ISO8859-1=:)J(t(  # 4 S $k  %-Hf{<<W7< < !<F"#$%!&('!(@)^*!y+,,-,. / .0 51' O2k w3# 4, 5% 46: Z70 8 91 :5;<F<:=$Usage: genfilt -v <4|6> [-n ] [-a ] -s -m [-d ] [-M ] [-g ] [-c ] [-o ] [-p ] [-O ] [-P ] [-r ] [-w ] [-l ] [-f ] [-t ] [-i ] Filter rule %1$d for IPv%2$d has been added successfully. genfilt: Only superuser can run genfilt. Filter %1$d for IPv%2$d does not exist. Tunnel %1$d for IPv%2$d does not exist. -v must be specified. -s must be specified. -m must be specified. Bad IP version number. Invalid action. Invalid source routing value. Invalid protocol "%s". protocol "%s" not in /etc/protocols Bad source operation "%s". Bad source port/ICMP type "%s". Bad destination operation "%s". Bad destination port/ICMP type "%s". Bad routing value "%s". Bad direction value "%s". Bad filter rule number "%s". Bad log value "%s". Bad Fragment value "%s". Invalid interface "%s". Bad source address "%s". Bad destination address "%s". Bad source mask "%s". Bad destination mask "%s". The -o option must be specified when the -p option is used. The -p option must be specified when the -o option is used. Invalid combination of source port and port operation. The -O option must be specified when the -P option is used. The -P option must be specified when the -O option is used. Invalid combination of destination port and port operation. Cannot add the filter rule. Cannot initialize ODM. %s Cannot lock ODM files. %s Cannot open ODM files %1$s. %2$s Cannot change ODM record for %1$s. %2$s Access ODM file %s failed. %s Cannot change ODM record. %s Cannot add ODM record. %s Cannot change default record. %s Cannot find default record. %s Filter rule %d has been added successfully. Cannot generate the rule as the first rule. Bad tunnel number "%s". Usage: genfilt -v <4|6> [-n ] [-a ] -s -m [-d ] [-M ] [-g ] [-c ] [-o ] [-p ] [-O ] [-P ] [-r ] [-w ] [-l ] [-f ] [-t ] [-i ] Usage: genfilt -v <4|6> [-n ] [-a ] -s -m [-d ] [-M ] [-g ] [-c ] [-o ] [-p ] [-O ] [-P ] [-r ] [-w ] [-l ] [-f ] [-t ] [-i ] [-D ] WARNING: description text is too long. Usage: genfilt -v <4|6> [-n ] [-a ] -s -m [-d ] [-M ] [-g ] [-c ] [-o ] [-p ] [-O ] [-P ] [-r ] [-w ] [-l ] [-f ] [-t ] [-i ] [-D ] [-e ] [-x ]|[-X ] [-C