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[-d|-S|-R][-p ParentName][-q][-w ConnectionLocation][-f File] mkdev -l Name [-h][-q][-S|-R][-f File] mkdev -h Usage: chdev -l Name [-a Attribute=Value]...[-p ParentName][-P|-T|-U] [-q][-w ConnectionLocation][-f File][-g] chdev -h Usage: rmdev {-l|-p} Name [-d|-S][-R][-q][-f File][-g] rmdev -h Usage: lsattr {-D[-O]| -E[-O] | -F Format [-Z Character]} -l Name [-a Attribute]...[-H] [-f File] lsattr {-D[-O]| -F Format [-Z Character]}{[-c Class][-s Subclass][-t Type]} [-a Attribute]... [-H][-f File] lsattr -R {-l Name | [-c Class][-s Subclass][-t Type]} -a Attribute [-H] [-f File] lsattr {-l Name | [-c Class][-s Subclass][-t Type]} -o Operation [...] -F Format [-Z Character][-f File][-H] lsattr -h Usage: lsconn -p ParentName [-l ChildName | -k ChildConnectionKey][-F format] [-H][-f file] lsconn {[-c ParentClass][-s ParentSubclass][-t ParentType]} [-l ChildName | -k ChildConnectionKey][-F format][-H][-f file] lsconn -h Usage: lsdev [-C] [-c Class][-s Subclass][-t Type][-S State][-l Name] [-p ParentName][-r ColumnName| -F Format][-H][-f File ][-x] lsdev -P [-c Class][-s Subclass][-t Type][-r ColumnName| -F Format] [-H][-f File ] lsdev -h Usage: lsparent -P {-k ChildConnectionKey | -l ChildName}[-F format][-H][-f file] lsparent -C {-k ChildConnectionKey | -l ChildName}[-F format][-H][-f file] lsparent -h Usage: nvload [-f filename] [-n section] [-t string] TrueDiagnose Usage: chpath -l Name -s OpStatus [-p ParentName] [-w ConnectionLocation] [-i PathID] [-g] chpath -l Name -p ParentName [-w ConnectionLocation] [-P] [-g] -a Attribute=Value [-a Attribute=Value]... chpath -l Name -i PathID [-P] [-g] -a Attribute=Value [-a Attribute=Value]... chpath -h Usage: lspath [-F Format | -t] [-H] [-l Name] [-p ParentName] [-w ConnectionLocation] [-s Status] [-i PathID] lspath [-A] -l Name -p ParentName [-w ConnectionLocation] [-i PathID] {-D [-O] | -E [-O] | -F Format [-Z Character]} [-a AttributeName]... [-f File] [-H] lspath [-A] -l Name -p ParentName [-w ConnectionLocation] [-i PathID] -R -a AttributeName [-f File] [-H] lspath -h Usage: mkpath [-l Name] [-p ParentName] [-w ConnectionLocation] [-i PathID] mkpath [-l Name] [-p ParentName] [-w ConnectionLocation] [-d] mkpath -h Usage: rmpath [-l Name] [-p ParentName] [-w ConnectionLocation] [-i PathID] [-d] [-g] rmpath -h Exported Usage: lsdevinfo [-q Criteria] [-F Format] [-R] [-c] [-h] Usage: rendev -l Name [-n NewName] [-u] %s paths available %s Available; some paths are not available ChangedFailedDetectedMissingDisabledEnabledpath Available path Defined path Deleted path Enabled path Disabled path Changed paths Available paths Defined paths Deleted paths Enabled paths Disabled paths Changed some paths Available some paths Defined some paths Deleted some paths Enabled some paths Disabled Usage: chdef [-a Attribute=Value -c Class -s Subclass -t Type] chdef [-H] chdef [-h] Usage: lkdev [-l Name -a | -d [-c Text]] lkdev -h lockedunlockedTrue+ Usage: lsattr {-D[-O]| -E[-O] -P [-O]| -F Format [-Z Character]} -l Name [-a Attribute]...[-H] [-f File] lsattr {-D[-O]| -F Format [-Z Character]}{[-c Class][-s Subclass][-t Type]} [-a Attribute]... [-H][-f File] lsattr -R {-l Name | [-c Class][-s Subclass][-t Type]} -a Attribute [-H] [-f File] lsattr {-l Name | [-c Class][-s Subclass][-t Type]} -o Operation [...] -F Format [-Z Character][-f File][-H] %s: 0514-501 Usage error - Conflicting flags: %s. %s: 0514-502 Usage error - Flag or parameter information is missing: %s. %s: 0514-503 Usage error - The %s flag must be followed by a parameter. %s: 0514-504 Cannot open file "%s". %s: 0514-505 The request conflicts with the current state of device %s. %s: 0514-506 There is not enough memory available now. %s: 0514-507 Attribute %s cannot be displayed. %s: 0514-508 Cannot save the base customized information on /dev/ipldevice. %s %s: 0514-509 System error: %s %s: 0514-510 Cannot write to a file. The errno is %d. %s: 0514-511 Cannot read a file. The errno is %d. %s: 0514-512 Cannot use more than 2 -n flags. %s: 0514-513 The nvram section specified was not valid. Use a section number of either 1 or 2. %s: 0514-514 nvram section conflict: Use a -n flag only when there is one file to load. %s: 0514-515 No device driver files were specified. %s: 0514-516 Device configuration database lock service timed out. Please retry the command later. %s: 0514-517 The information provided to this configuration command was not adequate to uniquely identify the device. Provide more device information than the following: %s %s: 0514-518 Cannot access the %s object class in the device configuration database. %s: 0514-519 The following device was not found in the customized device configuration