ùISO8859-1 ,ˆWµ? 6M=„=Â273 ]k 7É  $ =cb: 1286-000 Cannot open the input file %s. cb: 1286-001 %c is not a recognized flag. Usage: cb [-s] [-j] [-l Length] [File ...] cb: 1286-002 There is not enough memory available for comment. cb: 1286-003 There are more than 20 levels of braces. cb: 1286-004 There are more than 10 levels of do statements. cb: 1286-005 There are more than 10 levels of if statements. cb: 1286-006 Truncating comment that is too long. cb: 1286-007 The -l flag must be followed by a number. /* The indentation level exceeds the page width. */ /* Resetting to the left page margin. */ /* Restoring indentation level to original setting. */ cb: Invalid Character could not allocate memory, quitting C operator length too large