ISO8859-1_RH,3A2>!q1  H  =[ q$ 80GiqD^jm *b D 1 @ rV Z , A, n. $ # +  % ? * e # # # % & " I8 i- H SAmH-.&6U*-/NGd0973-001 Debugger or debugged, trussed, profiled process PID: %d can not be checkpointed (%llx)0973-002 Process PID: %d with per-thread credentials cannot be checkpointed (%llx)0973-003 Could not load %s : errno %d (%llx)0973-004 Error %s checkpoint file errno = %d (%llx)0973-005 Cannot checkpoint process PID: %d with %s thread (%llx)0973-006 Checkpoint file probably corrupted (%llx)0973-007 Cannot execute %s (%llx)0973-008 64-bit exec file not supported %s (%llx)0973-009 System call (%s) instruction location mismatch. Probably arrival and departure node are at different fileset level (%llx)0973-010 System call %s is missing. Check if kernel extension that were loaded on departure node is available on arrival node (%llx)0973-011 Checksum mismatch. Expected checksum : %d and actual checksum : %d on %s. File version mismatch on arrival and departure node (%llx)0973-012 Expected read-by-other file permission for %s (%llx)0973-013 Uid of the checkpointed process (uid = %d) does not match with that of current process (uid = %d) (%llx)0973-014 DR Handler %s failed (%llx)0973-015 I/O error acquiring file checksum for %s (%llx)0973-016 Failed resolving shared library loader entry errno = %d (%llx)0973-017 WPAR %s cannot be moved or checkpointed until the following fixes have been applied inside the WPAR and it has been restarted: %s. (%llx)0973-018 WPAR %s does not have all fixes required for mobility. See /var/adm/wpars/event.log for details. (%llx).0973-019 Process %d is running in the Native Runtime Environment and cannot be migrated (%llx)0973-020 Process PID: %d with executable or shared library in NFS filesystem cannot be checkpointed (%llx)0973-021 Imported kernel symbol %s is missing or invalid. Check whether kernel extensions that were loaded on the departure node are available on the arrival node (%llx)0973-022 Process PID: %d %s with executable or shared library in NFS filesystem cannot be checkpointed (%llx)0973-023 Debugger or debugged, trussed, profiled process PID: %d %s can not be checkpointed (%llx)0973-024 Cannot checkpoint process PID: %d %s with %s thread (%llx)0973-101 Error when %s DR scripts errno %d (%llx)0973-102 DR timed out (%llx)0973-201 Unable to get active VGs. lsvg returned error while listing active VGs (%llx)0973-202 Unable to get active VGs : lsvg returned error while listing volume groups (%llx)0973-203 %s is not in read-write mode (%llx)0973-204 %s in System management mode (%llx)0973-205 %s does not have a reservation (%llx)0973-206 Unable to remount %s (%llx)0973-207 Unable to remount / (%llx)0973-208 %s filesystem is not mobile (%llx)0973-209 Varyonvg on %s failed (%llx)0973-210 Device %s wrong state : %s (%llx)0973-211 Export VG %s failed (%llx)0973-212 Import VG %s failed (%llx)0973-213 Varyoffvg failed %s (%llx)0973-214 Reserve VG Failure %s (%llx)0973-215 WPAR is in wrong state (%llx)0973-216 Not RootVG WPAR (%llx)0973-217 KCSTATE_BLOCKFS set/unset failed RC = %d (%llx)0973-218 No device found for wpar disk (%llx)0973-219 jfs2 filesystem %s is not mobile: DMAPI is not supported (%llx)0973-220 jfs2 filesystem %s is not mobile: extended attribute v2 is required (%llx)0973-221 WPAR not prepared to move to a different OS level (%llx)0973-222 The /usr/lib/objrepos/file_overlay class file is missing(%llx).0973-223 Removing file overlays failed(%llx).0973-224 Backing up overlay data failed(%llx).0973-225 odmdelete failed on file_overlay class(%llx).0973-226 Adding overlay data failed(%llx).0973-227 Applying file overlays failed(%llx).0973-228 Reapplying file overlays failed(%llx).0973-229 WPAR cannot be moved to a system running an older level of AIX(%llx).0973-230 one of the WPAR devices might not be exported correctly (%llx)