty. 0 (FALSE) = The loaded supervisor is executable. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) or switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.supFailure is unique to frame and node supervisor's with card types of 16. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.supFailure is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 128. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.feepromEmpty IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.feepromEmpty IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.keyIDMismatch IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.keyIDMismatch IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.checksumError IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.checksumError IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.supDataChecksum IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.supDataChecksum IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.supRomChecksum IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.supRomChecksum SP-Switch self-test status. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.chipSelftest returns status that indicates whether the switch's active chip is currently in self-test mode as a result of a power-on reset. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = The active chip is in self-test mode. 0 (FALSE) = Not in self-test mode. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.chipSelftest is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 129. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.chip IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.powerOnReset SP-Switch primary service node initialization status. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.chipReceivedInit returns status that indicates whether the switch's active chip has received its initialization packet from the primary service node. The Estart command sets and distributes initialization data to chips. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = The active chip received initialization data. 0 (FALSE) = Did not received initialization data. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification that a switch did not receive initialization data, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.chipClkMissing unspecified=SwitchNum expression=X==0 rearm=X!=0 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.chipReceivedInit is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 129. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.chip SP-Switch chip has received system clock status. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.chipClkMissing returns status that indicates whether the switch's active chip has received its system clock from the current master clock source. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = The active chip has not received its system clock. 0 (FALSE) = Has received its system clock. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a system clock missing condition for switch's, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.chipClkMissing unspecified=SwitchNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.chipClkMissing is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 129. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.chip IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.clockSource SP-Switch port has received system clock status. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.portClkMissing returns status that indicates whether the switch's active port has received its system clock from the current master clock source. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = The active port has not received its system clock. 0 (FALSE) = Has received its system clock. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a system clock missing condition for switch's, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.portClkMissing unspecified=SwitchNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.portClkMissing is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 129. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.port IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.clockSource SP-Switch send/receive port communication status. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.sendPortNotTuned returns status that indicates whether the switch's active send port is communicating with its corresponding receive port. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = The active send port is not communicating with its corresponding receive port. 0 (FALSE) = The active send port is communicating. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a send/receive port communication error for switch's, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.sendPortNotTuned unspecified=SwitchNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.sendPortNotTuned is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 129. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.port SP-Switch send/receive port communication status. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.recPortNotTuned returns status that indicates whether the switch's active receive port is communicating with its corresponding send port. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = The active receive port is not communicating with its corresponding send port. 0 (FALSE) = The active receive port is communicating. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a send/receive port communication error for switch's, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.recPortNotTuned unspecified=SwitchNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.recPortNotTuned is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 129. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.port SP-Switch board synchronous reset status. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.synchReset returns status that indicates whether the switch is in a synchronous reset state. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = The switch is in a synchronous reset state. 0 (FALSE) = Is not in reset state. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a switch is in synchronous reset state, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.synchReset unspecified=SwitchNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.synchReset is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 129. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.powerOnReset SP-Switch board power-on reset status. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.powerOnReset returns status that indicates whether the switch is in a power-on reset state. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = The switch is in a power-on reset state. 0 (FALSE) = Is not in reset state. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a switch is in a power-on reset state, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.powerOnReset unspecified=SwitchNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.powerOnReset is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 129. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.synchReset SP-Switch, or Node Expansion power supply 1 problem. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ps1Fail, and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ps1Fail returns status that indicates whether power supply 1 has a problem and should be replaced. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Power suppply 1 has a problem; replace. 0 (FALSE) = Power supply is good. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the switch number (SwitchNum), and node expansion number (NodeExpNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a switch's power supply 1 problem, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ps1Fail unspecified=SwitchNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ps1Fail is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 129. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ps1Fail is unique to node expansion supervisor's with card types of 145. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ps1PowerGood IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ps1PowerGoodRange IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ps2Fail SP-Switch, or Node Expansion power supply 2 problem. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ps2Fail, and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ps2Fail returns status that indicates whether power supply 2 has a problem and should be replaced. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Power suppply 2 has a problem; replace. 0 (FALSE) = Power supply is good. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the switch number (SwitchNum), and node expansion number (NodeExpNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a switch's power supply 2 problem, one, could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ps2Fail unspecified=SwitchNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ps2Fail is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 129. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ps2Fail is unique to node expansion supervisor's with card types of 145. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ps2PowerGood IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ps2PowerGoodRange IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ps1Fail SP-Switch over current environmental warning. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.warningOC returns status that indicates whether power suppy 1 or power supply 2 is approaching an over current out-of-spec condition. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec warning condition has been raised. 0 (FALSE) = Switch power supplies are operating within warning limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a power supply environmental warning condition, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.warningOC unspecified=SwitchNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.warningOC is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 129. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.shutdownOC SP-Switch over current environmental error. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.shutdownOC returns status that indicates whether power suppy 1 or power supply 2 is approaching an over current out-of-spec condition. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec error condition has been raised. 0 (FALSE) = Switch power supplies are operating within error limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a power supply environmental error condition, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.shutdownOC unspecified=SwitchNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.shutdownOC is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 129. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.warningOC SP-Switch power detection error. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.psParallelFail returns status that indicates whether the ability to detect power supply errors is operational. If the ability is not operational and if either of the power supplies has a error (supply 1 or 2), then either one or both of IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ps1Fail and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ps2Fail will not be able to be set to indicate the error. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = The ability to detect power supply errors is not operational. 0 (FALSE) = Power supply error detection is operational. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification of the inability to detect power supply errors, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.psParallelFail unspecified=SwitchNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.psParallelFail is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 129. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ps1Fail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ps2Fail SP-Switch FEEPROM has been programmed. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.epromProgram returns status that indicates whether the switch supervisor cards programmable FEEPROM has ever been programmed. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = FEEPROM has been prgrammed. 0 (FALSE) = FEEPROM has not been programmed. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.epromProgram is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 129. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.epromErase SP-Switch FEEPROM has been erased. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.epromErase returns status that indicates whether the switch supervisor cards programmable FEEPROM has been erased. This typically only occurs in preparation for a supervisor microcode download. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = FEEPROM has been cleared. 0 (FALSE) = FEEPROM is programmed and contains switch microcode. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.epromErase is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 129. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.epromProgram SP-Switch, or Node Expansion +3.3 Volt High environmental warning. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.warningP3_3High, and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.warningP3_3High returns status that indicates whether the +3.3 Volt line is nearing an out-of-spec condition (High). Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec warning condition has been raised. 0 (FALSE) = +3.3 Volt High is within warning limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the switch number (SwitchNum), and node expansion number (NodeExpNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a +3.3 Volt High environmental warning condition for switch's, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.warningP3_3High unspecified=SwitchNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.warningP3_3High is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 129 and 132. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.warningP3_3High is unique to node expansion supervisor's with card types of 145. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.shutdownP3_3High IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.shutdownP3_3High SP-Switch, or Node Expansion +3.3 Volt High environmental error. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.shutdownP3_3High, and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.shutdownP3_3High returns status that indicates whether the switch has been shutdown due to a +3.3 Volt out-of-spec condition (High). Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec error condition has been raised; switch is shutdown. 0 (FALSE) = +3.3 Volt High is operating within error limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the switch number (SwitchNum), and node expansion number (NodeExpNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a +3.3 Volt High environmental error condition for switch's, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.shutdownP3_3High unspecified=SwitchNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.shutdownP3_3High is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 129 and 132. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.shutdownP3_3High is unique to node expansion supervisor's with card types of 145. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.warningP3_3High IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.warningP3_3High SP-Switch, or Node Expansion +3.3 Volt Low environmental warning. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.warningP3_3Low, and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.warningP3_3Low returns status that indicates whether the +3.3 Volt line is nearing an out-of-spec condition (Low). Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec warning condition has been raised. 0 (FALSE) = +3.3 Volt Low is within warning limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the switch number (SwitchNum), and node expansion number (NodeExpNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a +3.3 Volt Low environmental warning condition for switch's, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.warningP3_3Low unspecified=SwitchNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.warningP3_3Low is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 129 and 132. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.warningP3_3Low is unique to node expansion supervisor's with card types of 145. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.shutdownP3_3Low IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.shutdownP3_3Low SP-Switch, or Node Expansion +3.3 Volt Low environmental error. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.shutdownP3_3Low, and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.shutdownP3_3Low returns status that indicates whether the switch has been shutdown due to a +3.3 Volt out-of-spec condition (Low). Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec error condition has been raised; switch is shutdown. 0 (FALSE) = +3.3 Volt Low is operating within error limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the switch number (SwitchNum), and node expansion number (NodeExpNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a +3.3 Volt Low environmental error condition for switch's, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.shutdownP3_3Low unspecified=SwitchNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.shutdownP3_3Low is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 129 and 132. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.shutdownP3_3Low is unique to node expansion supervisor's with card types of 145. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.warningP3_3Low IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.warningP3_3Low SP-Switch hardware type. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.subType returns a value that indicates the type of SP-Switch hardware. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Switch supports 16 ports; it is an SP-Switch. 0 (FALSE) = Switch supports 8 ports; it is an SP-Switch-8. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.subType is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 129. SP-Switch parallel power voltage output out-of-range. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.psParallelRange returns status that indicates when the switch's parallel power voltage output is out-of-range. The value of IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.psParallel is compared to the lower and upper boundary range values set in /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds. Status is returned any time this "psParallel" value crosses a lower or upper boundary for the specified hardware. This facilitates a mechanism for software threshold checking in conjunction with the self-checking done internally by the hardware. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Parallel power output is out of the range established by software range checking. 0 (FALSE) = Parallel power output is within software range checking boundaries. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a switch's parallel power voltage output lower or upper software boundary has been crossed, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.psParallelRange unspecified=SwitchNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.psParallelRange is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 129. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.psParallel Related Files: /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds SP-Switch power supply 1 voltage output out-of-range. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ps1PowerGoodRange returns status that indicates when the switch's power supply 1 voltage output is out-of-range. The value of IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ps1PowerGood is compared to the lower and upper boundary range values set in /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds. Status is returned any time this "ps1PowerGood" value crosses a lower or upper boundary for the specified hardware. This facilitates a mechanism for software threshold checking in conjunction with the self-checking done internally by the hardware. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Power supply 1 output is out of the range established by software range checking. 0 (FALSE) = Power supply 1 output is within software range checking boundaries. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a switch's power supply 1 voltage output lower or upper software boundary has been crossed, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ps1PowerGoodRange unspecified=SwitchNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ps1PowerGoodRange is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 129. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ps1PowerGood Related Files: /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds SP-Switch power supply 2 voltage output out-of-range. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ps2PowerGoodRange returns status that indicates when the switch's power supply 2 voltage output is out-of-range. The value of IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ps2PowerGood is compared to the lower and upper boundary range values set in /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds. Status is returned any time this "ps2PowerGood" value crosses a lower or upper boundary for the specified hardware. This facilitates a mechanism for software threshold checking in conjunction with the self-checking done internally by the hardware. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Power supply 2 output is out of the range established by software range checking. 0 (FALSE) = Power supply 2 output is within software range checking boundaries. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a switch's power supply 2 voltage output lower or upper software boundary has been crossed, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ps2PowerGoodRange unspecified=SwitchNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ps2PowerGoodRange is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 129. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ps2PowerGood Related Files: /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds SP-Switch fuse supply 1 voltage output out-of-range. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ps1FuseGoodRange returns status that indicates when the switch's fuse supply 1 voltage output is out-of-range. The value of IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ps1FuseGood is compared to the lower and upper boundary range values set in /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds. Status is returned any time this "ps1FuseGood" value crosses a lower or upper boundary for the specified hardware. This facilitates a mechanism for software threshold checking in conjunction with the self-checking done internally by the hardware. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Fuse supply 1 output is out of the range established by software range checking. 0 (FALSE) = Fuse supply 1 output is within software range checking boundaries. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a switch's fuse supply 1 voltage output lower or upper software boundary has been crossed, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ps1FuseGoodRange unspecified=SwitchNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ps1FuseGoodRange is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 129. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ps1FuseGood Related Files: /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds SP-Switch fuse supply 2 voltage output out-of-range. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ps2FuseGoodRange returns status that indicates when the switch's fuse supply 2 voltage output is out-of-range. The value of IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ps2FuseGood is compared to the lower and upper boundary range values set in /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds. Status is returned any time this "ps2FuseGood" value crosses a lower or upper boundary for the specified hardware. This facilitates a mechanism for software threshold checking in conjunction with the self-checking done internally by the hardware. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Fuse supply 2 output is out of the range established by software range checking. 0 (FALSE) = Fuse supply 2 output is within software range checking boundaries. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a switch's fuse supply 2 voltage output lower or upper software boundary has been crossed, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ps2FuseGoodRange unspecified=SwitchNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ps2FuseGoodRange is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 129. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ps2FuseGood Related Files: /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds SP-Switch +3.3 Volts out-of-range. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.voltP3_3Range returns status that indicates when the switch's +3.3 voltage output is out-of-range. The value of IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.voltP3_3 is compared to the lower and upper boundary range values set in /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds. Status is returned any time this "voltP3_3" value crosses a lower or upper boundary for the specified hardware. This facilitates a mechanism for software threshold checking in conjunction with the self-checking done internally by the hardware. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = +3.3 Volts is out of the range established by software range checking. 0 (FALSE) = +3.3 Volts is within software range checking boundaries. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a switch's fuse supply 2 voltage output lower or upper software boundary has been crossed, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.voltP3_3Range unspecified=SwitchNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.voltP3_3Range is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 129. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.voltP3_3 Related Files: /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds Frame or Switch supervisor FEEPROM erase count. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.feepromEraseCount and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.feepromEraseCount return a value that indicates the number of times the cards programmable FEEPROM has been erased for a frame or switch in preparation for a supervisor microcode download. Note: The number of times that a supervisor's FEEPROM can be erased before there exists the possiblility of errors during programming is 100. This however, based on experience, is a very concervative number. Possible Values 0-255 = Incremental number that indicates the number of times the FEEPROM has been erased. Note that if the erase count exceeds 255 it will "roll-over" to 0 (zero). The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) or switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a supervisor card has been erased 100 times for frames and switches, one could register for the following events. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.feepromEraseCount unspecified=FrameNum expression=X==100 variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.feepromEraseCount unspecified=SwitchNum expression=X==100 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.feepromEraseCount is unique to frame and node supervisor's with card types of 16. A card type of 16 is a Twin-Tail card that is in "basecode" mode. A Twin-Tail card in basecode mode has the ability to become, via download, frame and node supervisor's with card types of 20, 22, 161, 177, 178, and 179. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.feepromEraseCount is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 128. A card type of 128 is an SP-Switch card that is in "basecode" mode. An SP-Switch card in basecode mode has the ability to become, via download, switch supervisor's with card types of 129. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.feepromEmpty IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.feepromEmpty Frame or Switch supervisor software identifier. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.softwareKeyID and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.softwareKeyID return a value that indicates the key taken from the contents of the supervisor microcode file during microcode download, or FEEPROM programming of the supervisor card. This software key is also be part of the supervisor microcode file name. Possible Values 00 = Twin-Tail frame. 1c = Twin-Tail frame. 3c = Twin-Tail frame. 1a = High-Node. (604, 604e) 3a = High-Node. (604, 604e) 1e = Silver thin node. (604e-X5) 3e = Silver thin node. (604e-X5) 16 = Silver wide node. (604e-X5) 36 = Silver wide node. (604e-X5) 2e = Nighthawk high node. (Power3 SMP High Node) 1f = Node Expansion I/O Unit 01 = SP-Switch. 11 = SP-Switch. 09 = SP-Switch-8. 19 = SP-Switch-8. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) or switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.softwareKeyID is unique to frame and node supervisor's with card types of 16. A card type of 16 is a Twin-Tail card that is in "basecode" mode. A Twin-Tail card in basecode mode has the ability to become, via download, frame and node supervisor's with card types of 20, 22, 161, 177, 178, and 179. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.softwareKeyID is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 128. A card type of 128 is an SP-Switch card that is in "basecode" mode. An SP-Switch card in basecode mode has the ability to become, via download, switch supervisor's with card types of 129. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.softwareKeyID, and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.softwareKeyID are reported only as a result of a query for this data since it's state doesn't change. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.keyidMismatch IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.keyidMismatch IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.hardwareKeyID IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.hardwareKeyID Related Files: /spdata/sys1/ucode/u_10.* for frames and nodes. /spdata/sys1/ucode/u_80.* for tbs switches. /spdata/sys1/ucode/u_90.* for SP Switch2 switches. Supervisor hardware identifier. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.hardwareKeyID, IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.hardwareKeyID, IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.hardwareKeyID, and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.hardwareKeyID return a value that is the supervisor key ID taken from the supervisor hardware (card) itself. Possible Values 00 = Twin-Tail frame. SP Switch2 1c = Twin-Tail frame. 3c = Twin-Tail frame. 1a = High-Node. (604, 604e) 3a = High-Node. (604, 604e) 1e = Silver thin node. (604e-X5) 3e = Silver thin node. (604e-X5) 16 = Silver wide node. (604e-X5) 36 = Silver wide node. (604e-X5) 2e = Nighthawk high node. (Power3 SMP High Node) 1f = Node Expansion I/O Unit 01 = SP-Switch. 11 = SP-Switch. 09 = SP-Switch-8. 19 = SP-Switch-8. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum), node number (Nodenum), switch number (SwitchNum), or node expansion number (NodeExpNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.hardwareKeyID is unique to frame and node supervisor's with card types of 16. A card type of 16 is a Twin-Tail card that is in "basecode" mode. A Twin-Tail card in basecode mode has the ability to become, via download, frame and node supervisor's with card types of 20, 22, 161, 177, 178, and 179. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.hardwareKeyID is available from node supervisor's with card types 161, 177, 178, and 179. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.hardwareKeyID is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 128 or 144. A card type of 128 is an SP-Switch card that is in "basecode" mode. A card type of 144 is an SP Switch2 card that is in "basecode" mode. An SP-Switch card in basecode mode has the ability to become, via download, a switch supervisor with card type of 129. An SP Switch2 card in basecode mode has the ability to become, via download, a switch supervisor with card type of 132. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.hardwareKeyID is also available from switch supervisor's with card types 129. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.hardwareKeyID, IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.hardwareKeyID, and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.hardwareKeyID are reported only as a result of a query for this data since it's state doesn't change. Frame or Switch supervisor microcode checksum. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.supDataChecksum and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.supDataChecksum return a value that indicates the checksum that was calculated from the microcode that was programmed in the FEEPROM. Possible Values Values vary depending on the content of the supervisor's microcode. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) or switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.supDataChecksum is unique to frame and node supervisor's with card types of 16. A card type of 16 is a Twin-Tail card that is in "basecode" mode. A Twin-Tail card in basecode mode has the ability to become, via download, frame and node supervisor's with card types of 20, 22, 161, 177, 178, and 179. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.supDataChecksum is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 128. A card type of 128 is an SP-Switch card that is in "basecode" mode. An SP-Switch card in basecode mode has the ability to become, via download, switch supervisor's with card types of 129. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.supRomChecksum IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.supRomChecksum IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.checksumError IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.checksumError Frame or Switch saved supervisor checksum. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.supRomChecksum and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.supRomChecksum return a value that is the saved "supDataChecksum" which was calculated from the microcode that was programmed in the FEEPROM. If IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.checksumError or IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.checksumError is false "supRomChecksum" will match "supDataChecksum". Possible Values Values vary depending on the content of the supervisor's microcode and the value of "checksumError". The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) or switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.supRomChecksum is unique to frame and node supervisor's with card types of 16. A card type of 16 is a Twin-Tail card that is in "basecode" mode. A Twin-Tail card in basecode mode has the ability to become, via download, frame and node supervisor's with card types of 20, 22, 161, 177, 178, and 179. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.supRomChecksum is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 128. A card type of 128 is an SP-Switch card that is in "basecode" mode. An SP-Switch card in basecode mode has the ability to become, via download, switch supervisor's with card types of 129. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.supDataChecksum IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.supDataChecksum IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.checksumError IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.checksumError Frame or Switch supervisor FEEPROM program level. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.applicationLevel and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.applicationLevel return a value that indicates the level number of the application supervisor programmed in FEEPROM. Possible Values Values vary depending on PSSP release and supervisor microcode release level. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) or switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.applicationLevel is unique to frame and node supervisor's with card types of 16. A card type of 16 is a Twin-Tail card that is in "basecode" mode. A Twin-Tail card in basecode mode has the ability to become, via download, frame and node supervisor's with card types of 20, 22, 161, 177, 178, and 179. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.applicationLevel is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 128. A card type of 128 is an SP-Switch card that is in "basecode" mode. An SP-Switch card in basecode mode has the ability to become, via download, switch supervisor's with card types of 129. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.applicationLevel, and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.applicationLevel are reported only as a result of a query for this data since it's state doesn't change. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.codeVersion IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.codeVersion IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.codeVersion SP-Switch active clock source. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.clockSource returns status that indicates whether the active clock source is Local (Internal) or Self-Timed Interface (STI) External. Possible Values 2 = CLock source is STI External. 0 = CLock source is Local Internal. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.clockSource is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 129. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.chip IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.port IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.osc SP-Switch active oscillator. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.osc returns status that indicates which of the 2 Local (Internal) oscilattors is being used when, and only when, IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.clockSource is set to Local (Internal). Possible Values 4 = Oscillator 4 is active. 2 = Oscillator 2 is active. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.osc is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 129. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.clockSource SP-Switch active Phase Lock Loop. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.pll returns status that indicates which of the 4 Phase Lock Loops is being used. Possible Values 5 = Phase Lock Loop 5 is active. 4 = Phase Lock Loop 4 is active. 3 = Phase Lock Loop 3 is active. 2 = Phase Lock Loop 2 is active. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.pll is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 129. SP-Switch active clock chip. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.chip returns status that indicates which of the 8 chips the active clock is on when, and only when, IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.clockSource is set to Self-Timed Interface (STI) External. Possible Values 7 = Chip 7 is active. 6 = Chip 6 is active. 5 = Chip 5 is active. 4 = Chip 4 is active. 3 = Chip 3 is active. 2 = Chip 2 is active. 1 = Chip 1 is active. 0 = Chip 0 is active. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.chip is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 129. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.clockSource IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.port IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mux SP-Switch active clock port. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.port returns status that indicates which of the 4 ports the active clock is on when, and only when, IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.clockSource is set to Self-Timed Interface (STI) External. Possible Values 3 = Port 3 is active. 2 = Port 2 is active. 1 = Port 1 is active. 0 = Port 0 is active. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.port is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 129. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.clockSource IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.chip IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mux Level of supervisor hardware. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.boardLevel and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.boardLevel return a value that indicates the hardware level of the supervisor card for nodes and switches. This level, when combined with "supLevel", produces the "hardwareKeyID". Possible Values Value is an incremental number that varies depending on the hardware level of the supervisor card. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (NodeNum) or switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.boardLevel is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 161, 177, 178, and 179. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.boardLevel is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 129 and 132. Level of supervisor software. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.supLevel and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.supLevel return a value that indicates the software level of the supervisor for nodes and switches. This level, when combined with "boardLevel", produces the "hardwareKeyID". Possible Values Value is an incremental number that varies depending on the software level of the supervisor card. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (NodeNum) or switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.supLevel is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 161, 177, 178, and 179. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.supLevel is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 129 and 132. SP-Switch power supply 1 key ID. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.powerS1 returns a value that indicates the operating level of the power supply hardware. Possible Values Values vary with the level of power supply hardware. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.powerS1 is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 129. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.powerS2 SP-Switch power supply 2 key ID. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.powerS2 returns a value that indicates the operating level of the power supply hardware. Possible Values Values vary with the level of power supply hardware. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.powerS2 is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 129. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.powerS1 This is a reserved message.This is a reserved message.This is a reserved message.This is a reserved message.This is a reserved message.This is a reserved message.This is a reserved message.Node power switch position. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.powerSwitchStatus returns status that indicates whether the node can be powered on based on the current position of the power switch. Note that this is an internal power switch not to be confused with the power switch normally found on the front operator panel. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Power switch is in the ON position; node is capable of being powered on. 0 (FALSE) = Power switch is in the OFF position; node cannot be powered on. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.powerSwitchStatus is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 161. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.nodePower IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.powerLED Node LCD line 1 flashing status. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.lcd1flash returns status that indicates whether the first line of the LCD display is flashing. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = LCD line 1 is flashing. 0 (FALSE) = Is not flashing. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. To obtain notification when LCD line 1 is flashing for a node, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.lcd1flashing unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.lcd1flash is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 161, 177, and 178. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.lcd1 IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.lcd2flash IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.lcd2 Node LCD line 2 flashing status. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.lcd2flash returns status that indicates whether the second line of the LCD display is flashing. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = LCD line 2 is flashing. 0 (FALSE) = Is not flashing. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. To obtain notification when LCD line 2 is flashing for a node, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.lcd2flashing unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.lcd2flash is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 161, 177 and 178. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.lcd2 IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.lcd1flash IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.lcd1 Supervisor hardware diagnostics byte. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.hardwareStatus and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.hardwareStatus returns the supervisor's hardware diagnosis indicator. The byte is subdivided into bits which can indicate informational, warning, or error conditions detected internally by the hardware supervisor microcode. This resource variable is intended for engineering use only. Possible Values These values are specific to the High-Nodes (604 and 604e). BIT --- 7: 1 = busy condition on LCD. 6: 1 = bounces on power on/off switch. 5: 1 = bounces on reset button. 4: 1 = bounces on key switch. 3: 1 = wrong length command from BUMP. 2: 1 = SIF timeout. 1: 1 = BUMP timeout. 0: 1 = unknown command from BUMP. These values are specific to the SP Switch2. BIT --- 7: 1 = JTAG error. 6: 1 = Attention Active. 5: unused. 4: unused. 3: unused. 2: unused. 1: 1 = Reset sequence unsuccessful. 0: 1 = Set Frame ID unsuccessful. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) or switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.hardwareStatus is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 161. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.hardwareStatus is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 132. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.diagByte IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.diagByte IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.diagByte Node LCD line 1. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.lcd1 returns 16 bytes of ASCII data that is the first line of the LCD display. Possible Values Values vary with the status of the node. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.lcd1 is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 10, 161, 177, 178, and 179. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.lcd1flash IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.lcd2 IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.lcd2flash Node LCD line 2. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.lcd2 returns 16 bytes of ASCII data that is the second line of the LCD display. Possible Values Values vary with the status of the node. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.lcd2 is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 10, 161, 177, 178, and 179. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.lcd2flash IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.lcd1 IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.lcd1flash Node supervisor's bottom green LED; LED 1. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.smpPowerLEDoff returns status that indicates whether the nodes DC power LED is off. It is included for informational purposes and should not be used for power status information. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = No DC power exists; LED is not lit. 0 (FALSE) = DC power okay; LED is lit. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.smpPowerLEDoff is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 161. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.powerLED Node supervisor's bottom yellow LED; LED 5. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.smpDiagLEDoff returns status that indicates the state of the environment such as voltages, fan speed, and temperature for the node. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Environmental errors detected; LED is not lit. 0 (FALSE) = No errors detected; LED is lit. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.smpDiagLEDoff is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 161. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.envLED Node +2.5 Volt daughter Low environmental warning. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningP2_5Low return status that indicates whether the +2.5 Volt daughter line is nearing an out-of-spec condition (Low) on the node. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec warning condition has been raised. 0 (FALSE) = +2.5 Volt daughter Low is within warning limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a +2.5 Volt daughter Low environmental warning condition for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningP2_5Low unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningP2_5Low is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 97. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP2_5Low Node +2.5 Volt daughter Low environmental error. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP2_5Low return status that indicates whether the node has been shutdown due to a +2.5 Volt daughter out-of-spec condition (Low) on the node. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec error condition has been raised; node is shutdown. 0 (FALSE) = +2.5 Volt daughter Low is operating within error limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a +2.5 Volt daughter Low environmental error condition for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP2_5Low unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP2_5Low is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 97. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningP2_5Low Node +2.5 Volt daughter High environmental warning. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningP2_5High returns status that indicates whether the +2.5 Volt daughter line is nearing an out-of-spec condition (High) on the node. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec warning condition has been raised. 0 (FALSE) = +2.5 Volt daughter High is within warning limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a +2.5 Volt daughter High environmental warning condition for node's, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningP2_5High unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningP2_5High is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 97. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP2_5High Node +2.5 Volt daughter High environmental error. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP2_5High returns status that indicates whether the node has been shutdown due to a +2.5 Volt daughter out-of-spec condition (High) on the node. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec error condition has been raised; node is shutdown. 0 (FALSE) = +2.5 Volt daughter High is operating within error limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a +2.5 Volt daughter High environmental error condition for node's, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP2_5High unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP2_5High is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 97. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningP2_5High Node +2.5 Volt daughter card present. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.P2_5dPresent returns status that indicates whether a +2.5 Volt daughter card is installed in the node. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = +2.5 Volt daughter card is installed. 0 (FALSE) = Not installed. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.P2_5dPresent is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 97. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.volt2_5d IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.volt2_5dRange IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningP2_5dLow IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP2_5dLow IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.warningP2_5dHigh IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.shutdownP2_5dHigh This is a reserved message.Node +2.5 Volts daughter out-of-range. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.voltP2_5dRange returns status that indicates when the +2.5 Volts daughter is out-of-range for a node. The value of IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.voltP2_5d is compared to the lower and upper boundary range values set in /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds. Status is returned any time this "voltP2_5d" value crosses a lower or upper boundary for the specified hardware. This facilitates a mechanism for software threshold checking in conjunction with the self-checking done internally by the hardware. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = +2.5 Volts daughter is out of the range established by software range checking. 0 (FALSE) = +2.5 Volts daughter is within software range checking boundaries. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a node's +2.5 Volts daughter lower or upper software boundary has been crossed, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.voltP2_5dRange unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.voltP2_5dRange is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 97. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.voltP2_5d Related Files: /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds "FrameNum" is the number of the Frame with which the resource variable is associated. "NodeNum" is the number of the Node with which the resource variable is associated. "SwitchNum" is the number of the Switch with which the resource variable is associated. This is a reserved message.Node supervisor's operator panel LED. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.OPpowerLED returns status that indicates whether the nodes operator panel LED is on. It is included for informational purposes and should not be used for power status information. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = DC power okay; LED is lit. 0 (FALSE) = No DC power exists; LED is not lit. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.OPpowerLED is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 177, 178, and 179. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.OPpowerLEDflash Node supervisor's operator panel LED flashing status. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.OPpowerLEDflash returns status that indicates whether the nodes operator panel LED is flashing which indicates that power to the node is off but stand-by power is on. It is included for informational purposes and should not be used for power status information. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Node power is off; stand-by power is on; LED is flashing. 0 (FALSE) = LED is not flashing. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.OPpowerLEDflash is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 177, 178, and 179. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.OPpowerLED Node CPU assembly power on indicator. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.CPU_power returns status that indicates whether the power to the nodes CPU assembly is on. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = CPU assembly power is on. 0 (FALSE) = CPU assembly power is off. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a CPU assembly power off condition for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.CPU_Power unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==0 rearm=X!=0 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.CPU_power is unique to node supervisor's with with card types of 177 and 178. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.IO_power Node CPU assembly +48 Volt input from the Frame. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.CPU_P48OK returns the state of the node's +48 Volt CPU assembly input from the frame supervisor. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = +48 Volts present. 0 (FALSE) = +48 Volts not present. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a CPU assembly +48 Volt loss for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.CPU_P48OK unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==0 rearm=X!=0 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.CPU_P48OK is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 177 and 178. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.P48OK IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.IO_P48OK Node I/O assembly power on indicator. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.IO_power returns status that indicates whether the power to the nodes I/O assembly is on. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = I/O assembly power is on. 0 (FALSE) = I/O assembly power is off. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a I/O assembly power off condition for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.IO_Power unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==0 rearm=X!=0 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.IO_power is unique to node supervisor's with with card types of 177 and 178. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.IO_power Node I/O assembly +48 Volt input from the Frame. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.IO_P48OK returns the state of the node's +48 Volt I/O assembly input from the frame supervisor. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = +48 Volts present. 0 (FALSE) = +48 Volts not present. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a I/O assembly +48 Volt loss for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.IO_P48OK unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==0 rearm=X!=0 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.IO_P48OK is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 177 and 178. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.P48OK IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.IO_P48OK Node LCD or LED has message indicator. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.LCDhasMessage returns status that indicates whether the node's LCD (LCD 1, LCD 2, or both) or the node's LED contains a message code. In other words, is not blank. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = LCD/LED contains a message code. 0 (FALSE) = LCD/LED is blank. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. To obtain notification when either the LCD or LED contains a message for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.LCDhasMessage unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.lcd1 IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.lcd1flash IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.lcd2 IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.lcd2flash Node CPU and I/O assembly power supply light status. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.powerStatusWarning returns status that indicates whether there is an inconsistancy between the CPU and I/O assembly power supply status lights. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = An inconsistancy exists; the node supervisor will not attempt to stop supplying power to the node. 0 (FALSE) = CPU and I/O power supply status lights are in synch. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a power supply status lights inconsistancy for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.powerStatusWarning unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.powerStatusWarning is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 177 and 178. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.CPU_powerWarning IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.IO_powerWarning Node CPU assembly power supply status. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.CPU_powerWarning returns status that indicates whether the node supervisor was able to supply power to the CPU assembly. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = The node supervisor attempted to supply power to the node but was unsuccessful. 0 (FALSE) = The CPU powered on. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a CPU assembly power on error for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.CPU_powerWarning unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.CPU_powerWarning is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 177 and 178. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.powerStatusWarning IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.IO_powerWarning Node I/O assembly power supply status. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.IO_powerWarning returns status that indicates whether the node supervisor was able to supply power to the I/O assembly. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = The node supervisor attempted to supply power to the node but was unsuccessful. 0 (FALSE) = The I/O powered on. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a I/O assembly power on error for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.IO_powerWarning unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.IO_powerWarning is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 177 and 178. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.powerStatusWarning IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.CPU_powerWarning This is a reserved message.Delayed power off in progress. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.DPOinProgress returns status that indicates whether the node is in a delayed power off sequence. S70/S7A nodes will enter this state when a power off command is received during the boot sequence. In this case power off is delayed until the system can restore vital data. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = The node is in a delayed power off sequence. 0 (FALSE) = The I/O powered on. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.DPOinProgress is unique to node supervisor's with a card type of 10. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.nodePower Frame DC power module "A" output level. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frModApowerLevel returns status that indicates the power level, in KiloWatts, of the frame's DC power module "A". Possible Values 3 = Power level reading not available from hardware type. 2 = (reserved for future use) 1 = 5.0 KiloWatt power book installed. 0 = 3.5 KiloWatt power book installed. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frModApowerLevel is unique to frame supervisor's with card types of 18 and 22. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frModBpowerLevel IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frModCpowerLevel IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frModDpowerLevel Frame DC power module "B" output level. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frModBpowerLevel returns status that indicates the power level, in KiloWatts, of the frame's DC power module "B". Possible Values 3 = Power level reading not available from hardware type. 2 = (reserved for future use) 1 = 5.0 KiloWatt power book installed. 0 = 3.5 KiloWatt power book installed. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frModBpowerLevel is unique to frame supervisor's with card types of 18 and 22. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frModApowerLevel IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frModCpowerLevel IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frModDpowerLevel Frame DC power module "C" output level. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frModCpowerLevel returns status that indicates the power level, in KiloWatts, of the frame's DC power module "C". Possible Values 3 = Power level reading not available from hardware type. 2 = (reserved for future use) 1 = 5.0 KiloWatt power book installed. 0 = 3.5 KiloWatt power book installed. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frModCpowerLevel is unique to frame supervisor's with card types of 18 and 22. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frModApowerLevel IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frModBpowerLevel IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frModDpowerLevel Frame DC power module "D" output level. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frModDpowerLevel returns status that indicates the power level, in KiloWatts, of the frame's DC power module "D". Possible Values 3 = Power level reading not available from hardware type. 2 = (reserved for future use) 1 = 5.0 KiloWatt power book installed. 0 = 3.5 KiloWatt power book installed. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frModDpowerLevel is unique to frame supervisor's with card types of 18 and 22. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frModApowerLevel IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frModBpowerLevel IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.frModCpowerLevel Node System Reference Code (SRC). Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.src returns 8 bytes of ASCII data that is the nodes' System Reference Code (SRC). Possible Values SRC Template Description ___________ _________________________________________________ 1xxx System Power Control Network (SPCN) Codes. 2xxx Firmware Error Codes. 4xxx Service Processor Error Codes. A1xx Service Processor Reference Codes. B006 Common Firmware Reference Codes. B1xx Service Processor Reference Codes. B4xx Service Processor Reference Codes. C1xx (*) System Processor Checkpoints. C3xx (*) IPL Status Checkpoints. CF00 (*) System Processor Checkpoints. D106 8000 AIX Dump not enabled. D182 3080 AIX Dump in progress. D1xx 8xxx Power coming down. D1xx xxxx Service Processor General Status SRC's. Mxxx Problem Determination Generated Error Codes. (*) Codes marked with the asterisk are converted to, and displayed only as, LCD's. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.src is unique to node supervisor's with a card type of 10. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.SRChasMessage IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.SPCN IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.lcd1 IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.lcd2 Node System Power Control Network (SPCN) Code. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.spcn returns 8 bytes of ASCII data that is the nodes' System Power Control Network (SPCN) Code. Possible Values Values vary with the status of the node. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.spcn is unique to node supervisor's with a card type of 10. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.SPCNhasMessage IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.src Node SRC has message indicator. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.SRChasMessage returns status that indicates whether the node's System Reference Code (SRC) contains a message. In other words, is not blank. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = SRC contains a message code. 0 (FALSE) = SRC is blank. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.SRChasMessage is unique to node supervisor's with a card type of 10. To obtain notification when the SRC contains a message for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.SRChasMessage unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.src Node SPCN has message indicator. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.SPCNhasMessage returns status that indicates whether the node's System Power Control Network (SPCN) code contains a message. In other words, is not blank. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = SPCN contains a message code. 0 (FALSE) = SPCN is blank. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.SPCNhasMessage is unique to node supervisor's with a card type of 10. To obtain notification when the SPCN contains a message for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.SPCNhasMessage unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.spcn This is a reserved message.This is a reserved message.This is a reserved message.This is a reserved message.This is a reserved message.This is a reserved message.This is a reserved message.This is a reserved message.Node +48 Volt Line A input from the Frame. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.P48OK_LineA returns the state of the nodes' +48 Volt Line A input from the frame supervisor. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = +48 Volts on Line A present. 0 (FALSE) = +48 Volts on Line A not present. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.P48OK_LineA is unique to node supervisor's with a card type of 179. To obtain notification of a +48 Line A Volt loss for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.P48OK_LineA unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==0 rearm=X!=0 Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.P48OK_LineB Node +48 Volt Line B input from the Frame. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.P48OK_LineB returns the state of the nodes' +48 Volt Line B input from the frame supervisor. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = +48 Volts on Line B present. 0 (FALSE) = +48 Volts on Line B not present. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.P48OK_LineB is unique to node supervisor's with a card type of 179. To obtain notification of a +48 Line B Volt loss for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.P48OK_LineB unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==0 rearm=X!=0 Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.P48OK_LineA N+1 Mode warning. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.NModeWarning returns status that indicates whether one of the N+1 Fans or Power Supplies has a problem. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = One of the N+1 Fans or Power Supplies has a problem; the node should be scheduled for service. 0 (FALSE) = All Fans and Power Supplies are operational. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a N+1 Mode warning for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.NModeWarning unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.NModeWarning is unique to node supervisor's with a card type of 179. Node power supply warning. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.powerWarning returns status that indicates whether the node has the ability to power up. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Power supply turned on; node will power up. 0 (FALSE) = Power supply did not turn on; node will not power up. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a power supply problem for nodes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.powerWarning unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.powerWarning is unique to node supervisor's with a card type of 179. This is a reserved message.This is a reserved message.Node Expansion I/O Unit inlet air temperature environmental warning. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.warningTempInlet returns status that indicates whether the inlet air temperature is nearing an out-of-spec condition. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec warning condition has been raised. 0 (FALSE) = Inlet air temperature is within warning limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node expansion number (NodeExpNum) of interest. To obtain notification of an inlet air temperature environmental warning condition, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.warningTempInlet unspecified=NodeExpNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.warningTempInlet is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 145. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.shutdownTempInlet Node Expansion I/O Unit inlet air temperature environmental error. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.shutdownTempInlet returns status that indicates whether the node has been shutdown due to an inlet air temperature out-of-spec condition. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec error condition has been raised; node expansion is shutdown. 0 (FALSE) = Inlet air temperature is within error limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node expansion number (NodeExpNum) of interest. To obtain notification of an inlet air temperature environmental error condition, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.shutdownTempInlet unspecified=NodeExpNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.shutdownTempInlet is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 145. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.warningTempInlet Node Expansion I/O Unit midway air temperature environmental warning. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.warningTempMidway returns status that indicates whether the midway air temperature is nearing an out-of-spec condition. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec warning condition has been raised. 0 (FALSE) = Midway air temperature is within warning limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node expansion number (NodeExpNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a midway air temperature environmental warning condition, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.warningTempMidway unspecified=NodeExpNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.warningTempMidway is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 145. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.shutdownTempMidway Node Expansion I/O Unit midway air temperature environmental error. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.shutdownTempMidway returns status that indicates whether the node has been shutdown due to a midway air temperature out-of-spec condition. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Out-of-spec error condition has been raised; node expansion is shutdown. 0 (FALSE) = Midway air temperature is within error limits. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node expansion number (NodeExpNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a midway air temperature environmental error condition, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.shutdownTempMidway unspecified=NodeExpNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.shutdownTempMidway is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 145. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.warningTempMidway Node Expansion I/O Unit I2C address 0x4C not responding. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.mod4C_I2Cfail returns status that indicates the result of the supervisors periodic polling of this I2C device. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = The DASD spin-up I2C module at did not respond to the supervisor's poll request. This corresponds to I2C address 0x4C. 0 (FALSE) = Communication was successful. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node expansion number (NodeExpNum) of interest. To obtain notification of an address 0x4C I2C communication error condition, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.mod4C_I2Cfail unspecified=NodeExpNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.mod4C_I2Cfail is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 145. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.DASDspinupFail Node Expansion I/O Unit or SP Switch2, I2C address 0x42 not responding. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.mod42_I2Cfail and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod42_I2Cfail returns status that indicates the result of the supervisors periodic polling of this I2C device. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = The I2C device located on the manaus, or SP Switch2, board did not respond to the supervisor's poll request. Specifically, the PCF8574. This corresponds to I2C address 0x42. 0 (FALSE) = Communication was successful. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node expansion number (NodeExpNum), or switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification of an address 0x42 I2C communication error condition, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.mod42_I2Cfail unspecified=NodeExpNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.mod42_I2Cfail is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 145. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod42_I2Cfail is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 132. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.mod40_I2Cfail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod40_I2Cfail Node Expansion I/O Unit or SP Switch2, I2C address 0x40 not responding. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.mod40_I2Cfail and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod40_I2Cfail returns status that indicates the result of the supervisors periodic polling of this I2C device. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = The I2C device located on the manaus, or SP Switch2, board did not respond to the supervisor's poll request. Specifically, the PCF8574. This corresponds to I2C address 0x40. 0 (FALSE) = Communication was successful. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node expansion number (NodeExpNum), or switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification of an address 0x40 I2C communication error condition, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.mod40_I2Cfail unspecified=NodeExpNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.mod40_I2Cfail is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 145. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod40_I2Cfail is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 132. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.mod42_I2Cfail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod42_I2Cfail Node Expansion I/O Unit I2C address 0x9C not responding. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.mod9C_I2Cfail returns status that indicates the result of the supervisors periodic polling of this I2C device. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = The I2C device located in power module 2 did not respond to the supervisor's poll request. This corresponds to I2C address 0x9C. 0 (FALSE) = Communication was successful. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node expansion number (NodeExpNum) of interest. To obtain notification of an address 0x9C I2C communication error condition, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.mod9C_I2Cfail unspecified=NodeExpNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.mod9C_I2Cfail is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 145. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.mod9A_I2Cfail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.mod98_I2Cfail Node Expansion I/O Unit or SP Switch2, I2C address 0x9A not responding. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.mod9A_I2Cfail and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod9A_I2Cfail returns status that indicates the result of the supervisors periodic polling of this I2C device. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = The I2C device located in power module N did not respond to the supervisor's poll request, where N = 2, for Node Expansion I/O Unit N = 6, for SP Switch2 This corresponds to I2C address 0x9A. 0 (FALSE) = Communication was successful. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node expansion number (NodeExpNum) or switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification of an address 0x9A I2C communication error condition, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.mod9A_I2Cfail unspecified=NodeExpNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.mod9A_I2Cfail is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 145. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod9A_I2Cfail is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 132. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.mod9C_I2Cfail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.mod98_I2Cfail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod90_I2Cfail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod92_I2Cfail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod94_I2Cfail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod96_I2Cfail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod98_I2Cfail Node Expansion I/O Unit or SP Switch2, I2C address 0x98 not responding. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.mod98_I2Cfail and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod98_I2Cfail returns status that indicates the result of the supervisors periodic polling of this I2C device. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = The I2C device located in power module N did not respond to the supervisor's poll request, where N = 2, for Node Expansion I/O Unit N = 5, for SP Switch2 This corresponds to I2C address 0x98. 0 (FALSE) = Communication was successful. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node expansion number (NodeExpNum) or switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification of an address 0x98 I2C communication error condition, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.mod98_I2Cfail unspecified=NodeExpNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.mod98_I2Cfail is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 145. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod98_I2Cfail is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 132. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.mod9C_I2Cfail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.mod9A_I2Cfail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod9A_I2Cfail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod96_I2Cfail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod94_I2Cfail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod92_I2Cfail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod90_I2Cfail Node Expansion I/O Unit or SP Switch2, I2C address 0x94 not responding. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.mod94_I2Cfail and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod94_I2Cfail returns status that indicates the result of the supervisors periodic polling of this I2C device. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = The I2C device located in power module N did not respond to the supervisor's poll request, where N = 1, for Node Expansion I/O Unit N = 3, for SP Switch2 This corresponds to I2C address 0x94. 0 (FALSE) = Communication was successful. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node expansion number (NodeExpNum) or switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification of an address 0x94 I2C communication error condition, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.mod94_I2Cfail unspecified=NodeExpNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.mod94_I2Cfail is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 145. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod94_I2Cfail is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 132. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.mod92_I2Cfail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.mod90_I2Cfail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod9A_I2Cfail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod98_I2Cfail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod96_I2Cfail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod92_I2Cfail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod90_I2Cfail Node Expansion I/O Unit or SP Switch2, I2C address 0x92 not responding. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.mod92_I2Cfail and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod92_I2Cfail returns status that indicates the result of the supervisors periodic polling of this I2C device. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = The I2C device located in power module N did not respond to the supervisor's poll request, where N = 1, for Node Expansion I/O Unit N = 2, for SP Switch2 This corresponds to I2C address 0x92. 0 (FALSE) = Communication was successful. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node expansion number (NodeExpNum) or switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification of an address 0x92 I2C communication error condition, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.mod92_I2Cfail unspecified=NodeExpNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.mod92_I2Cfail is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 145. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod92_I2Cfail is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 132. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.mod94_I2Cfail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.mod90_I2Cfail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod9A_I2Cfail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod98_I2Cfail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod96_I2Cfail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod94_I2Cfail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod90_I2Cfail Node Expansion I/O Unit or SP Switch2, I2C address 0x90 not responding. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.mod90_I2Cfail and IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod90_I2Cfail returns status that indicates the result of the supervisors periodic polling of this I2C device. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = The I2C device located in power module N did not respond to the supervisor's poll request, where N = 1, for Node Expansion I/O Unit N = 1, for SP Switch2 This corresponds to I2C address 0x90. 0 (FALSE) = Communication was successful. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node expansion number (NodeExpNum) or switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification of an address 0x90 I2C communication error condition, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.mod90_I2Cfail unspecified=NodeExpNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.mod90_I2Cfail is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 145. IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod90_I2Cfail is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 132. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.mod94_I2Cfail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.mod92_I2Cfail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod9A_I2Cfail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod98_I2Cfail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod96_I2Cfail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod94_I2Cfail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod92_I2Cfail Node Expansion I/O Unit DASD spin-up error. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.DASDspinupFail returns status that indicates whether the supervisor was able to complete the DASD spin-up sequence. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = The DASD spin-up sequence was successful. 0 (FALSE) = Was not successful. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node expansion number (NodeExpNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a DASD spin-up error condition, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.DASDspinupFail unspecified=NodeExpNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.DASDspinupFail is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 145. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.mod44_I2Cfail Node Expansion I/O Unit power module 1 is installed. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.modApowerPresent returns status that indicates whether power module 1 is installed. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Power module 1 is installed. 0 (FALSE) = Is not installed. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node expansion number (NodeExpNum) of interest. To obtain notification that power module 1 is not installed, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.modApowerPresent unspecified=NodeExpNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.modApowerPresent is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 145. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.modBpowerPresent Node Expansion I/O Unit power module 2 is installed. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.modBpowerPresent returns status that indicates whether power module 2 is installed. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Power module 2 is installed. 0 (FALSE) = Is not installed. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node expansion number (NodeExpNum) of interest. To obtain notification that power module 2 is not installed, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.modBpowerPresent unspecified=NodeExpNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.modBpowerPresent is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 145. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.modApowerPresent This is a reserved message.Node Expansion I/O Unit +3.3 Volts out-of-range. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.VoltP3_3Range returns status that indicates when the expansion unit's +3.3 voltage output is out-of-range. The value of IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.VoltP3_3 is compared to the lower and upper boundary range values set in /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds. Status is returned any time this "VoltP3_3" value crosses a lower or upper boundary for the specified hardware. This facilitates a mechanism for software threshold checking in conjunction with the self-checking done internally by the hardware. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = +3.3 Volts is out of the range established by software range checking. 0 (FALSE) = +3.3 Volts is within software range checking boundaries. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node expansion number (NodeExpNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a node expansion unit's +3.3 voltage output lower or upper software boundary has been crossed, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.VoltP3_3Range unspecified=NodeExpNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.VoltP3_3Range is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 145. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.VoltP3_3 Related Files: /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds This is a reserved message.Node Expansion I/O Unit +5 Volts out-of-range. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.VoltP5Range returns status that indicates when the expansion unit's +5 voltage output is out-of-range. The value of IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.VoltP5 is compared to the lower and upper boundary range values set in /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds. Status is returned any time this "VoltP5" value crosses a lower or upper boundary for the specified hardware. This facilitates a mechanism for software threshold checking in conjunction with the self-checking done internally by the hardware. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = +5 Volts is out of the range established by software range checking. 0 (FALSE) = +5 Volts is within software range checking boundaries. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node expansion number (NodeExpNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a node expansion unit's +5 voltage output lower or upper software boundary has been crossed, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.VoltP5Range unspecified=NodeExpNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.VoltP5Range is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 145. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.VoltP5 Related Files: /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds This is a reserved message.Node Expansion I/O Unit +12 Volts out-of-range. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.VoltP12Range returns status that indicates when the expansion unit's +12 voltage output is out-of-range. The value of IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.VoltP12 is compared to the lower and upper boundary range values set in /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds. Status is returned any time this "VoltP12" value crosses a lower or upper boundary for the specified hardware. This facilitates a mechanism for software threshold checking in conjunction with the self-checking done internally by the hardware. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = +12 Volts is out of the range established by software range checking. 0 (FALSE) = +12 Volts is within software range checking boundaries. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node expansion number (NodeExpNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a node expansion unit's +12 voltage output lower or upper software boundary has been crossed, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.VoltP12Range unspecified=NodeExpNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.VoltP12Range is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 145. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.VoltP12 Related Files: /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds This is a reserved message.Node Expansion I/O Unit -12 Volts out-of-range. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.VoltN12Range returns status that indicates when the expansion unit's -12 voltage output is out-of-range. The value of IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.VoltN12 is compared to the lower and upper boundary range values set in /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds. Status is returned any time this "VoltN12" value crosses a lower or upper boundary for the specified hardware. This facilitates a mechanism for software threshold checking in conjunction with the self-checking done internally by the hardware. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = -12 Volts is out of the range established by software range checking. 0 (FALSE) = -12 Volts is within software range checking boundaries. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node expansion number (NodeExpNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a node expansion unit's -12 voltage output lower or upper software boundary has been crossed, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.VoltN12Range unspecified=NodeExpNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.VoltN12Range is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 145. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.VoltN12 Related Files: /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds This is a reserved message.Node Expansion I/O Unit power module 1 "A" +3.3 output out-of-range. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ampP3_3A_Mod1Range returns status that indicates when the DC power module 1 "A" output is out-of-range. The value of IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ampP3_3A_Mod1 is compared to the lower and upper boundary range values set in /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds. Status is returned any time this "ampP3_3A_Mod1" value crosses a lower or upper boundary for the specified hardware. This facilitates a mechanism for software threshold checking in conjunction with the self-checking done internally by the hardware. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = DC power module 1 "A" output is out of the range established by software range checking. 0 (FALSE) = DC power module 1 "A" output is within software range checking boundaries. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node expansion number (NodeExpNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a node expansions DC power module 1 "A" output lower or upper software boundary has been crossed, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ampP3_3A_Mod1Range unspecified=NodeExpNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ampP3_3A_Mod1Range is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 145. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ampP3_3A_Mod1 Related Files: /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds This is a reserved message.Node Expansion I/O Unit power module 2 "A" +3.3 output out-of-range. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ampP3_3A_Mod2Range returns status that indicates when the DC power module 2 "A" output is out-of-range. The value of IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ampP3_3A_Mod2 is compared to the lower and upper boundary range values set in /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds. Status is returned any time this "ampP3_3A_Mod2" value crosses a lower or upper boundary for the specified hardware. This facilitates a mechanism for software threshold checking in conjunction with the self-checking done internally by the hardware. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = DC power module 2 "A" output is out of the range established by software range checking. 0 (FALSE) = DC power module 2 "A" output is within software range checking boundaries. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node expansion number (NodeExpNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a node expansions DC power module 2 "A" output lower or upper software boundary has been crossed, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ampP3_3A_Mod2Range unspecified=NodeExpNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ampP3_3A_Mod2Range is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 145. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ampP3_3A_Mod2 Related Files: /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds This is a reserved message.Node Expansion I/O Unit power module 3 "A" +3.3 output out-of-range. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ampP3_3A_Mod3Range returns status that indicates when the DC power module 3 "A" output is out-of-range. The value of IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ampP3_3A_Mod3 is compared to the lower and upper boundary range values set in /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds. Status is returned any time this "ampP3_3A_Mod3" value crosses a lower or upper boundary for the specified hardware. This facilitates a mechanism for software threshold checking in conjunction with the self-checking done internally by the hardware. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = DC power module 3 "A" output is out of the range established by software range checking. 0 (FALSE) = DC power module 3 "A" output is within software range checking boundaries. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node expansion number (NodeExpNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a node expansions DC power module 3 "A" output lower or upper software boundary has been crossed, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ampP3_3A_Mod3Range unspecified=NodeExpNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ampP3_3A_Mod3Range is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 145. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ampP3_3A_Mod3 Related Files: /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds This is a reserved message.Node Expansion I/O Unit power module 1 "B" +3.3 output out-of-range. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ampP3_3B_Mod1Range returns status that indicates when the DC power module 1 "B" output is out-of-range. The value of IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ampP3_3B_Mod1 is compared to the lower and upper boundary range values set in /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds. Status is returned any time this "ampP3_3B_Mod1" value crosses a lower or upper boundary for the specified hardware. This facilitates a mechanism for software threshold checking in conjunction with the self-checking done internally by the hardware. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = DC power module 1 "B" output is out of the range established by software range checking. 0 (FALSE) = DC power module 1 "B" output is within software range checking boundaries. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node expansion number (NodeExpNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a node expansions DC power module 1 "B" output lower or upper software boundary has been crossed, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ampP3_3B_Mod1Range unspecified=NodeExpNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ampP3_3B_Mod1Range is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 145. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ampP3_3B_Mod1 Related Files: /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds This is a reserved message.Node Expansion I/O Unit power module 2 "B" +3.3 output out-of-range. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ampP3_3B_Mod2Range returns status that indicates when the DC power module 2 "B" output is out-of-range. The value of IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ampP3_3B_Mod2 is compared to the lower and upper boundary range values set in /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds. Status is returned any time this "ampP3_3B_Mod2" value crosses a lower or upper boundary for the specified hardware. This facilitates a mechanism for software threshold checking in conjunction with the self-checking done internally by the hardware. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = DC power module 2 "B" output is out of the range established by software range checking. 0 (FALSE) = DC power module 2 "B" output is within software range checking boundaries. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node expansion number (NodeExpNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a node expansions DC power module 2 "B" output lower or upper software boundary has been crossed, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ampP3_3B_Mod2Range unspecified=NodeExpNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ampP3_3B_Mod2Range is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 145. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ampP3_3B_Mod2 Related Files: /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds This is a reserved message.Node Expansion I/O Unit power module 3 "B" +3.3 output out-of-range. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ampP3_3B_Mod3Range returns status that indicates when the DC power module 3 "B" output is out-of-range. The value of IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ampP3_3B_Mod3 is compared to the lower and upper boundary range values set in /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds. Status is returned any time this "ampP3_3B_Mod3" value crosses a lower or upper boundary for the specified hardware. This facilitates a mechanism for software threshold checking in conjunction with the self-checking done internally by the hardware. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = DC power module 3 "B" output is out of the range established by software range checking. 0 (FALSE) = DC power module 3 "B" output is within software range checking boundaries. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node expansion number (NodeExpNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a node expansions DC power module 3 "B" output lower or upper software boundary has been crossed, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ampP3_3B_Mod3Range unspecified=NodeExpNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ampP3_3B_Mod3Range is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 145. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ampP3_3B_Mod3 Related Files: /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds This is a reserved message.Node Expansion I/O Unit power module 4 "A" +5 output out-of-range. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ampP5A_Mod4Range returns status that indicates when the DC power module 4 "A" output is out-of-range. The value of IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ampP5A_Mod4 is compared to the lower and upper boundary range values set in /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds. Status is returned any time this "ampP5A_Mod4" value crosses a lower or upper boundary for the specified hardware. This facilitates a mechanism for software threshold checking in conjunction with the self-checking done internally by the hardware. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = DC power module 4 "A" output is out of the range established by software range checking. 0 (FALSE) = DC power module 4 "A" output is within software range checking boundaries. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node expansion number (NodeExpNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a node expansions DC power module 4 "A" output lower or upper software boundary has been crossed, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ampP5A_Mod4Range unspecified=NodeExpNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ampP5A_Mod4Range is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 145. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ampP5A_Mod4 Related Files: /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds This is a reserved message.Node Expansion I/O Unit power module 4 "B" +5 output out-of-range. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ampP5B_Mod4Range returns status that indicates when the DC power module 4 "B" output is out-of-range. The value of IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ampP5B_Mod4 is compared to the lower and upper boundary range values set in /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds. Status is returned any time this "ampP5B_Mod4" value crosses a lower or upper boundary for the specified hardware. This facilitates a mechanism for software threshold checking in conjunction with the self-checking done internally by the hardware. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = DC power module 4 "B" output is out of the range established by software range checking. 0 (FALSE) = DC power module 4 "B" output is within software range checking boundaries. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node expansion number (NodeExpNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a node expansions DC power module 4 "B" output lower or upper software boundary has been crossed, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ampP5B_Mod4Range unspecified=NodeExpNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ampP5B_Mod4Range is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 145. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ampP5B_Mod4 Related Files: /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds This is a reserved message.Node Expansion I/O Unit power module 5 "A" +12 output out-of-range. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ampP12A_Mod5Range returns status that indicates when the DC power module 5 "A" output is out-of-range. The value of IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ampP12A_Mod5 is compared to the lower and upper boundary range values set in /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds. Status is returned any time this "ampP12A_Mod5" value crosses a lower or upper boundary for the specified hardware. This facilitates a mechanism for software threshold checking in conjunction with the self-checking done internally by the hardware. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = DC power module 5 "A" output is out of the range established by software range checking. 0 (FALSE) = DC power module 5 "A" output is within software range checking boundaries. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node expansion number (NodeExpNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a node expansions DC power module 5 "A" output lower or upper software boundary has been crossed, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ampP12A_Mod5Range unspecified=NodeExpNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ampP12A_Mod5Range is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 145. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ampP12A_Mod5 Related Files: /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds This is a reserved message.Node Expansion I/O Unit power module 5 "B" +12 output out-of-range. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ampP12B_Mod5Range returns status that indicates when the DC power module 5 "B" output is out-of-range. The value of IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ampP12B_Mod5 is compared to the lower and upper boundary range values set in /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds. Status is returned any time this "ampP12B_Mod5" value crosses a lower or upper boundary for the specified hardware. This facilitates a mechanism for software threshold checking in conjunction with the self-checking done internally by the hardware. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = DC power module 5 "B" output is out of the range established by software range checking. 0 (FALSE) = DC power module 5 "B" output is within software range checking boundaries. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node expansion number (NodeExpNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a node expansions DC power module 5 "B" output lower or upper software boundary has been crossed, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ampP12B_Mod5Range unspecified=NodeExpNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ampP12B_Mod5Range is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 145. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ampP12B_Mod5 Related Files: /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds This is a reserved message.Node Expansion I/O Unit power module 6 "A" -12 output out-of-range. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ampN12A_Mod6Range returns status that indicates when the DC power module 6 "A" output is out-of-range. The value of IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ampN12A_Mod6 is compared to the lower and upper boundary range values set in /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds. Status is returned any time this "ampN12A_Mod6" value crosses a lower or upper boundary for the specified hardware. This facilitates a mechanism for software threshold checking in conjunction with the self-checking done internally by the hardware. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = DC power module 6 "A" output is out of the range established by software range checking. 0 (FALSE) = DC power module 6 "A" output is within software range checking boundaries. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node expansion number (NodeExpNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a node expansions DC power module 6 "A" output lower or upper software boundary has been crossed, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ampN12A_Mod6Range unspecified=NodeExpNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ampN12A_Mod6Range is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 145. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ampN12A_Mod6 Related Files: /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds This is a reserved message.Node Expansion I/O Unit power module 6 "B" -12 output out-of-range. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ampN12B_Mod6Range returns status that indicates when the DC power module 6 "B" output is out-of-range. The value of IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ampN12B_Mod6 is compared to the lower and upper boundary range values set in /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds. Status is returned any time this "ampN12B_Mod6" value crosses a lower or upper boundary for the specified hardware. This facilitates a mechanism for software threshold checking in conjunction with the self-checking done internally by the hardware. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = DC power module 6 "B" output is out of the range established by software range checking. 0 (FALSE) = DC power module 6 "B" output is within software range checking boundaries. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node expansion number (NodeExpNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a node expansions DC power module 6 "B" output lower or upper software boundary has been crossed, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ampN12B_Mod6Range unspecified=NodeExpNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ampN12B_Mod6Range is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 145. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.ampN12B_Mod6 Related Files: /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds This is a reserved message.Node Expansion I/O Unit temperature reading at the inlet out-of-range. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.inletTempRange returns status that indicates when the temperature at the inlet is out-of-range. The value of IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.inletTemp is compared to the lower and upper boundary range values set in /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds. Status is returned any time this "inletTemp" value crosses a lower or upper boundary for the specified hardware. This facilitates a mechanism for software threshold checking in conjunction with the self-checking done internally by the hardware. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Room temperature at the inlet is out of the range established by software range checking. 0 (FALSE) = Room temperature at the inlet is within software range checking boundaries. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node expansion number (NodeExpNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a node expansions inlet temperature output lower or upper software boundary has been crossed, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.inletTempRange unspecified=NodeExpNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.inletTempRange is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 145. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.inletTemp Related Files: /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds This is a reserved message.Node Expansion I/O Unit temperature reading at the midway chip out-of-range. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.midwayTempRange returns status that indicates when the temperature at the inlet is out-of-range. The value of IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.midwayTemp is compared to the lower and upper boundary range values set in /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds. Status is returned any time this "midwayTemp" value crosses a lower or upper boundary for the specified hardware. This facilitates a mechanism for software threshold checking in conjunction with the self-checking done internally by the hardware. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Temperature at the midway chip is out of the range established by software range checking. 0 (FALSE) = Temperature at the midway chip is within software range checking boundaries. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node expansion number (NodeExpNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a node expansions midway chip temperature output lower or upper software boundary has been crossed, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.midwayTempRange unspecified=NodeExpNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.midwayTempRange is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 145. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.NodeExp.midwayTemp Related Files: /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds This is a reserved message.This is a reserved message.This is a reserved message."NodeExpNum" is the number of the NodeExp with which the resource variable is associated. Switch supervisor card is seated. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.supCardSeated returns status that indicates whether the supervisor is seated. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Supervisor reports its card is seated. 0 (FALSE) = Supervisor reports its card is not seated. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. SP Switch2 mod 6 power supply problem. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod6_50_psfail returns status that indicates the mod 6 power supply has a problem and should be replaced. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Power suppply has a problem; replace. 0 (FALSE) = Power supply is okay. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a switch's mod 6 power supply problem, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod6_50_psfail unspecified=SwitchNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod6_50_psfail is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 132. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod5_50_psfail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod4_33_psfail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod3_33_psfail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod2_33_psfail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod1_33_psfail SP Switch2 mod 5 power supply problem. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod5_50_psfail returns status that indicates the mod 5 power supply has a problem and should be replaced. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Power suppply has a problem; replace. 0 (FALSE) = Power supply is okay. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a switch's mod 5 power supply problem, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod5_50_psfail unspecified=SwitchNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod5_50_psfail is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 132. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod6_50_psfail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod4_33_psfail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod3_33_psfail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod2_33_psfail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod1_33_psfail SP Switch2 mod 4 power supply problem. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod4_33_psfail returns status that indicates the mod 4 power supply has a problem and should be replaced. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Power suppply has a problem; replace. 0 (FALSE) = Power supply is okay. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a switch's mod 4 power supply problem, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod4_33_psfail unspecified=SwitchNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod4_33_psfail is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 132. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod6_50_psfail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod5_50_psfail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod3_33_psfail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod2_33_psfail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod1_33_psfail SP Switch2 mod 3 power supply problem. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod3_33_psfail returns status that indicates the mod 3 power supply has a problem and should be replaced. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Power suppply has a problem; replace. 0 (FALSE) = Power supply is okay. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a switch's mod 3 power supply problem, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod3_33_psfail unspecified=SwitchNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod3_33_psfail is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 132. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod6_50_psfail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod5_50_psfail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod4_33_psfail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod2_33_psfail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod1_33_psfail SP Switch2 mod 2 power supply problem. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod2_33_psfail returns status that indicates the mod 2 power supply has a problem and should be replaced. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Power suppply has a problem; replace. 0 (FALSE) = Power supply is okay. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a switch's mod 2 power supply problem, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod2_33_psfail unspecified=SwitchNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod2_33_psfail is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 132. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod6_50_psfail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod5_50_psfail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod4_33_psfail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod3_33_psfail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod1_33_psfail SP Switch2 mod 1 power supply problem. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod1_33_psfail returns status that indicates the mod 1 power supply has a problem and should be replaced. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Power suppply has a problem; replace. 0 (FALSE) = Power supply is okay. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification of a switch's mod 1 power supply problem, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod1_33_psfail unspecified=SwitchNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod1_33_psfail is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 132. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod6_50_psfail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod5_50_psfail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod4_33_psfail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod3_33_psfail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod2_33_psfail SP Switch2 I2C address 0x96 not responding. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod96_I2Cfail returns status that indicates the result of the supervisors periodic polling of this I2C device. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = The I2C device located in power module 4 did not respond to the supervisor's poll request. This corresponds to I2C address 0x96. 0 (FALSE) = Communication was successful. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification of an address 0x96 I2C communication problem condition, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod96_I2Cfail unspecified=NodeExpNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod96_I2Cfail is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 132. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod9A_I2Cfail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod98_I2Cfail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod94_I2Cfail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod92_I2Cfail IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.mod90_I2Cfail SP Switch2 fuse supply mod 1 voltage output too low. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.Mod1_33_fusegood returns status that indicates when the switch's fuse supply mod 1 voltage output is too low. The value of IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.Mod1_33_fusegood is compared to the lower boundary range value set in /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds. Status is returned any time this "Mod1_33_fusegood" value crosses a lower boundary for the specified hardware. This facilitates a mechanism for software threshold checking in conjunction with the self-checking done internally by the hardware. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Fuse supply mod 1 output is too low, established by software range checking. 0 (FALSE) = Fuse supply mod 1 output is not too low, established by software range checking. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a switch's fuse supply mod 1 voltage output lower software boundary has been crossed, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.Mod1_33_fusegood unspecified=SwitchNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.Mod1_33_fusegood is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 132. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.Mod2_33_fusegood IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.Mod3_33_fusegood IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.Mod4_33_fusegood IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.Mod5_50_fusegood IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.Mod6_50_fusegood Related Files: /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds SP Switch2 fuse supply mod 2 voltage output too low. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.Mod2_33_fusegood returns status that indicates when the switch's fuse supply mod 2 voltage output is too low. The value of IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.Mod2_33_fusegood is compared to the lower boundary range value set in /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds. Status is returned any time this "Mod2_33_fusegood" value crosses a lower boundary for the specified hardware. This facilitates a mechanism for software threshold checking in conjunction with the self-checking done internally by the hardware. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Fuse supply mod 2 output is too low, established by software range checking. 0 (FALSE) = Fuse supply mod 2 output is not too low, established by software range checking. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a switch's fuse supply mod 2 voltage output lower software boundary has been crossed, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.Mod2_33_fusegood unspecified=SwitchNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.Mod2_33_fusegood is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 132. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.Mod1_33_fusegood IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.Mod3_33_fusegood IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.Mod4_33_fusegood IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.Mod5_50_fusegood IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.Mod6_50_fusegood Related Files: /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds SP Switch2 fuse supply mod 3 voltage output too low. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.Mod3_33_fusegood returns status that indicates when the switch's fuse supply mod 3 voltage output is too low. The value of IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.Mod3_33_fusegood is compared to the lower boundary range value set in /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds. Status is returned any time this "Mod3_33_fusegood" value crosses a lower boundary for the specified hardware. This facilitates a mechanism for software threshold checking in conjunction with the self-checking done internally by the hardware. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Fuse supply mod 3 output is too low, established by software range checking. 0 (FALSE) = Fuse supply mod 3 output is not too low, established by software range checking. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a switch's fuse supply mod 3 voltage output lower software boundary has been crossed, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.Mod3_33_fusegood unspecified=SwitchNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.Mod3_33_fusegood is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 132. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.Mod1_33_fusegood IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.Mod2_33_fusegood IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.Mod4_33_fusegood IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.Mod5_50_fusegood IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.Mod6_50_fusegood Related Files: /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds SP Switch2 fuse supply mod 4 voltage output too low. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.Mod4_33_fusegood returns status that indicates when the switch's fuse supply mod 4 voltage output is too low. The value of IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.Mod4_33_fusegood is compared to the lower boundary range value set in /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds. Status is returned any time this "Mod4_33_fusegood" value crosses a lower boundary for the specified hardware. This facilitates a mechanism for software threshold checking in conjunction with the self-checking done internally by the hardware. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Fuse supply mod 4 output is too low, established by software range checking. 0 (FALSE) = Fuse supply mod 4 output is not too low, established by software range checking. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a switch's fuse supply mod 4 voltage output lower software boundary has been crossed, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.Mod4_33_fusegood unspecified=SwitchNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.Mod4_33_fusegood is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 132. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.Mod1_33_fusegood IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.Mod2_33_fusegood IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.Mod3_33_fusegood IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.Mod5_50_fusegood IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.Mod6_50_fusegood Related Files: /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds SP Switch2 fuse supply mod 5 voltage output too low. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.Mod5_33_fusegood returns status that indicates when the switch's fuse supply mod 5 voltage output is too low. The value of IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.Mod5_50_fusegood is compared to the lower boundary range value set in /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds. Status is returned any time this "Mod5_50_fusegood" value crosses a lower boundary for the specified hardware. This facilitates a mechanism for software threshold checking in conjunction with the self-checking done internally by the hardware. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Fuse supply mod 5 output is too low, established by software range checking. 0 (FALSE) = Fuse supply mod 5 output is not too low, established by software range checking. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a switch's fuse supply mod 5 voltage output lower software boundary has been crossed, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.Mod5_50_fusegood unspecified=SwitchNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.Mod5_50_fusegood is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 132. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.Mod1_33_fusegood IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.Mod2_33_fusegood IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.Mod3_33_fusegood IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.Mod4_33_fusegood IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.Mod6_50_fusegood Related Files: /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds SP Switch2 fuse supply mod 6 voltage output too low. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.Mod6_33_fusegood returns status that indicates when the switch's fuse supply mod 6 voltage output is too low. The value of IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.Mod6_50_fusegood is compared to the lower boundary range value set in /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds. Status is returned any time this "Mod6_50_fusegood" value crosses a lower boundary for the specified hardware. This facilitates a mechanism for software threshold checking in conjunction with the self-checking done internally by the hardware. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Fuse supply mod 6 output is too low, established by software range checking. 0 (FALSE) = Fuse supply mod 6 output is not too low, established by software range checking. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a switch's fuse supply mod 6 voltage output lower software boundary has been crossed, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.Mod6_50_fusegood unspecified=SwitchNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.Mod6_50_fusegood is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 132. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.Mod1_33_fusegood IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.Mod2_33_fusegood IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.Mod3_33_fusegood IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.Mod4_33_fusegood IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.Mod5_50_fusegood Related Files: /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds This is a reserved message.This is a reserved message.This is a reserved message.This is a reserved message.This is a reserved message.This is a reserved message.This is a reserved message.This is a reserved message.Switch Mod 1 current out-of-range. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ampP3_3_Mod1Range returns status that indicates when the current is out-of-range for a switch. The value of ampP3_3_Mod1 is compared to the lower and upper boundary range values set in /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds. Status is returned any time this "ampP3_3_Mod1" value crosses a lower or upper boundary for the specified hardware. This facilitates a mechanism for software threshold checking in conjunction with the self-checking done internally by the hardware. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Mod 1 current is out of the range established by software range checking. 0 (FALSE) = Mod 1 current is within software range checking boundaries. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a switch's ampP3_3_Mod1 lower or upper software boundary has been crossed, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ampP3_3_Mod1Range unspecified=SwitchNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ampP3_3_Mod1Range is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 132. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ampP3_3_Mod2Range IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ampP3_3_Mod3Range IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ampP3_3_Mod4Range IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ampP5_Mod5Range IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ampP5_Mod6Range Related Files: /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds Switch Mod 2 current out-of-range. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ampP3_3_Mod2Range returns status that indicates when the current is out-of-range for a switch. The value of ampP3_3_Mod2 is compared to the lower and upper boundary range values set in /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds. Status is returned any time this "ampP3_3_Mod2" value crosses a lower or upper boundary for the specified hardware. This facilitates a mechanism for software threshold checking in conjunction with the self-checking done internally by the hardware. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Mod 1 current is out of the range established by software range checking. 0 (FALSE) = Mod 1 current is within software range checking boundaries. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a switch's ampP3_3_Mod2 lower or upper software boundary has been crossed, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ampP3_3_Mod2Range unspecified=SwitchNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ampP3_3_Mod2Range is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 132. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ampP3_3_Mod1Range IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ampP3_3_Mod3Range IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ampP3_3_Mod4Range IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ampP5_Mod5Range IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ampP5_Mod6Range Related Files: /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds Switch Mod 3 current out-of-range. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ampP3_3_Mod3Range returns status that indicates when the current is out-of-range for a switch. The value of ampP3_3_Mod3 is compared to the lower and upper boundary range values set in /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds. Status is returned any time this "ampP3_3_Mod3" value crosses a lower or upper boundary for the specified hardware. This facilitates a mechanism for software threshold checking in conjunction with the self-checking done internally by the hardware. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Mod 1 current is out of the range established by software range checking. 0 (FALSE) = Mod 1 current is within software range checking boundaries. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a switch's ampP3_3_Mod3 lower or upper software boundary has been crossed, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ampP3_3_Mod3Range unspecified=SwitchNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ampP3_3_Mod3Range is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 132. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ampP3_3_Mod1Range IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ampP3_3_Mod2Range IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ampP3_3_Mod4Range IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ampP5_Mod5Range IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ampP5_Mod6Range Related Files: /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds Switch Mod 4 current out-of-range. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ampP3_3_Mod4Range returns status that indicates when the current is out-of-range for a switch. The value of ampP3_3_Mod4 is compared to the lower and upper boundary range values set in /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds. Status is returned any time this "ampP3_3_Mod4" value crosses a lower or upper boundary for the specified hardware. This facilitates a mechanism for software threshold checking in conjunction with the self-checking done internally by the hardware. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Mod 1 current is out of the range established by software range checking. 0 (FALSE) = Mod 1 current is within software range checking boundaries. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a switch's ampP3_3_Mod4 lower or upper software boundary has been crossed, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ampP3_3_Mod4Range unspecified=SwitchNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ampP3_3_Mod4Range is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 132. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ampP3_3_Mod1Range IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ampP3_3_Mod2Range IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ampP3_3_Mod3Range IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ampP5_Mod5Range IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ampP5_Mod6Range Related Files: /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds Switch Mod 5 current out-of-range. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ampP5_Mod5Range returns status that indicates when the current is out-of-range for a switch. The value of ampP5_Mod5 is compared to the lower and upper boundary range values set in /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds. Status is returned any time this "ampP5_Mod5" value crosses a lower or upper boundary for the specified hardware. This facilitates a mechanism for software threshold checking in conjunction with the self-checking done internally by the hardware. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Mod 1 current is out of the range established by software range checking. 0 (FALSE) = Mod 1 current is within software range checking boundaries. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a switch's ampP5_Mod5 lower or upper software boundary has been crossed, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ampP5_Mod5Range unspecified=SwitchNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ampP5_Mod5Range is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 132. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ampP3_3_Mod1Range IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ampP3_3_Mod2Range IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ampP3_3_Mod3Range IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ampP3_3_Mod4Range IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ampP5_Mod6Range Related Files: /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds Switch Mod 6 current out-of-range. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ampP5_Mod6Range returns status that indicates when the current is out-of-range for a switch. The value of ampP5_Mod6 is compared to the lower and upper boundary range values set in /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds. Status is returned any time this "ampP5_Mod6" value crosses a lower or upper boundary for the specified hardware. This facilitates a mechanism for software threshold checking in conjunction with the self-checking done internally by the hardware. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = Mod 1 current is out of the range established by software range checking. 0 (FALSE) = Mod 1 current is within software range checking boundaries. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the switch number (SwitchNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a switch's ampP5_Mod6 lower or upper software boundary has been crossed, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ampP5_Mod6Range unspecified=SwitchNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ampP5_Mod6Range is unique to switch supervisor's with card types of 132. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ampP3_3_Mod1Range IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ampP3_3_Mod2Range IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ampP3_3_Mod3Range IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ampP3_3_Mod4Range IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Switch.ampP5_Mod5Range Related Files: /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmthresholds This is a reserved message.This is a reserved message.This is a reserved message.This is a reserved message.This is a reserved message.This is a reserved message.This is a reserved message.This is a reserved message.This is a reserved message.This is a reserved message.This is a reserved message.This is a reserved message.This is a reserved message.This is a reserved message.The name of the CEC as defined by the user. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.CECUserName is the name of the CEC as defined by the user. Possible Values Any string with a maximum length of 15 characters. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.CECUserName is unique to frame supervisor's with card types of 5. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.CECName The current mode setting for the CEC. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.CECMode is the current mode setting for the CEC which can be either SMP Mode or Partition Mode. Possible Values 1 = Partition Mode. 0 = SMP Mode. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a frame's CECMode changes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.CECMode unspecified=FrameNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.CECMode is unique to frame supervisor's with card types of 5. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.CECCapability Power off CEC with last LPAR. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.PowerOffPolicy indicates if the CEC should be powered off when the last logical partition is shutdown. Possible Values 1 (TRUE) = The CEC should be powered off. 0 (FALSE) = The CEC should not be powered off. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a frame's PowerOffPolicy changes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.PowerOffPolicy unspecified=FrameNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.PowerOffPolicy is unique to frame supervisor's with card types of 5. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.CECState The mode capability of the CEC. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.CECCapability indicates the mode's of operation supported by the CEC. Possible Values 2 = NUMA capable. 1 = LPAR capable. 0 = SMP capable. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a frame's CECCapability changes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.CECCapability unspecified=FrameNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.CECCapability is unique to frame supervisor's with card types of 5. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.CECMode The power state of the CEC. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.CECState indicates the power state of the CEC. Possible Values 3 = STATE_ERROR The hardware is in a error state. 2 = STATE_INITIALIZING Power has been applied to the CEC and it's initializing. 1 = STATE_READY The CEC has initialized and is operational. 0 = STATE_NOT_READY No power to the CEC. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a frame's CECState changes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.CECState unspecified=FrameNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.CECState is unique to frame supervisor's with card types of 5. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.PartitionState The name of the CEC as defined by the system. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.CECName is the name of the CEC as defined by the system. Possible Values System defined string with a maximum length of 24 characters. Format: CECType/CECModelNumber*CECSerialNumber The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.CECName is unique to frame supervisor's with card types of 5. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.CECUserName The power state of the logical partition. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.PartitionState indicates the power state of the logical partition (LPAR). Possible Values 6 = STATE_NOT_READY The logical partition should not be booted or reset. 5 = STATE_ERROR Operating system or hardware is in an error state. 4 = STATE_OPEN_FIRMWARE The logical partition is running in SMS or OpenFirmware. 3 = STATE_RUNNING The logical partition is running normally. 2 = STATE_BOOTING The logical partition has received an activate and is booting the partition. 1 = STATE_READY The logical partition is defined and can be activated. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the frame number (FrameNum) of interest. To obtain notification when a node's PartitionState changes, one could register for the following event. variable=IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.CECState unspecified=NodeNum expression=X==1 rearm=X!=1 Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.PartitionState is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 13. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Frame.CECState The name of the logical partition as defined by the system. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.PartitionName is the name of the CEC as defined by the system. Possible Values System defined string with a maximum length of 28 characters. Format: PartitionID*CECModelNumber*CECSerialNumber The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.PartitionName is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 13. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.PartitionUserName The name of the logical partition as defined by the user. Resource Monitor = IBM.PSSP.hmrmd Description: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.PartitionUserName is the name of the CEC as defined by the user. Possible Values Any string with a maximum length of 31 characters. The resource variables' resource IDs specify the node number (NodeNum) of interest. Limitations: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.PartitionUserName is unique to node supervisor's with card types of 13. Related Variables: IBM.PSSP.SP_HW.Node.PartitionName