database: %s %s: 0514-520 Cannot find information in the predefined device configuration database for the following: %s %s: 0514-521 Cannot find information in the predefined device configuration database for the customized device %s. %s: 0514-522 Cannot run the following program: '%s' %s: 0514-523 Cannot perform the requested function because the specified device does not have a define method. %s: 0514-524 Cannot perform the requested function because the specified device does not have a configure method. %s: 0514-525 Cannot perform the requested function because the specified device does not have a change method. %s: 0514-526 Cannot perform the requested function because the specified device does not have an undefine method. %s: 0514-527 Cannot perform the requested function because the specified device does not have a start method. %s: 0514-528 The "%s" attribute does not exist in the predefined device configuration database. %s: 0514-529 The "%s" column does not exist in the device configuration database. %s: 0514-530 Cannot display information about "%s" because this type of attribute cannot be displayed. %s: 0514-531 Internal error: %s Method error (%s): %s: 0514-500 Usage error - %s %s: 0514-534 Cannot perform requested function because the specified device is in the diagnose state. %s: 0514-535 Cannot perform requested function because the parent device, %s, is in the diagnose state. %s: 0514-536 Cannot perform the requested function because the specified device does not have a stop method. %s: 0514-537 Cannot access the device configuration database. %s: 0514-538 Cannot perform the requested function because the specified device does not support multiple paths. %s: 0514-539 No paths exist in the device configuration database that correspond to the specified device, parent and/or connection. %s: 0514-540 Cannot perform the requested function because it involves all paths to the specified device. %s: 0514-541 Error loading driver for device %s. %s: 0514-542 Error accessing paths in the driver for device %s. %s: 0514-543 Error determining the major number for device %s. %s: 0514-544 Error determining a minor number for device %s. %s: 0514-545 Cannot perform the requested function because the specified device does not have an unconfigure method. %s: 0514-546 Invalid parameter - %s. %s: 0514-547 Invalid target device specified: %s %s: 0514-548 Cannot perform the requested function because the %s filesystem is full or is out of inodes. %s: 0514-549 Too many attributes to display %s: 0514-550 Changing the status of a device of this type is not permitted. %s: 0514-551 The operation for a device of this type is not permitted. %s: 0514-552 Cannot perform the requested function because the %s device is currently exported. %s: 0514-553 Invalid search criteria. %s: 0514-554 The new device name provided is already in use. Provide a new device name other than the following: %s %s: 0514-555 The new device name has an existing /dev entry. Provide a new device name other than the following: %s %s: 0514-556 Cannot perform the requested function because the specified device %s does not have a prefix name. %s: 0514-557 Cannot perform the requested function because %s is not locked. %s: 0514-558 Cannot perform the requested function because %s is currently locked. %s: 0514-559 Cannot perform the requested function because the default value entered is invalid. 0514-001 System error: 0514-002 Cannot initialize the ODM. 0514-003 Cannot obtain the device configuration database lock. 0514-004 Cannot open an object class in the device configuration database. 0514-005 Cannot close an object class in the device configuration database. 0514-006 Cannot retrieve an object from the device configuration database. 0514-007 Cannot update an object in the device configuration database. 0514-008 Cannot add an object to the device configuration database. 0514-009 Cannot delete an object from the device configuration database. 0514-010 Error returned from odm_run_method. 0514-011 Invalid arguments. 0514-012 Cannot open a file or device. 0514-013 Logical name is required. 0514-014 Device class, subclass, and type required. 0514-015 Parent or connection required. 0514-016 Parent or connection not required. 0514-017 The following attributes are not valid for the specified device: 0514-018 The values specified for the following attributes are not valid: 0514-019 This method does not support the -P flag. 0514-020 This method does not support the -T flag. 0514-021 This method does not support a parent or connection change. 0514-022 The specified connection is not valid. 0514-023 The specified device does not exist in the customized device configuration database. 