ISO8859-1 _0zw&#%J `p J  4 zT{a M " I! l$      ~ - e -S  > = 3$ X /Y - % 5f'5**Yq6:T7SINSTALL MICROCODE %s %s/etc/microcodedisketteThe source of the microcode image can either be on the disk in /etc/microcode or on a diskette.Insert the microcode diskette in diskette drive.The current microcode level is %s Available levels to install are listed below. Use F1 for explanations of M, L, and P.Microcode installation is in progress.Do not Cancel or Stop this operation.The microcode image currently installed on the device could not be found on the selected source.Use Enter to continue the installation. Use F3 to cancel the installation.Determining Microcode..DISPLAY MICROCODE LEVEL %s %sThe current microcode level is %s Available levels to install are listed below. Use F1 for explanations of M, L, C, and P.To install from disk, microcode must be located in /etc/microcode. To install from diskette, the microcode must be in backup/restore format with a path of /etc/microcode.'M' is the most recent level of microcode found on the source. It is later than the current installed level of microcode. 'L' identifies levels of microcode that are later than the current installed level. Multiple later images are listed in descending order. 'P' identifies levels of microcode that are previous than the current installed level. Multiple previous images are listed in descending order.'M' is the most recent level of microcode found on the source. It is later than the current installed level of microcode. 'L' identifies levels of microcode that are later than the current installed level. Multiple later images are listed in descending order. 'C' identifies the level of microcode currently installed. 'P' identifies levels of microcode that are previous than the current installed level. Multiple previous images are listed in descending order.The selected microcode level is currently installed. Use Enter to continue the installation. Use F3 to select a different microcode level. Use F10 to cancel the installation.Installation of the microcode has completed successfully. The current microcode level is now %s. Please run diagnostics on the device to make sure it is functioning properly.The microcode level for %s is %s. The current microcode level is %sSearching for dsdata file for deviceReadying device for installationGetting device informationReserving deviceWriting microcode to deviceReleasing deviceThere was a problem accessing /dev/rfd0. Please make sure there is a microcode diskette in /dev/rfd0. Use Enter to continue.Could not restore the image from /dev/rfd0. Please make sure there is a microcode diskette in /dev/rfd0. Use Enter to continue.A microcode file with the name %s.%s.* could not be found in /etc/microcode. Please check the source.A dsdata file for %s could not be found in /etc/microcode. Please check the source.To install microcode, this service aid must have exclusive access to the device. However, the device driver indicated that the device was in use. You can free the device or stop installation.The device driver could not open the device for communication.The task encountered hardware problems accessing the devices.The device microcode level could not be determined.The microcode file info could not be extracted.Cannot restore device back to original state.The device is not in Available state.The task should either be 'download' or 'disp_mcode'.Request Sense Data:usage: diag [-c] -d {device_name} -T'download [-s {disk|diskette}] [-l {latest|previous}] [-f]'usage: diag [-c] -d {device_name} -T'disp_mcode [-r]'Use '-f' force flag to force the download.Invalid device.Installation of the microcode has not completed successfully. The current microcode level is %s. Please run diagnostics on the device to ensure that it is functioning properly.No available sources for microcode files. A software error occurred. Contact the service support structure for further assistance. No valid dsdata files were found on %1$s. dsdata files for this device have the word "dsdata" in the file name. No valid microcode files were found on %1$s Microcode files for this device have the naming convention %2$s.%3$s.XXXX where XXXX is the revision level of the microcode. A previous level of microcode could not be found on %1$s. A later level of microcode could not be found on %1$s. Invalid Source: %1$s The selected source is not present or is currently unavailable. Select a different source for the microcode download. usage: diag [-c] -d {device name} -T "download [-s {/etc/microcode|diskette|}] [-l {latest|previous}] [-f]" -c No console mode -d Run task on specified device -T download Install microcode -s Source of microcode files -l latest Install latest level of microcode -l previous Install previous level of microcode -f Install microcode even if the current level is not available FAILURE ! Installation of the microcode has NOT completed successfully. The current microcode level is %s. Please run diagnostics on the device to ensure that it is functioning properly.