ISO8859-1.1"9:Z i$  # ! & %F0l-+2)*1T(9$&;5,q,28O (`!)"(#$-%&;'K(d) {*!+,-)./MD5 key length must be between 1 to 64 bytes longCannot setup SRC support. Error=%dUnable to create thread to get load information. Error=%dUnable to create thread to send load information. Error=%dUnknown optionUsage: dfpd [-d] [-f configfile]Unable to open config file. Error=%dIgnoring unknown keyword %sNo MD5 key specifiedUnable to allocate memory. Error=%dUnable to create socket. Error=%dUnable to bind socket. Error=%dUnable to accept connection. Error=%dError reading information from load manager %08xWrong protocol version from load manager %08xMessage from load manager %08x not completeExpected message type %d, got %d from load managerWrong message type %04x from load managerMessage format from load manager %08x not correctMessage from load manager %08x corruptedServer state message from load manager is %08x incompleteServer state for Port %d Protocol %dIP Address %08x Bind Id %04x Weight %dDFP parameters message from load manager %08x is incompleteError sending pref info to load manager %08xSent the current weight %d Error sending bind info to load manager %08xError sending bind change msg to load manager %08xSRC recvfrom failed. Error=%dExecuting main thread Caught signal %dStarting thread to get load information Starting thread to send load information Received request from Load Manager %08x My address is %08x Unable to set options to reuse port. Error=%dNo ldlistener port specifiedIDLE TIME = %d %s is going to shutdown %s has done a refresh %s does not support this option Unable to become daemon. Error=%dCannot open %s for readingThe nlist function failedUnable to read CPU statistics. Error = %dUnable to read system configuration. Error = %d