0514-024 The specified predefined information does not exist in the predefined device configuration database. 0514-025 Cannot perform the requested function because the parent of the specified device does not exist. 0514-026 It is illegal to define another device of this type. 0514-027 The specified device is in the wrong state to perform the requested function. 0514-028 Cannot perform the requested function because the parent of the specified device is not in a correct state. 0514-029 Cannot perform the requested function because a child device of the specified device is not in a correct state. 0514-030 Cannot perform the requested function because the specified device is dependent on another device which is not in a correct state. 0514-031 A device is already configured at the specified location. 0514-032 Cannot perform the requested function because the specified device is dependent on another device which does not exist. 0514-033 Cannot perform the requested function because the specified device is dependent on an attribute which does not exist. 0514-034 The following attributes do not have valid values: 0514-035 Cannot perform the requested function because of missing predefined information in the device configuration database. 0514-036 Cannot perform the requested function because of missing customized information in the device configuration database. 0514-037 Cannot generate a logical name. 0514-038 Error loading kernel extension. 0514-039 Error unloading kernel extension. 0514-040 Error initializing a device into the kernel. 0514-041 Error terminating device from driver. 0514-042 Error getting or assigning a major number. 0514-043 Error getting or assigning a minor number. 0514-044 Cannot make a special file. 0514-045 Error building a DDS structure. 0514-046 A file containing microcode or adapter software was not accessable. 0514-047 Cannot access a device. 0514-048 Error downloading microcode or software. 0514-049 Error getting VPD for a device. 0514-050 Cannot perform the requested function because the specified device was not detected. 0514-051 Device to be configured does not match the physical device at the specified connection location. 0514-052 Bus resources could not be resolved for a device. 0514-053 Error returned from sysconfig system call. 0514-054 There is not enough memory available now. 0514-055 Cannot release devno because it does not exist. 0514-056 Requested devno is already in use. 0514-057 File has wrong status. 0514-058 Cannot remove a special file. 0514-059 Cannot create symbolic link. 0514-060 Cannot create another process. 0514-061 Cannot find a child device. 0514-062 Cannot perform the requested function because the specified device is busy. 0514-063 The specified device driver name is too long. 0514-064 Cannot perform the requested function because the AIO kernel extension is permanent and cannot be unloaded. 0514-065 Error getting or assigning a device instance number. 0514-066 Parent required. 0514-067 There are no slots available for a device. 0514-068 Cause not known. 0514-069 Failure loading the platform specific libcfg module. 0514-071 Firmware indicates that the device cannot be configured. 0514-072 Device cannot be configured because firmware has not allocated resources for it. 0514-073 A new child device was detected. 0514-074 Cannot perform the requested function because the specified device does not support multiple paths. 0514-075 Cannot perform the requested function because at least one of the specified paths is not in a correct state. 0514-076 Cannot perform the requested function because the specified paths include all paths for the device. 0514-077 Cannot perform the requested function because none of the specified paths match those for the specified device. 0514-078 Cannot perform the requested function because the specified device does not have an unique device identifier. 0514-079 A UDID method was not found. 0514-080 Invalid routine argument detected. 0514-081 Internal logic error detected. 0514-082 The requested function could only be performed for some of the specified paths. 0514-083 Device class, subclass, and type not allowed. 0514-084 Unique device identifer has too many characters. 0514-085 The requested function could not be performed because the device driver could not communicate with the device via the specified path or paths. 0514-086 Cannot perform the requested function because the specified device is not supported on this platform. 0514-087 Device cannot be configured because the LPAR is running in a virtual memory mode not supported by this device. 