ISO8859-1>GF^Yv00=2 'p 4 D 1 GDTUsage : dscrctl -q dscrctl -c dscrctl [-n] [-b] -s The modification of the DSCR OS default at boot time has been canceled The value of the DSCR OS default will be modified on subsequent boots Current DSCR settings: 0800-001 DSCR Value must be a decimal number or a hexadecimal number starting with 0x. 0800-002 DSCR value out of valid range %d - %d 0800-003 Error querying data streams properties0800-004 Hardware Data Streams not supported on this system 0800-005 Error setting DSCR OS default0800-006 Internal error - "system'" function failed0800-007 Request to modify the DSCR OS default at boot time failed 0800-008 Set DSCR OS default: Permission Denied 0800-009 Stop setting DSCR OS default at boot time: Permission Denied 0800-010 No request for modification of the DSCR OS default at boot time was found