ISO8859-1a-'3%[&" 7 '" #J ?n :`1495-210 Usage : confsetcntrl -C confset defaultconfig confsetcntrl { -D | -R } confset confsetcntrl [ -d confset ] [ -a | -r ] config timerange confsetcntrl [ -d confset ] [ -l | -c ]1495-211 Note: The requested operation has been performed; however, the configuration set is not in a consistent state and additional changes will be required.1495-212 Unable to lock the WLM configuration1495-213 Failed to write to output file1495-214 Bad configuration name: '%s'1495-215 File '%s' is not a directory.1495-216 Failed to create '%s'1495-217 File '%s' already exists.1495-218 Root authority is required for this operation.1495-219 Operation failed for file '%s'1495-220 Failed to remove file '%s'1495-221 Time range '%s' already exists for configuration '%s'.1495-222 Time range '%s' not found for configuration '%s'.1495-223 Not enough memory1495-224 The specified parameter is too long. Configuration names cannot exceed %d characters.