0514-088 One or more of the attributes provided failed to update concurrently. Attempt the command again without the -U flag. 0514-089 Usage error - Conflicting flags: -U -P -T. 0514-090 The following attributes are not valid for concurrent update for the specified device: 0514-091 Device does not have a Copy Relation Identifier. 0514-092 Device is already available using another protocol. 0514-093 Device has an unsupported block size. 0514-094 Cannot perform the requested function in WPAR because device is not configured in Global LPAR. lsresource : Device configuration database could not be initialized. lsresource : Device configuration database lock service timed out. lsresource : Device configuration database could not be opened. lsresource : Data could not be retrieved from the device configuration database lsresource : Cannot open a required file. lsresource : Bus type not supported lsresource : The specified device was not found in the customized device configuration database. lsresource : Cannot find information in the predefined device configuration database for the specified device. lsresource : This device has no bus resource attributes. lsresource : A parent device is not in the AVAILABLE state lsresource : No attributes were found for this device lsresource : Bad attribute detected lsresource : Machine Device Driver ioctl failed lsresource : Insufficient bus resources for all devices lsresource : Insufficient virtual storage to proceed lsresource : Failure loading the platform specific libcfg module. lsresource : Failure loading the platform specific lsresource module. TYPElsresource : Internal error lsresource : No bus resources are assigned because device status is Defined ATTRIBUTESGlsresource : Usage error Usage : lsresource [-a | r ] [-d] -l Name lsresource : The attribute(s) for some device(s) in the system could not be resolved. The device(s) that were unresolvable : WARNING: Rebooting the system in this state may result in a different set of devices being unresolvable at boot time. This may result in a failure to boot. lsresource : The attribute(s) for some device(s) in the system could not be resolved. To resolve conflicts, attribute(s) need to be modified. A suggested value for each attribute is provided. lsresource : After modification, the system will need to be rebooted for this configuration to be resolvable. DEVICESUGGESTEDlsresource : The system will need to be rebooted for this configuration to be resolvable. DESCRIPTIONCURRENTlsresource : Detected a new setting for the amount of TCE/TCW mapped bus memory required for this configuration. The system must be rebooted by turning the power off and back on for the new TCE/TCW allocation to take effect. Use the shutdown command to halt the machine, turn the power off and turn the power on. After rebooting, rerun this command to check the new TCE/TCW setting. This procedure may need to be repeated in some configurations until there is enough TCE/TCW mapped bus memory to satisfy the requirements for all of the devices lsresource : Firmware indicates that the device cannot be configured. lsresource : The device is either not physically present or can not be detected. Usage: lsslot -c connector_type [-a | -o | -s slot | -l device_name] [-F delimiter] Usage: drslot -i -c connector_type {-s slot | -l device_name} drslot -a -c connector_type -s slot [-I] drslot -r -c connector_type {-s slot | -l device_name} [-I] drslot -R -c connector_type {-s slot | -l device_name} [-I] The specified connector type is invalid or there is no hot plug management support for connectors of this type on this system. You must have root authority to run this command. drmgr { -i filename [-f] [-w minutes] | -u filename } [-D hostname] | -R install_base_dir | -S syslog_chan | -l | -b 0930-001 You must have root authority to run this command. 0930-002 The specified connector type is invalid, or there is no dynamic reconfiguration support for connectors of this type on this system. 0930-039 Could not acquire ODM lock. Try command again. 0930-003 Error building the DR script information. 0930-004 Error forking the child, errno:%d 0930-005 Internal error. Contact your service representative. 0930-006 Invalid Directory argument 0930-007 Invalid Input arguments Warning: No argument specified with -D flag, default install directory will be used 0930-008 Cannot specify both i and u flags 0930-009 Error: No argument specified with -R flag 0930-010 Error: No argument specified with -S flag 0930-011 Error: Specified Script Root directory does not exist 0930-012 DR operation failed because of timeout 0930-013 Aborting DR operation due to Check Phase failure 0930-014 Error: Specified DR script file already exists in the Destination directory DR script file %s installed successfully DR script file %s uninstalled successfully Syslog ID string has been set to %s Rebuild of Scriptinfo file is complete 0930-015 Error: Specified DR script file does not exist in directory: %s 0930-016 Error removing the script file 0930-017 Length of directory/file name exceeds limits 0930-018 Length of syslog id string exceeds limits 0930-019 Failed to set the ODM data 0930-020 DR Operation failed. Kernel busy with another DR operation 0930-021 DR operation failed due to kernel error (phase: %d, errno: %d) 0930-022 DR script ROOT directory set to:%s successfully Consult the system error log for more information 0930-023 The DR operation could not be supported by one or more kernel extensions. 0930-024 The DR operation not supported. 0930-025 Invalid Parameters. 0930-026 Insufficient resources to complete the operation. 0930-027 Resource identifier %s out of range. 0930-028 DR operation failed, since resource %s is already online. 0930-029 DR operation timed out. 0930-030 Cpu %s could not be started. 0930-031 Memory %s could not be released. DR operation failed since a kernel extension controlling DMA mappings could not support the operation 0930-032 Resource %s could not be found for the DR operation. 0930-033 Resource %s is busy and cannot be released. 0930-034 Memory %s in use by a non DR-safe kernel extension and hence cannot be released. 0930-035 Memory %s in use due to DMA activity and cannot be released. 0930-036 Memory %s could not be released because, system does not contain enough resources for optimal pinned memory and large page memory ratios. 0930-037 Memory Fault 0930-038 File %s does not exist to install 0930-040 uname call failed. Will process only directory: %s/all 0930-041 Too many options specified at a time. 0930-042 %s Script timed out..Killed 0930-043 DR operation canceled by user scripts/signal handlers. 0930-044 Attention: Operation timed out. 0930-045 Attention: Operation completed partially. 0930-046 Cannot remove the last cpu. 0930-047 Detected DR Unsafe application. DR operation failed. 0930-048 File %s is not executable. 0930-049 Memory cannot be released because it will result in exhausting the paging space. 0930-050 The following kernel errors occured during the DLPAR operation. 0930-051 Cannot remove threads from the last cpu when SMT is enabled. DR script related MessageProblems with DR scriptDR scriptContact DR script OwnerDR Script NameDR Phase NameReturn CodeMessageDR Reconfig handler MessageProblems with Kernel extension DR reconfig handlerContact DR Reconfiguration Handler ownerDR Reconfiguration Handler NameAffected memory not available for DR removalKernel extension not DR awareMemory marked as non removableContact kernel extension ownerMemory AddressLR ValueMemory related DR operation failedDMA activity to memory being removedQuiesce the device causing DMA to the memoryHypervisor return codeLIOBNDMA AddressDMA Mapper DR handler failureTry DR operation on other memory resourcesDMA specific memory migration failedDMA specific memory mapper failedError in Kernel extension Reconfig handlerHandler AddressModule NameDR failed by reconfig handlerCPU spared inCPU deallocatedDR OperationDR Unsafe applicationProcess IDLogical CPU NumberDR failed by applicationAbort CauseAbort DataDR config RTAS ioctl failedFirmware RTAS hardware failureFirmware RTAS failureContact the appropriate service representativeRTAS ioctl callConfig command RTAS ioctl call failedSPLPAR: CPU Failure - Capacity Reduction PredictedSPLPAR: CPU Failure - Capacity Reduction SuccessSPLPAR: CPU Failure - Capacity Reduction Abortedunits of CPU capacityThe operation is not allowed to reduce per-virtual CPU capacity below the OS minimum required.number of virtual CPUs deallocated in order to reduce capacityCPU allocation is abortedClient Partition Migration StartedClient Partition Migration CompletedClient Partition Migration AbortedDevice not supportedPartition ID changed since last boot.Partition ID changed and devices recreated.Devices have been recreated and customized values reset.Partition boot reason.REASON Usage: update_iscsi [-l Name] update_iscsi: This command can only be executed in maintenance mode update_iscsi: Error accessing RAM FS ODM data update_iscsi: Error accessing rootvg ODM data update_iscsi: The iSCSI related device configuration for the following devices was set in the RAM FS ODM. Please rerun the command using the -l option once for each of the devices listed below for which you need to migrate the configuration to the rootvg ODM. update_iscsi: There is no iSCSI related configuration data in the RAM FS ODM to process. update_iscsi: Invalid Device: %s RAM FS DEVICE NAMEROOTVG DEVICE NAMEDESCRIPTIONNew DeviceCAPI license is unavailableCAPI status indicates nonfunctional